I'm going out w/the new boy tonight, so I know there will probably be a hangover involved in my Saturday morning, so coming to work really won't happen. At least I have a viable excuse right?
Other than that, I got a whole lotta nothing today. I guess I need to sit down and think of things interesting to blog about. Oh SHIT, I almost forgot, had the weirdest dream the night before last:
So I was leaving work w/a fellow co-worker when I got a page that I needed to attend a employee meeting, I looked at my co-worker and told him he needed to go too, if it's an employee meeting, we should both be there right? Well, in my "dream world" Meisel was about 10 times the size it is now (we have about 70 employees), so we walked into this huge auditorium and of course were the last one's there. We had to sit in seats right next to the stage, along a wall. In walks Oprah, yes Oprah Winfrey. This is not odd to anyone, apparently Oprah owns Meisel in this dream. She looks over at us and asks my co-worker who he is, he tells her and she looks down at a clipboard, looks up at my and says "You are Shawna Furr right?" and I tell her yes ma'am, I certainly am. She then asks why in the hell did I tell him to come to the meeting, if she wanted him there, she would have had him paged! I just look at her weird, and she proceeds to tell me I'm fired in front of the entire company. Again, why everyone else but this one co-worker got to attend the meeting is beside me, I have no clue, but she fires my ass. Fucking Oprah fired me. I say whatever and walk out and tell her I'm going to go talk to George, he'll fix it all (George is the REAL owner of Meisel). So I walk up to his office, tell him the above and he just says "Shawna, I'm sorry, but it's fucking Oprah, she totally cancels me out, I guess you'll have to go!"
Fuck Oprah and her stupid ass shit, I think I'll stop watching her now...
Here's a cute pic of my nie

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