Friday, December 01, 2006


Yes, that is for Thank God it's Fucking Friday!

This has been one hell of a week. With combating my bronchitis, dealing with the boy and the bad weather, I am so glad that it's Friday.

I did talk with the boy last night and got some honest answers to my problems, and we are meeting tonight for dinner to discuss further. I'll make my decision then if I really want to break it off or not. My initial reaction is to run for the hills, but if every guy I ever met did that to me, I'd still be a virgin! hahaha I'm going to try and be mature and hear him out and decide if I am ready to deal with the issues/problems he has.

Then I'm off to celebrate Jen's 32nd b-day. We are going to Humperdinks again, so I get to drink out of the Penis Tower once again. I have a feeling I'll be staying at the "rich folks" house again, as they tend to overindulge. Haven't decided if the boy is invited or not, depends on how the dinner goes. I know he works tomorrow, so he may be out, which is fine with me! I don't need no stinkin' man!

Saturday I plan to sleep in (wherever that may be) then get my ass motivated to clean up my filthy house. It is so gross right now it's not even funny. For those of you who know how anal I am, please, trust me on this. The kitchen floor has muddy dog prints all over it, dishes are STACKED in the sink, even on the counters, there is dog hair all over the place, I need to do laundry, change sheets, clean both bathrooms that are filthy and yeah, just get rid of all the grime. I think some of you would actually be shocked if you walked in my house right now.

Saturday night I'm heading out on the town w/my gal Shelley. We are gonna go have a nice dinner somewhere then probably get hammer-time at The Landing as usual. Even if we try and venture out and go to a different bar, we'll end up at The Landing, it always ends up that way!

Sunday I'll probably be horizontal on the couch and watching bad Sunday afternoon TV. Probably hit the grocery store and make something yummy and warm. Maybe some chicken and dumplings or a stew or that it's finally gotten cold, it's time for the comfort food.

I really need to start thinking about X-mas too. It's only 2 1/2 weeks until my family from San Diego gets here. I'm so excited but need to do a lot of stuff. Shit, just writing about it now is stressing me out. Shit. Shit. Shit!

Ok, off to write up a list of all the things I need for that....

Have a good weekend all!

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