Monday, December 04, 2006

Good Times

Well, my weekend was fantastic, don't know about the rest of you.


Went and had dinner with the boy. It went rather well. I had a list of questions (in my head, not literally, I'm not that anal) for him, and he answered every single one, before I could even ask it! So that was great! Once he was done vomiting up all the info I needed, I really had nothing to say, it was all answered to my satisfaction. So strange, to be in a relationship where my partner actually communicates openly and honestly with me. Such a breath of fresh air, really...
He had a big day of sellin' diamonds the next day, so we parted around 11pm and I headed to Addison for Jen's b-day. This is a b-day celebration with the "rich friends" so the alcohol was pouring freely and heavily. I saw the tab (cuz I always have to know, even if I'm not paying) and it was right at $500. Yeah, we drank a lot and did a lot of shots. Needless to say, I did not go home. I stayed at their house, believe I gave up about 4:30am and went to bed. I woke up about 8:30, ready for my own house and my dog, so I headed home.


Wasn't hung over, but totally worn out from drinking and only 4 hours of sleep. And interrupted sleep, as I gave up at 4:30am, they certainly did not. They tend to drink until the sun comes up and then some...
Finally got my ass off the couch around 4:30pm to take a shower. I had agreed to meet my friend Shelley at The Landing for a drink, then we headed off to dinner. There's a fairly new Mexican food restaurant in "the hood" so we went there. It's true mexican food, but in a fancier way, it was quite tasty. The $10 drinks were a bit pricey, but they certainly didn't skimp on the tequila, we were both sufficiently buzzed when we walked out. Of course we just headed right back to The Landing. The boy called, so I left around 9:45 to go over to his house for some lovin' and spent the night.


Up around 10am, the boy had to work, so I headed out with him around 11am. Went straight to the grocery store, as I had absolutely nothing to eat. Started a stew in the crock when I got home, started laundry and got dishes done, the kitchen floor mopped, the house "picked up" (this is when it appears clean, but really isn't) and did four loads of laundry. At 5pm I had to get in the shower and get ready. The boy's condo was throwing their X-mas party. Free booze was the main point of attending this. He lives in an older high-rise (probably built in the 60's) so the party consisted of us, the geriatric ward and some silly gay men running around being all Christmassy. It was amusing at least. We headed up to his place, had the stew, watched Clerks 2 (which sucks total balls, Kevin Smith is now permanently on my shit list for even making a sequel, but he made a sequel that sucked such big balls it's not even funny). Then I was put to sleep by the boy as he scratched my back.

So that's it, in a nutshell. Things are good, life is good. Heading out at 5pm today as the clips for my new Gucci's are ready as well as the other pair of cool spec's I bought.

More tomorrow. Have a good one!

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