Monday, February 27, 2006

Super Cunt Whores Unite

Good fucking God. That explains it best. Saturday night was definitely the drunkest of the drunk nights.
After vomiting most of the day Friday, then retiring to the couch, and only being out for a few hours on Friday, Shawna was ready to party it up again Saturday night, I definitely put the party hat on and went balls to the wall. So did Sarah and Amanda...
Got to the Landing about 9ish. That's all I remember. Haha, just kidding.
Sat at Ripley's Corner (knew right then it was gonna be a good night). For those of you not yet familiar with Ripley's Corner, it is the back section of the bar, great view of the entire bar, my favorite place to sit. Someone deemed it Ripley's Corner years ago, because it's inevitable that when you sit there, some fucked up shit is going to occur. Maybe by you, maybe by your friends, but usually it's some drunken random person that plays a role in the evening's events. Well, Saturday it was just because of me and my drunk ass friends.
Of course a shot was done almost immediately, it always seems to set the tone. The tone of overindulgence on alcohol! I know we beat the shot record from Thursday night, because at 2:30am when we were getting kicked out, we thought it a good idea to go over to Bill's house to drink more. BRILLIANT!
Drunk, stupid, silly things were said. Sarah and Amanda became best friends by the end of the night, they were both really huggy. Not in a gay way boys, so don't get all excited. No lesbo love happenin' there.
Someone deemed us the Super Cunt Whores (that is in FIERCE competition with Fuckpants, don't you think?), who that was, none of us recall, so if any of you that read this were there and remember that, please clue us in. We are not mad at whoever started it, we think it's rather funny really. The only way we remembered is because Sarah made Dave text message her. We know it wasn't Dave though, he might think that, but not actually say it outloud. Or did he? Who the fuck knows.

We were Super Cunt Whores and we did unite. It's our new Super Hero Club, takes a good drunken night at the Landing to be able to join, that's initiation. My superpower would be "The Cockblocker" I am a master of all cockblocking abilities. No man is too strong for me, I will bust him down and his little cock too! Not sure about Sarah and Amanda, I'll let them give their own Super Hero Powers. Since we are the founding members, we get to choose our own, anyone new to our club, we get to pick, it's a committee based decision. Ok, so the whole superhero thing I just made up. There is no club, but I got going on a rant that I thought might amuse you, so I went with it. How'd I do? Bet you want to join...

So yeah, anyway, Bill's house I remember sitting at his kitchen table and scarfing some homemade onion dip. There was laughing, and a lot of "what the hell is happening right now, and god I'm fucked up" conversations with a few smoke breaks. Amanda hitched a ride from Cullen around 3:30, Sarah, Dave and I lasted until about 4am, like we needed to be awake at 4am...

Felt like shit again yesterday, hence the lack of the blog. Tavis, for your info, I did not say I was going to give you the rest of the weekend on Sunday. You should have known from reading the "Frank Stank" entry, that it was doubtful I was going to be up for being vertical at any point on Sunday! You are getting it now damnit! No Gloria's, it just didn't happen. Everyone that said they were joining us backed out at the last minute (big shocker) and Sarah was in deep shit with the parentals for being out until 4:30am anyway. So funny, she is 35 years old, and her parents STILL treat her like she's 15. Hell, all our parents still do that kind of shit with us, isn't that weird?

So that's all. Just got done paying bills I've avoided for a week, so I'm broke again. Get Blanca on Friday, so I won't be going out this weekend anyway. Already got her vet appointment on Saturday morning for her puppy shots. Can't wait! She's gonna drive me crazy, I just know it!


Shawna said...

Come on, what else did you expect me to use?!?! Amanda doesn't remember it AT ALL, so she's no help in figuring out who came up with it...maybe if someone would have stayed somewhat sober....HAHA

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Damn, you are some classy broads!

Anonymous said...

Hi. It's me Sarah. Can I borrow your check book to buy you your Birthday present....uh, I mean your Christmas gift... Oh fuck it! I love these jeans. Thanks!

Shawna said...

Sarah, you posted at 3am, and your post makes absolutely no sense at all.....guess we got drunky on a school I supposed to understand what you mean?

House of Suz said...

I wouldda gone to Gloria's with you! My mom can't stop me!

So, if I were to join your superhero group, what super power would you force on me? I'll decide after I hear what it is.

Anonymous said...

I found this post to be entertaining and humorous.