Man, I haven't blogged since May...that's sad. But no, I still don't have service at home, I just really miss blogging, it is fun. I am going to do my best to take time from my job every day so that I can blog some little tid-bit of something.
Let's see, what's been going on with Shawna since May. A whole hell of a lot.
Work's been insane, but we are finally slowing down now that all the holiday graphics are out of this mother-fucker. For those of you who don't know, I work for a large format printing company. I purchase all the materials, inks, boxes, basically anything we use, yes, including tape. I also do about 5 other things, but none of it most of you would understand, so no point in telling you. We do graphics for large companies, like Eddie Bauer, Johnston & Murphy, Coach, J. Jill, McDonald's, Taco Bueno and LeSportSac to name a few. Yeah, I'm a total name dropper! It's a crazy business but I'm a crazy bitch, so it suits me to a T.
Haven't really gotten much done at the house, I plan to stain and paint the main bathroom over the Thanksgiving holiday, I've decided I'm not celebrating it this year, I'm just going to stain, paint and drink heavily with Sarah, since she'll be here!
Georgie is finally not so wild and crazy anymore. She's almost 11 months old already. She managed to fuck up some shit in the new house pretty good before I finally rigged it so that she can only go into a small part of the kitchen and has full run of the backyard while I'm at work or drinking heavily with one of my partners in crime. She's awesome though, I love her to death, can't imagine life without her.
Remember that dating email? Well, I finally found a guy on Match.com that I felt like I could handle going on a date with and we've been seeing eachother for almost 3 weeks now. It's going well, but don't want to say too much, don't want to jinx it. I will say this though, it's very interesting for me. I've always dated losers (don't most women until they finally grow up and realize the "bad boy" is really a bad boy and you shouldn't date them, just fuck them?) and this guy is far from a loser. He has a great job, owns his own condo, has his own car...yeah, he's a contributing member of society! It's amazing. He's nice to me...that's also a new one for me. He compliments me, opens doors and pays for everything (I am usually the one shelling out the cash on "dates" with the men I usually date). I think I've already said too much, so I'm going to leave it at that for now.
What else? Oh, my sister Sherri and her husband Mark and my wonderful 17 year old niece Loren will be coming in for Christmas to check out the new house and see all the family here, so I'm really looking forward to that, it's going to be a lot of fun. But it's right around the corner, so I really need to get some cleaning and organizing done before they get here.
Guess that's about all for now, it's almost 6pm and I'm still at work (which is not unusual) but it's slowing down so I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I can leave and go home and sit on my couch and watch TV with Georgie. So that's what I'm gonna do.
Oh, this is a drunken picture of Jodi (my best gal) and me over Labor Day weekend at The Landing...
Labor Day?!?!?!?! Oh, yeah, that is between Memorial Day and Thanksgiving. (got my jab in)
Oh, and get some internet at home already! H&K sells DSL in Dallas.....I bet you're gonna jump all over that! The only thing worse that no internet is sucky internet.
So, the fact that you've never jumped me is a sign that I'm a nice guy?!?!?! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Tavis, I had no idea that jumping you was an option, I would have jumped you long ago...;)
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