Monday, December 11, 2006

Job Schmob

So I haven't blogged in quite a while. Few things going on, that I wanted answers on before I decided to share. The suspense of it all was killing me, and I didn't want anyone else to fret.


On Wednesday night about 6pm a co-worker and I decided it would be funny to turn another co-workers desk around. We put everything back on it, the way it was, but his desk was backwards. Harmless prank you ask? Most definitely. Well, we thought so.

So on Thursday the guy who we played the prank on didn't say a word to anyone. He was walking around, looking at people weird, obviously trying to figure out who did it. Unbeknownst to all of us, he had already run to my boss to "tattle" about it. I guess my boss did not find it funny in the least. I didn't realize this until about 1:30pm when I got back from lunch and my boss asked that I come in his office and close the door.

He said, "Shawna, I know you are friends with everyone here, and have a pulse on the going's on here, do you have any idea who turned his desk around?" I laughed and said yeah, that I had done it. Let the F-Bombs begin. Let me first say that my boss rarely uses the work fuck (very much different from me, as most of you know) so when it comes out, you are in some serious fucking shit. And I was. He told me that he would "deal with me" on Monday, as he was out of the office on Friday.

So basically I have spent the last four days freaking the fuck out, thinking I was going to lose my job over a silly prank. Luckily that did not happen. About 1:30 today he called me in, gave me a stern "talking to" and all is well again. That is until I fuck something up again I suppose.

Bottom line, we used to be able to laugh and joke around and something like that would not have been a big deal, it would have been hilarious. No fun at my company anymore. I get to be serious all the fucking time. This sucks balls. Big, hairy, stinkin' balls.

I have decided that once the holiday's are over, I will finally get Internet access at home and see what is out there, I think it might be time to move on. It's very sad to say, because for the most part, I love coming here. I love most of my co-workers (other than the retard, but I think we all know that by now) and would hate to not get to work with them anymore.

What once used to be a great place to work is turning into a cold, prison-like place, and that's just not for me. I am in a very high stress field, and if we aren't allowed to joke around every now and again, then I might be found dead on my desk from a heart attack at the young age of 31, and that just sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest you start your own company called Shawna's bitchslaps; you'll specialise in bitchslapping retards in the workforce. You could have varying levels of bitchslaps available, even surprise bitchslap-o-grams on retards birthdays!