Friday, November 16, 2007
"D" is for Delicious!
So last night Dave made me dinner for the first time. While a lot of you might find it odd that it took almost 7 months to do it, it's really not, considering...he doesn't know how to cook. Like at all. Like cooking to him is reading directions, putting "vent" holes in plastic and pushing buttons on the microwave. So this was a big deal!
Well, I'm writing this, so you know I didn't die, nor did I get food poisoning. Not that I was worried, I was just sitting on the couch while he cooked, so if I heard anything odd, I woulda checked in. He did really well, other than a couple of questions, he did it all himself. It was really, really good too! What was it he made you ask? Chicken & Bacon Pesto w/Fettuccine..yeah, pretty nice eh? It was fucking awesome. I mean come on folks, you can never screw up a recipe that has BACON in it, right? God I love pork.
So on the boyfriend scale-o-meter, I'd say he's definitely won the prize. I have NEVER had a boyfriend as good as Dave. He is a wonderful man, I'm very fortunate to have met him.
Life is good...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Is That What I Think It Is???
Web worms - talked about those suckers back in June...they're baaaaackkkk!!!!
Black Caterpillars
Water Bugs - yes, we know they are giant man-eating roaches, but we like to make them sound "sweeter" somehow, in the south
Snakes - only ever saw little baby one's
June Bugs - stupidest bugs in the universe
Spiders - I've got my own little Charlotte near the shed, been there for about 4 months
Mosquito's - swear to god my yard was "the place to be" this summer
Roley Poly's - everywhere
Mothra's - all different shapes and sizes
Lizards - they hang out on the wall next to the back porch, Georgie eats their young
Birds taking refuge in my roof, there's a small hole where a pipe goes somewhere and birds nested in there
...the latest thing that Dave discovered tonight is...well, let's just say it's a rather large rodent. Let's just say Shawna already left a message on my exterminators phone at 6:45 pm tonight. Shit, they are ExtermiGAYtors, hope they'll get the damned thing tomorrow.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Georgie's Wrath

Oh why do people think she is not a threat? She will tear some shit UP! That's my G.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Here are some of the things you can get in the Fingerhut catalog:
Electronics - camera's, TV's, DVD players, you get the idea
100 Channel Scanner - so you can make sure the coppers aren't coming to the Meth Lab
Doll House - 2 models to choose from!
Remington AirMaster 77 air rifle - bb's or pellets!
Betty Boop or Mickey Mouse PERSONALIZED car mats
**seriously guys, I'm only on page 30 of 97**
Satin Bed "Set" in red, gold, black and cobalt
Wildlife throw w/matching pillow
23 pc bath ensemble - available in tiger, crane, horse or wolf motif
Room-size murals - available in island, Times Square, purple floral or waterfall
Pool table (and of course air hockey)
George Forman Grill with pic goodness
120 pc kitchen and dining package - dishes, silverware, pots, pans and tupperware
Electric Fireplaces - 5 models to choose from, one being a pseudo wood stove!
Sewing machine - ON THE NEXT PAGE
All of your "baby phat" gear - boots, leather jacket, jeans and purses
Jewelry - yes, you can get the personalized necklace
and finally, the best thing EVER:
9 pc fantasy folding-knife collection - with "ninja death star" included!
--fascinating set includes 8 unique folding knife designs, plus one star knife. Stainless steel blades with blow-molded case. Knives measure 3 1/8" x 5 1/4 long closed. Comes with nylon case all for $49.99 (as low as $6.99 per month!)
Seriously, I'm pretty funny and imaginative, but I couldn't make that shit up!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Survey Says - Part Tre
We are all fine. We are four blocks from the site and all we lost was our water and electricity for the day. I apologies for not getting back to you. We literally had 30 calls that day and it's been impossible to get back to everyone. I assumed you would have talked to Dad. So much has been going on since the event. We are so lucky not to be effected but a few friends of ours have lost their homes and need as much support as you could imagine. I've been working with the school to create a donation system for those who still have the mortgages and are currently paying for hotels, meals etc...It's a nightmare for them. Insurance does not cover landslides - unbelievable! It could have been us, so I am working hard to help any way possible.
Not to mention, I've been working to clear an estate for a client, am classroom mom for Megan, in charge of our class project for our annual fundraiser at school, maintaining the house, etc...
We also have been enduring a huge loss this week. Steve's cousin was killed in a car accident on Sunday. He was in his early 30's and we are all grieving. His funeral is this Friday. Another emotional hit.
So no need to take my lack of communication personal. Life is just happening at light speed and if this effects you negatively and you are "embarrassed" then I cannot take that one on to. I could use more of a compassionate tone from you in place of a scolding. Thanks for your concern. We'll be in touch.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Survey Says - Part Deux
Teddy –
I left you a message last week regarding the situation on Soledad and haven’t heard back from you at all. While I know things are hectic, a quick phone call to let me know everyone was ok and safe would have been nice. The only way I knew you guys were ok, is because Dad called me before I had the chance to call him the day it happened! I’ve been following the story online, as that’s my only way to know what is going on, which is a little disturbing and actually quite embarrassing to co-workers and friends, who of course have asked about the situation and your family.
It looks pretty bad when my response is “I guess they are ok, haven’t heard from them”! I am SURE things are more than hectic and you guys are just sick as can be, knowing the situation isn’t over. They aren’t reporting the new area of concern, like they did in the initial slide (reported 5700 block, why I freaked, cuz I know you are close to that at 6179), so I don’t know how close the new area is to you?!?! Can you please just give me an update? I’d really appreciate it! I worry about the girls being totally freaked out!
I know we have not had the best or easiest relationship in the past, we are very different people, but I’d think you’d be just as upset as I am, if a similar situation happened here, and I didn’t return your calls. I have hemmed and hawed over even writing this email, but at this point, I feel like I have to say how I feel. Again, please know that I understand that you and Steve are just doing what is necessary to protect your family, but I am also your family and am concerned about your safety and all of that too.
Please let me know the current status, like are you living at the house? Are you staying at the beach? What does this mean for the future? Are you going to try and sell? See, million questions that are going unanswered.
Hope to hear from you soon, and hope and pray the girls are safe and ok.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Survey Says?!?!
Well, by yesterday I was a little more than ticked that she STILL had yet to call me, and decided to send her an email. Granted, we are not close, never have been, never will be, but COME ON, I am family, give me the decency to call me back and let me know my nieces are ok, right? That's not asking too much is it?
So tomorrow or tonight I will post the email I sent to her, this is going to be a 3-Part blog, as I want initial reactions and such and want everyone to be HONEST about what they think. If you think I'm being a baby, then tell me.
So tell me what you think. Did I have a right to be upset by not getting a return call, an email, anything to let me know they are ok? Let's start there!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Sink Hole Sista

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Jena 6 - Are you kidding me?
I'm probably going to piss off a lot of people (god I am so good at that) but it's my blog, so I'm giving MY opinion.
This whole thing is just ridiculous. Plain and simple, 6 black kids beat the shit out of a white kid, and from what I've read today, it's not even one of the original 3 that started the "race issues" in the town.
So early September last year 3 white boys hung 3 nooses from a tree in town, apparently a tree that white kids hung out at a lot. Pretty awful and stupid, yes, absolutely. Apparently this was done the day after one of the black students made a joke publicly about the tree. Asking school officials if "anyone" was allowed to hang out at the tree. It was laughed off (not the nooses, the comment), by whites and blacks both as ridiculous, as this town did not feel it had issues with racism.
So some other events happened, the school was torched, all kinds of "made for TV movie" drama (you know it will happen) there were some fights, usual stuff. The white kids were not punished all too well, just got suspended. OK, that doesn't seem right, that's a pretty hateful thing to do, I will completely agree with that.
6 black kids jumped a white kid in school and beat the living shit out of him. They even had other students and such blocking teachers from breaking it up. Pretty much a "hate crime" to me, don't you think? Well apparently the boys were given much more severe punishments that the white kids got. Big surprise? No, not really. What people are failing to forget though, is that some of the Jena 6 actually have prior records, some of them pretty bad. HELLO!
The press and media and of course the lovable Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have made this a race war. Apparently thousands were in Jena today, protesting and asking that they "Free the Jena 6" with signs and shit. Please. These boys beat the crap out of the kid, like beat him unconscious on the first blow. Like kept kicking and beating on him, even though it appeared the first blow rendered him unconscious. Again I will say HELLO.
The ONLY thing I'm going to agree with on this thing is that the punishments do not fit the crimes, I will completely agree with that. But thousands flocking to protest? Really?
Has everyone forgotten about this thing happening called WAR? Why are thousands not flocking to the White House to protest the WAR. Seriously.
Google Jena 6 for full details. I'm over the whole thing, but felt I had to voice my opinion on the matter. Hate me if you will, but I read it how I read it, and I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Is there rampant racism going on in America? Fuck yes there is, and there always will be, but it's NOT just an American thing, it's a WORLD thing people. It's not just whites hating blacks, it's everyone hating everyone.
Civil Rights in the 60's was about leveling the playing field, not giving Black Americans an excuse for what "our people" did to them hundreds of years ago (yes Dave, stole this from you). I am sorry that they were enslaved, I really am, but it's over now, if racism is ever going to get better, the one's screaming about it need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Monday, September 03, 2007

Ahh, new appealing, soft glow light and shiny new mirror

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I'm back....maybe?

Monday, July 02, 2007
No Cigarette Shawna (I know, miracles do happen)

I didn’t think there was anything out there that would actually make me stop smoking. I tried the patch a few years ago and that lasted 5 days and 10 hours to be exact, and it was the worst experience of my life. Well, one of them anyway, I’ve had some bad experiences in my day! On the patch, I would cry uncontrollably for no reason whatsoever. I seriously felt like I had lost my best friend, it didn’t help at all. At one point I was absolutely ready to put every single entire patch in the box on my body, to see if that would help! Of course I didn’t, as I could have possibly died or had what happened in Thank You For Smoking. That movie kicks total ass by the way, if you haven’t seen it, you will and you will LOVE it. Absolutely fantastic dialogue and an amazing ensemble cast!
I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 18 years old (I smoked before that too, but for shits and giggles, we are gonna do math based on 12 years of smoking only). That is approximately 87,360 cigarettes folks. Cost wise? Let’s go with $3 a pack for the first 3 years, then $4 a pack for the next 8 years, then $5 a pack for the last year. Remember, I’m only doing 12 years here and the cost is decided by the tax increases, also that since then, I generally always bought by the carton to “save” money. Grand total: $16,744.00!!! That is a shitton of money I have wasted in the last 12 years just to ruin my lungs and give myself chronic bronchitis! Holy fucking shitballs! Yes, this math has been done in real time, so I’m just as shocked as you right now.
So, it’s really not been hard at all, please go to the Chantix website linked above to learn how it works, as I don’t feel the need to explain it. I just feel the need to tell those who are skeptical about it, that I am living proof that this shit really is different and really does work. I smoked like a fiend; I smoked as much and as often as I could. I loved my cigarettes and NEVER went without them.
However, I would like to say that for the most part, I have always been a considerate smoker. I did not smoke in my car when others were in it who did not smoke (except Colleen and Jodi, they just had to deal cuz they were my friends), I did not smoke in my house, I did not care if I sat in the no smoking section in restaurants, I actually preferred it. Oh, I also HATED smoking rooms at hotels, they were disgusting, I'd always prefer a non-smoking room! Admittedly if I'd get drunk (which inevitably I did on a trip, business or pleasure) I'd smoke in it, I know, I know, THAT was inconsiderate, I know!
Anyway, my official quit date was June 15th, I cheated on June 22 (about 4 cigs) and June 23 (about 5 cigs) but other than that, not ONE cigarette. Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments, they come on very suddenly and I just have to stop for a second, calm myself down (sometimes the Xanax comes into play, but not always) and then I’m cool, usually goes away after a few minutes. So I guess now my official quit date is June 24th, which I’m fine with, I really am.
Side effects on this drug you ask? Hell yeah there are, and they kick ass! I have the most bizzaro and vivid dreams, they are really kick ass. I can even hit the snooze during the week and go right back into the dream. I don’t remember most, not well enough to tell you guys about, so I haven’t, but they are great and EVERY night. That is the only side effect I’ve had.
I have also had quite a few friends (hence how I found out about this newer drug on the market) use this stuff and quit successfully as well. I was the biggest skeptic in the world, but finally had to admit to myself and my doctor that I needed some help. That my health was finally important enough to me to do something about it (more on that later as well). He was pleased as punch of course, as he’s been by doc since I was 21, and has always been cool about the smoking (he’s an ex-smoker, hippy dude from the old school) but of course wished I would. He knew that no matter what he said or did, it was up to me, and I would never quit successfully until I was actually ready to do so. He happily wrote out the prescription for me.
The ONLY thing that bugs me is that this stuff costs about $115.00 per month, as insurance does not cover it. Now I KNOW that I spent about $120 per month on cigarettes, so I’m not bitching, because in 3 months, that payment won’t exist, and I’ll have over $1,200.00 extra dollars a year to buy something else with. BUT, my point is this; why in the fuck do insurance companies not cover this? I mean think about it, I’m doing something to ACTIVELY improve upon my health, why wouldn’t you want to help me along with that Mr. Insurance Company Executive? The alternative is me continuing to smoke, my chronic bronchitis turns to COPD or better yet emphysema and my hospital bills go through the roof, most of it on your dime? HELLO BRAINIACS?!?! Same with birth control pills, I’ve had insurance that didn’t cover it, that should be a no brainer too?! Insurance is gay.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Worms, Poop, and the comeback of The Wenis (and oh so much more!)
"D": cool
Me: yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gay, isn't that odd? a gay exterminator? you think a gay man would think bugs are "oogy" ahhaha
Me: dude, he's all spraying all the way up to the roof and in the trees! totally kick fucking ASS
"D": sweet
Me: but this spray is making me sneeze like crazy
Me: wonder if it'll get me high, or just poison me! hahaha
"D": hehe
Me: I'm gonna ask him once he's done
Me: yeah, better safe than poisoned! haha
"D": no shit
Me: kill those mother fuckin' worms!!! wooo hoooo
Me: even my dad was surprised at the multitude of them
"D": yeah stupid gay worms! oh, sorry Mr exterminator, no offense
Me: HA, nice!
"D": I wonder if he "likes" worms
Me: gettin' to the wenis portion of the joking
"D": wenis?
"D": is that a worm-penis
Me: yeah, betheboy used wenis the other day on his blog and i thot it was hilarious
Me: no, but THAT is fucking hilarious! worm-penis = wenis
"D": I'd keep an eye on that guy, make sure he isn't molesting the worms
Me: i do think I've got a little "herd" of garden snakes tho, bet he'd be more than happy to wrangle him some snakes
"D": I'm sure he knows just what to do with the snake
Me: bet the worms would like it, even if he accidentally tears one in 1/2, they regenerate, it's all good
Me: I've got some lizards back there too
"D": bonus, then you really could "tear that shit up"...
Me: they are albino, get a herd of them every year, but they are cool
"D": albino? you got some KKK lizards in your backyard?
Me: we are in the south
Me: but I'm in mexi-ville, do KKK hate the mexi's too?
"D": hence why they're always hiding
"D":oh sure, they're equal opportunity haters
Me: oh, they are way too outnumbered in these parts
"D": yep, even with regeneration
Me: i guess Mexicans would have a menis?
"D": no it's called an enchilada
Me: nah, i see it more as a tamale or a flauta
"D": not an inch-ilada though
Me: enchiladas are too soft
Me: haha, inchilada
Me: yeah, it's the bug chemicals
"D": they're turning you gay!
Me: i didn't fuck around and get organic, i know my neighbor is probably at his window hanging his head in shame
Me: and possibly horror
Me: i might need to ask for my key back
"D": yeah? whys that?
Me: well, ya know how activists can get, look at PETA for god's sake
"D": so you think they'll kidnap me to get my key?
Me: he could come in and dump a bag of organic manure (is that redundant?) in my living room or bed or something
"D": I want to know Inorganic manure would be???
"D": Robot shit?
Me: nice, always good to throw in robot references, betheboy loves that shit
"D": Is it like a pile of wires and circuits?
Me: maybe some oil
Me: anti-freeze
Me: no one likes a cold robot
"D": no that would be robot diarrhea
Me: well yeah, maybe, it could be a mixture between the two, there are all kindsa poop types you know

Me: the corn poop
Me: the never ending wipe poop
Me: the ghost poop (can't find it in the toilet or on toilet paper)
Me: there's a poster of em all somewhere, or something, i saw it on the "Internets"
"D": nice, we'll have to get it for the studio
Me: um, i dunno if I'd want poop on my wall necessarily
Me: figuratively of course
"D": well, art is art
Me: unless we had kids on accident, then we really could possibly have poop on our walls
Me: i can tell ya i ain't cleaning that SHIT (pun intended) up
"D": Okay that's it, now I want kids!!!
"D": The shit on the walls did it for me...
Me: so you can have poop art, or so we could argue about who's cleaning the shit that time?
Me: you know poop smells right?
"D": for how long?
Me: would you spray some sort of lacquer or something on it, to preserve it?
"D": Brilliant! We'll stain the poop!!!!
Me: and them put a frame around it? not necessarily w/a piece of glass or anything
Me: why'd you stain poop? stain is generally brown, like poop, you could SPRAY paint poop
Me: no, it's not, there was a movie w/ben stiller & jack black
"D": That was Va-POO-Rize
Me: yeah, that's it, haha
"D": Yeah, this is like spray paint but for Poop Art, I just coined that term....
"D": We're going to patent this
Me: anyway, need to go check on gay exterminator, make sure my worms aren't humped to death
"D": poor gay worms....
Me: they could be underage too, i mean, who knows a worms age? fucking gay worm molester
"D": word
"D": I mean worm
Me: oh and "extermigator" (yep, that's what i thot of when i was talking to him) thought my house was "so cute, i just love it so much!"
"D": haha
"Me: extermigator...rad, maybe I am high...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Police recap and one legged folk
Me: yeah, they fuckin' rocked!
Me: sounded fantastic
Him: totally. They still got a couple of albums in them if they chose to record.
Me: you think they will?
Him: I can only hope.
Me: i don't see it, they looked like they were having a good time, but i dunno....
Me: i thot they were just coming back for this one tour, didn't think they were "getting back together" or anything
Him: what I would be interested in having is all the stuff they laid down that never made albums. At least that would be cool. The only thing that makes me think they wouldn't do any new stuff is because Andy is an old dood.
Me: haha, yeah, he didn't stay in shape like the other two did he? hehehe
Me: OH! I'd be all over a "hidden track" album, that could be really awesome
Him: he's about 10 years older than everyone else.
Me: yeah, i had to bust out the crackberry to prove to my boyfriend that sting was in his mid fifties!
Me: wasn't sure how old he was, but that makes sense
Me: cuz he looked tired! hahaha
Him: He was born in 1942
Me: sting was born in 51 , he'll be 56 in october
Me: all that yoga and tantric sex makin' him still look good! haha
Him: yeah...He's getting up there. Stu is a bit younger than Sting even.
Me: yeah, his friggin ARMS were out of control, he looks great too
Me: i was mezmerized by his drumming...fucking unreal
Him: he's still the man.
Him: Yeah so Andy is what? 65?
Me: i know everyone say's the Rush drummer is the shizz, but I'm just not a Rush fan (most chicks aren't) so I'm all over Stu
Me: stu was born in '52, only a year younger than sting
Him: yeah...thats right. I knew he was close.
Him: Andys not too old to at least do a new studio album with them even if they didnt tour behind it.
Me: fucking weird, completely sober for the show, first show EVER to be sober! haha
Him: I had two beers. They have been my fav band since 1970-something and I didn't get to see them then so I stayed stone cold sober for it. Didnt want to miss a thing.
Me: wow, that's cool, had no idea they were your fav
Me: yeah, andy could probably do that...but if they were to tour again, dunno if he could do it, and dunno if sales would be as high w/out him
Me: that was the best part, that is WAS the original 3
Him: oh yeah....always have been so I was bummed when they broke up after Synchro because I thought I'd never see them.
Me: but Paul McCartney is 65 and still touring, maybe Sting and Stewey need to get Andy in the gym w/them, buff his ass up a bit! haha
Him: lol...hell yeah! I'm starting to think Paul is going to be around forever.
Me: i think Paul might not be Paul anymore, his organs have been replaced with Robot parts
Him: heh....he has the money I am sure.
Me: yeah, and he married a chick w/no leg for a while, i'm sure she had some interesting connections! hahaha
Me: seriously, i really don't think i could have sex w/a dude with a missing leg....i think i'd laugh too much at how weird it was! hahaha
Me: and then he'd be sad
Me: and "deflated"
Him: oh god...nah...that pretty much would end the first date for me
Me: oh yeah? even tho for you it just makes for easier access? hehe
Him: lol...yeah...I dont think I could handle that.
Me: ric said he's gonna think about his stance on it....I say he'd do it....hahaha
Him: nice.
Him: He'd have a leg up on his partner.
Me: seriously, out loud and LOUD
Him: definitely need someone new for the potato sack races.
Him: Would he describe his sex life as "Half calf" then?
Me: you are SICK, i love it!
Him: Would he sing ZZ top tunes to her like "She's got leg, and she knows how to use it"?
Me: you are such a FREAK
Me: are you high right now????
Him: lol...nah....jsut woke up
Me: wow, my brain doesn't work that well this early
Him: "Knockin me out with that American thigh"
Me: i cant' stop laughing and they are about to yell at me, i know it! hehe
Him: He wouldn't spend near the money on shoes for her though.
Me: i'm actually crying i'm laughing so hard!!!!!
Him: Would she buy a pair of "Docker" or "Levi" instead of Dockers or Levis?
Him: No more long walks by the beach.
Me: you are so silly
Him: I wonder if she would be offended if he bought her some Legos
Me: just choked on coffee on that one
Him: Tell Ric that his "girlfriend" would die because her parachute pants would fail.
Me: ok, i have a blog, and i'm totally putting his convo on today's post, no joke, this is too fucking hilarious
Me: i'm sure it will offend, which is even BETTER!
Him: F em.
Me: oh, my blog offends people all the time, i love it!
Him: thats greatness.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Is that bacon I smell?

Monday, June 25, 2007
Ta Da!
Things with "D" are still great! We decided to be honest to goodness "boyfriend/girlfriend" exactly 2 months ago today. Yes, we told eachother happy anniversary, but we are not so gay that we are like celebrating or anything crazy. We spend lots of time together and generally have a great time. I met his inner circle of friends for the first time on Saturday night and they are all great! Small world, one of the girls I actually went to high school with, when I went to high school in Waxahachie. No, we didn’t really hang in the same crowd, but we definitely knew who eachother were! Too funny! He mowed my yard yesterday while I cut back bushes and things, man, that was awesome, because those bushes and things would not have been cut back if he weren’t there, and they really, really had needed to be for quite some time! He just told me on IM that he really enjoyed it! Sucker! Now he’s REALLY in it for the long-haul, you think I’m doing my yard without him around again? Heck no!
I had been smoke free since June 15th before this weekend. I cheated on Friday and Saturday nights (I know, I know) but I’m back on track. I just need to stay away from alcohol, that screws it all up. I’m not really even sure why I drank, as I knew it would create a problem, as my "crazy" medication makes drinking not so much fun anymore, so I really haven’t been drinking anyway. I know, so weird, no smoking/drinking Shawna? She’s not bad, and she can drive YOUR drunk ass home! I definitely drove "D"s drunk ass home on Saturday! Hahaha I actually managed to get a buzz on Friday, but threw up when I got home. What happens when I drink on the meds is that I can drink and drink and drink, not catch a buzz, but puke pretty badly. Yeah, not so much fun, so decided just not to drink! On Saturday I had 2 beers and that was it. I know, at a party with a bunch of people I don’t know, and I stayed sober. Crazy! I guess I really am growing up. Weird.
My girl Jodi will be back in the South very, very soon. Let’s see, I think they arrive in Shreveport on the 1st of July, so 6 days from now! "D" and I will be going the 6th-9th to see my girl, the new house and all of that stuff! Oh, and of course Troy! I am super excited to have her only a 3 hour drive away. I think I’m going to become extremely familiar with Interstate 20. When they were out in February, they bought some really nice leather chairs, they’ve been at my house since, so "D" and I will be delivering their lovely new chairs to them too!
Next weekend (weather dependant, as Texas is now the new Oregon/Washington) as it’s STILL raining here I plan to cut back the big trees in my yard with "D", Colleen, Scott and my Dad. We had a week or so of dry, but there’s rain in the forecast for the next 9 days! I’ve got a ton of trees and they should have been done last year when I moved in, but we all know how that goes. Well, it’s reached critical importance as trees are starting to intertwine into eachother and hit power-lines and my roof and all that fun stuff. I have a feeling the limbs and stuff are going to be so high it will be like a fence in front of my house when we are done! Should be a ton of fun, and I know I’ll be sore as hell on Monday from it! The yard work from yesterday as rendered my arms and the back of my thighs sore as shit today. But, it’s a great workout!
Since TV really does suck right now, I have finally emptied my camera so I can start taking pics for every post. I can take some pics of the house and such, now that it has furniture in it. Although, it really needs a good cleaning, so I might scratch that until I get the motivation to do a good cleaning. Maybe not, who knows. They of course will be nowhere as amazing as Iamnot’s work, as I am no photographer! I really want to do the whole before and after action for all the home improvement stuff I plan to do. The tree’s will probably be an interesting shot. That is, if I remember to take the before! Hahaha If nothing else, I know I’ll take a shot of the impressive stack of tree debri that will be in front of my house for the bulk trash folks to pick up!
Oh, I also have a little baby iPod now, "D" bought it for me. It’s the smallest one I’ve ever seen, it’s so cute! It’s for working out and such, you clip it on your shirt or whatever, think it’s a Gig, so it’ll hold about 250 songs, not bad! I need to get going on actually plugging it into my computer and making use of the damned thing. I’ve wanted one forever, now that I’ve got one, it just sits on my dining room table in it’s box. I have no idea what my deal is, but my motivation is for shit right now. I think the only reason I actually did cut down the bushes and such yesterday is that I would have felt guilty "D" out there all sweatin’ it up and me sitting inside in the cool AC! I did do a shitton of laundry yesterday too, and unloaded the dishwash and went to Home Depot (god I love that place)!
I’ll be headed to Chicago at the end of July for this event. It will be my first tradeshow in this industry, so it should be interesting to see what it’s like. I wonder if anyone will come dressed up in their geek gear? We don’t have a booth this year, but SL’s agency gal (and also pal) will be there with me, so she and I can brainstorm and decide how to "wow" them next year! This will be my first booth to get to actually have SAY in what it is, rather than just producing what they want, so I’m excited about that! Already have some ideas brewing as a matter of fact. I always had thoughs and views about my last place of employment and what they did, although never said anything (to their faces anyway). Actually when SL’s agency became the last jobs agency (through me of course) our tradeshow booth was actually something I was proud of! Imagine that! We are going out early, to have a little fun, I’ve never been to Chi-Town so I’m really excited. We are going to a Cub’s game on the Sunday we are there. I really don’t care about baseball (my least fav major sporting event) but it’s Wrigley Field…it’s an American Institution!
Guess that's about it for now, a lot of other stuff is going on in my life too (no, I'm not pregnant) but I'll leave some stuff out, so I'll have something to blog about tomorrow and the day after that!
Here's a pic from last summer, I fostered Petey, I'm sure I talked about him, but don't remember posting pics. If I weren't lazy, I'd go check if I had talked about him, but whatever. Hell, I might have even posted this pic! hahaha
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Shawna has not been blogging because...

Shawna has not been blogging because...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Seriously...I'm a freak!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Here's Your Fucking Post

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Headed to San Diego in the morning for my nieces graduation, I'll start blogging again the week of the 4th, I promise!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
It's Thursday
I am so over reading and writing you have no idea! Our new site is FOR SURE launching on Monday, so the end is near...really, I mean it!
So what's new in my world? Got my confirmation that my computer shipped from Dell yesterday, so I should hopefully see my new baby early next week. Now if I could just get RoadRunner to call me back to set up an appointment, life would be perfect! "D" has even volunteered to come over and wait on them for an install next week, since he's between Spring and Summer semester! What a guy, what a guy! I think it more has to do with he can't stand the fact that he can't "Internet" at my house. Soon I will actually utilize my office, I am very excited about that! I have 3 entire rooms in my house that never get used. The office, the guest room (obviously gets used when I have guests) and the "pool table" room. This will probably turn into "the studio" when and if "D" moves in with me someday. He's got a shitton of equipment, and it's a huge room!
Yesterday I was driving home, all prepared to mow my lawn (yet again, it's about once a week right now with all the rain we've been getting) and I pulled up and had to sit in my car for a minute. Someone had mowed the front yard! It looked great! I immediately knew it was my friendly neighbor next door. Now before you guys get all "oh, he likes you, oh, he has a crush on you" please know that he's old enough to be my father, is married and has kids my age. His kids are boys, so I think I'm the surrogate daughter in a way. He comes and takes Georgie on walks and last summer he brought me organic tomatoes from his garden, and man were they awesome. He's got a key to the house, he's just a good guy that looks out for me. We talked and I joked about him trying to "tell me something" and he got all flustered and upset and said he was just trying to help me out, knowing that I work hard and stuff. I had to apologize to him, I felt bad! He's just a friendly semi-retired guy that has nothing more to do than putter around in the yard! What an awesome neighbor!
"D" will get his truck back tomorrow, although they gave him a Mustang as a rental, and he's been having fun "pimpin" in it. I've been so busy, I didn't get to enjoy the Mustang, but at least he did, hell, he deserves it anyway, I'm the one who fucked up his truck!
Sorry I haven't blogged this week, just sick of looking at computers and words. Once I get my computer at home, not only will the blogs be better, I'll start takin' pics of shit too!
Monday, May 14, 2007
12 Hour Day....
I'll be in again tomorrow at 7am to review copy again. For those of you who I talk to on a regular basis, you know I've been in copy hell for several weeks now. BUT, the end is in site. I think.
I think I can leave soon, just waiting on our web guy to say he's doing the rest from home, hopefully that's soon. I need to make sure he doesn't have any further questions for me. I don't need any reason for something not getting done.
I am tired, couldn't get to sleep last night, so I'm only on five hours, which I usually need a good eight to be really fresh and functional. I am definitely losing steam, I can tell you all that much. The bad thing is, I know I'll go home and over-obsess about it and worry about it all night long and again, probably only get about five hours of sleep.
At my last job this was generally an every day occurrence, it's amazing how quickly your body gets used to actually getting sleep and enjoying it! I worked on average at my last job about 60 hours a week. It was nothing to work 12 hour shifts during the week, then put in a few more on the weekend. SL has spoiled me.
Off to check on the designer, hopefully he'll tell me to scram!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Dream Analysis - Bring It On!
So in this dream, the home I own is not the current one I own, it's definitely a "dream" house. I get a knock at the door and open it to a large group of people I know, or have known and were friends with in the past. For those of you who know me, here's a list of them that I can remember:
Jodi & Troy
Alisha & Steve (and a bunch of their friends)
Sherri, Mark & Loren
Dave Thorn
Those are the folks I distinctly remember in this dream. So they've got some big thing covered up and lead me to my "barn". I put that in quotes, because it wasn't really a barn, it resembled a barn, but once you got inside it had a cement floor, was huge like a barn and had all kinds of random crap strewn about (definitely needed some clean up). Everyone is all smiles and I'm asking what this is all about and no one will tell me.
They make a big production of this thing that's covered up, put it up on a table and then drop the cover that's on it. It looks like a painting, probably 3 feet tall and about 8 feet wide. It's a sign, that plugs in, and has a name on it (and I don't remember what it said). It's a bar sign. Like welcome to whatever, come on in and have a drink.
I'm all confused yet excited and ask what's going on. They proceed to tell me that they are opening a bar in my barn. I get super excited (for those of you who don't know, that's what I'd eventually like to do, own a bar) and start asking a bazillion questions. That's when everyone's faces get a little weird.
Alisha sets up a credit card machine on a table and everyone pulls out their plastic and lines up. She tells everyone that their ante is X amount of dollars and everyone agrees to this. I ask about myself and no one will look at me, like I've got leprosy or something. Alisha tells me that she'll talk to me about that later. I assume nothing, as I figure, I don't have to ante up, since they are opening the bar in my barn, right? Wrong!
She takes me aside and tells me that the group decided as a whole that I was not allowed to be part owner of it, that no one trusted me. That they felt like I'd ruin it, and the bar would be shut down in a matter of days. Of course I start yelling at everyone saying things like, "It's my fucking property, are you people crazy? I thought you people were my FRIENDS, Jodi, what is going on???" Even Jodi won't look me in the eye. I next go to Cullen, who is a bartender at The Landing and ask if he had anything to do with it, did they think I would drink all the profits or something? He just shakes his head and looks down. Brandon's next, I start yelling, "if anyone is going to drink the profits away, it's gonna be Brandon, no offense Brandon, but don't you agree???" He laughs, his Brandon laugh and shrugs and says, "who knows, guess they like me more than you!" That would be a typical Brandon response, so I thought nothing of it really.
So everyone bolts except for Alisha and Steve. They take me into my house and sit me on the couch and tell me that it's for the best, that I should just relax and enjoy it and just be like the welcoming committee to new customers and such, almost like I'm a fucking hostess! I yell and scream some more, say something like, "we aren't even FRIENDS anymore, where the hell did you two come from and why are you trying to take my barn away along with my REAL friends??" They laugh and say that my friends contacted them about it, they had the most capital, and that's just the way it was going to be. I was free to move if I wanted to, but my Dad had already dealt with my mortgage company and I was going to lose my house! If I chose to just accept it, I was welcome to still live in my house and come to the bar whenever I wished.
What the fuck does that mean??? That's all I remember from the dream. I have not been friends with Alisha and Steve in several years, so I have no idea why they popped up and became the bad guys. Now I will admit, our friendship ended rather abruptly, so I'm sure there's some deep seeded issues there, but for the rest of the people on the list, those people ARE my CURRENT friends and family, what the hell does it mean?
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Various Nothingness
I finally pushed the button at for my new home computer. I am so free spending when it's a couple hundred bucks, but when we are talking $1000.00 I get all freaked out, I don't know why. I'm a nerd. Got a good deal with no interest or payments for 12 months, so free money! I will have that puppy paid off way before then. I also had my resident "nerd" make sure what I got was "worthy" and he approved, so all is well. The unfortunate thing is that it's not scheduled to arrive until the 23-25, guess they are waiting on parts or something. That part sucks, but hopefully it'll get better, since I JUST did it. It is ridiculous that I work for a high tech company and I don't have a working computer at home! Now I just need to sign up for service and get that scheduled and I'll be set. Back into the 21st century once again! I can't believe I have gone an entire year without a computer at home. Now I'm all excited and can't wait for my new arrival!
I also received "D"s guitar I purchased for his birthday. Don't worry, he picked it out, so he already knows. I want to hear my damned song he wrote about me and he won't let me hear it without the right instrument. Damned musicians! Don't worry, I didn't spend a shitton of money or anything, it was a good deal and I'll make sure he writes a ton of songs about me, so it gets plenty of use. His true passion is bass, so this is just a "toy" for him. Hopefully he'll give me a file when he records it and I can post it here (hint, hint) That will probably be a post next month though, as his birthday is the 23rd, and I'm making him wait to get it.
My flowers are still looking gorgeous, sitting on my desk to remind me that I think I've finally found a good, decent man, who appreciates what I have to offer. Now don't get me wrong people, I am a total and complete pain in the ass sometimes, I have never tried to hide that, but I also have some really good qualities too! Apparently he's seen those, cuz he sure does seem to like me!
I'll have to admit, I really think that finally getting on some medication has really changed how I view things. I don't get nearly as stressed out or freak out about the little stuff anymore, it's a godsend for me, and I think for anyone that is close to me! I used to be the person that said I could handle it, I didn't need to be on drugs to stabilize my moods, well, I was terribly wrong. It's been a long time since I've had a freak out episode and I'm just as happy about that as anyone who has ever witnessed it!
I am really trying to post every day, I've been doing pretty good, but my posts have been kind of boring, I think once I get my home PC, they will be better, I'll do them from there, where I can really let loose and take some time on them. I'll also start posting pics again.
Ok, heading home as all these storms fried my hard drive on my receiver so I've been forced to have to watch live TV. Let me tell ya, TiVO spoils the hell outta you, it is so hard to watch TV without being able to pause, or even better, 30 minutes after a show starts, so you don't have to sit through commercials. My new receiver should arrive on Friday, so I'll be back to normal by the weekend. Thank GOD!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Georgie & Tulips
So we also found out that the wreck is only going to set me back $500.00 which is awesome. I'm so relieved that his deductible was low, you just never know. Luckily I just got my income tax return back and can use that to pay him right away!
So about 3:20 today the receptionist brought me the most beautiful bouquet of tulips. "D" really is a great guy, I wreck his car and he sends me flowers? WOW! I guess I'll keep him around for a while! hehehe
Monday, May 07, 2007
C is for Carwreck
He got to the house about 8pm and I was starving, so I think we had a quick kiss before I said let's go eat NOW. Just went to the Chili's in Casa Linda near my house and had some grub. We got back to the house and settled in to watch a movie. Anyone seen Mulholland Drive? Yeah, let's just say that snuggling on the couch turned into much more and we could care less about the movie and trying to figure out David Lynch. We eventually retired to the bedroom for the night.
Got up around 10am and stayed in bed a while. Had to attend a co-workers crawfish boil, so we got ready to go and headed out around noon. The part was fun, but we didn't stay long as "D" had too many "slurricanes" (yes, they put so much alcohol in them, they renamed the hurricane) so we were only there for a couple of hours. Due to him drinking much more than I, I decide that I need to drive his Ford F150 home, as I am sober. We get on the road and such and I get impatient close to the house, as people drive like Grandpa's on a particular street. I go to switch lanes, and unfortunately don't notice a little black sports car approaching on my right. I hit it, I hit it good. Sideswiped the hell outta both cars. Scratches from bumper to bumper on both vehicles. Lovely! Luckily the driver was a cool chic, no one freaked out or anything. We exchanged information and got on our way. I think I apologized to "D" for the next 10 hours or so. He is wonderful, so sweet, didn't seem to be angry or yell at me or anything! So we just chilled at the house for the rest of the day, talking and watching TV. We were supposed to go out with my boss that night, but after the wreck, neither one of us really wanted to get behind the wheel of anything for the rest of the day. We ordered pizza and wings for dinner and did more of the same as Friday night!
Got up around 11am or so and went and ate at a Mexican restaurant near my house. Then had to stop at Home Depot for some flea/insect retardant that I will be spraying my yard with tonight. Georgie had a little flea problem that I cleared up, but I want to do some preventative maintenance just to be safe. Plus, it gets rid of a lot of other bugs like mosquito's, roaches and ants, so I'm all for it! We then went to Central Market as I had a big craving for a steak. "D" loves steak, anything steak, topped with steak, so I knew he'd be game. I got two of the biggest ribeyes ever in the history of ribeyes. We really could have shared one, but we just went for it. We got home and he needed to work on some school compositions, so he sat in the chair while I played Suzie Homemaker and did some laundry, picked up around the house and started preparing our dinner for the evening. It was really nice and comfortable, like that was the way it was supposed to be. No, not me doing all the work while he sat on his ass, it wasn't like that. I WANTED to do all that stuff for him. I know, crazy...
There's a big difference when a guy just sits around and watches TV or plays on the computer while you are cleaning and doing stuff. He was actually WORKING, so it didn't bother me one bit.
It had been a long weekend, so soon after dinner, I was ready for bed. Think we were in bed and asleep by about 10:30pm.
Got up this morning and got myself ready for work. Stood in the bathroom and watched "D" sleep, I was so jealous. He doesn't have class anymore, so he got to sleep in and leisurely head back to Denton when he felt like it. I however spent the first few hours of my day taking care of the insurance for the wreck. Guess that's what I get for being a dumbass!