Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Monday, April 24, 2006

Doggies & Hizzies

So posting the shots of what Georgie has done to my bathroom, just to give you an idea….yeah, just gonna waive that whole deposit thing and call it a day. I do love her dearly though, she’s grown on me rather steadily the last 2 months. I can’t believe I’ve only had her that long. On Sunday, it’s her 4 month birthday!

Moving is going forward, got a lot done yesterday. Too hung over on Saturday to function as a real human, so slacked off pretty bad. But once I get going, there’s no stopping me, so I was very successful yesterday and got a lot done (yes, I stayed home Sat. night as to make sure to be productive). About to the point where I can’t pack anything else, so I’d say I’m doing well.

I’ve transferred most things, just have phone and water left to do. The City of Dallas of course operates about 2 hours a day (ok, slight exaggeration) so I keep forgetting to call during the day, the only time they are open to do all that crap. I’ll do it tomorrow. Phone I might do tonight if I feel like it, but I just got done doing a bunch of other transfers, so I’m kinda done for the day. I say 2 a day is enough.

Went after work today and purchased my refrigerator, man, they are expensive! But, I got what I want, and hopefully it’ll run for the next 20 years, so I don’t have to freak about spending $1100 on a stupid thing that keeps your food cold. I got a deal too! It was 20% off marked price, so I’m feelin’ rather snazzy on that. What I’ve always wanted, a side by side with an icemaker and water on the front. Growing up as a kid, I always envied those friends who had that fridge. Now I have one! YIPEE!

Gonna keep it short, Georgie is going nuts because I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t got the time to play with her much. She’s sitting in my lap now, making it very difficult to type. Gonna go play w/the pooch!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

More on the hizzy

So sorry faithful readers, I know it’s been forever since I’ve blogged. But for those of you who have purchased a home in your lifetime, you know how CRAZY it is! Man, I’m on sensory overload, SERIOUSLY!
I close one week from today, on the 27th. Taking that day and the next off, to get everything in order, and the big move is on the 29th. I’ve finally reached excited stage! Everyone around has been saying I haven’t seemed all that excited, which I wasn’t, because it wasn’t REAL. But as of yesterday, the option period was over; the mortgage had been agreed upon, insurance gained, so it’s a go. Now I just have to sign my life away in one week, but other than that, I’m perfect!
Adding some more pics that I took on the day of the inspection, so you can get some more perspective on my pad. I really think it’s going to be really bitchin’ once all of my things are in it. I feel I have cool things…nope, I know I have cool things. Hehehe
Going to keep it short, because I am desperately trying to rent out the apartment above me (I’ve been helping my landlord take calls and show it for extra cash) and also trying to sell mine off too, so maybe the landlord will be cool and not get all mad at me and shit. Not that she has a right to, as I have no lease, but I’m trying to work it so I don’t have to pay through the 20th of next month, since I’ll technically be out by the 30th. She will however need a week or so to do repairs, since Georgie has pretty much eaten the entire bathroom (no deposit back for me), it’s so trashed, it’s not even funny. I’ll post some pics of that next blog!Ta-ta for now!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

She's all growed up!

So it seems as if I will more than likely be a homeowner on April 27th. That’s right, a mere 2 weeks from now. I think I may puke!

It’s the house in the previous blog; they took my offer, no changes, so that’s good. I’m just sitting here now thinking of the 10 million things I need to do before then. As most of you know, I’m quite anal, and am a “planner” so this sudden quick disruption is really freaking me out! It’ll all come together, there’s just a lot to do before now and then.

I’ve got the big strappin’ dudes lined up that will move all my crap, even got a free truck that’s as big as the largest U-Haul you can rent, which is cool. One of my vendors offered up their shipping truck to me, which is awesome, they just saved me about $150 precious dollars.

Inspection is on Saturday, so unless they just tear the place up, we’ll be moving right along. I’m already pre-approved on my loan, so that’s just a matter of signing a bunch of crap. Need to call my current landlady and let her know that she’s got 30 days and I’m gone. I’ve been here for 2 years and 5 months. Only signed a 13-month lease when I moved in, she never came back with paperwork, and I never spoke of it! Hehe I’ll be nice and give her 30 days though, and offer to post an ad on Craigslist, which is an awesome site if you aren’t familiar.

Packing….oh packing. I’m actually rather good at it, I was just looking around the house and I have a lot more crap that I thought I did. I’ll probably pack up all the crap I don’t use on a regular basis this weekend. Yes, I’m that sure this deal is done, and trying to get going. 2 weeks really isn’t much time, if you really think about it.

I have to buy a refrigerator too. That is an appliance I have never purchased. I will measure the fridge area on Saturday at the inspection, so I can go shopping for one on Sunday. Home Depot here I come! God I love that place. I will be spending an awful lot of time there soon. I’m hoping that there’s some teenage kid on the block that will mow the yard for $20 so I don’t have to immediately spend money on a lawnmower too! But I’ve got a fat limit on my card at the HD, so if I have to buy one, so be it.

My mind is full of crap right now. I’m going to cut it short, because I need to make a list of all the stuff to do.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Onto New Houses

So the house I made an offer on didn’t go through. The seller is basically a total moron and wouldn’t budge on price (even though their listing said they would consider any offer) so that’s a no-go. These pics are from another house on San Lorenzo, actually the first house I looked at when this started. It was also bought by flippers, and been on the market quite a while. The garage has been converted into a huge room, which I would eventually make into a game room. Pool table baby! Wanna come over and hang out now don’t ya?
I’d make one of the rooms my office, one my bedroom, then the final one being the guest bedroom. Didn’t show pics of the bedrooms, because they aren’t all that exciting. Brand new carpet in the bedrooms, game room and hallways. Not a big fan of carpet, but its brand new, light beige, so it’s not horrific. There are hardwoods underneath. My thought is to wait 4-5 years until the new carpet has seen better days, and then refinish the floors. Time to save some dough so it’s not quite so painful when that day comes. The main bathroom has been retiled and such, but also not that exciting so I didn’t show a picture. The master bath still has the original 1955 tile, and looks pretty good. It’s just got a standup shower, which is fine, and the door on that needs to be replaced, but I know a glass guy…
It’s cute, little small, but it’s just me, how much room do I really need right? The price is right too, that’s what it’s all about. The neighborhood is nice; the people around me seem to take care of their homes, so that’s good. Also, around this area of San Lorenzo, the resale values are going through the roof. Increase in value of about 30% since 2000. Not bad…
First thing that would be done is to hide the hideous handicap ramp in the back. My dad said that putting a deck over that sucker would be no problem. Plus, we need a place to smoke and chill out, right? I’d also eventually put a fence up along the back, with an automatic gate, but those things are expensive, so that might be a while. The neighbors on either side both have up wood fences that are good, so I’d only have to do the back fence, which is also a plus!
It’s got a decent sized laundry room with cabinets above the washer/dryer. Didn’t take a picture of that, as it’s not all that exciting.
I think I will make an offer in the next few days. The latest listings have really sucked, and I really think I need to go with my initial gut reaction. I liked this house from the get-go, so might as well dive in!