Well, the family is now safe back in San Diego. We had a great time. Lots done and lots of people visited. I am still very tired, and trying to get back into my usual routine. Last night I got home around 5:30pm promptly fell asleep on the couch, woke up at 8:30, heated up some dreaded leftovers, promptly fell asleep again at 9pm. Woke up on the couch about 5am, went to my bed, the alarm went off and apparently I hit the wrong button, as I awoke at 8am. Rushed to take a shower and get ready, luckily traffic isn't bad right now, as I made it to work in 30 minutes.
Needless to say, apparently I needed some sleep! I feel great today, actually had some real work to do at work today, so the day has flown by.
I should have blogged the last few days, but alas, I just sat around and chatted with people, as everyone is slow.
The new boy did great for Christmas, got me diamond earrings! Yes, you heard me correct, after 2 months of dating (2 months today to be exact) I got diamonds in a platinum setting! Can't wait for Valentine's Day, I can only imagine...the bad thing is, I do not have my ears pierced any longer, as I was told as a child that my body rejects metal. The new boy says that is hogwash, that platinum will work for anyone. Now he has to buy me some platinum studs, so that I can go get them pierced again (oh darn, tee-hee-hee). So yeah, I think I'll keep him around for a bit longer! :)
Don't really have anything interesting to say, so I'll leave it at that. Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tis the Season....to drink too much
MAN. This was one rager of a weekend, and mostly by accident. Friday night was not an accident, I was on a mission and I more than succeeded. Yes, there was a cab involved to take my overly intoxicated ass home, so don't you worry your pretty little head's, I was responsible this time!
I am REALLY tired today. The new boy and I were up until almost 3am, getting "acquainted" with eachother. As you know, cuz I've been blogging about it, I've been sick, so we have only seen eachother on the weekend's the last few weeks. Last weekend I was still sick, so the lovin' was minimal. We made up for lost time last night. My whole body is sore...in a good way...and I should not be telling you all this, but oh well. Those of you who know me know that if Shawna is getting some lovin', it's a good thing for all! :)
I'm gonna leave it at that. Just watching the clock slowly tick away at this point, ready for this day to be over. I still need to do about a billion things before the family gets here, but it ain't happenin' tonight, the rest of the week will be the mad dash to get it all done, I'll stress about it tomorrow.
I am REALLY tired today. The new boy and I were up until almost 3am, getting "acquainted" with eachother. As you know, cuz I've been blogging about it, I've been sick, so we have only seen eachother on the weekend's the last few weeks. Last weekend I was still sick, so the lovin' was minimal. We made up for lost time last night. My whole body is sore...in a good way...and I should not be telling you all this, but oh well. Those of you who know me know that if Shawna is getting some lovin', it's a good thing for all! :)
I'm gonna leave it at that. Just watching the clock slowly tick away at this point, ready for this day to be over. I still need to do about a billion things before the family gets here, but it ain't happenin' tonight, the rest of the week will be the mad dash to get it all done, I'll stress about it tomorrow.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Vengeance in Subtle Ways
Well, had to go have dinner w/the boss and a vendor last night. It went rather well, as my boss was totally normal, as if the whole desk turned around thing didn't happen. I was uncomfortable at first, but after a martini and 2 bottles of wine and a very large alcoholic coffee drink, I didn't care anymore. It was fine, ate well and had a good time.
Today we had a retirement luncheon for a lady that has worked at my company for 26 years. Suprisingly enough, she does not hold the record, we currently have a guy here that's been here for 39 years. Yeah, crazy! Anyway, the point is this. She works under the man that I turned the desk around on. She thought the whole thing was stupid as well as the rest of the company. She decided to use her retirement speech to get him back a little, make him feel like a jackass. It was awesome, afterwards I went and gave her a big ole hug, as she told me she did it for me! She just told everyone about a story (not worth telling, as it's not all that great to you folks) about him snitching on her for screwing around and not doing her job, about 20 years ago. I think the entire company got the gist of it, except for him, which is hilarious. Bottom line, her point was taken, everyone has been talking about it since, that he has ALWAYS been a tattle tale, even 20 years ago (he's worked here for 36 years).
After the luncheon we had our monthly employee meeting. We got our Christmas bonus. 2 weeks pay...yeah, of course I'm more than thrilled and can totally use the money, but it's a bit tainted for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm cashing that bitch and spending it, but it almost feels like a bribe, like we should all just look past the facts of the recent weeks and bow down to them for giving us some extra money, DESERVED money. I work my ass off for this place, they know it, but they think that just throwing some extra money at the end of the year is enough. It isn't, but again, I'll take it and spend every last dime!
Today we had a retirement luncheon for a lady that has worked at my company for 26 years. Suprisingly enough, she does not hold the record, we currently have a guy here that's been here for 39 years. Yeah, crazy! Anyway, the point is this. She works under the man that I turned the desk around on. She thought the whole thing was stupid as well as the rest of the company. She decided to use her retirement speech to get him back a little, make him feel like a jackass. It was awesome, afterwards I went and gave her a big ole hug, as she told me she did it for me! She just told everyone about a story (not worth telling, as it's not all that great to you folks) about him snitching on her for screwing around and not doing her job, about 20 years ago. I think the entire company got the gist of it, except for him, which is hilarious. Bottom line, her point was taken, everyone has been talking about it since, that he has ALWAYS been a tattle tale, even 20 years ago (he's worked here for 36 years).
After the luncheon we had our monthly employee meeting. We got our Christmas bonus. 2 weeks pay...yeah, of course I'm more than thrilled and can totally use the money, but it's a bit tainted for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm cashing that bitch and spending it, but it almost feels like a bribe, like we should all just look past the facts of the recent weeks and bow down to them for giving us some extra money, DESERVED money. I work my ass off for this place, they know it, but they think that just throwing some extra money at the end of the year is enough. It isn't, but again, I'll take it and spend every last dime!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mixed Messages
So most of you have probably read yesterday's blog about almost getting canned over a stupid joke right? Well, I have now decided that my boss is either losing his ever-loving mind, or he's in serious need of some meds. I am seriously considering putting some of my Xanax in his Diet Coke when he's not looking, might do us all some good.
So this morning I went to his office to remind him of my upcoming vacation. I am taking off December 20-22 & 26th. He told me that he was giving me these four days as "comp" time, as I used too many sick days this year, and they took the extra from my vacation days. Apparently we are only allowed to be sick 4 days out of the year, then they start stealing from our vacation (yet again, we work for the Prison System). He said for "all my hard work over the last several months, weekends, the move, etc" basically he's giving me four free days off.
Ain't that the shit? I mean last week I thought he was going to fire my ass, now he's giving me not one, but FOUR free days off??? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, and am happy he's doing it, but talk about mixed messages man. Crazy......that is the best way I can describe this place these days.
I will seriously be looking for something else in the new year, I worked for two crazy sister's before I came here, I actually quit that job too, couldn't handle it anymore. This place is starting to feel that way. One day you are worried about getting fired, the next they are giving you almost a week's worth of vacation for free!
So this morning I went to his office to remind him of my upcoming vacation. I am taking off December 20-22 & 26th. He told me that he was giving me these four days as "comp" time, as I used too many sick days this year, and they took the extra from my vacation days. Apparently we are only allowed to be sick 4 days out of the year, then they start stealing from our vacation (yet again, we work for the Prison System). He said for "all my hard work over the last several months, weekends, the move, etc" basically he's giving me four free days off.
Ain't that the shit? I mean last week I thought he was going to fire my ass, now he's giving me not one, but FOUR free days off??? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, and am happy he's doing it, but talk about mixed messages man. Crazy......that is the best way I can describe this place these days.
I will seriously be looking for something else in the new year, I worked for two crazy sister's before I came here, I actually quit that job too, couldn't handle it anymore. This place is starting to feel that way. One day you are worried about getting fired, the next they are giving you almost a week's worth of vacation for free!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Job Schmob
So I haven't blogged in quite a while. Few things going on, that I wanted answers on before I decided to share. The suspense of it all was killing me, and I didn't want anyone else to fret.
On Wednesday night about 6pm a co-worker and I decided it would be funny to turn another co-workers desk around. We put everything back on it, the way it was, but his desk was backwards. Harmless prank you ask? Most definitely. Well, we thought so.
So on Thursday the guy who we played the prank on didn't say a word to anyone. He was walking around, looking at people weird, obviously trying to figure out who did it. Unbeknownst to all of us, he had already run to my boss to "tattle" about it. I guess my boss did not find it funny in the least. I didn't realize this until about 1:30pm when I got back from lunch and my boss asked that I come in his office and close the door.
He said, "Shawna, I know you are friends with everyone here, and have a pulse on the going's on here, do you have any idea who turned his desk around?" I laughed and said yeah, that I had done it. Let the F-Bombs begin. Let me first say that my boss rarely uses the work fuck (very much different from me, as most of you know) so when it comes out, you are in some serious fucking shit. And I was. He told me that he would "deal with me" on Monday, as he was out of the office on Friday.
So basically I have spent the last four days freaking the fuck out, thinking I was going to lose my job over a silly prank. Luckily that did not happen. About 1:30 today he called me in, gave me a stern "talking to" and all is well again. That is until I fuck something up again I suppose.
Bottom line, we used to be able to laugh and joke around and something like that would not have been a big deal, it would have been hilarious. No fun at my company anymore. I get to be serious all the fucking time. This sucks balls. Big, hairy, stinkin' balls.
I have decided that once the holiday's are over, I will finally get Internet access at home and see what is out there, I think it might be time to move on. It's very sad to say, because for the most part, I love coming here. I love most of my co-workers (other than the retard, but I think we all know that by now) and would hate to not get to work with them anymore.
What once used to be a great place to work is turning into a cold, prison-like place, and that's just not for me. I am in a very high stress field, and if we aren't allowed to joke around every now and again, then I might be found dead on my desk from a heart attack at the young age of 31, and that just sucks.
On Wednesday night about 6pm a co-worker and I decided it would be funny to turn another co-workers desk around. We put everything back on it, the way it was, but his desk was backwards. Harmless prank you ask? Most definitely. Well, we thought so.
So on Thursday the guy who we played the prank on didn't say a word to anyone. He was walking around, looking at people weird, obviously trying to figure out who did it. Unbeknownst to all of us, he had already run to my boss to "tattle" about it. I guess my boss did not find it funny in the least. I didn't realize this until about 1:30pm when I got back from lunch and my boss asked that I come in his office and close the door.
He said, "Shawna, I know you are friends with everyone here, and have a pulse on the going's on here, do you have any idea who turned his desk around?" I laughed and said yeah, that I had done it. Let the F-Bombs begin. Let me first say that my boss rarely uses the work fuck (very much different from me, as most of you know) so when it comes out, you are in some serious fucking shit. And I was. He told me that he would "deal with me" on Monday, as he was out of the office on Friday.
So basically I have spent the last four days freaking the fuck out, thinking I was going to lose my job over a silly prank. Luckily that did not happen. About 1:30 today he called me in, gave me a stern "talking to" and all is well again. That is until I fuck something up again I suppose.
Bottom line, we used to be able to laugh and joke around and something like that would not have been a big deal, it would have been hilarious. No fun at my company anymore. I get to be serious all the fucking time. This sucks balls. Big, hairy, stinkin' balls.
I have decided that once the holiday's are over, I will finally get Internet access at home and see what is out there, I think it might be time to move on. It's very sad to say, because for the most part, I love coming here. I love most of my co-workers (other than the retard, but I think we all know that by now) and would hate to not get to work with them anymore.
What once used to be a great place to work is turning into a cold, prison-like place, and that's just not for me. I am in a very high stress field, and if we aren't allowed to joke around every now and again, then I might be found dead on my desk from a heart attack at the young age of 31, and that just sucks.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Good Times
Well, my weekend was fantastic, don't know about the rest of you.
Went and had dinner with the boy. It went rather well. I had a list of questions (in my head, not literally, I'm not that anal) for him, and he answered every single one, before I could even ask it! So that was great! Once he was done vomiting up all the info I needed, I really had nothing to say, it was all answered to my satisfaction. So strange, to be in a relationship where my partner actually communicates openly and honestly with me. Such a breath of fresh air, really...
He had a big day of sellin' diamonds the next day, so we parted around 11pm and I headed to Addison for Jen's b-day. This is a b-day celebration with the "rich friends" so the alcohol was pouring freely and heavily. I saw the tab (cuz I always have to know, even if I'm not paying) and it was right at $500. Yeah, we drank a lot and did a lot of shots. Needless to say, I did not go home. I stayed at their house, believe I gave up about 4:30am and went to bed. I woke up about 8:30, ready for my own house and my dog, so I headed home.
Wasn't hung over, but totally worn out from drinking and only 4 hours of sleep. And interrupted sleep, as I gave up at 4:30am, they certainly did not. They tend to drink until the sun comes up and then some...
Finally got my ass off the couch around 4:30pm to take a shower. I had agreed to meet my friend Shelley at The Landing for a drink, then we headed off to dinner. There's a fairly new Mexican food restaurant in "the hood" so we went there. It's true mexican food, but in a fancier way, it was quite tasty. The $10 drinks were a bit pricey, but they certainly didn't skimp on the tequila, we were both sufficiently buzzed when we walked out. Of course we just headed right back to The Landing. The boy called, so I left around 9:45 to go over to his house for some lovin' and spent the night.
Up around 10am, the boy had to work, so I headed out with him around 11am. Went straight to the grocery store, as I had absolutely nothing to eat. Started a stew in the crock when I got home, started laundry and got dishes done, the kitchen floor mopped, the house "picked up" (this is when it appears clean, but really isn't) and did four loads of laundry. At 5pm I had to get in the shower and get ready. The boy's condo was throwing their X-mas party. Free booze was the main point of attending this. He lives in an older high-rise (probably built in the 60's) so the party consisted of us, the geriatric ward and some silly gay men running around being all Christmassy. It was amusing at least. We headed up to his place, had the stew, watched Clerks 2 (which sucks total balls, Kevin Smith is now permanently on my shit list for even making a sequel, but he made a sequel that sucked such big balls it's not even funny). Then I was put to sleep by the boy as he scratched my back.
So that's it, in a nutshell. Things are good, life is good. Heading out at 5pm today as the clips for my new Gucci's are ready as well as the other pair of cool spec's I bought.
More tomorrow. Have a good one!
Went and had dinner with the boy. It went rather well. I had a list of questions (in my head, not literally, I'm not that anal) for him, and he answered every single one, before I could even ask it! So that was great! Once he was done vomiting up all the info I needed, I really had nothing to say, it was all answered to my satisfaction. So strange, to be in a relationship where my partner actually communicates openly and honestly with me. Such a breath of fresh air, really...
He had a big day of sellin' diamonds the next day, so we parted around 11pm and I headed to Addison for Jen's b-day. This is a b-day celebration with the "rich friends" so the alcohol was pouring freely and heavily. I saw the tab (cuz I always have to know, even if I'm not paying) and it was right at $500. Yeah, we drank a lot and did a lot of shots. Needless to say, I did not go home. I stayed at their house, believe I gave up about 4:30am and went to bed. I woke up about 8:30, ready for my own house and my dog, so I headed home.
Wasn't hung over, but totally worn out from drinking and only 4 hours of sleep. And interrupted sleep, as I gave up at 4:30am, they certainly did not. They tend to drink until the sun comes up and then some...
Finally got my ass off the couch around 4:30pm to take a shower. I had agreed to meet my friend Shelley at The Landing for a drink, then we headed off to dinner. There's a fairly new Mexican food restaurant in "the hood" so we went there. It's true mexican food, but in a fancier way, it was quite tasty. The $10 drinks were a bit pricey, but they certainly didn't skimp on the tequila, we were both sufficiently buzzed when we walked out. Of course we just headed right back to The Landing. The boy called, so I left around 9:45 to go over to his house for some lovin' and spent the night.
Up around 10am, the boy had to work, so I headed out with him around 11am. Went straight to the grocery store, as I had absolutely nothing to eat. Started a stew in the crock when I got home, started laundry and got dishes done, the kitchen floor mopped, the house "picked up" (this is when it appears clean, but really isn't) and did four loads of laundry. At 5pm I had to get in the shower and get ready. The boy's condo was throwing their X-mas party. Free booze was the main point of attending this. He lives in an older high-rise (probably built in the 60's) so the party consisted of us, the geriatric ward and some silly gay men running around being all Christmassy. It was amusing at least. We headed up to his place, had the stew, watched Clerks 2 (which sucks total balls, Kevin Smith is now permanently on my shit list for even making a sequel, but he made a sequel that sucked such big balls it's not even funny). Then I was put to sleep by the boy as he scratched my back.
So that's it, in a nutshell. Things are good, life is good. Heading out at 5pm today as the clips for my new Gucci's are ready as well as the other pair of cool spec's I bought.
More tomorrow. Have a good one!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Yes, that is for Thank God it's Fucking Friday!
This has been one hell of a week. With combating my bronchitis, dealing with the boy and the bad weather, I am so glad that it's Friday.
I did talk with the boy last night and got some honest answers to my problems, and we are meeting tonight for dinner to discuss further. I'll make my decision then if I really want to break it off or not. My initial reaction is to run for the hills, but if every guy I ever met did that to me, I'd still be a virgin! hahaha I'm going to try and be mature and hear him out and decide if I am ready to deal with the issues/problems he has.
Then I'm off to celebrate Jen's 32nd b-day. We are going to Humperdinks again, so I get to drink out of the Penis Tower once again. I have a feeling I'll be staying at the "rich folks" house again, as they tend to overindulge. Haven't decided if the boy is invited or not, depends on how the dinner goes. I know he works tomorrow, so he may be out, which is fine with me! I don't need no stinkin' man!
Saturday I plan to sleep in (wherever that may be) then get my ass motivated to clean up my filthy house. It is so gross right now it's not even funny. For those of you who know how anal I am, please, trust me on this. The kitchen floor has muddy dog prints all over it, dishes are STACKED in the sink, even on the counters, there is dog hair all over the place, I need to do laundry, change sheets, clean both bathrooms that are filthy and yeah, just get rid of all the grime. I think some of you would actually be shocked if you walked in my house right now.
Saturday night I'm heading out on the town w/my gal Shelley. We are gonna go have a nice dinner somewhere then probably get hammer-time at The Landing as usual. Even if we try and venture out and go to a different bar, we'll end up at The Landing, it always ends up that way!
Sunday I'll probably be horizontal on the couch and watching bad Sunday afternoon TV. Probably hit the grocery store and make something yummy and warm. Maybe some chicken and dumplings or a stew or potroast...now that it's finally gotten cold, it's time for the comfort food.
I really need to start thinking about X-mas too. It's only 2 1/2 weeks until my family from San Diego gets here. I'm so excited but need to do a lot of stuff. Shit, just writing about it now is stressing me out. Shit. Shit. Shit!
Ok, off to write up a list of all the things I need for that....
Have a good weekend all!
This has been one hell of a week. With combating my bronchitis, dealing with the boy and the bad weather, I am so glad that it's Friday.
I did talk with the boy last night and got some honest answers to my problems, and we are meeting tonight for dinner to discuss further. I'll make my decision then if I really want to break it off or not. My initial reaction is to run for the hills, but if every guy I ever met did that to me, I'd still be a virgin! hahaha I'm going to try and be mature and hear him out and decide if I am ready to deal with the issues/problems he has.
Then I'm off to celebrate Jen's 32nd b-day. We are going to Humperdinks again, so I get to drink out of the Penis Tower once again. I have a feeling I'll be staying at the "rich folks" house again, as they tend to overindulge. Haven't decided if the boy is invited or not, depends on how the dinner goes. I know he works tomorrow, so he may be out, which is fine with me! I don't need no stinkin' man!
Saturday I plan to sleep in (wherever that may be) then get my ass motivated to clean up my filthy house. It is so gross right now it's not even funny. For those of you who know how anal I am, please, trust me on this. The kitchen floor has muddy dog prints all over it, dishes are STACKED in the sink, even on the counters, there is dog hair all over the place, I need to do laundry, change sheets, clean both bathrooms that are filthy and yeah, just get rid of all the grime. I think some of you would actually be shocked if you walked in my house right now.
Saturday night I'm heading out on the town w/my gal Shelley. We are gonna go have a nice dinner somewhere then probably get hammer-time at The Landing as usual. Even if we try and venture out and go to a different bar, we'll end up at The Landing, it always ends up that way!
Sunday I'll probably be horizontal on the couch and watching bad Sunday afternoon TV. Probably hit the grocery store and make something yummy and warm. Maybe some chicken and dumplings or a stew or potroast...now that it's finally gotten cold, it's time for the comfort food.
I really need to start thinking about X-mas too. It's only 2 1/2 weeks until my family from San Diego gets here. I'm so excited but need to do a lot of stuff. Shit, just writing about it now is stressing me out. Shit. Shit. Shit!
Ok, off to write up a list of all the things I need for that....
Have a good weekend all!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Stupid Weather "People"
It's so not that bad today at all. Alas, I did still get some co-workers to pick me up.
I had a RAGING hangover this morning thanks to Ms. Baker (imagine that). I threw up until about 11:30am (yes, at work), then finally could start to hold down water. I also apparently broke up with "the boy" last night as well, don't' remember a bit of that. Not sure where that's going and don't want to talk about it now, so we'll let that go. But yes, my "boys are stupid" theory still holds true.
Anyhoo, the weather yes, is fucking cold as hell, and we have been getting a "wintry mix" but nothing is really freezing as of yet, and it's 4:07pm right now. I'm sure they'll get bad tonight, once darkness falls, so tomorrow morning the drive in will suck (getting the co-workers to pick me up again) but it will all be gone and a distant memory by noon, as it's getting into the 40's tomorrow.
I had a RAGING hangover this morning thanks to Ms. Baker (imagine that). I threw up until about 11:30am (yes, at work), then finally could start to hold down water. I also apparently broke up with "the boy" last night as well, don't' remember a bit of that. Not sure where that's going and don't want to talk about it now, so we'll let that go. But yes, my "boys are stupid" theory still holds true.
Anyhoo, the weather yes, is fucking cold as hell, and we have been getting a "wintry mix" but nothing is really freezing as of yet, and it's 4:07pm right now. I'm sure they'll get bad tonight, once darkness falls, so tomorrow morning the drive in will suck (getting the co-workers to pick me up again) but it will all be gone and a distant memory by noon, as it's getting into the 40's tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Crazy Texas Weather
Well, we hit a high of about 77 degrees today. Hope we enjoyed it.
By 9pm tonight, the temperature will drop into the 30's, yes, 40 degrees less than it is now, and within 1 hour (they say). This comes along with severe thunderstorms, up to 1" of rain, and "possible" damaging hail. By 6am it's supposed to be about 23 degrees, so yes folks, get ready for the great freeze of 2006. Dallas will literally shut down. No banks, no malls, no school, no nothing. People here can't drive when it's sunny and 90 degrees. Throw some ice and sleet into the mix and you have about a billion wrecks at once. Our overpasses and highways all freeze over, because they build these monolithic type structures that can't be driven over.
I imagine I won't get to work until around lunchtime tomorrow, if the weather holds true. I am not risking my life because people here STILL don't know that you do not slam on your brakes when hitting an ice patch. I will sit at home, drinking my hot tea and laugh at all the dumbasses stuck on the highways of the DFW Metroplex.
It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too, and get back into the 20's tomorrow night, so Friday morning will probably be some of the same.
If you don't get a blog tomorrow, that's cuz my ass didn't come to work.
We'll see, the weathermen (and women) here suck, it never happens like they say
By 9pm tonight, the temperature will drop into the 30's, yes, 40 degrees less than it is now, and within 1 hour (they say). This comes along with severe thunderstorms, up to 1" of rain, and "possible" damaging hail. By 6am it's supposed to be about 23 degrees, so yes folks, get ready for the great freeze of 2006. Dallas will literally shut down. No banks, no malls, no school, no nothing. People here can't drive when it's sunny and 90 degrees. Throw some ice and sleet into the mix and you have about a billion wrecks at once. Our overpasses and highways all freeze over, because they build these monolithic type structures that can't be driven over.
I imagine I won't get to work until around lunchtime tomorrow, if the weather holds true. I am not risking my life because people here STILL don't know that you do not slam on your brakes when hitting an ice patch. I will sit at home, drinking my hot tea and laugh at all the dumbasses stuck on the highways of the DFW Metroplex.
It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too, and get back into the 20's tomorrow night, so Friday morning will probably be some of the same.
If you don't get a blog tomorrow, that's cuz my ass didn't come to work.
We'll see, the weathermen (and women) here suck, it never happens like they say
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
99.5% of the Population is Retarded
Yes folks, I really do think that. The biggest retard on hand right now is a guy I work with. He amazes me with the amount of retardedness he exudes. It is rather monumental really. He has to be retarded quite frankly, because that is the only way his behavior can be excused, hell, even explained.
I am not going to get into why I find him so utterly retarded, just trust me on this one. He is, plain and simple, and I want to stab him in his eye with my black ball point pen on a daily basis. I don't care that he has a wife and two kids, quite honestly, the guy has got to go.
He hired on here about 8 months ago, and I was warned by a very good friend that he was retarded. My friend Carl actually had to work w/the guy for the last several years, it was just a small world thing that we figured it all out. Carl was right, he's a retard and I want him gone. I actually think Carl did a little dance when he found out he was finally going to be rid of this utter moron. Wait, retard is the word I've been using, I'll stick with it.
I know you all are thinking, wow, retard is such an un-PC word to use. Well I don't give a fuck! He again, HAS to be retarded. Maybe my bosses felt sorry for his retardedness, and gave him a job, because they felt bad, I'm not really sure. I know I didn't get to interview the retard, because I would have seen it right away. Hell, I figured it out his first day, I can't be quoted, but I'm pretty sure I said to a few people, "ya know, I think that guy is a retard." No joke.
What utterly irks me to no end is that he was hired on to HELP me in my job, take care of some things that I really didn't have the time, and quite honestly shouldn't have been doing. Again, can't get into logistics, because if my work ever finds this blog, hopefully they won't figure out who I am talking about. Hell, he still works here, so they are obviously totally clueless to the extraordinary amount of retardation this guy has. So since he has a penis, that automatically means he makes at least 10% more annually that I do. See why I am so pissed? I work my ass off, half the time fixing his retarded mistakes, reminding him of what the fuck his job is and continually asking over and over again for the same fucking things. Fire the retard, double my salary and they'd have the most bad-ass bitch in the history of this company working for them.
Plain and simple, apparently it pays to be retarded. I'm gonna go suck my thumb and wipe shit on the walls, maybe I'll get a raise.
I am not going to get into why I find him so utterly retarded, just trust me on this one. He is, plain and simple, and I want to stab him in his eye with my black ball point pen on a daily basis. I don't care that he has a wife and two kids, quite honestly, the guy has got to go.
He hired on here about 8 months ago, and I was warned by a very good friend that he was retarded. My friend Carl actually had to work w/the guy for the last several years, it was just a small world thing that we figured it all out. Carl was right, he's a retard and I want him gone. I actually think Carl did a little dance when he found out he was finally going to be rid of this utter moron. Wait, retard is the word I've been using, I'll stick with it.
I know you all are thinking, wow, retard is such an un-PC word to use. Well I don't give a fuck! He again, HAS to be retarded. Maybe my bosses felt sorry for his retardedness, and gave him a job, because they felt bad, I'm not really sure. I know I didn't get to interview the retard, because I would have seen it right away. Hell, I figured it out his first day, I can't be quoted, but I'm pretty sure I said to a few people, "ya know, I think that guy is a retard." No joke.
What utterly irks me to no end is that he was hired on to HELP me in my job, take care of some things that I really didn't have the time, and quite honestly shouldn't have been doing. Again, can't get into logistics, because if my work ever finds this blog, hopefully they won't figure out who I am talking about. Hell, he still works here, so they are obviously totally clueless to the extraordinary amount of retardation this guy has. So since he has a penis, that automatically means he makes at least 10% more annually that I do. See why I am so pissed? I work my ass off, half the time fixing his retarded mistakes, reminding him of what the fuck his job is and continually asking over and over again for the same fucking things. Fire the retard, double my salary and they'd have the most bad-ass bitch in the history of this company working for them.
Plain and simple, apparently it pays to be retarded. I'm gonna go suck my thumb and wipe shit on the walls, maybe I'll get a raise.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving Holiday Recap
Well, today is Monday, and that just totally sucks. Back to work drones! Here's a recap of my holiday weekend:
Worked that day, left around 5:30. The "kids" (younger crowd of people I hang out with from time to time from work) were playing Texas Holdem and Domino's at one of their houses, so I ventured up there around 8pm. They apparently started drinking as soon as their asses got out of work, because by the time I showed up, the buzzes were strong and proud. I guess this is why I beat them in every game we played. Took the whole pot from Texas Holdem (not playing for real money unfortunately) and won 2 domino games in a row. I decided to stop playing. Their little male egos were having a hard time handling this. I guess I got home around 12am and went to bed.
Went and got the boy from his house and took him over to Jen & Lance's house for Thanksgiving Day. I refer to Jen & Lance as "the rich friends" so you'll hear that from time to time. Had a lovely meal w/their families, then the drinking began around 3pm, once all family members had been successfully removed from their home. Jen's step father likes tequila, and when I say likes tequila, I mean he likes to take a shot every 3.2 seconds once he starts. Luckily there was very little tequila left, and I only had to suffer through 2 shots. Yeah, I know, I could have said no, but that would just be rude. So I had a nice buzz going by about 6pm. The new boy was drinking Jack Daniels, I was just drinking beer. They were out of Crown, otherwise I would have been hammer-time. My new boy sells diamonds, so he had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so during the Cowboy's game, he told me he wanted to try and head back to his place around 6-7pm. I told him no problem, whatever he wanted to do. Well, once the boy became comfortable around everyone, and realized that indeed, they like to drink copious amounts of alcohol, just as he does, he began to relax. The next time frame he gave me was "no later than 8:30." I again laughed and told him whatever he wanted to do. Finally at 10pm, as I was dragging him out of the house, we got out of there. Not that I didn't want to stay, but I had a buzz, wanted to get some action before he or I passed out and still get him to sleep at a reasonable hour, so he wouldn't feel too bad on the busiest shopping day of the year. I think we went to bed around 2am, so I wasn't all that successful.
I went home and slept all day long. The boy has given me a cold he had been fighting, and so now I'm sick. Don't feel all that bad, just really congested and coughing up all kinds of lovely things...I finally got up and going around 7:30 as Sarah is in town, so we had some serious drinking to do at the Landing. Picked her up around 9pm and the madness (as usual) ensued. Nothing too crazy, just the usual too many of this and too many of that at the bar. She spent the night at the house but we had to get up early (8am) to get her home to her parents.
Slept all day long again. This cold thing is just totally clobbering my ass. Again, don't feel horrible, just congested and taking medicine that apparently knocks my ass out. Layed on the couch all day long with Georgie, watched TV and slept, watched TV and slept. Finally got in the shower about 6pm, not knowing if the new boy wanted to get together or not. Ended up going over to his house around 10pm, ordering pizza and watching a bootleg copy of the new Casino Royale, ala James Bond. It was ok, but he had Nyquil, so I passed out before I saw the end. I don't think I missed too much, we all know what happens in Bond movies. He gets the girl, he gets the bad guys, all is well.
Woke up feeling worse than ever. So much snot in my head and chest it was rather disgusting. I went to the bathroom to hack and blow it out. I guess the new boy can't hear all that well (thank god) as it was pretty raunchy. When I came back to bed, he pointed out that there were tissues right next to me (isn't that sweet of him?) but I told him it was definitely best if I do it in another room. He yet again had to work, so I went and had brunch w/my buddy Mike, then went home and took cold medicine. In my haze, I thought the bulk trash pick up was this week, so I hurriedly changed and went out front to rake some leaves. Yeah, let me just say that raking leaves sucks big ole balls. I just got the leaves in my driveway and a small section to the right of the house, and that was 4 bags full. I was sick, it was hard to do, so I gave up. Walked out this morning, and leaves are back, doesn't look like I did a thing. So much for that. Also thank god for Home Depot and their credit cards. I will be purchasing a leaf blower this weekend to finish the job. Trash pick up is NEXT week, not this one, so that'll be one of my weekend activities this weekend. Oh, the joys of homeownership!
So that's it, in a nutshell. Sorry to not be funny and tell you all the funny stuff that happened. There was and it did. I am just too damned tired and really don't feel 100% today, so I'll leave it up to your imaginations!
Worked that day, left around 5:30. The "kids" (younger crowd of people I hang out with from time to time from work) were playing Texas Holdem and Domino's at one of their houses, so I ventured up there around 8pm. They apparently started drinking as soon as their asses got out of work, because by the time I showed up, the buzzes were strong and proud. I guess this is why I beat them in every game we played. Took the whole pot from Texas Holdem (not playing for real money unfortunately) and won 2 domino games in a row. I decided to stop playing. Their little male egos were having a hard time handling this. I guess I got home around 12am and went to bed.
Went and got the boy from his house and took him over to Jen & Lance's house for Thanksgiving Day. I refer to Jen & Lance as "the rich friends" so you'll hear that from time to time. Had a lovely meal w/their families, then the drinking began around 3pm, once all family members had been successfully removed from their home. Jen's step father likes tequila, and when I say likes tequila, I mean he likes to take a shot every 3.2 seconds once he starts. Luckily there was very little tequila left, and I only had to suffer through 2 shots. Yeah, I know, I could have said no, but that would just be rude. So I had a nice buzz going by about 6pm. The new boy was drinking Jack Daniels, I was just drinking beer. They were out of Crown, otherwise I would have been hammer-time. My new boy sells diamonds, so he had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so during the Cowboy's game, he told me he wanted to try and head back to his place around 6-7pm. I told him no problem, whatever he wanted to do. Well, once the boy became comfortable around everyone, and realized that indeed, they like to drink copious amounts of alcohol, just as he does, he began to relax. The next time frame he gave me was "no later than 8:30." I again laughed and told him whatever he wanted to do. Finally at 10pm, as I was dragging him out of the house, we got out of there. Not that I didn't want to stay, but I had a buzz, wanted to get some action before he or I passed out and still get him to sleep at a reasonable hour, so he wouldn't feel too bad on the busiest shopping day of the year. I think we went to bed around 2am, so I wasn't all that successful.
I went home and slept all day long. The boy has given me a cold he had been fighting, and so now I'm sick. Don't feel all that bad, just really congested and coughing up all kinds of lovely things...I finally got up and going around 7:30 as Sarah is in town, so we had some serious drinking to do at the Landing. Picked her up around 9pm and the madness (as usual) ensued. Nothing too crazy, just the usual too many of this and too many of that at the bar. She spent the night at the house but we had to get up early (8am) to get her home to her parents.
Slept all day long again. This cold thing is just totally clobbering my ass. Again, don't feel horrible, just congested and taking medicine that apparently knocks my ass out. Layed on the couch all day long with Georgie, watched TV and slept, watched TV and slept. Finally got in the shower about 6pm, not knowing if the new boy wanted to get together or not. Ended up going over to his house around 10pm, ordering pizza and watching a bootleg copy of the new Casino Royale, ala James Bond. It was ok, but he had Nyquil, so I passed out before I saw the end. I don't think I missed too much, we all know what happens in Bond movies. He gets the girl, he gets the bad guys, all is well.
Woke up feeling worse than ever. So much snot in my head and chest it was rather disgusting. I went to the bathroom to hack and blow it out. I guess the new boy can't hear all that well (thank god) as it was pretty raunchy. When I came back to bed, he pointed out that there were tissues right next to me (isn't that sweet of him?) but I told him it was definitely best if I do it in another room. He yet again had to work, so I went and had brunch w/my buddy Mike, then went home and took cold medicine. In my haze, I thought the bulk trash pick up was this week, so I hurriedly changed and went out front to rake some leaves. Yeah, let me just say that raking leaves sucks big ole balls. I just got the leaves in my driveway and a small section to the right of the house, and that was 4 bags full. I was sick, it was hard to do, so I gave up. Walked out this morning, and leaves are back, doesn't look like I did a thing. So much for that. Also thank god for Home Depot and their credit cards. I will be purchasing a leaf blower this weekend to finish the job. Trash pick up is NEXT week, not this one, so that'll be one of my weekend activities this weekend. Oh, the joys of homeownership!
So that's it, in a nutshell. Sorry to not be funny and tell you all the funny stuff that happened. There was and it did. I am just too damned tired and really don't feel 100% today, so I'll leave it up to your imaginations!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
6 Weird Things about Shawna
Well, since Sue "tagged" me, I guess I'm going to play this game, it's a fun one anyway. I'm supposed to "tag" 6 other bloggers, but I don't know that many, so if anyone out there wants to play, more power to ya! Dave, Jodi & Sarah need to play. At least I got 1/2 of what I was supposed to!
6 Weird Things about me:
1. I like orange flavored things, but do not like eating oranges. I also like eating grapes (both red and green), but do not like grape flavored things.
2. I type things out all the time, when not at a keyboard. If I watch TV I will type w/my fingers whatever the actors are saying. I also do this in meetings at work when I'm bored, and various other times.
3. I can pooh anywhere. Well, not ANYWHERE, but I don't have the affliction of "I must pooh in my bathroom and only my bathroom" if I gotta go, I gotta go. I might even make you pull over at a gas station, when it's time, it's time. I've been known to make people do that!
4. I think having a baby is disgusting. It literally feeds off of your body for 9 months. Like a parasite. Ick. One of the many reasons I do not plan to be a breeder.
5. I enjoy cleaning. I am anal-retentive, but still, I enjoy dusting, washing dishes, doing laundry, all that stuff, I always have. I also MUST make my bed every morning before I leave, if I come home to an unmade bed, I feel "off", I will make the bed before I get into it.
6. I love to drink to get drunk. This doesn't seem odd, except I almost always throw up (it's gotten better over the years, but still...) why would I continue to do this to myself when I know it is almost inevitable that I will puke?
6 Weird Things about me:
1. I like orange flavored things, but do not like eating oranges. I also like eating grapes (both red and green), but do not like grape flavored things.
2. I type things out all the time, when not at a keyboard. If I watch TV I will type w/my fingers whatever the actors are saying. I also do this in meetings at work when I'm bored, and various other times.
3. I can pooh anywhere. Well, not ANYWHERE, but I don't have the affliction of "I must pooh in my bathroom and only my bathroom" if I gotta go, I gotta go. I might even make you pull over at a gas station, when it's time, it's time. I've been known to make people do that!
4. I think having a baby is disgusting. It literally feeds off of your body for 9 months. Like a parasite. Ick. One of the many reasons I do not plan to be a breeder.
5. I enjoy cleaning. I am anal-retentive, but still, I enjoy dusting, washing dishes, doing laundry, all that stuff, I always have. I also MUST make my bed every morning before I leave, if I come home to an unmade bed, I feel "off", I will make the bed before I get into it.
6. I love to drink to get drunk. This doesn't seem odd, except I almost always throw up (it's gotten better over the years, but still...) why would I continue to do this to myself when I know it is almost inevitable that I will puke?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Monday - You won't see that often
Had a great weekend, if I do say so myself, still in a great mood from it.
Went out on Friday w/the new boy. We went and had dinner at Patrizio, a great Italian joint, one I worked at about 10 years ago, how I met Ms. Sarah to be exact. He had to work the next morning, so we just went home, drank some wine and watched The Breakup w/Vaughniston. It was fucking hilarious, if you haven't seen it, it's a must, as you have had one of the fights they have in this movie at some point in some relationship. It's completely relatable and I was laughing. Of course it doesn't hurt that Vincey-Pooh is my #1, so the eye candy for me was an added bonus. I slept in while he went off to work, then went home, showered and had my monthly ritual of getting my eyebrows ripped out with wax, to make them perfect specimens. I then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a new shower curtain and rug for the main bathroom with a gift certificate I was given on my birthday by my buddy Dave.
Saturday night I went out with Jen, Josh and Mike. That was quite the treat. We went to Humperdinks, and for those of you who are snickering, see website info attached. They have these things they call "Towers" they hold a little over 6 pints of beer a piece. They are fun to have at the table, are phallic to a fault (even the plastic ice piece they leave it it to keep it cold looks like a penis) but oh so fun to drink. It's the apparatus you see on the site to the right. Between the four of us, we managed to consume 5 of them and about 4 Jager Bombs a piece. Yeah, we were shittier than shitty, but had so, so much fun. They are also only $15 a piece, so it's quite a bargain if you really do the math (and no, I'm not doing the math, you are all big kids). Needless to say, by the time we got back to Jen's it was a big ole slumber party. I remember dancing with Jen and Mike in the backyard, so you know we were loaded. Shawna is not much of a dancer, only when she's really loaded (so speaking of myself in 3rd person right now). I am white, call me a cracker if you will, so I have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever. If you ever get the chance to see my dancing, you will laugh your ass off, cuz it's pretty damned bad.
Woke up about noon on Sunday and went home. Georgie hates me right now, I didn't come home Friday OR Saturday night, so she was not too happy w/her momma. I had to go to the grocery store, as I had no food. So did that real quick then spent the rest of the day giving her hugs and kisses and lots of loving. I think she finally got sick of me after a few hours and went to the other end of the couch. She's needy, but apparently a little bit goes a long way with her!
I've been in a great mood all day at work, but alas am ready for it to be over, because I have yet another date w/the new boy right after work. Yeah, we are seeing eachother quite regularly. I think we kinda like eachother. Or maybe we just like having sex on a regular basis, think we are both still figuring that part out! :)
It's 4:17pm here, so I'm killing another hour or so before I skirt out the door to go get me some lovin'. Yeah, I've just decided I'm so happy because I'm getting ass on a regular basis. I'm a Scorpio after all, it's in my nature!
Went out on Friday w/the new boy. We went and had dinner at Patrizio, a great Italian joint, one I worked at about 10 years ago, how I met Ms. Sarah to be exact. He had to work the next morning, so we just went home, drank some wine and watched The Breakup w/Vaughniston. It was fucking hilarious, if you haven't seen it, it's a must, as you have had one of the fights they have in this movie at some point in some relationship. It's completely relatable and I was laughing. Of course it doesn't hurt that Vincey-Pooh is my #1, so the eye candy for me was an added bonus. I slept in while he went off to work, then went home, showered and had my monthly ritual of getting my eyebrows ripped out with wax, to make them perfect specimens. I then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a new shower curtain and rug for the main bathroom with a gift certificate I was given on my birthday by my buddy Dave.
Saturday night I went out with Jen, Josh and Mike. That was quite the treat. We went to Humperdinks, and for those of you who are snickering, see website info attached. They have these things they call "Towers" they hold a little over 6 pints of beer a piece. They are fun to have at the table, are phallic to a fault (even the plastic ice piece they leave it it to keep it cold looks like a penis) but oh so fun to drink. It's the apparatus you see on the site to the right. Between the four of us, we managed to consume 5 of them and about 4 Jager Bombs a piece. Yeah, we were shittier than shitty, but had so, so much fun. They are also only $15 a piece, so it's quite a bargain if you really do the math (and no, I'm not doing the math, you are all big kids). Needless to say, by the time we got back to Jen's it was a big ole slumber party. I remember dancing with Jen and Mike in the backyard, so you know we were loaded. Shawna is not much of a dancer, only when she's really loaded (so speaking of myself in 3rd person right now). I am white, call me a cracker if you will, so I have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever. If you ever get the chance to see my dancing, you will laugh your ass off, cuz it's pretty damned bad.
Woke up about noon on Sunday and went home. Georgie hates me right now, I didn't come home Friday OR Saturday night, so she was not too happy w/her momma. I had to go to the grocery store, as I had no food. So did that real quick then spent the rest of the day giving her hugs and kisses and lots of loving. I think she finally got sick of me after a few hours and went to the other end of the couch. She's needy, but apparently a little bit goes a long way with her!
I've been in a great mood all day at work, but alas am ready for it to be over, because I have yet another date w/the new boy right after work. Yeah, we are seeing eachother quite regularly. I think we kinda like eachother. Or maybe we just like having sex on a regular basis, think we are both still figuring that part out! :)
It's 4:17pm here, so I'm killing another hour or so before I skirt out the door to go get me some lovin'. Yeah, I've just decided I'm so happy because I'm getting ass on a regular basis. I'm a Scorpio after all, it's in my nature!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Oprah's in my dreams
I don't really have much to say today, except that I'm really fucking glad it's Friday and I'm ready to get the hell out of work. We were so busy the last few months, that now that we have slowed down, I am procrastinating like a mother-fucker. One of my main duties is Purchasing, so I have MOUNDS of completed purchase orders that I need to file. I have to take the PO, match it up to the packing slip and then staple the bitches together. Doesn't seem like much right? Well, my procrastination on this such mind sucking duty has been so bad, that I am about 200 PO's behind. Yeah, that's 400+ pieces of paper to sort through and figure out what goes with what. It's something I should really take home and do sitting on the couch, but alas, that hasn't happened yet either. I could be doing that right now instead of blogging about it, but this is so much easier. I could also come in on a weekend and take care of that, but fuck a bunch of that, I've had to come in so many weekends lately, that it's the LAST thing I want to do.
I'm going out w/the new boy tonight, so I know there will probably be a hangover involved in my Saturday morning, so coming to work really won't happen. At least I have a viable excuse right?
Other than that, I got a whole lotta nothing today. I guess I need to sit down and think of things interesting to blog about. Oh SHIT, I almost forgot, had the weirdest dream the night before last:
So I was leaving work w/a fellow co-worker when I got a page that I needed to attend a employee meeting, I looked at my co-worker and told him he needed to go too, if it's an employee meeting, we should both be there right? Well, in my "dream world" Meisel was about 10 times the size it is now (we have about 70 employees), so we walked into this huge auditorium and of course were the last one's there. We had to sit in seats right next to the stage, along a wall. In walks Oprah, yes Oprah Winfrey. This is not odd to anyone, apparently Oprah owns Meisel in this dream. She looks over at us and asks my co-worker who he is, he tells her and she looks down at a clipboard, looks up at my and says "You are Shawna Furr right?" and I tell her yes ma'am, I certainly am. She then asks why in the hell did I tell him to come to the meeting, if she wanted him there, she would have had him paged! I just look at her weird, and she proceeds to tell me I'm fired in front of the entire company. Again, why everyone else but this one co-worker got to attend the meeting is beside me, I have no clue, but she fires my ass. Fucking Oprah fired me. I say whatever and walk out and tell her I'm going to go talk to George, he'll fix it all (George is the REAL owner of Meisel). So I walk up to his office, tell him the above and he just says "Shawna, I'm sorry, but it's fucking Oprah, she totally cancels me out, I guess you'll have to go!"
Fuck Oprah and her stupid ass shit, I think I'll stop watching her now...
Here's a cute pic of my nie
ces practicing for Halloween
I'm going out w/the new boy tonight, so I know there will probably be a hangover involved in my Saturday morning, so coming to work really won't happen. At least I have a viable excuse right?
Other than that, I got a whole lotta nothing today. I guess I need to sit down and think of things interesting to blog about. Oh SHIT, I almost forgot, had the weirdest dream the night before last:
So I was leaving work w/a fellow co-worker when I got a page that I needed to attend a employee meeting, I looked at my co-worker and told him he needed to go too, if it's an employee meeting, we should both be there right? Well, in my "dream world" Meisel was about 10 times the size it is now (we have about 70 employees), so we walked into this huge auditorium and of course were the last one's there. We had to sit in seats right next to the stage, along a wall. In walks Oprah, yes Oprah Winfrey. This is not odd to anyone, apparently Oprah owns Meisel in this dream. She looks over at us and asks my co-worker who he is, he tells her and she looks down at a clipboard, looks up at my and says "You are Shawna Furr right?" and I tell her yes ma'am, I certainly am. She then asks why in the hell did I tell him to come to the meeting, if she wanted him there, she would have had him paged! I just look at her weird, and she proceeds to tell me I'm fired in front of the entire company. Again, why everyone else but this one co-worker got to attend the meeting is beside me, I have no clue, but she fires my ass. Fucking Oprah fired me. I say whatever and walk out and tell her I'm going to go talk to George, he'll fix it all (George is the REAL owner of Meisel). So I walk up to his office, tell him the above and he just says "Shawna, I'm sorry, but it's fucking Oprah, she totally cancels me out, I guess you'll have to go!"
Fuck Oprah and her stupid ass shit, I think I'll stop watching her now...
Here's a cute pic of my nie

Thursday, November 16, 2006
It's been a long time...

Man, I haven't blogged since May...that's sad. But no, I still don't have service at home, I just really miss blogging, it is fun. I am going to do my best to take time from my job every day so that I can blog some little tid-bit of something.
Let's see, what's been going on with Shawna since May. A whole hell of a lot.
Work's been insane, but we are finally slowing down now that all the holiday graphics are out of this mother-fucker. For those of you who don't know, I work for a large format printing company. I purchase all the materials, inks, boxes, basically anything we use, yes, including tape. I also do about 5 other things, but none of it most of you would understand, so no point in telling you. We do graphics for large companies, like Eddie Bauer, Johnston & Murphy, Coach, J. Jill, McDonald's, Taco Bueno and LeSportSac to name a few. Yeah, I'm a total name dropper! It's a crazy business but I'm a crazy bitch, so it suits me to a T.
Haven't really gotten much done at the house, I plan to stain and paint the main bathroom over the Thanksgiving holiday, I've decided I'm not celebrating it this year, I'm just going to stain, paint and drink heavily with Sarah, since she'll be here!
Georgie is finally not so wild and crazy anymore. She's almost 11 months old already. She managed to fuck up some shit in the new house pretty good before I finally rigged it so that she can only go into a small part of the kitchen and has full run of the backyard while I'm at work or drinking heavily with one of my partners in crime. She's awesome though, I love her to death, can't imagine life without her.
Remember that dating email? Well, I finally found a guy on Match.com that I felt like I could handle going on a date with and we've been seeing eachother for almost 3 weeks now. It's going well, but don't want to say too much, don't want to jinx it. I will say this though, it's very interesting for me. I've always dated losers (don't most women until they finally grow up and realize the "bad boy" is really a bad boy and you shouldn't date them, just fuck them?) and this guy is far from a loser. He has a great job, owns his own condo, has his own car...yeah, he's a contributing member of society! It's amazing. He's nice to me...that's also a new one for me. He compliments me, opens doors and pays for everything (I am usually the one shelling out the cash on "dates" with the men I usually date). I think I've already said too much, so I'm going to leave it at that for now.
What else? Oh, my sister Sherri and her husband Mark and my wonderful 17 year old niece Loren will be coming in for Christmas to check out the new house and see all the family here, so I'm really looking forward to that, it's going to be a lot of fun. But it's right around the corner, so I really need to get some cleaning and organizing done before they get here.
Guess that's about all for now, it's almost 6pm and I'm still at work (which is not unusual) but it's slowing down so I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I can leave and go home and sit on my couch and watch TV with Georgie. So that's what I'm gonna do.
Oh, this is a drunken picture of Jodi (my best gal) and me over Labor Day weekend at The Landing...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
So crazed!
Sorry faithful readers, I've obviously been very busy moving into my new casa. No pictures to post, as my computer at home hasn't even been turned on. I'm being bad and blogging at work, so this will be short.
Bottom line, I still have about a million and ten things to do. I haven't even connected my home phone yet! I have my cell, if you need me, you can find me there.
I need to get a phone line run into the office as there is no phone jack in there at all, so my blogging will be minimal until I get that taken care of, since I usually blog at night from home.
Georgie flooded the main bathroom on Monday while I was at work. She ate through the water line that runs to the toilet. She was soaked, my entire bathroom was soaked, and now I have to repaint it, as the water pressure was such, that it peeled the paint right off the wall. Yes, that was a lovely thing to come home to!
This weekend I will be mending the fence in the back, so she can hang in the kitchen and outside while I am at work. I still have to figure out how to keep her in the kitchen. Will be googling today to try and find an 86" width doggy gate. I have big opening from the kitchen into the living/dining area. Probably going to cost a fortune....but it seems as if everything these days is!
I'm happy and excited, I just wish I didn't have this job thing that I have to go to every day to pay for my lovely new home! I just want to be at home fixing stuff up and making it livable, that is still a work in process.
I'll try and post again soon!
Bottom line, I still have about a million and ten things to do. I haven't even connected my home phone yet! I have my cell, if you need me, you can find me there.
I need to get a phone line run into the office as there is no phone jack in there at all, so my blogging will be minimal until I get that taken care of, since I usually blog at night from home.
Georgie flooded the main bathroom on Monday while I was at work. She ate through the water line that runs to the toilet. She was soaked, my entire bathroom was soaked, and now I have to repaint it, as the water pressure was such, that it peeled the paint right off the wall. Yes, that was a lovely thing to come home to!
This weekend I will be mending the fence in the back, so she can hang in the kitchen and outside while I am at work. I still have to figure out how to keep her in the kitchen. Will be googling today to try and find an 86" width doggy gate. I have big opening from the kitchen into the living/dining area. Probably going to cost a fortune....but it seems as if everything these days is!
I'm happy and excited, I just wish I didn't have this job thing that I have to go to every day to pay for my lovely new home! I just want to be at home fixing stuff up and making it livable, that is still a work in process.
I'll try and post again soon!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Doggies & Hizzies
So posting the shots of what Georgie has done to my bathroom, just to give you an idea….yeah, just gonna waive that whole deposit thing and call it a day. I do love her dearly though, she’s grown on me rather steadily the last 2 months. I can’t believe I’ve only had her that long. On Sunday, it’s her 4 month birthday!
Moving is going forward, got a lot done yesterday. Too hung over on Saturday to function as a real human, so slacked off pretty bad. But once I get going, there’s no stopping me, so I was very successful yesterday and got a lot done (yes, I stayed home Sat. night as to make sure to be productive). About to the point where I can’t pack anything else, so I’d say I’m doing well.
I’ve transferred most things, just have phone and water left to do. The City of Dallas of course operates about 2 hours a day (ok, slight exaggeration) so I keep forgetting to call during the day, the only time they are open to do all that crap. I’ll do it tomorrow. Phone I might do tonight if I feel like it, but I just got done doing a bunch of other transfers, so I’m kinda done for the day. I say 2 a day is enough.
Went after work today and purchased my refrigerator, man, they are expensive! But, I got what I want, and hopefully it’ll run for the next 20 years, so I don’t have to freak about spending $1100 on a stupid thing that keeps your food cold. I got a deal too! It was 20% off marked price, so I’m feelin’ rather snazzy on that. What I’ve always wanted, a side by side with an icemaker and water on the front. Growing up as a kid, I always envied those friends who had that fridge. Now I have one! YIPEE!
Gonna keep it short, Georgie is going nuts because I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t got the time to play with her much. She’s sitting in my lap now, making it very difficult to type. Gonna go play w/the pooch!
Moving is going forward, got a lot done yesterday. Too hung over on Saturday to function as a real human, so slacked off pretty bad. But once I get going, there’s no stopping me, so I was very successful yesterday and got a lot done (yes, I stayed home Sat. night as to make sure to be productive). About to the point where I can’t pack anything else, so I’d say I’m doing well.
I’ve transferred most things, just have phone and water left to do. The City of Dallas of course operates about 2 hours a day (ok, slight exaggeration) so I keep forgetting to call during the day, the only time they are open to do all that crap. I’ll do it tomorrow. Phone I might do tonight if I feel like it, but I just got done doing a bunch of other transfers, so I’m kinda done for the day. I say 2 a day is enough.
Went after work today and purchased my refrigerator, man, they are expensive! But, I got what I want, and hopefully it’ll run for the next 20 years, so I don’t have to freak about spending $1100 on a stupid thing that keeps your food cold. I got a deal too! It was 20% off marked price, so I’m feelin’ rather snazzy on that. What I’ve always wanted, a side by side with an icemaker and water on the front. Growing up as a kid, I always envied those friends who had that fridge. Now I have one! YIPEE!
Gonna keep it short, Georgie is going nuts because I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t got the time to play with her much. She’s sitting in my lap now, making it very difficult to type. Gonna go play w/the pooch!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
More on the hizzy

I close one week from today, on the 27th. Taking that day and the next off, to get everything in order, and the big move is on the 29th. I’ve finally reached excited stage! Everyone around has been saying I haven’t seemed all that excited, which I wasn’t, because it wasn’t REAL. But as of yesterday, the option period was over; the mortgage had been agreed upon, insurance gained, so it’s a go. Now I just have to sign my life away in one week, but other than that, I’m perfect!
Adding some more pics that I took on the day of the inspection, so you can get some more perspective on my pad. I really think it’s going to be really bitchin’ once all of my things are in it. I feel I have cool things…nope, I know I have cool things. Hehehe
Going to keep it short, because I am desperately trying to rent out the apartment above me (I’ve been helping my landlord take calls and show it for extra cash) and also trying to sell mine off too, so maybe the landlord will be cool and not get all mad at me and shit. Not that she has a right to, as I have no lease, but I’m trying to work it so I don’t have to pay through the 20th of next month, since I’ll technically be out by the 30th. She will however need a week or so to do repairs, since Georgie has pretty much eaten the entire bathroom (no deposit back for me), it’s so trashed, it’s not even funny. I’ll post some pics of that next blog!Ta-ta for now!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
She's all growed up!

So it seems as if I will more than likely be a homeowner on April 27th. That’s right, a mere 2 weeks from now. I think I may puke!
It’s the house in the previous blog; they took my offer, no changes, so that’s good. I’m just sitting here now thinking of the 10 million things I need to do before then. As most of you know, I’m quite anal, and am a “planner” so this sudden quick disruption is really freaking me out! It’ll all come together, there’s just a lot to do before now and then.
I’ve got the big strappin’ dudes lined up that will move all my crap, even got a free truck that’s as big as the largest U-Haul you can rent, which is cool. One of my vendors offered up their shipping truck to me, which is awesome, they just saved me about $150 precious dollars.
Inspection is on Saturday, so unless they just tear the place up, we’ll be moving right along. I’m already pre-approved on my loan, so that’s just a matter of signing a bunch of crap. Need to call my current landlady and let her know that she’s got 30 days and I’m gone. I’ve been here for 2 years and 5 months. Only signed a 13-month lease when I moved in, she never came back with paperwork, and I never spoke of it! Hehe I’ll be nice and give her 30 days though, and offer to post an ad on Craigslist, which is an awesome site if you aren’t familiar.
Packing….oh packing. I’m actually rather good at it, I was just looking around the house and I have a lot more crap that I thought I did. I’ll probably pack up all the crap I don’t use on a regular basis this weekend. Yes, I’m that sure this deal is done, and trying to get going. 2 weeks really isn’t much time, if you really think about it.
I have to buy a refrigerator too. That is an appliance I have never purchased. I will measure the fridge area on Saturday at the inspection, so I can go shopping for one on Sunday. Home Depot here I come! God I love that place. I will be spending an awful lot of time there soon. I’m hoping that there’s some teenage kid on the block that will mow the yard for $20 so I don’t have to immediately spend money on a lawnmower too! But I’ve got a fat limit on my card at the HD, so if I have to buy one, so be it.
My mind is full of crap right now. I’m going to cut it short, because I need to make a list of all the stuff to do.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Onto New Houses

So the house I made an offer on didn’t go through. The seller is basically a total moron and wouldn’t budge on price (even though their listing said they would consider any offer) so that’s a no-go. These pics are from another house on San Lorenzo, actually the first house I looked at when this started. It was also bought by flippers, and been on the market quite a while. The garage has been converted into a huge room, which I would eventually make into a game room. Pool table baby! Wanna come over and hang out now don’t ya?
I’d make one of the rooms my office, one my bedroom, then the final one being the guest bedroom. Didn’t show pics of the bedrooms, because they aren’t all that exciting. Brand new carpet in the bedrooms, game room and hallways. Not a big fan of carpet, but its brand new, light beige, so it’s not horrific. There are hardwoods underneath. My thought is to wait 4-5 years until the new carpet has seen better days, and then refinish the floors. Time to save some dough so it’s not quite so painful when that day comes. The main bathroom has been retiled and such, but also not that exciting so I didn’t show a picture. The master bath still has the original 1955 tile, and looks pretty good. It’s just got a standup shower, which is fine, and the door on that needs to be replaced, but I know a glass guy…
It’s cute, little small, but it’s just me, how much room do I really need right? The price is right too, that’s what it’s all about. The neighborhood is nice; the people around me seem to take care of their homes, so that’s good. Also, around this area of San Lorenzo, the resale values are going through the roof. Increase in value of about 30% since 2000. Not bad…
First thing that would be done is to hide the hideous handicap ramp in the back. My dad said that putting a deck over that sucker would be no problem. Plus, we need a place to smoke and chill out, right? I’d also eventually put a fence up along the back, with an automatic gate, but those things are expensive, so that might be a while. The neighbors on either side both have up wood fences that are good, so I’d only have to do the back fence, which is also a plus!
It’s got a decent sized laundry room with cabinets above the washer/dryer. Didn’t take a picture of that, as it’s not all that exciting.
I think I will make an offer in the next few days. The latest listings have really sucked, and I really think I need to go with my initial gut reaction. I liked this house from the get-go, so might as well dive in!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Escape Artist

Well, Georgie figured out how to pry open the bathroom door (it doesn't shut right anyway) and move the gate and the chair out of the way to escape the bathroom. Luckily all she chewed up was her toy basket. Not completely, hope she doesn't start pooping wicker bits, that would be pretty gross. Doesn't look like she ate it, just shredded it. Couldn't snap a picture, as my batteries on the camera have died and I haven't gone out for more yet. But here's a pic I took of her playing in the basket. Pardon the scary devil eyes.
Glad I found a house, hopefully that will help.
However, the anxiety is setting in of taking on such a daunting task as a home all by myself, with one pretty measley salary....yes, I'm having second thoughts. It's scary and I don't know if I can stomach the bills upon bills that come with homeownership. Not to mention that my monthly rent will double, which I can afford, but again, not really much of anything else. My thoughts are to find a place with a yard, rent it for a year, then begin the home search again. I'm supposed to meet with my realtor on Wednesday afternoon to write up a contract on the house, so I have until then to backout. I'm not sure what to do. I'm just nervous to do something like this on my own.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
House Hunt
Went with my Dad and my Realtor today to look at some homes. She drove past a new listing and we decided to check it out. Glad we did, because my Dad basically tore apart the other houses that I was actually interested in. That's why I wanted him to come, he points out all the imperfections that the normal person would never notice. He loved this house and felt it was the best of them all. The first visit I was just a maybe, but we went back at the end of the day, and I really dig it. It has the potential to be a great house to entertain in, which is going to be necessary, since I won't be able to have quite the social life I am accustom to.
The house has a lot of potential, if you click on the picture, it will show a few more shots, but it really doesn't do it justice. It's got a great little courtyard area that will be great. The yard needs a ton of work, a lot of ripping out of trees and shrubs and stuff, but I really get into that once I get going. A few Monster's and I can do yard work for hours on end. Plus, I won't really be able to go out anyway, so at least there is a good amount of work to keep me occupied for a while. It's got a detached 2 car garage that is really large, plus it's got an added on area that it seems the previous owner would go hide it, has a window unit in it and a ton of book shelves. These would be taken out and that would eventually turn into the pool table room or game room, something of that nature. The large room in the pics with the tile floor is where the washer/dryer connections are, and I'd make this my office/gym. 3 large bedrooms, so there would be two spare bedrooms for friends to crash in!
Really kick ass party house potential. I did take some pics, but only a few at this place before my camera decided to run out of battery juice. So I can't upload the one's I have (sorry Jodi). It's listed a bit high, I'm going to sleep on it, think about it and we are probably going to make an offer this week. It was bought by flippers, and it's been vacant since May, so the potential to get a good knock down price is pretty good, as we have a feeling they want to get this sucker off of their hands.
Only downside is that it is a corner lot, right at Peavy and San Lorenzo, so pretty busy, but again, the benefits far outweigh that one minor annoyance.
Will keep you posted!
And hey, two blogs in one day, Georgie's staring to chill, so looks like I have a bit more time on my hands again!
The house has a lot of potential, if you click on the picture, it will show a few more shots, but it really doesn't do it justice. It's got a great little courtyard area that will be great. The yard needs a ton of work, a lot of ripping out of trees and shrubs and stuff, but I really get into that once I get going. A few Monster's and I can do yard work for hours on end. Plus, I won't really be able to go out anyway, so at least there is a good amount of work to keep me occupied for a while. It's got a detached 2 car garage that is really large, plus it's got an added on area that it seems the previous owner would go hide it, has a window unit in it and a ton of book shelves. These would be taken out and that would eventually turn into the pool table room or game room, something of that nature. The large room in the pics with the tile floor is where the washer/dryer connections are, and I'd make this my office/gym. 3 large bedrooms, so there would be two spare bedrooms for friends to crash in!
Really kick ass party house potential. I did take some pics, but only a few at this place before my camera decided to run out of battery juice. So I can't upload the one's I have (sorry Jodi). It's listed a bit high, I'm going to sleep on it, think about it and we are probably going to make an offer this week. It was bought by flippers, and it's been vacant since May, so the potential to get a good knock down price is pretty good, as we have a feeling they want to get this sucker off of their hands.
Only downside is that it is a corner lot, right at Peavy and San Lorenzo, so pretty busy, but again, the benefits far outweigh that one minor annoyance.
Will keep you posted!
And hey, two blogs in one day, Georgie's staring to chill, so looks like I have a bit more time on my hands again!
Funky Town Pic

So Sue's been posting a lot of her favorite pics lately. I have to say this is one of my favorite pics of all time. Jodi, Troy, my ex and myself, all looking so happy and carefree. It was NYE 2000, we were probably three sheets to the wind. It's actually my least favorite NYE on record, but I guess for this photo opp, I was pretending I was enjoying myself! Dave and Doris were with us, Doris now an ex of Dave's, I believe she was the one to snap this photo. This was pre-engagement/wedding for Jodi & Troy and pre-back together and engaged to now ex timeframe. Well, maybe Jodi and Troy were engaged, I don't know. I think they got engaged the following May if my memory serves me....
Oh, and why it's on here twice, I dunno, blogger sucks with pictures BIG TIME!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Tiny Terror

When you see that face, can you really resist?
I’m glad I’m taking a lot of photos to remember how cute she is. I need to look at them on a daily basis when I’m cursing and freaking out at whatever it is she has done that day. This is hard, hard work.
Do I regret it? Yeah, probably, if I had to do it all over again, I would have waited until I was in a house with a doggie door. My guilt, and her pleasure would all be much better. I feel really guilty leaving her in the bathroom all day, but what choice to I have? I’ve looked into hiring someone to come over and walk her mid-day, but jesus, it’ll cost me about $75.00 a week! Not exactly something I need to be doing while trying to buy a house, it’s a bit impractical!
She is really cute and I do love her dearly, I wouldn’t give her up for anything, I really wouldn’t. Trying to type this and have to keep checking on her to make sure she isn’t peeing or poohing somewhere in the house. FUN!
She pee’s and poops in the bathtub during the day. She didn’t take to the puppy pads at all, in fact, she just ripped them up. Which I suppose is a good thing, one less thing I have to spend money on right? My tub is clean as shit too, cuz I SCOUR it out every night when I get home. Non-dog folks will find that rather disgusting, I find it quite wonderful! At least I don’t have to clean it off of the bathroom floor, or worse her every night! It’s rather contained and simple. For you non-dog lovers, bet you won’t take showers at my house now will you? J
Guess that’s all for now, I must go give her my undivided attention OR ELSE! I promise soon I will talk about something other than Georgie, but for now, it’s pretty much all I got!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Georgie (name change)

Puppies are HARD. There is no doubt about that. Sorry I haven’t been on since I’ve gotten her, but I’ve been BUSY!
Blanca is no longer her name. It’s Georgie. That’s final. She knows it already and seems to be ok with it, and I think it’s just adorable.
So we’ve had some really good days, for the most part, she’s been pretty good. I finally didn’t come home at lunch yesterday and she didn’t destroy the bathroom, I was so excited! Well, today wasn’t the case. In my haste I didn’t snap a picture, and I so should have, my bathroom was a disaster area. I had a box of incense cones on top of the toilet that I didn’t think she could get to. I was horribly wrong. I’m talking a big ass box too. I think it had about 150 cones in it. Luckily, doesn’t seem as if she ate them, most of them were whole, and the rest were just crumbled all over my floor. All kinds of colors, it was rather psychedelic actually. She now smells really nice though, the blends of all the different varieties blended well, at least I don’t have to give her a bath any time soon!
The picture is from the first weekend, when we went over to my friend Amanda’s house and she got to terrorize Amanda’s 3-legged dog Ebby. That was fun, but after a few hours, little Miss Georgie was tuckered out, so tuckered in fact, her little cute tongue was sticking out.
How is she allowing me to blog right now you ask? Well, I opened the office window, stuck her on a chair, and she’s content to stare out the window and watch all the birds and crap in the backyard. I’m sure it won’t last long. Actually, she is now chewing on the windowsill.
It’s supposed to rain all weekend; I’m not looking forward to all the muddy paws and crap, that should be fun, fun, fun!
She’s allowed me 20 minutes, so I better be grateful and go play with her now. I’ve ignored her long enough to punish her for destroying the bathroom. I can’t resist her cuteness any longer.
I do however; need to find a house SOON. Going with my dad and the realtor this weekend to revisit 3 houses that I liked to get his opinion (he’s a carpenter, remodeler, etc) so I want to know what he thinks. Rather, what will be the least amount of work he’s going to have to do once I move in. Thank god for Dads!
Saturday, March 04, 2006

It’s 5pm. I’m still really tired. She took a good long nap when I got back from eyebrows. Unfortunately, I was at the stage of so tired I couldn’t sleep. Of course when I finally doze off, Blanca is back in action and ready to play.
We went outside and I got this one. To give you an idea of her size, she’s 6 pounds and from nose to butt she’s probably 12 inches. She’s tiny and cute.
But she’s wearing me out!
Sleep Deprevation

It’s been a rough 17 hours, since Blanca arrived. I’m exhausted. I feel like I gave birth and have a newborn in the house. I guess I do, it’s just a puppy and thank god I didn’t have to carry her in my body for 9 months!
She’s adorable, I love her, I really do, don’t get me wrong. I look forward to 9 months from now when she is a bit more under control.
She is sleeping blissfully in her crate right now. The vet recommended that I put her in when we got home, since I hadn’t done so thus far. She whined for a bit, but calmed down and quickly went to sleep. Think the activities of the morning wore her out a little, thank god!
She went pooh in the office this morning, while I was in the shower, she was pissed. She wasn’t getting any attention, so she went pooh. Never mind that we had already been outside about 4 times before I went in the shower, she peed well outside, so I assumed she wasn’t ready for another pooh. I was wrong. It’s ok though; I needed a sample for the vet (EW) anyway, so I gagged my way through gathering it up and putting it in a bag. Good news, no sign of worms, so at least it was worth it!
I’ve got to go get my eyebrows pretty again at 2pm, and I pity my neighbors if they are home, cuz I know she’ll howl until she wears herself out. It’s going to be a rough few weeks.
It’s very hard to get a good picture of her, as she is really fast and won’t really freeze like I need her to for my digi. So the first picture isn’t that great, but you get the idea. Her eyes are also not that weird blue color, I just couldn’t filter it out. Quite frankly, I’m too tired to try and mess with it.
I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday, as she is just like a newborn, in that it’s all about her, no time for me. I’m starving, I am also going to treat myself to something yummy when I leave at 1 to go get the brows done, and I deserve it.
I now have to go put my sheets back on my bed, as she soiled them last night, but it was my own fault. We fell asleep on the couch about midnight, and she woke up about 3:30, ready to play. I wasn’t, and stupidly picked her up and her bed, and put her in my bed. Yeah, real smart, she peed right away, so back to the couch for us.
Everything is clean again, so I’m going to go put the sheets back on and try and grab a power nap while I have the chance.
To be continued….
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Toe Woes

So this blog began in a Word Document. Last night, I tried to write this damned thing twice, and Blogger failed miserably, damn thing crashed out on me! My buddy Tavis in Jersey came up with the brilliant idea to type it in Word first, and then copy. What a smart guy eh?
So, let me start by telling you that I HATE feet with a passion. I mean I really dislike feet, even my own. Surprised I have been able to stomach pedicures. I don’t watch what they do usually, cuz it’ll just gross me out. My phobia comes from my father. As a small child he stepped on a rusty nail and actually got tetanus, I know, amazing, someone actually got it. We’ve been given the damned shots all our lives, there’s a good reason folks. Anyway, the outcome of this is that his toenails are totally funky. They are about ½ inch thick, and are yellow and layers can literally flake off from them. They are that thick! As a child, I remember my father cutting his toenails in his recliner with his pocketknife. Yes, he had to use a pocketknife, as regular toenail clippers just wouldn’t do the trick. It apparently screwed me up for life.
Let me also state that I realize I need a pedicure badly. My feet have been primarily in my Uggs for the last 4 months, so there was no real need to keep them up as I do in the summer. In the flip-flop season, I get my pedicures very regularly, about every 3 weeks, so give me some slack, I spend a lot of money to keep them looking as good as possible, but it just became nice. Was planning on going this weekend, but in light of my recent toe woes, it ain’t happening. I am not going to let those crazy Asian bitches touch my toe, as I believe it to be broken.
On to how this occurred…
So Tuesday night I came home, ready to put together my doggy crate. But first I needed to make room in my closet for the beanbag chair that is in my office, because that’s where Ms. Blanca will be residing while I am at work. Tile in the office, safer that way. I’d be very upset to come home and my beautiful hardwoods were soiled…plus I think my landlord would be too, and I’d probably have to pay to fix them.
Being the anal-retentive creature that I am, I realized that my closet floor was filthy, that I needed to pull everything out of it, so that I could sweep and mop. Upon beginning this task, I realized that I had a bunch of shoes that I hadn’t put on my feet in well over 3 years, so decided to bag them up and donate to the needy, which led to my dresser. Well, I never get into the bottom drawer of my dresser; because it’s full of old concert t-shirts that I can’t seem to part with and other random clothing items. I knew there were a bunch of t-shirts I was willing to part with, so here we go….
Since I never open the bottom drawer, but get into the one above it almost daily, I assumed it had the same affliction as the top, and the top sticks and is kind of hard to open. Nope, bottom drawer must’ve WD-40’ed itself, as it came flying out and smack dab right onto my big toe. I have never screamed so loud in my entire life. Glad the neighbors weren’t home at the time, they probably would have thought someone was killing me (or me killing someone else, does it matter?). Since we are on day 2 of this, I am glad to say that I don’t believe I will have the problems that Jodi and Sue do, it hit far enough back that my toenail is probably safe from falling off. Thank god, cuz that’s pretty gnarly! Sorry ladies, but toes just gross me out, and knowing that you both have missing toeanails, well it’s a small issue for me!
So the picture doesn’t really look too bad, but just take note in the fact that I’m posting a picture of my foot, this is a big step in my toe phobia recovery. Not sure if I can fully ever get over it, but you’ve got to start somewhere right? If it worsens or grows, I will be sure to post another photo. I am also saying today, that my blog needs more pictures, I am going to try and post a picture every time I blog. It could be old school pics of some of you from the past; it could be completely random, like my toilet seat. Oh, I like that, toilet seat shots, promise no turd shots, that’s just gross. You get my point. I am going to try and make my blog a more colorful place.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Super Cunt Whores Unite
Good fucking God. That explains it best. Saturday night was definitely the drunkest of the drunk nights.
After vomiting most of the day Friday, then retiring to the couch, and only being out for a few hours on Friday, Shawna was ready to party it up again Saturday night, I definitely put the party hat on and went balls to the wall. So did Sarah and Amanda...
Got to the Landing about 9ish. That's all I remember. Haha, just kidding.
Sat at Ripley's Corner (knew right then it was gonna be a good night). For those of you not yet familiar with Ripley's Corner, it is the back section of the bar, great view of the entire bar, my favorite place to sit. Someone deemed it Ripley's Corner years ago, because it's inevitable that when you sit there, some fucked up shit is going to occur. Maybe by you, maybe by your friends, but usually it's some drunken random person that plays a role in the evening's events. Well, Saturday it was just because of me and my drunk ass friends.
Of course a shot was done almost immediately, it always seems to set the tone. The tone of overindulgence on alcohol! I know we beat the shot record from Thursday night, because at 2:30am when we were getting kicked out, we thought it a good idea to go over to Bill's house to drink more. BRILLIANT!
Drunk, stupid, silly things were said. Sarah and Amanda became best friends by the end of the night, they were both really huggy. Not in a gay way boys, so don't get all excited. No lesbo love happenin' there.
Someone deemed us the Super Cunt Whores (that is in FIERCE competition with Fuckpants, don't you think?), who that was, none of us recall, so if any of you that read this were there and remember that, please clue us in. We are not mad at whoever started it, we think it's rather funny really. The only way we remembered is because Sarah made Dave text message her. We know it wasn't Dave though, he might think that, but not actually say it outloud. Or did he? Who the fuck knows.
We were Super Cunt Whores and we did unite. It's our new Super Hero Club, takes a good drunken night at the Landing to be able to join, that's initiation. My superpower would be "The Cockblocker" I am a master of all cockblocking abilities. No man is too strong for me, I will bust him down and his little cock too! Not sure about Sarah and Amanda, I'll let them give their own Super Hero Powers. Since we are the founding members, we get to choose our own, anyone new to our club, we get to pick, it's a committee based decision. Ok, so the whole superhero thing I just made up. There is no club, but I got going on a rant that I thought might amuse you, so I went with it. How'd I do? Bet you want to join...
So yeah, anyway, Bill's house I remember sitting at his kitchen table and scarfing some homemade onion dip. There was laughing, and a lot of "what the hell is happening right now, and god I'm fucked up" conversations with a few smoke breaks. Amanda hitched a ride from Cullen around 3:30, Sarah, Dave and I lasted until about 4am, like we needed to be awake at 4am...
Felt like shit again yesterday, hence the lack of the blog. Tavis, for your info, I did not say I was going to give you the rest of the weekend on Sunday. You should have known from reading the "Frank Stank" entry, that it was doubtful I was going to be up for being vertical at any point on Sunday! You are getting it now damnit! No Gloria's, it just didn't happen. Everyone that said they were joining us backed out at the last minute (big shocker) and Sarah was in deep shit with the parentals for being out until 4:30am anyway. So funny, she is 35 years old, and her parents STILL treat her like she's 15. Hell, all our parents still do that kind of shit with us, isn't that weird?
So that's all. Just got done paying bills I've avoided for a week, so I'm broke again. Get Blanca on Friday, so I won't be going out this weekend anyway. Already got her vet appointment on Saturday morning for her puppy shots. Can't wait! She's gonna drive me crazy, I just know it!
After vomiting most of the day Friday, then retiring to the couch, and only being out for a few hours on Friday, Shawna was ready to party it up again Saturday night, I definitely put the party hat on and went balls to the wall. So did Sarah and Amanda...
Got to the Landing about 9ish. That's all I remember. Haha, just kidding.
Sat at Ripley's Corner (knew right then it was gonna be a good night). For those of you not yet familiar with Ripley's Corner, it is the back section of the bar, great view of the entire bar, my favorite place to sit. Someone deemed it Ripley's Corner years ago, because it's inevitable that when you sit there, some fucked up shit is going to occur. Maybe by you, maybe by your friends, but usually it's some drunken random person that plays a role in the evening's events. Well, Saturday it was just because of me and my drunk ass friends.
Of course a shot was done almost immediately, it always seems to set the tone. The tone of overindulgence on alcohol! I know we beat the shot record from Thursday night, because at 2:30am when we were getting kicked out, we thought it a good idea to go over to Bill's house to drink more. BRILLIANT!
Drunk, stupid, silly things were said. Sarah and Amanda became best friends by the end of the night, they were both really huggy. Not in a gay way boys, so don't get all excited. No lesbo love happenin' there.
Someone deemed us the Super Cunt Whores (that is in FIERCE competition with Fuckpants, don't you think?), who that was, none of us recall, so if any of you that read this were there and remember that, please clue us in. We are not mad at whoever started it, we think it's rather funny really. The only way we remembered is because Sarah made Dave text message her. We know it wasn't Dave though, he might think that, but not actually say it outloud. Or did he? Who the fuck knows.
We were Super Cunt Whores and we did unite. It's our new Super Hero Club, takes a good drunken night at the Landing to be able to join, that's initiation. My superpower would be "The Cockblocker" I am a master of all cockblocking abilities. No man is too strong for me, I will bust him down and his little cock too! Not sure about Sarah and Amanda, I'll let them give their own Super Hero Powers. Since we are the founding members, we get to choose our own, anyone new to our club, we get to pick, it's a committee based decision. Ok, so the whole superhero thing I just made up. There is no club, but I got going on a rant that I thought might amuse you, so I went with it. How'd I do? Bet you want to join...
So yeah, anyway, Bill's house I remember sitting at his kitchen table and scarfing some homemade onion dip. There was laughing, and a lot of "what the hell is happening right now, and god I'm fucked up" conversations with a few smoke breaks. Amanda hitched a ride from Cullen around 3:30, Sarah, Dave and I lasted until about 4am, like we needed to be awake at 4am...
Felt like shit again yesterday, hence the lack of the blog. Tavis, for your info, I did not say I was going to give you the rest of the weekend on Sunday. You should have known from reading the "Frank Stank" entry, that it was doubtful I was going to be up for being vertical at any point on Sunday! You are getting it now damnit! No Gloria's, it just didn't happen. Everyone that said they were joining us backed out at the last minute (big shocker) and Sarah was in deep shit with the parentals for being out until 4:30am anyway. So funny, she is 35 years old, and her parents STILL treat her like she's 15. Hell, all our parents still do that kind of shit with us, isn't that weird?
So that's all. Just got done paying bills I've avoided for a week, so I'm broke again. Get Blanca on Friday, so I won't be going out this weekend anyway. Already got her vet appointment on Saturday morning for her puppy shots. Can't wait! She's gonna drive me crazy, I just know it!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Frank Stank
This is a mid-weekend update.
It's 6pm on Saturday evening, and I'm gearing up for a long night of drinking with Sarah.
Thursday - Day 1
Went over to Sarah's folks house for some homemade chicken and dumplings. Had dinner with the family, and headed out for a night of drinking around 9pm. Got to the Landing, it was pretty dead, Sarah and I settled in at the end of the bar and did a shot right away, just to "get the party started" so to speak. That turned into about 8 by the end of the night I believe. Dave told me the next day that by the time he showed up at 12:30am, we proclaimed to have done 4 so far. Good lord! He knows he did 3 with us, so 7 confirmed shots, added one to grow on. Many various people showed up, some she knew, some that became new best friends by the end of the night. Some choads came in wearing tuxes, typical North Dallas dudes that had been to some fancy schmancy function at the Anatole (fancy hotel) and I guess wanted to "slum it" for the rest of the evening. Who knows. All I do know is that after Mark, the chattiest of them all walked away, I proclaimed to everyone "why do I feel the urge to punch that guy in the face?" one of THOSE guys. They hung back in the pool room, no drama for an hour or so. The bartenders were annoyed with them, these are the guys that always stand in the service well, obviously in the way of the bartenders getting to tables to do their jobs, but choad guys oblivious to anyone else but themselves. At one point Mark came up, pool stick in hand and almost decapitated me with it. On accident yeah, but gave the bartenders a reason to yell at them. Let the drama begin. Big scene, I became "the girl that was their new best friend" but I, of course was on the side of the Landing. It was fun, they ended up leaving, we all got a good chuckle out of it. At this point it's probably about 1am or so, definitely no need to drink anymore, but it became the LAST HOUR to drink for the night, so I think the shots happened about every 2.3 seconds after that. It's all a blur really, I'm assuming this. Last call comes, Sarah tells me she is going to take a cab, that I don't need to drive her all the way back to her parents house. I say "oh, I'm fine, no problem" and the rest of the bar (ok, exaggeration, but close) says "oh no, you aren't driving either Shawna" I believe I giggled and probably hiccuped and said, ok, whatever you say. Luckily I was drunk enough to even realize I had no business operating heavy machinery. Dave took my drunk ass home. Thanks Dave. Sarah and Bill were standing by the door, waiting on the cab, I walked over to Sarah to see if she was alright, and she said "lkaheiou liuo wlhe psttttttttt", so yeah, she was toast. There was no deciphering her statement, she was past the point of being able to formulate words, my work for the evening was done.
Friday - Day 2
Spent the better half of the day in the toilet, it wasn't pretty folks, we reached bile stage, it was pretty bad. Sarah calls about 2:30, I stumble out of bed, yep, still in bed, and she tells me how she feels just fine. I tell her I hate her. I get my car, and hit Jack in the Box for some greasy tacos, it helped, but not much. I then stay on the couch until almost 9pm and force myself into the shower, for another night at the Landing. We make it up there about 10:30, Sarah's tired, I'm tired and still hung over. We meet Jason. I've met Jason before, he just doesn't remember. He's a nice guy and we proceed to chit chat with him and his girlfriend. Somehow Jason brings up people with funny names, and tells us about some guy named Frank Stank. I don't buy it, but we decide we love it. I have to go to the bathroom, walk in and someone had to drop Frank Stank off at the pool. Yes, a new euphemism for pooh was created by me, just then. So it's not "fuckpants" but it sure is fun to say. I get through a martini and one shot. Sarah makes it through 2 shots and a beer and a half before we decide it just ain't happening. The bars crowded, Jason's funny, but we just aren't up for him and decide to make it an early night. Pathetic, we know, but we tried. I was home by 1am.
Saturday - Day 3 - Part 1
So we are now to real time. I'm about to hop into the shower, and get ready. This is the night baby, the drinkfest that you all dream for. Hopefully I can remember it all and give you some funny things that happened, but I'm not counting on it. You can never be sure just how drunk you'll get at the Landing, but it's inevitable. Sarah and I are both disappointed with our performances from yesterday, so I have a feeling tonight might be monumental. Bills already established the after the bar closes drinkfest at his place, so it's gonna be a long one. We are supposed to go to Gloria's tomorrow for brunch/tequila, we'll see how that all shakes out.
Stay tuned...
It's 6pm on Saturday evening, and I'm gearing up for a long night of drinking with Sarah.
Thursday - Day 1
Went over to Sarah's folks house for some homemade chicken and dumplings. Had dinner with the family, and headed out for a night of drinking around 9pm. Got to the Landing, it was pretty dead, Sarah and I settled in at the end of the bar and did a shot right away, just to "get the party started" so to speak. That turned into about 8 by the end of the night I believe. Dave told me the next day that by the time he showed up at 12:30am, we proclaimed to have done 4 so far. Good lord! He knows he did 3 with us, so 7 confirmed shots, added one to grow on. Many various people showed up, some she knew, some that became new best friends by the end of the night. Some choads came in wearing tuxes, typical North Dallas dudes that had been to some fancy schmancy function at the Anatole (fancy hotel) and I guess wanted to "slum it" for the rest of the evening. Who knows. All I do know is that after Mark, the chattiest of them all walked away, I proclaimed to everyone "why do I feel the urge to punch that guy in the face?" one of THOSE guys. They hung back in the pool room, no drama for an hour or so. The bartenders were annoyed with them, these are the guys that always stand in the service well, obviously in the way of the bartenders getting to tables to do their jobs, but choad guys oblivious to anyone else but themselves. At one point Mark came up, pool stick in hand and almost decapitated me with it. On accident yeah, but gave the bartenders a reason to yell at them. Let the drama begin. Big scene, I became "the girl that was their new best friend" but I, of course was on the side of the Landing. It was fun, they ended up leaving, we all got a good chuckle out of it. At this point it's probably about 1am or so, definitely no need to drink anymore, but it became the LAST HOUR to drink for the night, so I think the shots happened about every 2.3 seconds after that. It's all a blur really, I'm assuming this. Last call comes, Sarah tells me she is going to take a cab, that I don't need to drive her all the way back to her parents house. I say "oh, I'm fine, no problem" and the rest of the bar (ok, exaggeration, but close) says "oh no, you aren't driving either Shawna" I believe I giggled and probably hiccuped and said, ok, whatever you say. Luckily I was drunk enough to even realize I had no business operating heavy machinery. Dave took my drunk ass home. Thanks Dave. Sarah and Bill were standing by the door, waiting on the cab, I walked over to Sarah to see if she was alright, and she said "lkaheiou liuo wlhe psttttttttt", so yeah, she was toast. There was no deciphering her statement, she was past the point of being able to formulate words, my work for the evening was done.
Friday - Day 2
Spent the better half of the day in the toilet, it wasn't pretty folks, we reached bile stage, it was pretty bad. Sarah calls about 2:30, I stumble out of bed, yep, still in bed, and she tells me how she feels just fine. I tell her I hate her. I get my car, and hit Jack in the Box for some greasy tacos, it helped, but not much. I then stay on the couch until almost 9pm and force myself into the shower, for another night at the Landing. We make it up there about 10:30, Sarah's tired, I'm tired and still hung over. We meet Jason. I've met Jason before, he just doesn't remember. He's a nice guy and we proceed to chit chat with him and his girlfriend. Somehow Jason brings up people with funny names, and tells us about some guy named Frank Stank. I don't buy it, but we decide we love it. I have to go to the bathroom, walk in and someone had to drop Frank Stank off at the pool. Yes, a new euphemism for pooh was created by me, just then. So it's not "fuckpants" but it sure is fun to say. I get through a martini and one shot. Sarah makes it through 2 shots and a beer and a half before we decide it just ain't happening. The bars crowded, Jason's funny, but we just aren't up for him and decide to make it an early night. Pathetic, we know, but we tried. I was home by 1am.
Saturday - Day 3 - Part 1
So we are now to real time. I'm about to hop into the shower, and get ready. This is the night baby, the drinkfest that you all dream for. Hopefully I can remember it all and give you some funny things that happened, but I'm not counting on it. You can never be sure just how drunk you'll get at the Landing, but it's inevitable. Sarah and I are both disappointed with our performances from yesterday, so I have a feeling tonight might be monumental. Bills already established the after the bar closes drinkfest at his place, so it's gonna be a long one. We are supposed to go to Gloria's tomorrow for brunch/tequila, we'll see how that all shakes out.
Stay tuned...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Blogging is hard work, you are always feeling the pressure from your beloved following of blog readers to write something interesting, interesting enough they will leave a message based on the blog you wrote. Blogging is weird, simple as that.
I have always aspired to write something great someday that people will read, possibly put on their coffee tables for guests to enjoy. Maybe in a few years time, this blog will be a book. Just a compilation of my blogs. It's probably already been done, but if not, here's the proof of the day the idea was formed. Forever on the internet, my grand idea.
The Word of Furr
Has a ring to it doesn't it? Would you look at me, shamelessly promoting my book that doesn't even exist. I'm awesome.
I'm going to blog my way to fame. Hopefully Letterman will have me on, Leno is a tard, I would turn him down, just on principle alone! Hell, maybe I'll just have my own HBO special. Man I could talk about a bunch of shit. I'm great at making fun of others, it makes me feel better about myself I guess. Nah, it's just fun. I'm sure while I'm people watching somewhere, at the same moment I am making fun of the guy with the black socks, someone will be making fun of me, for something, something that would probably make me cry.
Winning the lottery will probably come sooner than me being published, mark my words!
I have always aspired to write something great someday that people will read, possibly put on their coffee tables for guests to enjoy. Maybe in a few years time, this blog will be a book. Just a compilation of my blogs. It's probably already been done, but if not, here's the proof of the day the idea was formed. Forever on the internet, my grand idea.
The Word of Furr
Has a ring to it doesn't it? Would you look at me, shamelessly promoting my book that doesn't even exist. I'm awesome.
I'm going to blog my way to fame. Hopefully Letterman will have me on, Leno is a tard, I would turn him down, just on principle alone! Hell, maybe I'll just have my own HBO special. Man I could talk about a bunch of shit. I'm great at making fun of others, it makes me feel better about myself I guess. Nah, it's just fun. I'm sure while I'm people watching somewhere, at the same moment I am making fun of the guy with the black socks, someone will be making fun of me, for something, something that would probably make me cry.
Winning the lottery will probably come sooner than me being published, mark my words!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
It's Saturday afternoon at 1pm, and I'm a prisoner in my own home....waiting on the Dish Network installers. God love the Noon to Five schedules these companies have.
I really want some coffee, but don't have any milk. Can't leave my house for fear they will call as soon as I am in my car, driving away. Then my appointment must be rescheduled. Suppose I can just drink it black if I'm really so desperate for a cup of Joe. I drink it black sometimes anyway. Just something to bitch about really.
It's cold as fuck here. I'm a happy girl. But of course with a light drizzle, and temps in the 20's, traffic is a nightmare, there are wrecks all over Dallas today. Sure hope the Dish dudes don't use that as an excuse, or I'm gonna be one ticked off mama!
Had to deal with a work crisis this morning at 10am, of course I was awoken from my restless sleep, and had to scramble to find what was needed. Fed Ex of course is using this weather as an excuse not to deliver anything until Monday. Did check weather.com and saw that Memphis got hit pretty hard (where the hub for Fed Ex is located), so at least they have an excuse for once. Luckily I have good suppliers that will stop their lives to take care of me, and that's what they did, so all is well in the workplace again. Hopefully no more phonecalls from work. Love dealing with work on the weekends, it's awesome!
Guess I'm gonna finish my breakfast, smoke a cig and attempt to begin cleaning this filthy place, as Ms. Sarah will be here on Thursday!
That's all for now....
I really want some coffee, but don't have any milk. Can't leave my house for fear they will call as soon as I am in my car, driving away. Then my appointment must be rescheduled. Suppose I can just drink it black if I'm really so desperate for a cup of Joe. I drink it black sometimes anyway. Just something to bitch about really.
It's cold as fuck here. I'm a happy girl. But of course with a light drizzle, and temps in the 20's, traffic is a nightmare, there are wrecks all over Dallas today. Sure hope the Dish dudes don't use that as an excuse, or I'm gonna be one ticked off mama!
Had to deal with a work crisis this morning at 10am, of course I was awoken from my restless sleep, and had to scramble to find what was needed. Fed Ex of course is using this weather as an excuse not to deliver anything until Monday. Did check weather.com and saw that Memphis got hit pretty hard (where the hub for Fed Ex is located), so at least they have an excuse for once. Luckily I have good suppliers that will stop their lives to take care of me, and that's what they did, so all is well in the workplace again. Hopefully no more phonecalls from work. Love dealing with work on the weekends, it's awesome!
Guess I'm gonna finish my breakfast, smoke a cig and attempt to begin cleaning this filthy place, as Ms. Sarah will be here on Thursday!
That's all for now....
Friday, February 17, 2006
Dog House
Friday night, almost 9pm. This whole buying a house thing is really cramping my style. I really want to go out, or at least I think I do, because isn't that what a 30 year old single girl is supposed to do? How am I going to ever do that dating thing if I don't go out right? I really don't need to spend the money though. Just paid all my bills for this paycheck, and as usual, I'm broke, and I just got paid 2 days ago. Luckily my credit card (the only one I'll allow myself to use anyway) is maxed, maybe that'll help keep me in. $17 on it actually, so sad....
I'm sure I'll end up out and about in a few hours, I always do. I guess I should do it now, cuz when I sign those house papers, there will be no going out for a while. It's going to turn into a 2 times a month thing, if I'm lucky. Man, that's gonna be weird....
In the beginning it won't be so bad, because hopefully I can lure people over to see my new pad and play the whole "bring some beer cuz I'm poor" routine. Maybe some of them will be kind enough to offer up their painting services, that would rock too! Gave my dad a call the other day to tell him about my recent ventures and he offered up his services without my prompt, so that's awesome. He own's his own "fixer upper" service. He paints, remodels, fences, tiles, basically anything but electrical, plumbing and carpeting. So that's gonna be so rad, cuz I know all I'll have to do is supply the materials (and he gets a contractor's discount) and feed him, make sure his iced tea or dr. pepper is always full. He's going to save me a small fortune alone!
My goal is to make my place rad enough that people will want to hang out there, that way only going out twice a month isn't so bad, cuz the par-tay will come to me!
Over on the puppy side of my life, went tonight to Petsmart and spent almost $100 on doggy supplies, she'll be good and spoiled already! Crates are expensive by the way, who knew a bunch of wire could cost so much? Got a cute little red dog collar, tags, a chocolate brown bed that has fuzzies inside, the crate, some smell good stuff and food. Already had some brand new toys, the leash and water and food dishes. Blanca is good to go.
Yep, sticking with Blanca, from what I hear from her parents (Jr. & Mia) she sounds like a feisty mexican woman, so the name stays. Think it'll suit her fine. She will be going to doggy training, so hopefully I can calm her down a bit. Who am I kidding, when I get her she will only be 9 weeks old. She's gonna drive me BONKERS!
But I'm excited, I've never owned an actual puppy. My last dog was a rescue, and he was about 2 years old when he was adopted. He's still alive, the ex-fiance got the rights. Bastard. That was one kick ass dog, I miss Scooter, a.k.a. Puter, Le Scoot, and various other nicknames.
That's about all for now. Think I'm gonna go smoke, take a bath and shave my hairy legs, then decide if I'm going out or not. Also need to eat somewhere in there.
I'm sure I'll end up out and about in a few hours, I always do. I guess I should do it now, cuz when I sign those house papers, there will be no going out for a while. It's going to turn into a 2 times a month thing, if I'm lucky. Man, that's gonna be weird....
In the beginning it won't be so bad, because hopefully I can lure people over to see my new pad and play the whole "bring some beer cuz I'm poor" routine. Maybe some of them will be kind enough to offer up their painting services, that would rock too! Gave my dad a call the other day to tell him about my recent ventures and he offered up his services without my prompt, so that's awesome. He own's his own "fixer upper" service. He paints, remodels, fences, tiles, basically anything but electrical, plumbing and carpeting. So that's gonna be so rad, cuz I know all I'll have to do is supply the materials (and he gets a contractor's discount) and feed him, make sure his iced tea or dr. pepper is always full. He's going to save me a small fortune alone!
My goal is to make my place rad enough that people will want to hang out there, that way only going out twice a month isn't so bad, cuz the par-tay will come to me!
Over on the puppy side of my life, went tonight to Petsmart and spent almost $100 on doggy supplies, she'll be good and spoiled already! Crates are expensive by the way, who knew a bunch of wire could cost so much? Got a cute little red dog collar, tags, a chocolate brown bed that has fuzzies inside, the crate, some smell good stuff and food. Already had some brand new toys, the leash and water and food dishes. Blanca is good to go.
Yep, sticking with Blanca, from what I hear from her parents (Jr. & Mia) she sounds like a feisty mexican woman, so the name stays. Think it'll suit her fine. She will be going to doggy training, so hopefully I can calm her down a bit. Who am I kidding, when I get her she will only be 9 weeks old. She's gonna drive me BONKERS!
But I'm excited, I've never owned an actual puppy. My last dog was a rescue, and he was about 2 years old when he was adopted. He's still alive, the ex-fiance got the rights. Bastard. That was one kick ass dog, I miss Scooter, a.k.a. Puter, Le Scoot, and various other nicknames.
That's about all for now. Think I'm gonna go smoke, take a bath and shave my hairy legs, then decide if I'm going out or not. Also need to eat somewhere in there.
Monday, February 13, 2006
People Fucking Suck
So as you can see, I'm back REAL soon. I left you to go watch some Monday night TV, noticed that the record button wasn't' glowing on my Dish. Did a few things, it wasn't working, so began the long journey of talking to a technician. After he couldn't figure it out through testing, we got into the cost of having a technician come to my house. As I began my fit of "why should this cost me a dime?" I walked outside to be sure nothing was in the way of the dish or whatever, and guess what, no picture, because no satellite dish! Someone stole the god damned dish right off the side of my house! Guess it's a sign I need to move.
So this all began at 7:20pm, it's now 8:05, and I'm waiting on a supervisor because I have reached the livid stage. Not only are they telling me I have to go to a store to buy a new dish, but then it's going to cost me even more to get them to come out and reinstall it! Are you fucking kidding me??? What should be happening is that they should be setting an appointment at MY convenience and only charging me a small fee because someone STOLE it from my house.
So it's now 8:15, I never spoke to the supervisor, the girl comes back, and guess what, my livid remarks worked! Not only am I getting an upgrade, but it's all free! They are coming and doing everything on Saturday! I could have had sooner, but I can't really miss 5 hours of work over a satellite, pretty lame reason to take a 1/2 day. I'll just have to live without TV this week. So probably lots of blogging, because there's nothing else for me to do!
So what came out of evil, some good. Thank you Dish Network for fixing the problem, and stopping me from smearing your name to whoever would listen to me! 1 hour of phone time, and I got what I wanted, and more!
So this all began at 7:20pm, it's now 8:05, and I'm waiting on a supervisor because I have reached the livid stage. Not only are they telling me I have to go to a store to buy a new dish, but then it's going to cost me even more to get them to come out and reinstall it! Are you fucking kidding me??? What should be happening is that they should be setting an appointment at MY convenience and only charging me a small fee because someone STOLE it from my house.
So it's now 8:15, I never spoke to the supervisor, the girl comes back, and guess what, my livid remarks worked! Not only am I getting an upgrade, but it's all free! They are coming and doing everything on Saturday! I could have had sooner, but I can't really miss 5 hours of work over a satellite, pretty lame reason to take a 1/2 day. I'll just have to live without TV this week. So probably lots of blogging, because there's nothing else for me to do!
So what came out of evil, some good. Thank you Dish Network for fixing the problem, and stopping me from smearing your name to whoever would listen to me! 1 hour of phone time, and I got what I wanted, and more!
Yeah, like the title doesn't say it all, right? It's awful! I hate it! Well, I say I hate it, but it's hard to hate something you don't do.
Well, to give you some background on me, for those few of you who read my blog that don't actually know me....I'm 30, I'm single and it sucks. Almost got married once, a little over two years ago. He broke it off, he ended up marrying his mistress. Yeah, so needless to say, I haven't been too keen on meeting any new boys, the last one turned out to be a complete failure. Plus, I have learned a lot about myself in the last few years. I have a bit more clarity into what kind of man would suit me. At this point, I'm pretty damned certain he doesn't exist. I'm a total pain in the ass! (at least I know it, right?)
So I have been a member of match.com for quite a while. I've gone on one date from it. He was a really nice guy, different time in my life, maybe I'd have given the poor fella more than one date. Nothing really wrong with him, just felt no sexual chemistry, so figured, why bother, let the guy move on.
My philosophy is rather simple when it comes to finding a mate for myself. If there is anything that I feel "off" about him, that's it, no more, nothing, it's over. Why bother wasting my time or his, right? Well, I think I should revise it. I'm not letting any of these poor suckers have a chance! Worst case scenario, I got out on 2 or 3 more dates, and it doesn't pan into more, at least I've gotten some free meals out of it!
So with the current house hunting going on, I've realized I'm going to have to change a lot about my lifestyle to be able to afford a home. One of them being, quit spending so much money on going out to dinner and to the bar. My solution? Start dating! So this should be fun.
I hate dates with strangers. Because let's face it, that's what they are. At least with the online thing, you get a bit of a background and some pics, so it's not a blind date, but still just as excrutiating for me. Dating is so awful. You are totally not yourself. Case and point, me! I wear makeup and get dressed up for dates. That's not really me, I don't particularly care for makeup at all, it's kind of gross when you think about it (think about it) and as far as clothes, my favorite outfit is a t-shirt and one of my 12 pairs of pajama bottoms, my ex used to call it "my uniform" and it's true. When I'm at home, the first thing I do when I walk in the door is change into that, and of course rip off my bra as quick as humanly possible. Do I go out in public like that, no, but I would if my boobies weren't so big. These girls gotta be holstered, I could inflict some serious harm to someone without the over the shoulder.....
I smile a lot on dates. I am so not a smiler, never have been. My cheeks are usually hurting by the end of the night from the strain of my face being in a contorted, abnormal way. I laugh at things he might say, even I don't think they are funny, but know he was trying to be. The real Shawna would call him out on it, and say something like, yeah, no so much or something like that.
Then why not just be yourself Shawna, you are asking yourself?
Simple, I wouldn't even have to worry about saying yes or no to a second date, because he wouldn't ask! The real Shawna is kind of annoying. I know this about myself, and try not to be, but I think that's just who I am. How am I annoying? Well, I say mean things, like telling him his joke wasn't funny, I swear WAY too much, I smoke, so if we are drinking, there will be smoking whether he likes it or not, oh, and I tend to over drink (haha, I know you are all laughing there) on dates, because of the nerves, so then drunk Shawna might come out. End of story.
Man, I need to work on me, re-reading why I'm annoying, just annoyed me! HAHAHA
So on my match profile, I am pretty damned honest, I say I'm overly assertive, too aggressive and I intimidate most men, so I feel the ones who are actually emailing me, like an annoying bitch, it's what they get right? Too bad most of them are my father's age.....SO GROSS! I guess they are too old to see the part of my profile where I'm looking for men between the ages of 25-45, or they just don't care, who knows.
Sidebar: I figure 5 years younger could be fun, and 15 years older is my max, to explain my age limitations.
So let the dating adventures begin, if I can. I'll keep you posted.
Well, to give you some background on me, for those few of you who read my blog that don't actually know me....I'm 30, I'm single and it sucks. Almost got married once, a little over two years ago. He broke it off, he ended up marrying his mistress. Yeah, so needless to say, I haven't been too keen on meeting any new boys, the last one turned out to be a complete failure. Plus, I have learned a lot about myself in the last few years. I have a bit more clarity into what kind of man would suit me. At this point, I'm pretty damned certain he doesn't exist. I'm a total pain in the ass! (at least I know it, right?)
So I have been a member of match.com for quite a while. I've gone on one date from it. He was a really nice guy, different time in my life, maybe I'd have given the poor fella more than one date. Nothing really wrong with him, just felt no sexual chemistry, so figured, why bother, let the guy move on.
My philosophy is rather simple when it comes to finding a mate for myself. If there is anything that I feel "off" about him, that's it, no more, nothing, it's over. Why bother wasting my time or his, right? Well, I think I should revise it. I'm not letting any of these poor suckers have a chance! Worst case scenario, I got out on 2 or 3 more dates, and it doesn't pan into more, at least I've gotten some free meals out of it!
So with the current house hunting going on, I've realized I'm going to have to change a lot about my lifestyle to be able to afford a home. One of them being, quit spending so much money on going out to dinner and to the bar. My solution? Start dating! So this should be fun.
I hate dates with strangers. Because let's face it, that's what they are. At least with the online thing, you get a bit of a background and some pics, so it's not a blind date, but still just as excrutiating for me. Dating is so awful. You are totally not yourself. Case and point, me! I wear makeup and get dressed up for dates. That's not really me, I don't particularly care for makeup at all, it's kind of gross when you think about it (think about it) and as far as clothes, my favorite outfit is a t-shirt and one of my 12 pairs of pajama bottoms, my ex used to call it "my uniform" and it's true. When I'm at home, the first thing I do when I walk in the door is change into that, and of course rip off my bra as quick as humanly possible. Do I go out in public like that, no, but I would if my boobies weren't so big. These girls gotta be holstered, I could inflict some serious harm to someone without the over the shoulder.....
I smile a lot on dates. I am so not a smiler, never have been. My cheeks are usually hurting by the end of the night from the strain of my face being in a contorted, abnormal way. I laugh at things he might say, even I don't think they are funny, but know he was trying to be. The real Shawna would call him out on it, and say something like, yeah, no so much or something like that.
Then why not just be yourself Shawna, you are asking yourself?
Simple, I wouldn't even have to worry about saying yes or no to a second date, because he wouldn't ask! The real Shawna is kind of annoying. I know this about myself, and try not to be, but I think that's just who I am. How am I annoying? Well, I say mean things, like telling him his joke wasn't funny, I swear WAY too much, I smoke, so if we are drinking, there will be smoking whether he likes it or not, oh, and I tend to over drink (haha, I know you are all laughing there) on dates, because of the nerves, so then drunk Shawna might come out. End of story.
Man, I need to work on me, re-reading why I'm annoying, just annoyed me! HAHAHA
So on my match profile, I am pretty damned honest, I say I'm overly assertive, too aggressive and I intimidate most men, so I feel the ones who are actually emailing me, like an annoying bitch, it's what they get right? Too bad most of them are my father's age.....SO GROSS! I guess they are too old to see the part of my profile where I'm looking for men between the ages of 25-45, or they just don't care, who knows.
Sidebar: I figure 5 years younger could be fun, and 15 years older is my max, to explain my age limitations.
So let the dating adventures begin, if I can. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Where I'm at Today
I know, I know, it's been a week since I've blogged. I was getting so good too! Shame on me, but alas, life has been happening, and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write about it. So a lot has been going on, and I'm blaming it on being 30. Since October, when I turned 30, I have been thinking about a lot of big changes in my life. I'm finally starting to actually quit thinking about it, and start doing it. Some smaller than others, some pretty fucking huge!
I'm getting a puppy the first weekend in March. For now, her name is Blanca, named by her current family. I think it's cute, and fits her, since she's mostly white, with a black patch on her eye. Makes sense, right? Well, I'm reaching stress level, because I know she is going to vastly change my life, in the long run, for the better, but she is a puppy, this should be fun.
I went to the dentist and decided to get their whitening system, since I'm a pack a day smoker, my teeth aren't exactly white anymore, white as the driven snow is more like it. Would you notice? Probably not, but you don't have to live with my teeth, I do, and it was only $100, so I figured whats the harm. I picked the "system" up yesterday and just forgot to start last night, so tonight will be the first night. There could quite possibly be a blog tomorrow discussing how painful the after effects are, we'll see.
So for the biggest of all, I'm now officially house hunting. Yep, Shawna's looking to be a homeowner. Yes, I sort of owned the duplex I lived in with my ex fiance, but he bought it before we were together, it wasn't in my name or anything, so of course I got no piece of that pie, even though I spent a small fortune in fix ups and stuff for the god damned place I got no piece of. Bastard...
Anyway, I contacted a realtor, I got a decent list of homes in the area I want to be in yesterday and will be doing some "drive by's" this weekend. It's all very exciting. I've been toying with the idea for the last two years, and just Monday decided it was time to shit or get off the pot. I need this for me, I LOVED being a homeowner and doing yardwork and making it my home, I found it rather therapeutic. I need some therapy for god's sake!
So that's about it for now. This week has flown by, I've really not had much time to just sit and chill, so I'm off to watch me some Earl & Office, so I can laugh and relax.
I promise I'll blog more soon!
I'm getting a puppy the first weekend in March. For now, her name is Blanca, named by her current family. I think it's cute, and fits her, since she's mostly white, with a black patch on her eye. Makes sense, right? Well, I'm reaching stress level, because I know she is going to vastly change my life, in the long run, for the better, but she is a puppy, this should be fun.
I went to the dentist and decided to get their whitening system, since I'm a pack a day smoker, my teeth aren't exactly white anymore, white as the driven snow is more like it. Would you notice? Probably not, but you don't have to live with my teeth, I do, and it was only $100, so I figured whats the harm. I picked the "system" up yesterday and just forgot to start last night, so tonight will be the first night. There could quite possibly be a blog tomorrow discussing how painful the after effects are, we'll see.
So for the biggest of all, I'm now officially house hunting. Yep, Shawna's looking to be a homeowner. Yes, I sort of owned the duplex I lived in with my ex fiance, but he bought it before we were together, it wasn't in my name or anything, so of course I got no piece of that pie, even though I spent a small fortune in fix ups and stuff for the god damned place I got no piece of. Bastard...
Anyway, I contacted a realtor, I got a decent list of homes in the area I want to be in yesterday and will be doing some "drive by's" this weekend. It's all very exciting. I've been toying with the idea for the last two years, and just Monday decided it was time to shit or get off the pot. I need this for me, I LOVED being a homeowner and doing yardwork and making it my home, I found it rather therapeutic. I need some therapy for god's sake!
So that's about it for now. This week has flown by, I've really not had much time to just sit and chill, so I'm off to watch me some Earl & Office, so I can laugh and relax.
I promise I'll blog more soon!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
So I got drunk, so fucking what?
So I'm going to keep this short (I hope) as I have had way too many cocktails. 4 Crown on the rocks and one shot of Tuaca to be exact.
Bottom line, I'm drunk, and should not be blogging right now, but what the hell, I'm drunk, right? It's got to hold some sort of comic relief.....yeah, I'll probably read this tomorrow and delete it before any of you have read it.
Basically, here's how it goes. I went on my sobriety bandwagon last month, and since today is Feb. 1, I felt it necessary to free myself of my non-alcohol contstraints, and also that I rant about them at 10:30pm after the fact!
I had a good time, but I'm already feeling the effects of a drunk on a "school night" as I still like to call them.
I KNOW I will be hung over tomorrow, I know my body and how it works, and I will most definitely feel like shit, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind! Was it worth it? Nah, not really. I should have left after 3, I know my limit on non-hungover-ness, and I passed that point. Probably would have been ok if I hadn't done the shot, but hindsight is 20/20, right?
But there were groups of people in and out that I hadn't chatted with in a while, and a somewhat cute boy in the pool room (Amanda and Allison didn't think so, but again, I had my drunk goggles on) and just the basic excuse of drinking to excess.
Hope you enjoy my drunken rant, I'm off to attempt to watch TV, but inevitably will pass out on the couch, as I do so often. Alarm is pre-set in the bedroom, so I know I'll get up in time.....
Bottom line, I'm drunk, and should not be blogging right now, but what the hell, I'm drunk, right? It's got to hold some sort of comic relief.....yeah, I'll probably read this tomorrow and delete it before any of you have read it.
Basically, here's how it goes. I went on my sobriety bandwagon last month, and since today is Feb. 1, I felt it necessary to free myself of my non-alcohol contstraints, and also that I rant about them at 10:30pm after the fact!
I had a good time, but I'm already feeling the effects of a drunk on a "school night" as I still like to call them.
I KNOW I will be hung over tomorrow, I know my body and how it works, and I will most definitely feel like shit, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind! Was it worth it? Nah, not really. I should have left after 3, I know my limit on non-hungover-ness, and I passed that point. Probably would have been ok if I hadn't done the shot, but hindsight is 20/20, right?
But there were groups of people in and out that I hadn't chatted with in a while, and a somewhat cute boy in the pool room (Amanda and Allison didn't think so, but again, I had my drunk goggles on) and just the basic excuse of drinking to excess.
Hope you enjoy my drunken rant, I'm off to attempt to watch TV, but inevitably will pass out on the couch, as I do so often. Alarm is pre-set in the bedroom, so I know I'll get up in time.....
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Amazing Blanket
So as I was leaving work today, and in the breakroom putting on my tennis shoes to head off to another fun filled evening at the gym when a co-worker asked if I could wait a second, she needed to go get something, and that it wasn't work related. I said ok, and sat down, wondering what in the world she was doing. She came back with a present, a lovely wrapped present, and inside was the beautiful HANDMADE throw she had made for me. It was supposed to be a Christmas gift, but if you know anything about quilt making, it's a long process. I could care less! This thing is beautiful! I could not believe that she would take the time to do this for me. I'm honestly not that close to her. We've celebrated a few b-days together, but she by no means is a drinking buddy or anything. 
She had asked me a few months back if my color scheme was still red, and if I still enjoyed the color. I thought it odd, but honestly didn't think much of it. She had been to my house briefly about a year ago to pick up a work key, so that she could work over the weekend. As you can see, I love red so much, my furniture is red!
It's hard to tell from the pic, but she managed to almost match perfectly to my couch/chair/ottoman, amazing.
I gotta say, this throw is really beautiful, I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of time this thing took. The pattern on this thing is very intricate.
Very easily stated, I was shocked, and totally blown away by such a wonderful gesture. I'm taking suggestions on how I can repay her, her birthday is in the spring, March, so it's coming up, I want to do something nice for her, so let's open up the comments! No, I am not going to take up some crafty thing and make her something, I'm not very talented and way too impatient in that arena. Hell, I don't think I could even sew a button on something if I needed to. My Dad always did that stuff for me growing up!
I'm just looking for something different. She is an avid reader, obviously likes sewing and is into the whole renaissance thing. So something in those areas, but not just a gift card or something lame like that, something special and thought out, as she obviously thought this one out for me!

She had asked me a few months back if my color scheme was still red, and if I still enjoyed the color. I thought it odd, but honestly didn't think much of it. She had been to my house briefly about a year ago to pick up a work key, so that she could work over the weekend. As you can see, I love red so much, my furniture is red!
It's hard to tell from the pic, but she managed to almost match perfectly to my couch/chair/ottoman, amazing.
I gotta say, this throw is really beautiful, I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of time this thing took. The pattern on this thing is very intricate.
Very easily stated, I was shocked, and totally blown away by such a wonderful gesture. I'm taking suggestions on how I can repay her, her birthday is in the spring, March, so it's coming up, I want to do something nice for her, so let's open up the comments! No, I am not going to take up some crafty thing and make her something, I'm not very talented and way too impatient in that arena. Hell, I don't think I could even sew a button on something if I needed to. My Dad always did that stuff for me growing up!
I'm just looking for something different. She is an avid reader, obviously likes sewing and is into the whole renaissance thing. So something in those areas, but not just a gift card or something lame like that, something special and thought out, as she obviously thought this one out for me!
Monday, January 30, 2006
I'm Weak/I'm Old!
The "I'm Weak" part:
Well, I didn't make it on Saturday night. I told myself that as long as no one called (and I really assumed they wouldn't) that I would stay in. Thanks Amanda, I love ya! Amanda called right at midnight, when I should have just been getting ready for bed, but alas, I was still in a great mood, and ready to get the hell out of the house. It really didn't take too much convincing on her part to get me out.
We headed up to The Landing (big shocker eh?) and in that 1 1/2 hours I had to drink, I managed to do pretty well. 3 Crown on the rocks and 3 Tuaca shots later, I was feelin' good. Back to Amanda's w/Chris C. and Brandon to hang out. Bed finally about 5am, but of course still woke at 10:30 with only 5 or so hours sleep. Had a great time, it was totally worth it.
I'm not big into feeling guilty. Not about this anyway. As stated previously, I have learned in this month of not drinking that it really isn' t much about the booze at all, it's just being with people. I really enjoy being out and about. Ok, at The Landing, and that's about it, but it's still out right? I am a creature of habit, what can I say?
So of course Sunday was a bust. Didn't make it to the gym, didn't even make it to the shower (I know, gross huh?). I just lounged about and watched a lot of stupid TV. If you didn't know this already, The E Channel is the BEST hangover channel. You know how you tend to drift in and out of sleep when you are hungover and trying to cope? Well, E is perfect, because everything on that channel is basic crap, so if you miss something, you really aren't missing anything at all! But you do find out a lot of useless Pop Culture knowledge like why Jessica Simpson REALLY broke it off with Nick Lachey. Yeah, see, like I said, total crap.
The "I'm Old" Part
But crap like that is exaclty what I am now calling "the youngsters" at work like, it makes me still somewhat cool to know this kind of information. It surprises them. Ok, for those of you older (which aren't all of you older? tee-hee-hee) than me, I am calling "the youngsters" anyone that thinks 30 is old now. The 18-25 range. Yes, I am now officially old to them, it sucks. There is one guy there, that is now 20, at the time of this incident, I believe he was 18. He was in our communal lunch room at work, getting his large paper bag out of the refrigerator. I am talking the paper bags that they put your groceries in, not the cute small ones you can buy for school kids lunches. I was just walking through, but stopped to watch this because I was intrigued at the size of his lunch recepticle, and had to know why he needed such a large bag. He sits down, opens the bag and pulls out (and this is not an exaggeration, this really happened):
an apple
a banana
an orange
2 cans of soda
a large bag of lay's (as in the family size)
4 sandwiches
and little debbie brownies (the WHOLE box)
I started laughing hysterically, because immediately the whole Breakfast Club scene at lunch goes through my mind. He stares up at me and asks what I am laughing at. I say something along the lines of, "Oh man, it's the whole Breakfast Club thing, ya know?" and of course he stares at me blankly. We go into a conversation about what is that, oh it's a movie, blah, blah, blah. I of course feel so old immediately and ask him what year he was born. Yeah, he was born the year the movie came out, 1985....yeah, ok, so I'm only 10 years older than him, but STILL!! I mean seriously. I don't mind my age, but it's things like that, that make you feel old. Other people thinking your old, most definitely makes me feel old.
Ok, so I went to the gym tonight, came home, showered, came in here to blog this, and now I'm off to make a nice, healthy salad for dinner and watch me some 24! I love me some Keifer!
Well, I didn't make it on Saturday night. I told myself that as long as no one called (and I really assumed they wouldn't) that I would stay in. Thanks Amanda, I love ya! Amanda called right at midnight, when I should have just been getting ready for bed, but alas, I was still in a great mood, and ready to get the hell out of the house. It really didn't take too much convincing on her part to get me out.
We headed up to The Landing (big shocker eh?) and in that 1 1/2 hours I had to drink, I managed to do pretty well. 3 Crown on the rocks and 3 Tuaca shots later, I was feelin' good. Back to Amanda's w/Chris C. and Brandon to hang out. Bed finally about 5am, but of course still woke at 10:30 with only 5 or so hours sleep. Had a great time, it was totally worth it.
I'm not big into feeling guilty. Not about this anyway. As stated previously, I have learned in this month of not drinking that it really isn' t much about the booze at all, it's just being with people. I really enjoy being out and about. Ok, at The Landing, and that's about it, but it's still out right? I am a creature of habit, what can I say?
So of course Sunday was a bust. Didn't make it to the gym, didn't even make it to the shower (I know, gross huh?). I just lounged about and watched a lot of stupid TV. If you didn't know this already, The E Channel is the BEST hangover channel. You know how you tend to drift in and out of sleep when you are hungover and trying to cope? Well, E is perfect, because everything on that channel is basic crap, so if you miss something, you really aren't missing anything at all! But you do find out a lot of useless Pop Culture knowledge like why Jessica Simpson REALLY broke it off with Nick Lachey. Yeah, see, like I said, total crap.
The "I'm Old" Part
But crap like that is exaclty what I am now calling "the youngsters" at work like, it makes me still somewhat cool to know this kind of information. It surprises them. Ok, for those of you older (which aren't all of you older? tee-hee-hee) than me, I am calling "the youngsters" anyone that thinks 30 is old now. The 18-25 range. Yes, I am now officially old to them, it sucks. There is one guy there, that is now 20, at the time of this incident, I believe he was 18. He was in our communal lunch room at work, getting his large paper bag out of the refrigerator. I am talking the paper bags that they put your groceries in, not the cute small ones you can buy for school kids lunches. I was just walking through, but stopped to watch this because I was intrigued at the size of his lunch recepticle, and had to know why he needed such a large bag. He sits down, opens the bag and pulls out (and this is not an exaggeration, this really happened):
an apple
a banana
an orange
2 cans of soda
a large bag of lay's (as in the family size)
4 sandwiches
and little debbie brownies (the WHOLE box)
I started laughing hysterically, because immediately the whole Breakfast Club scene at lunch goes through my mind. He stares up at me and asks what I am laughing at. I say something along the lines of, "Oh man, it's the whole Breakfast Club thing, ya know?" and of course he stares at me blankly. We go into a conversation about what is that, oh it's a movie, blah, blah, blah. I of course feel so old immediately and ask him what year he was born. Yeah, he was born the year the movie came out, 1985....yeah, ok, so I'm only 10 years older than him, but STILL!! I mean seriously. I don't mind my age, but it's things like that, that make you feel old. Other people thinking your old, most definitely makes me feel old.
Ok, so I went to the gym tonight, came home, showered, came in here to blog this, and now I'm off to make a nice, healthy salad for dinner and watch me some 24! I love me some Keifer!
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