It seems as if blogging is the way of the world now, a way to let your friends, family and complete strangers learn about your life, or listen to you rant about whatever it is you feel the need to rant about. I feel it's time to jump on the bandwagon so to speak, and tell the world about the WORD of FURR. Who knows what I'll write about, and how good it will really be. I'll let you be the judge.
That's some pretty good destruction you've got there.
I wonder if Rufus (Suz) is worse than that?
Rufus prefers money, shoes, ball caps and cell phones. Oh, and leather couches. And cars, come to think of it........and mail, especially checks. But no, no cabinets.
Yeah, I talked with my landlord last night about all my recent going's on, and she was fine with it, just told her to keep my damned deposit and we'll call it a day! Thank GOD!
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