Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm Weak/I'm Old!

The "I'm Weak" part:

Well, I didn't make it on Saturday night. I told myself that as long as no one called (and I really assumed they wouldn't) that I would stay in. Thanks Amanda, I love ya! Amanda called right at midnight, when I should have just been getting ready for bed, but alas, I was still in a great mood, and ready to get the hell out of the house. It really didn't take too much convincing on her part to get me out.
We headed up to The Landing (big shocker eh?) and in that 1 1/2 hours I had to drink, I managed to do pretty well. 3 Crown on the rocks and 3 Tuaca shots later, I was feelin' good. Back to Amanda's w/Chris C. and Brandon to hang out. Bed finally about 5am, but of course still woke at 10:30 with only 5 or so hours sleep. Had a great time, it was totally worth it.
I'm not big into feeling guilty. Not about this anyway. As stated previously, I have learned in this month of not drinking that it really isn' t much about the booze at all, it's just being with people. I really enjoy being out and about. Ok, at The Landing, and that's about it, but it's still out right? I am a creature of habit, what can I say?
So of course Sunday was a bust. Didn't make it to the gym, didn't even make it to the shower (I know, gross huh?). I just lounged about and watched a lot of stupid TV. If you didn't know this already, The E Channel is the BEST hangover channel. You know how you tend to drift in and out of sleep when you are hungover and trying to cope? Well, E is perfect, because everything on that channel is basic crap, so if you miss something, you really aren't missing anything at all! But you do find out a lot of useless Pop Culture knowledge like why Jessica Simpson REALLY broke it off with Nick Lachey. Yeah, see, like I said, total crap.

The "I'm Old" Part

But crap like that is exaclty what I am now calling "the youngsters" at work like, it makes me still somewhat cool to know this kind of information. It surprises them. Ok, for those of you older (which aren't all of you older? tee-hee-hee) than me, I am calling "the youngsters" anyone that thinks 30 is old now. The 18-25 range. Yes, I am now officially old to them, it sucks. There is one guy there, that is now 20, at the time of this incident, I believe he was 18. He was in our communal lunch room at work, getting his large paper bag out of the refrigerator. I am talking the paper bags that they put your groceries in, not the cute small ones you can buy for school kids lunches. I was just walking through, but stopped to watch this because I was intrigued at the size of his lunch recepticle, and had to know why he needed such a large bag. He sits down, opens the bag and pulls out (and this is not an exaggeration, this really happened):

an apple
a banana
an orange
2 cans of soda
a large bag of lay's (as in the family size)
4 sandwiches
and little debbie brownies (the WHOLE box)

I started laughing hysterically, because immediately the whole Breakfast Club scene at lunch goes through my mind. He stares up at me and asks what I am laughing at. I say something along the lines of, "Oh man, it's the whole Breakfast Club thing, ya know?" and of course he stares at me blankly. We go into a conversation about what is that, oh it's a movie, blah, blah, blah. I of course feel so old immediately and ask him what year he was born. Yeah, he was born the year the movie came out, 1985....yeah, ok, so I'm only 10 years older than him, but STILL!! I mean seriously. I don't mind my age, but it's things like that, that make you feel old. Other people thinking your old, most definitely makes me feel old.

Ok, so I went to the gym tonight, came home, showered, came in here to blog this, and now I'm off to make a nice, healthy salad for dinner and watch me some 24! I love me some Keifer!


House of Suz said...

Great post! A recap:

No matter how much younger you are then everyone you hang out with, you're still old to someone, somewhere.

I don't care why Jessica broke up with Nick. I'm looking into nursing homes now.

If you can eat that laundry list of food for lunch and not weigh 500 lbs, you are either on drugs or young. Or both.

You may be 30 today, but tomorrow you'll be 45. Seize the day.

Unknown said...

Whatever. We are still. like, the coolest fuckin' chicks in the universe. Thirty Shmirty.