Monday, December 18, 2006

Tis the drink too much

MAN. This was one rager of a weekend, and mostly by accident. Friday night was not an accident, I was on a mission and I more than succeeded. Yes, there was a cab involved to take my overly intoxicated ass home, so don't you worry your pretty little head's, I was responsible this time!

I am REALLY tired today. The new boy and I were up until almost 3am, getting "acquainted" with eachother. As you know, cuz I've been blogging about it, I've been sick, so we have only seen eachother on the weekend's the last few weeks. Last weekend I was still sick, so the lovin' was minimal. We made up for lost time last night. My whole body is a good way...and I should not be telling you all this, but oh well. Those of you who know me know that if Shawna is getting some lovin', it's a good thing for all! :)

I'm gonna leave it at that. Just watching the clock slowly tick away at this point, ready for this day to be over. I still need to do about a billion things before the family gets here, but it ain't happenin' tonight, the rest of the week will be the mad dash to get it all done, I'll stress about it tomorrow.


House of Suz said...

Are you having a (black and) blue Christmas?

Anonymous said...

I think the boy is white isn't he?

Shawna said...

suz - no bruising, we are both professionals...don't need scars!

tav - yes, he is white, but why would you ask that?