Wednesday, November 22, 2006

6 Weird Things about Shawna

Well, since Sue "tagged" me, I guess I'm going to play this game, it's a fun one anyway. I'm supposed to "tag" 6 other bloggers, but I don't know that many, so if anyone out there wants to play, more power to ya! Dave, Jodi & Sarah need to play. At least I got 1/2 of what I was supposed to!

6 Weird Things about me:

1. I like orange flavored things, but do not like eating oranges. I also like eating grapes (both red and green), but do not like grape flavored things.

2. I type things out all the time, when not at a keyboard. If I watch TV I will type w/my fingers whatever the actors are saying. I also do this in meetings at work when I'm bored, and various other times.

3. I can pooh anywhere. Well, not ANYWHERE, but I don't have the affliction of "I must pooh in my bathroom and only my bathroom" if I gotta go, I gotta go. I might even make you pull over at a gas station, when it's time, it's time. I've been known to make people do that!

4. I think having a baby is disgusting. It literally feeds off of your body for 9 months. Like a parasite. Ick. One of the many reasons I do not plan to be a breeder.

5. I enjoy cleaning. I am anal-retentive, but still, I enjoy dusting, washing dishes, doing laundry, all that stuff, I always have. I also MUST make my bed every morning before I leave, if I come home to an unmade bed, I feel "off", I will make the bed before I get into it.

6. I love to drink to get drunk. This doesn't seem odd, except I almost always throw up (it's gotten better over the years, but still...) why would I continue to do this to myself when I know it is almost inevitable that I will puke?


Gnomeself Be True said...

1-Not that strange.
2-Pretty darn strange.
3-Not that strange.
4-Pretty darn strange (but what do I know).
5-They have meds for that strange.
6-Not that strange if you're in college and away from home for the first time.

Anonymous said...

I heard that you really love a good moist foot massage followed by a lovely thai peanut curry.

Ahhhh, that joke will never get old. For me.

Shawna said...

Yeah, yeah Tavis, I guess #7 would be I hate the word moist and #8 would be that I do not think that anything but desserts should have nuts in them

House of Suz said...

I thought you were a freak. Now I knew.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Yeah, mine are weird. But that keyboard thing...hmmm...I'm thinking too much Texas heat there girl! Ha ha.

Unknown said...

i never knew the keyboard thing. you are a freak!

Shawna said...

Jodi, I have told you that before, you either weren't listening to me, were smoking something, or drunk off your ass, there's no telling...I've been doing the typing thing since 7th grade. Maybe that's why I can type about 120wpm...