Well, Georgie figured out how to pry open the bathroom door (it doesn't shut right anyway) and move the gate and the chair out of the way to escape the bathroom. Luckily all she chewed up was her toy basket. Not completely, hope she doesn't start pooping wicker bits, that would be pretty gross. Doesn't look like she ate it, just shredded it. Couldn't snap a picture, as my batteries on the camera have died and I haven't gone out for more yet. But here's a pic I took of her playing in the basket. Pardon the scary devil eyes.
Glad I found a house, hopefully that will help.
However, the anxiety is setting in of taking on such a daunting task as a home all by myself, with one pretty measley salary....yes, I'm having second thoughts. It's scary and I don't know if I can stomach the bills upon bills that come with homeownership. Not to mention that my monthly rent will double, which I can afford, but again, not really much of anything else. My thoughts are to find a place with a yard, rent it for a year, then begin the home search again. I'm supposed to meet with my realtor on Wednesday afternoon to write up a contract on the house, so I have until then to backout. I'm not sure what to do. I'm just nervous to do something like this on my own.
Oh, it's not all that bad, seems scary at shit before but once you're in it, well it just gets easier.
Not that I own a house anymore or anything..........
Yeah, I think I'll meet w/the realtor tomorrow, tell her all my anxieties and see what she thinks. She's actually a really cool lady that doesn't pressure me at all, so we'll see what happens....
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