Thursday, February 09, 2006

Where I'm at Today

I know, I know, it's been a week since I've blogged. I was getting so good too! Shame on me, but alas, life has been happening, and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write about it. So a lot has been going on, and I'm blaming it on being 30. Since October, when I turned 30, I have been thinking about a lot of big changes in my life. I'm finally starting to actually quit thinking about it, and start doing it. Some smaller than others, some pretty fucking huge!

I'm getting a puppy the first weekend in March. For now, her name is Blanca, named by her current family. I think it's cute, and fits her, since she's mostly white, with a black patch on her eye. Makes sense, right? Well, I'm reaching stress level, because I know she is going to vastly change my life, in the long run, for the better, but she is a puppy, this should be fun.

I went to the dentist and decided to get their whitening system, since I'm a pack a day smoker, my teeth aren't exactly white anymore, white as the driven snow is more like it. Would you notice? Probably not, but you don't have to live with my teeth, I do, and it was only $100, so I figured whats the harm. I picked the "system" up yesterday and just forgot to start last night, so tonight will be the first night. There could quite possibly be a blog tomorrow discussing how painful the after effects are, we'll see.

So for the biggest of all, I'm now officially house hunting. Yep, Shawna's looking to be a homeowner. Yes, I sort of owned the duplex I lived in with my ex fiance, but he bought it before we were together, it wasn't in my name or anything, so of course I got no piece of that pie, even though I spent a small fortune in fix ups and stuff for the god damned place I got no piece of. Bastard...
Anyway, I contacted a realtor, I got a decent list of homes in the area I want to be in yesterday and will be doing some "drive by's" this weekend. It's all very exciting. I've been toying with the idea for the last two years, and just Monday decided it was time to shit or get off the pot. I need this for me, I LOVED being a homeowner and doing yardwork and making it my home, I found it rather therapeutic. I need some therapy for god's sake!

So that's about it for now. This week has flown by, I've really not had much time to just sit and chill, so I'm off to watch me some Earl & Office, so I can laugh and relax.

I promise I'll blog more soon!


House of Suz said...

Although I love my dear Ruffie, he eats the Roommate's shoes on a daily basis, upsets the cat and it takes 4 vet techs and an extra fee to trim his nails. Plus I have a hard time leaving town because people won't babysit him because of all of the above.

Quit smoking once your teeth are white. That's an order.

But a house! Yea!

Thank god you finally posted. I was getting madder than a hornet.

Gnomeself Be True said...

Dog name....

As to everything else, I can only say "What Susan says!"
(She likes that about me.)

Unknown said...

Materhorn! materhorn!