Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So I got drunk, so fucking what?

So I'm going to keep this short (I hope) as I have had way too many cocktails. 4 Crown on the rocks and one shot of Tuaca to be exact.
Bottom line, I'm drunk, and should not be blogging right now, but what the hell, I'm drunk, right? It's got to hold some sort of comic relief.....yeah, I'll probably read this tomorrow and delete it before any of you have read it.
Basically, here's how it goes. I went on my sobriety bandwagon last month, and since today is Feb. 1, I felt it necessary to free myself of my non-alcohol contstraints, and also that I rant about them at 10:30pm after the fact!
I had a good time, but I'm already feeling the effects of a drunk on a "school night" as I still like to call them.
I KNOW I will be hung over tomorrow, I know my body and how it works, and I will most definitely feel like shit, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind! Was it worth it? Nah, not really. I should have left after 3, I know my limit on non-hungover-ness, and I passed that point. Probably would have been ok if I hadn't done the shot, but hindsight is 20/20, right?
But there were groups of people in and out that I hadn't chatted with in a while, and a somewhat cute boy in the pool room (Amanda and Allison didn't think so, but again, I had my drunk goggles on) and just the basic excuse of drinking to excess.
Hope you enjoy my drunken rant, I'm off to attempt to watch TV, but inevitably will pass out on the couch, as I do so often. Alarm is pre-set in the bedroom, so I know I'll get up in time.....


Unknown said...

wow, that blog was fairly coherent considering the amount of alcohol in your system. If I had attempted to blog whilst under the influence of the same # of drinks, it would look something like this.
"Fukin drunk tonight.n cute boiy atbar. no one understanfoids, must watch tv now, hungy, wish i had tavo bell. umph."
Of course, that isn't all that different from a normal post, huh?

Unknown said...
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Shawna said...

Believe it or not, I escaped a huge hangover. I did drink about a gallon of water and took ibuprofen before bed, so maybe that helped. Sometimes I don't get 'em. It's weird. Makes no sense. I am however, very tired. After reviewing my blog, I agree w/Jodi, I seem pretty coherent in the blog, so no deletion necessary!

Anonymous said...

As long as there wasn't someone around like me who likes mudbaths to take advantage... sounds like a fun night!

House of Suz said...

Man, we were on the same wavelength last night. The Monk and I went out and I always hate for the evening to end so I kept ordering more. So today, a wine hangover. Fun.

Good for you for not having the same fate.