Tuesday, November 28, 2006

99.5% of the Population is Retarded

Yes folks, I really do think that. The biggest retard on hand right now is a guy I work with. He amazes me with the amount of retardedness he exudes. It is rather monumental really. He has to be retarded quite frankly, because that is the only way his behavior can be excused, hell, even explained.

I am not going to get into why I find him so utterly retarded, just trust me on this one. He is, plain and simple, and I want to stab him in his eye with my black ball point pen on a daily basis. I don't care that he has a wife and two kids, quite honestly, the guy has got to go.

He hired on here about 8 months ago, and I was warned by a very good friend that he was retarded. My friend Carl actually had to work w/the guy for the last several years, it was just a small world thing that we figured it all out. Carl was right, he's a retard and I want him gone. I actually think Carl did a little dance when he found out he was finally going to be rid of this utter moron. Wait, retard is the word I've been using, I'll stick with it.

I know you all are thinking, wow, retard is such an un-PC word to use. Well I don't give a fuck! He again, HAS to be retarded. Maybe my bosses felt sorry for his retardedness, and gave him a job, because they felt bad, I'm not really sure. I know I didn't get to interview the retard, because I would have seen it right away. Hell, I figured it out his first day, I can't be quoted, but I'm pretty sure I said to a few people, "ya know, I think that guy is a retard." No joke.

What utterly irks me to no end is that he was hired on to HELP me in my job, take care of some things that I really didn't have the time, and quite honestly shouldn't have been doing. Again, can't get into logistics, because if my work ever finds this blog, hopefully they won't figure out who I am talking about. Hell, he still works here, so they are obviously totally clueless to the extraordinary amount of retardation this guy has. So since he has a penis, that automatically means he makes at least 10% more annually that I do. See why I am so pissed? I work my ass off, half the time fixing his retarded mistakes, reminding him of what the fuck his job is and continually asking over and over again for the same fucking things. Fire the retard, double my salary and they'd have the most bad-ass bitch in the history of this company working for them.

Plain and simple, apparently it pays to be retarded. I'm gonna go suck my thumb and wipe shit on the walls, maybe I'll get a raise.


House of Suz said...

Start calling the tard Corky.

Shawna said...

I already do, inside my head...

Unknown said...

That last sentence made me giggle snort.

Shawna said...

Yeah, that was the best part of the whole rant, I began laughing hysterically when I wrote it!