When you see that face, can you really resist?
I’m glad I’m taking a lot of photos to remember how cute she is. I need to look at them on a daily basis when I’m cursing and freaking out at whatever it is she has done that day. This is hard, hard work.
Do I regret it? Yeah, probably, if I had to do it all over again, I would have waited until I was in a house with a doggie door. My guilt, and her pleasure would all be much better. I feel really guilty leaving her in the bathroom all day, but what choice to I have? I’ve looked into hiring someone to come over and walk her mid-day, but jesus, it’ll cost me about $75.00 a week! Not exactly something I need to be doing while trying to buy a house, it’s a bit impractical!
She is really cute and I do love her dearly, I wouldn’t give her up for anything, I really wouldn’t. Trying to type this and have to keep checking on her to make sure she isn’t peeing or poohing somewhere in the house. FUN!
She pee’s and poops in the bathtub during the day. She didn’t take to the puppy pads at all, in fact, she just ripped them up. Which I suppose is a good thing, one less thing I have to spend money on right? My tub is clean as shit too, cuz I SCOUR it out every night when I get home. Non-dog folks will find that rather disgusting, I find it quite wonderful! At least I don’t have to clean it off of the bathroom floor, or worse her every night! It’s rather contained and simple. For you non-dog lovers, bet you won’t take showers at my house now will you? J
Guess that’s all for now, I must go give her my undivided attention OR ELSE! I promise soon I will talk about something other than Georgie, but for now, it’s pretty much all I got!
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