Monday, April 30, 2007

Three Bars BBQ

Well, back and alive from Muensterfest! Had a fabulous time! We really kicked it into high gear this year and got all fancy and made t-shirts, a banner and koozies for the event. We looked totally professional (little do they know).

So that's the backside of the RV we rented, it was totally PIMP. Nicest one we've had yet. We borrow the "chef's" brothers RV as well, but that's not enough for the amount of people that stay, next year we are thinking we'll need another, as we felt bad for the people who did not claim a spot early enough and had to sleep outside!

We actually do have a purpose for going to this event, it's the BBQ contest. One of the guys here is quite the chef when it comes to smoking up some good ole Texas BBQ, and man, his ribs are the best ribs I have ever eaten in my life, no joke!

There he is, slaving away at making us some ribs and brisket. The poor guy didn't sleep at all, we got out on Friday afternoon, he finally slept after the competition around midnight on Saturday night. He got 3rd place in ribs, out of 71 entries. I'd say that's pretty fucking awesome! I actually sat down and was a judge for the rib contest. No, we did not have to try 71 kinds of ribs, they broke it down, I got to try 16 different ones. Didn't get his, as I know them well, so it wasn't fixed!

We also created the "White Trash Yard Art" contest, the first annual, and this is what won:

Let me first say that yes, this is a BRAND NEW TOILET. It's not used at all. So what this is, is a Jager Bomb making machine. They bolted it to a pallet, put a motor/pump inside the tank along with a 1/2 gallon bottle of Jager. There is a car battery that gives it power. Inside the toilet bowl is cans of Monster Energy Drink, and of course iced down. The spigot at the top is where the Jager comes out of, just flush the toilet and there's your Jager! Let's just say it got plenty of use!

Here's a picture of most of the main "crew" that was there from Friday to Sunday. This was taken Saturday evening, after we had won the 3rd place prize for ribs! As you can see, we all have on our "matchy matchy" Three Bars BBQ t-shirts!

I only had one mishap, on Friday night, after playing with the toilet contraption too much, I was sitting in a chair, and moved it slightly, apparently my reflexes were NOT cat-like, and I fell over, according to one account, "It was totally slow motion and none of us could get off our asses to help you!" So I have a nice bruise on my left forearm. Looks like I got in a fight and lost terribly. Funny thing is, I didn't even notice it until Saturday evening, standing at the judges tent, waiting on the awards! It's a big one though, about 4 inches long, about 2 inches wide, and today it's a lovely shade of purple and green!

So we went through 70 pounds of brisket, 25 racks of ribs, 6 chickens, god knows how much sausage, plus an assortment of side items. If I told you the amount of alcohol we went through, you'd call the authorities on me! Let's just say it was a good amount!

Lots of fun was had, we drank, we ate, we were merry! I can't wait for next year! Oh, and Three Bars BBQ came from the fact that our company logo has three bars in it...if anyone was wondering!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Muensterfest Begins....

Well, only at the office for a few more minutes, I'm off to the Muensterfest celebration! Ready to get my drink on!

Everyone have a great weekend, I'll have an overview of the weekend craziness on Monday!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Indians Invented Chewing Gum!

So I grew up on a farm in far Southern Oregon, Ruch, Oregon to be exact. It's about 30 miles from the California border, closest major city is Medford, Oregon. We raised chickens and pigs. I'll talk about them some more, on some other post. Today we are going to discuss chopping wood for the winter.

So our farm was small, it wasn't how my parent's made a living, it was just a side job for us, to make a little extra money, selling the chickens and pigs to friends and neighbors once the meat was processed. I believe we had about 7 acres of land, at least 4 of those acres being the side of a mountain. We moved out there when I was in 3rd grade, so I was 8 years old.

The first fall we were there, my dad decided that we had no need to buy a cord of wood anymore, we had plenty of trees on our property to cut down! I was 8 mind you, so my help was minimal in this task. My sisters were 15 and 13, so they got stuck with the hard stuff. My oldest sister had a guy friend named Terry, that my dad just loved. You know, he was the guy that your parents WANTED you to be with, but it just wasn't like that for my sister, he was just a good friend. Well, Terry was there too, helping my dad with the wood chopping at hand.

Terry and my dad walked up the side of a mountain a ways, to find a good tree to chop down. Apparently while they were up there, they plotted a little scheme to trick my sister. So Pacific Madrone was a tree my dad liked to use for burning, I guess it burned well, I don't really know. But the interesting thing about these trees is that when freshly cut, the bark will peel off of the tree really easy, almost like you are peeling an orange.

So Dad and Terry are on the mountain side, cutting down a madrone, and chopping it into smaller pieces and rolling these down the hill, to us, three girls at the bottom. I know, REAL safe eh? No one has ever accused my father of being a rocket scientist! So we're dodging and weaving these chunks of wood as they are flying down the hill, and bark is going everywhere, as it peels so darned easy.

Dad and Terry come down after they are done, to help us out, down at the bottom of the hill. This is when my dad goes into his story:

"So, (to oldest sister) you know there used to be Indians all over Oregon back in the day right? Well, they really loved madrone wood, because of all the purposes it served them. They used every part of the tree when they cut it down, even the bark!"

*so me and the middle sister are watching my dad, and can tell he's making this up, we give eachother a knowing look and proceed to join along in the fun*

So the oldest sister is buying this hook line and sinker, and of course asks what all they used the bark for.

"Well, Terry, correct me if I'm wrong, but they used it to make shields, canoe's and even chewing gum, did you know the Indians actually invented chewing gum?"

*I am 8 years old and realize what my dad is doing, he's going to get oldest sister to actually put the fucking bark in her mouth and chew on it!*

Oldest sister looks at middle sister and myself and we give her the "yeah, it's true" look. She bites, literally, she takes a piece of bark and puts it in her mouth.

We all explode into laughter, as we can't hold it back anymore, it's just too funny! Of course she spits it out immediately and is all embarrassed and stuff. The poor oldest sister always got the brunt of the jokes, as she wasn't as quick witted as me and the middle sister back then. We were in Oregon after all, think she bought way too many bags of weed from the hippies!

One of my fondest memories of my childhood, I still laugh about it to this day! There are more of course, I don't just have ONE memory, I'll write about them some more in the future. It's been fun to write this, so expect more!

p.s. the cocaine post yesterday was NOT intended to be funny, or promote it's use, it really was meant to make you realize how STUPID it is, so if I have any readers who are still using this stupid shit, STOP!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What Cocaine Can Do

Back when I was a Senior in High School, way back in '93 (haha) I had definitely reached the height of my experimentation with drugs. My best girl Jodi was already out of school, as she is a year ahead of me. At the time, she was dating this guy named Eric Jones. Eric was known as quite the bad boy. Lots of drugs, alcohol and jail. That's pretty much what his life was (and probably still is).

Well of course we thought he was cool, I mean, he could buy us beer and get really good drugs! I, at this point had tried marijuana and acid. I liked both of them a lot. I had yet to try cocaine, which they were really getting into at this time. Jodi of course, had joined the bandwagon, as she was his girlfriend after all.

This is about the first time I tried cocaine. It was a weird night, it was a school night for me. Jodi and Eric got into a big fight, as he wanted to go to the bar, and we obviously couldn't. If my memory serves me, he was even going with some random chic, and obviously, that didn't make Jodi happy. We were at his house, as they had just scored a bunch of coke and the plan was to party! I was planning on drinking (vodka and oj) and smoking some pot, but had no intentions on trying "the cocaine".

Well, after a bunch of yelling and screaming, Eric left anyway. What he forgot, was his cocaine. Jodi, myself and one of his roommates (can't remember his name) were the only one's left at the house, with an entire 8-ball of coke (that's quite a bit of coke for 3 people). I decided to try it. At first I said no, I just watched them, how they did it, watched what happened to them, and of course I finally succumbed to the enticement of it all.

Let me also say that I think peer pressure is complete and utter bullshit. Everything I've done or tried is because I WANTED to. Everyone has a mind of their own, sure some kids can be rather pushy, but if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. There was no peer pressure involved in my decision to try it. And for those of you who have used cocaine, if someone doesn't want any, that's good, it's more for the rest of them! I just wanted to, I had to know what it was like.

So I did my line, and can remember that feeling to this day. It's a feeling of complete and total immortality. Like you can do anything, to anyone, anywhere, like you were a Super Hero. What I realized 15 seconds later, is that it went away as quickly as it came, and you spend the rest of your time chasing that short, 15 seconds of bliss. I think after that 15 seconds I said something along the lines of, "give me more, NOW!" Yeah, yay....(sarcasm)

So the good part of the story is when I had to go home. I think my dad said I could stay out until 11pm, as I had to go to school the next day. Well, I get home, high as a kite, little drunk and completely unaware of anything. I remember laying in my bed most of the night, wanting the feeling to go away, and not being able to do anything about it.

Well, I guess I finally fell asleep at some point, because the next thing I know, I've got my dad SCREAMING at me, throwing a roll of paper towels at me and telling me to clean up my mess. Apparently vodka and oj doesn't go so well with coke. I had thrown up right next to my bed, a big ole pile of orange. Pretty gross. So I'm all confused and discombobulated, and begin to clean it up. He goes away, but of course is still yelling profanities through the house. What happens next, I to this day, have no idea why....

So the next thing I know, I'm ripping clothes off the hangers in my closet and putting them inside of Rolling Stone Magazine and throwing them out of my bedroom door yelling, "You happy Dad? ARE YOU HAPPY? I am on the YEARBOOK staff, NOT the NEWSPAPER, this edition is going to suck, I don't know SHIT about the newspaper!!!!" Yeah, um....wha? I think I was still high on the cocaine, don't you? He stopped dead in his tracks and said something along the lines of, "I have no idea what you and Jodi took last night, but you are NOT going to school, finish cleaning up the puke and get your ass back in bed and sleep off whatever the hell it is you are on!"

So at least I got out of going to school!

Monday, April 23, 2007

"D" is for Dandy

No, no, his name is not Dandy, that would just be weird!

We had a great time this weekend, it was nice to finally get to spend some quality alone time together. I took him to Zoo Music yesterday so he could geek out on some musical equipment, alas Zoo Music doesn't really cater to a bass player, as he told me their selection was kinda small. What do I know about music stores? Nada!

His music is amazing, I got to hear some of his samples of stuff he has created on his computer. He is really into the electronic music (not techno, like actual music made from a computer) and let me tell you, my ears liked what I heard. Very interesting and could definitely be used in movies or TV. I don't know if it bothered him, or he liked it, but I listened to each one, and made up a little story about a TV or movie scene that I thought it would fit into. Either he finds me amusing or annoying!

He also told me he wrote a song for me. I have not heard it yet, as he wrote it for an acoustic guitar, and that is one instrument he does not have right now. He said it was in the same vein as Tenacious D, so I of course asked if it was dirty and funny. He told me it was funny and sweet, so I guess he made it so the family could hear it one day! I'm looking forward to hearing it. He said once he gets the guitar, he wants to practice it, so when I hear it, it's right! He also said he's never written a song for a girl before, so whether or not it's true, I bought it hook, line and sinker! I asked about that again later in person, and he said he really never has. I believe him.

Wow, that's a sentence you don't see me write often. "I believe him." Yay for me! Yes folks, I know I was all excited about the last boy, but you saw after 3 weeks there was some drama going on. This is different, I PROMISE!

I will also promise that my blogs won't always be about "D", but I'm sure there will be some, just deal with it!

So yeah, I had another fun weekend. Can't wait to see him again, although it will be a week or so, as he's busy with school and I'm off to Muensterfest this weekend. My friend Felicia in Denton is going to get Sergio and Georgie on Wednesday, so I'll probably go up to Denton after work Monday to pick her up, maybe stop by "D"'s beforehand, that is, if he will deal with cleaning up the cat hair for me.

He's got 3 cats, and I'm totally allergic. If that's the only thing he's got against him, I can handle that. As long as I don't touch them and the house has minimal cat hair I'm fine. I'm sure Jodi can give him some "cleaning the house for Shawna's arrival" tips, as she's got to do it every time, as she's got 3 of her own! Benedryl is also a lifesaver for me when the cats are around. Being high on Benedryl isn't gay either!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Things That Are Not Gay

I really don't have much to write about, and I was going through the archives of Conti as he is one funny mother, and decided to steal a blog idea from him, can it really be stealing if you post their blog and say that you are taking an idea? I mean, I didn't get his permission or anything, but he seems like a cool enough guy to take it as a compliment.

Things that are not gay:
(please note, "gay" in this context means "sucky", not to get the gay right people all up in arms, it's a term that I've used for years, and always get in trouble by those such people, I love gay people, have plenty of gay friends, it's just a term, don't get bent out of shape)

"D" - he's most definitely not gay
Waking up without an alarm clock doing it for you (sleeping in)
Porn - unless you are watching gay porn, then of course it's gay
Crown Royal - nectar of the god's
Tuaca - ok, some of you think it's a gay shot, but I likey
Smoking Cigarettes - until May 1st, which is my quit date
Gansta movies - seriously, how can whacking people be gay
LOST - if you aren't a cult follower YOU are gay
Me - even though my sisters thought I was about 8 years ago (ok, in this context, I actually mean GAY)
Floating in the lake with a life vest diaper and drinking beer
Muenster Fest - next weekend, woo hoo
Pedicures - it feels too good to be gay
Steak - as long as you eat it Medium Rare, otherwise it's totally gay
Men's pajama bottoms - not the matching tops though, that will make them gay
Being the Director of Communications for a bad-ass company
Making out in trucks with guys named "D" - so awesome
Cleaning out your ears with Q-tips
Georgie - my D-O-double G
Blogging - as long as it's funny and shit, not informative
Monster Energy Drink - the blue version is the only one that's not gay
Skydiving - I need to do that again soon
Nappy Headed Ho's - I had to go there, a little late in the game, but still funny

I think I'll leave it at that. It's almost 4:30 here, think I'm gonna make like a baby and head out soon, as it's 4/20 and I'm going to the Mexicans house for dinner and some 4/20 fun.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Jodi!

Today is my best pal's birthday. Her birthday has had some interesting things happen on this particular day over the years, here's a few of them for ya:

1995 - Oklahoma City Bombings
1993 - David Koresh and the Branch Davidians go down in flames
1987 - The Simpsons make their debut on The Tracey Ullman Show
1961 - The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba ends in failure
1943 - A swiss chemist deliberately takes LSD for the first time
1938 - NBC begins regular television broadcasts
1927 - Mae West is sentenced to 10 days in jail for obscenity for her play Sex
1904 - Much of Toronto, Ontario, Canada is destroyed by fire

Those are the events I find interesting that happened on her day of birth. Obviously, she is not ancient, so a lot of the events on this list happened before she was even a twinkle in her parent's eyes, but it's interesting stuff.

Here's some cool famous people that share her birth day:

Maria Sharapova - Russian tennis player
Hayden Christensen - actor
Kate Hudson - actress
Jesse James - custom motorcycle builder, TV personality
Ashley Judd - actress
Suge Knight - dead rap producer
Paloma Picasso - daughter of Pablo Picasso (this is weird, Pablo and I share a birth day)
Tim Curry - british actor
Dudley Moore - actor (I used to have weird dreams about him all the time)
Jayne Mansfield - actress

Here's some famous people who died on her birth day:

Charles Darwin - died 1882
David Koresh - but we know that from above, died 1993

So this blog is in honor of Jodi, my best pal in the whole wide world! In just a few short months she will be living in Shreveport, only a short 3 hour drive!

Happy Birthday Jodi, I love you like a sister!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well, last night I had my first "official" date with the new boy. He will now be referred to as "D". We met up at a Mexican joint in Flower Mound, as that's about the 1/2 way mark for the both of us.

Had a nice dinner, a couple of fish bowl margaritas and headed outside for a little makeout session in his truck! So felt like a teenager! Was waiting for the cops to show up and shine their spotlight in the fogged up windows of the truck! That didn't happen, I will say I was a little disappointed! hahaha

So yeah, things are going well in my book, we have good conversations and he's a GREAT kisser! Oh yeah, and he's really handsome and stuff too!

However, I did make the error of giving him my blog info, so he's read up. He made note last night that I seemed to really like the last new boy, and that it went downhill rather quickly. He's right, it did, but I'll explain a little better now.

With the last guy, it had been a long time since I'd been in any semblance of a relationship. I WANTED it to be great, I WANTED to like him. I don't think I ever really liked him all that much to be honest. I tried to make something out of nothing, which luckily I figured that out eventually and got the hell outta there! He still calls from time to time, I just don't answer the phone, especially since it's usually a drunk dial in the wee hours of the morning on a school night, so I'm usually in bed anyway (makes it a lot easier to ignore).

With D it's a completely different feeling. One I haven't had in probably 10 years. Hopefully that won't scare him away, but it's true! I've always been a big fan of the honesty, so there you have it. He makes me smile, he makes me feel like he actually cares what I'm saying, and actually retains the information. He's genuinely a nice guy and that's also a nice change of pace. Well, at least I think he's a good guy, if not, he's one hell of a pretender! I don't really know how to explain how I feel about this budding relationship, but I'm so happy it's happening!

Stay tuned!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tornados, Tokes & Tickles

This weekend was crazy, it went from crazy bad, to crazy awesome!


Big storms talked about all week long by our meteorologists here in the North Texas area. I decided to leave at 5:30pm on Friday, as the storms were nearing and supposed to have hail, high winds and possible tornado's. Wanted to get home, get my car under the carport and get Georgie inside. Glad I went home....

I got home about 6:15 and got the car situated in the back under the carport, got the dog inside and settled down to watch the TV to see what was up. Well, about 7:15, when my favorite weather guy is telling me that a possible tornado "hook" is about 2 miles from my house, and my TV goes black. I stand at my huge 9' x 6' picture window and notice that it's eerily still, that the 50 MPH winds have died and it's silent (this is a sure sign that a tornado is about to destroy your home, hence "calm before the storm").

I freak, I grab the dog, grab the Crackberry and run into my bathroom and sit in the tub. Shakily, I find my Dad's number and call him, crying like a little bitch, freaking the fuck out! My Dad would usually be laughing at me, asking why I was "being a baby" but he could hear the true fear in my voice and didn't give me crap. Which was a really pleasant change for once. Luckily these storms were moving at like 40MPH, so it was over in a matter of minutes. However, it took my Dad several more minutes to convince me that I could actually get out of the tub. I was still crying like a little bitch.

So a few minutes later the TV comes back on, and within minutes, I'm seeing footage of houses with roofs partially ripped off only 3 blocks from my house! So yeah, I might have been crying like a little bitch, but apparently I had good reason to! I am just grateful that me and the dog are alive and safe.

So Saturday I got up and got ready to head up to Denton for Fry Street Fair. I arrived in Denton around noon and of course the party started pretty much immediately. This event is put on by The Delta Lodge, a frat in Denton. Now, those of you who know me, know that I think the whole frat/sorority thing is a bunch of crap, but trust me, the Delta Lodge is not your typical frat. They are quite the crazy bunch, bunch of hippy pot smokin fools, so as you can see, I fit into that crowd just fine! hahaha

Well, because we are with Delta Lodge people, we get the special purple armband hook up and get to drink free beer all day! Yay! We didn't get out there until about 2:30pm, as it was really fucking cold and windy on Saturday. My friend's band was playing at 6pm, and surprisingly, most of the people I was with have never seen Joint Method, but read up on them, and everyone wanted to see them! So as soon as Joint Method played we were OUT OF THERE, time to get inside and rewarm our bodies!

We headed back over to Felicia's house and hung out for a while. A bar in Denton called Dan's Silverleaf has a customer appreciation night once a year and does a free crawfish boil, since we were all about the free, we decided to head up there around 8, to chow down on some crawfish, potatoes, corn and sausage.

Well, I had been chatting with "the new boy" most of the week, trying to convince him to come out on Saturday, even though I knew he had an important paper to write. I was victorious! He met up with us at the bar. Luckily, I somehow managed to not be completely wasted, not sure how, since it all started at noon, but I was buzzed, don't get me wrong!

So initial reaction was great, he looked like his pictures (actually better to be honest with you) and I was pleased as punch! He didn't seem uncomfortable with the situation and we seemed to hit it off almost immediately.

Well, the group was ready to go back to Felicia's house and drink beer and smoke over there, I had driven. Luckily, lots of cars, as I thought it would be good for me and "the new boy" to hang back and have some private conversation and then head to her house a little while later. That didn't work out so well, as Denton is a small town and a bunch of people he knew as well showed up and chatted us up. It was actually ok though, very comfortable and easy.

He ended up coming back to Felicia's house. We got back to her house around 11:30 or so (I think). We spent some alone-time in her backyard. He serenaded me some Tenacious D, which if you know who they are, you might think is odd, but not I, I loved it! He is a music theorist, so is also very musically inclined. Felicia's soon to be ex actually is a colleague of his (but we don't hold it against him, it's not his fault) so there is a piano and an electric organ at Felicia's. "The new boy" began playing. That was it for me, smitten I was. Don't know what it is about musicians, but big, big turn-on in my book! Love me some musically inclined men!

Yes, for those of you who are dying right about now, I got a little make-out session started! I think I pretty much told him that I was about to jump him, god I am so subtle! It was very, very nice and I am very, very happy about it. That is all I'm telling you! No, I did not give it up, for those of you who are wondering! Not that I really care if you think I did, but I didn't!

(this is all approved for viewing per "the new boy" I gave him the blog site, so he knows what's up, hopefully I won't scare him away! hahaha)

We are meeting tomorrow night for dinner. I'm excited to see him again.

Sunday was a crazy day, I finally got home and settled about 6pm. I am watching Felicia's dog for two weeks until she moves back to Denton, so she doesn't have to take him from Austin to Denton 50 times. Georgie is loving it, not so sure about Sergio though. He's a pug/dachshund mix, he's adorable!

So even though Friday was probably the most terrified I have ever been in my life, Saturday and Sunday most definitely cancelled that out! Life is just dandy!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Chee Chee Chee Haa Haa Haa

Yes folks, it's Friday the 13th! The title of this post is supposed to mimic the sounds from the Jason music from the popular movies, it's the closest I could get, did anyone actually pick up on that?

I decided to google the date, and see what came up, this is the one thing that really got me:

Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they are simply unable to get out of bed when Friday the 13th rolls around. The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that more than 17 million people are affected by a fear of this day. Despite that, representatives for both Delta and Continental Airlines say that their airlines don't suffer from any noticeable drop in travel on those Fridays.

Seriously? 17 million people are paralyzed with fear over a stupid date? Come on. I swear to god, this world and all the psychiatrists and shit making up these stupid non-existent "conditions". It's a fucking superstition, that's it!

I personally love the day, I know something fucked up with happen, hopefully not to me, but whatever, it's just a DAY.

I wonder what kind of meds those people get.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jewelry Box

Let's take a trip down memory lane. Well, you are getting my memories obviously.

Christmas 2004, San Diego, CA

Both of my sisters live in San Diego. The middle sister's in-law's are mostly up in the L.A. area. They are Catholic (I love me some Catholics) and always spend Christmas at my brother-in-laws father's house. This year was no exception.

We drove up to Redondo Beach on Christmas Eve. Time spent with this family is always a guaranteed good time. Someone will more than likely get really drunk and do something or say something stupid. This year was no exception.

So it's me, my sister, her sister-in-law, and the sister-in-law's mother. We are sitting out on the patio drinking Chardonnay and enjoying the weather. Mind you, this sister-in-law is already known as the "wild one" and is always inserting foot into mouth, or just being obnoxious in general, she actually makes me look tame.

But, it was her mother that really gave it her all this particular year. So we are chit chatting and the SIA (sister-in-law, as I'm tired of typing that out) asks her mother to tell us about her recent hospital woes.

So she does. Mind you, this woman is easily in her 70's, cute little frail woman, nicely dressed with her old lady jewelry just a shinin. What came out of her mouth next is something I never in a million years could DREAM to make up, so I am swearing to you all now, this is true.

She got an infection in her hand and had to have 3 of her fingers removed. As you can imagine, this was pretty traumatic, and the SIA's mom was not happy about it at all. She ended up having to stay in a hospice type facility as she needed constant care. Apparently she's heard horror stories about staff at these places and decides to take matters into her own hands.

She's got some nice jewelry, she shows us, let's us see it up close and personal. A diamond ring that's been in her family for years, yada, yada, yada. She then proceeds to tell us how she took off all her jewelry and puts it in her "vagina" so that the staff could not steal it from her. Yes, she said vagina, no joke. She did not remove the jewelry until she was out of the hospital and knew it was safe.

Brings a whole new meaning to Jewelry Box doesn't it?

Yeah, I believe I started choking on the Chardonnay I had to my lips, as I certainly did not expect those words to come from her mouth. Yeah, she really did it. She put her goods into her goods for protection!

Thought you all would find that amusing. I know I still chuckle about it all the time.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Festivals ARE Fun

So I have two coming up.

Fry Street Fair - April 14

Which is this weekend, and I haven't been since probably '98. I am probably way too old for this, and will regret the Sunday hangover terribly, but it sure will be fun, trying to keep up with the 20-somethings there. Their site sucks, it sucks big time. Last week, the dumb-asses at the Delta Lodge forgot to renew their site with GoDaddy, so it was down. At least they put the bong down long enough to renew, as I'm sure there were a lot of pissed off people.

The best part, is that I actually KNOW one of the bands in it this year. Joint Method. I am friends with one of the guys. Good stuff. Lots of fun, excited to see them in action.

Muenster Fest - April 27 - 29

This is an event that I went to two years ago with my now employers. This is a ridiculous display of "how much can we drink in 3 days" and we all do our bestest to win that title. I am scared, very scared. I got into a Crown Royal drinking contest at the last one, and I lost miserably. At least that's what I'm told. I remember it being midnight, then it being 7am and me needing to get out of the top bunk of the RV in a bad way, as I needed to hurl whatever was left in my stomach. It wasn't much.

We will be "camping out" for this event. Camping out means RV's, a hotel rental so we can shower and pooh properly (plenty of port-a-potties) so it's not really camping. I think I am the ONLY one who actually attended the event 2 years ago, it was hot, and I needed a hat.

We camp next to the grounds, and BBQ all weekend. Well, one guy BBQ's and we eat it as soon as we can.

My memories of this event will be hazy at best.

So that's what I have coming up. Hopefully I'll have some good stories for ya.

OH, I also have a date on Wednesday with a new boy from, we'll see. He seems normal, but so did the last one....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


This is a fun one. VE started this, and I'm going to play along, as I know how it feels to only have a few faithful readers!

Stranded on a deserted island, and you have these things...

One iPod song?
I like Sue do not actually own an iPod, I want one, so I'll still pick a song. I'm not going with obvious oceanic theme songs, I truly would have to live with the song forever. God, this is harder than I thought.
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

One DVD?
This is also difficult, as there are several movies I could actually watch over and over again.
Good Fellas - it's my favorite of all time

One book?
I'm going to have to go a bit obvious here, but I'll pick
Lord of the Flies - it really is a great book, and like Sue, I may get some insight just in case anyone else gets stranded with me, or there are some natives on the island, that just aren't appearing yet (yes, had to throw a LOST reference in there)

One type of drink?
Easy, if I gotta be stranded, I want to be drunk as hell so I don't care!
Crown Royal Reserve - on the rocks

One kind of meal?
Always said this was my dying wish meal, so it should be good enough for here
Filet Minon-medium rare, baked potato - loaded, steamed asparagus & Caesar salad

One dessert?
I'm not really a dessert person either, but I'm stranded, so I'll eat it!
Chocolate Sheet Cake

One toiletry item?
This isn't hard at all

One photograph?
I'd have to say any of the multitude of pics of me with my sisters and their children.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fe, Rain, Animals, BAD

Struggling for things to write about, so I'll tell someone else's story.

Texas got some ridiculous rain last Thursday and Friday and my newly rediscovered friend Felicia was caught in the mess. We went to Scurry-Rosser High School together, when I first moved to Texas in 1989 (she also knows Jodi) and we lost touch about 12 years ago, she found Jodi on myspace and through Jodi found me!

She currently is working/living in Austin, but owns a home in Denton. She was coming up to Denton (which is just north of Dallas) on Thursday evening to get some weekend things taken care of at her house. I left work early on Thursday, as there was a huge storm coming our way, and I didn't want the dog or myself caught in it. When I got home, I instantly turned into a 65 year old man, as I turned on TWC (The Weather Channel) and proceeded to watch for the next 45 minutes. About 10pm, after it had gone over me, I texted Felicia, and I realized she told me she was driving up, and was hoping she decided not to. She drove...

The drive from Austin to Dallas is about 3 hours (200 miles), it's on a major highway and is usually just fine. Not this night. Felicia said they were dead stopped on the highway near Hillsboro (about 70 miles from Dallas) for at least an hour, then the traffic finally started moving. She noticed that everyone was getting into one lane, so she followed. She didn't get far. The water was up over the highway, and her low to the ground Saturn couldn't handle it. It stalled out and then the water began to pour in. Mind you, she has her cat in a cat crate and her dog Sergio (Georgie's boyfriend, they make out) in the car with her, along with her laptop and other things.

She said that big ole trucks with their lift kits were cruising on by, while her arms were flailing outside of the car and she screamed for help. Finally some dude in a truck stops and says, "well what do you want me to do?" Are you kidding me??? God, people are so DENSE in the south, I swear! Actually, people are dense everywhere, don't need to get the hate comments going again about the south! So she gets into the back of his truck (yeah, guess he was THAT big of a jerk and didn't want her all wet in his cab) and he drives her to a hotel, so she can get someone to come and get her.

Crazy! When you hear about flash flooding, that's EXACTLY what happens. It's just unusual that it happened on a major highway like that, usually it happens in neighborhoods and such, the highways SHOULD be designed to have enough drainage to stop this sort of nightmare.

But everyone survived (except the car) as you can imagine, the animals were a bit traumatized, but nothing a little time won't heal. Felicia is fine, although I doubt she'll make that trip again when it's raining!

Let this be a lesson to you all!