So it seems as if I will more than likely be a homeowner on April 27th. That’s right, a mere 2 weeks from now. I think I may puke!
It’s the house in the previous blog; they took my offer, no changes, so that’s good. I’m just sitting here now thinking of the 10 million things I need to do before then. As most of you know, I’m quite anal, and am a “planner” so this sudden quick disruption is really freaking me out! It’ll all come together, there’s just a lot to do before now and then.
I’ve got the big strappin’ dudes lined up that will move all my crap, even got a free truck that’s as big as the largest U-Haul you can rent, which is cool. One of my vendors offered up their shipping truck to me, which is awesome, they just saved me about $150 precious dollars.
Inspection is on Saturday, so unless they just tear the place up, we’ll be moving right along. I’m already pre-approved on my loan, so that’s just a matter of signing a bunch of crap. Need to call my current landlady and let her know that she’s got 30 days and I’m gone. I’ve been here for 2 years and 5 months. Only signed a 13-month lease when I moved in, she never came back with paperwork, and I never spoke of it! Hehe I’ll be nice and give her 30 days though, and offer to post an ad on Craigslist, which is an awesome site if you aren’t familiar.
Packing….oh packing. I’m actually rather good at it, I was just looking around the house and I have a lot more crap that I thought I did. I’ll probably pack up all the crap I don’t use on a regular basis this weekend. Yes, I’m that sure this deal is done, and trying to get going. 2 weeks really isn’t much time, if you really think about it.
I have to buy a refrigerator too. That is an appliance I have never purchased. I will measure the fridge area on Saturday at the inspection, so I can go shopping for one on Sunday. Home Depot here I come! God I love that place. I will be spending an awful lot of time there soon. I’m hoping that there’s some teenage kid on the block that will mow the yard for $20 so I don’t have to immediately spend money on a lawnmower too! But I’ve got a fat limit on my card at the HD, so if I have to buy one, so be it.
My mind is full of crap right now. I’m going to cut it short, because I need to make a list of all the stuff to do.
Have you experienced the Home Depot "turn around" yet? That's where you're positive you have everything you need for a project then when you get ass deep, you have to turn around and go back to Home Depot for the thing you forgot, or didn't know you need.
Oh my yes. My ex and I had a duplex together, and he wasn't all that "handy" with the fixing up of things, I did better than he. But yes, isn't it a given if you are doing a home project that you go to "The HD" at least 2-3 times in one day?
Hey, buy a rebuilt fridge! It may be harvest yellow but it'll last you a few years. That's what we did when we bought the house in Dallas and that puppy stayed after we left. $250 fridge lasted at least the 6 years we were there.
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