Friday, May 11, 2007

Dream Analysis - Bring It On!

I had the weirdest dream last night, what do my faithful readers think it means? Please post your analysis in comments.

So in this dream, the home I own is not the current one I own, it's definitely a "dream" house. I get a knock at the door and open it to a large group of people I know, or have known and were friends with in the past. For those of you who know me, here's a list of them that I can remember:

Jodi & Troy
Alisha & Steve (and a bunch of their friends)
Sherri, Mark & Loren
Dave Thorn

Those are the folks I distinctly remember in this dream. So they've got some big thing covered up and lead me to my "barn". I put that in quotes, because it wasn't really a barn, it resembled a barn, but once you got inside it had a cement floor, was huge like a barn and had all kinds of random crap strewn about (definitely needed some clean up). Everyone is all smiles and I'm asking what this is all about and no one will tell me.

They make a big production of this thing that's covered up, put it up on a table and then drop the cover that's on it. It looks like a painting, probably 3 feet tall and about 8 feet wide. It's a sign, that plugs in, and has a name on it (and I don't remember what it said). It's a bar sign. Like welcome to whatever, come on in and have a drink.

I'm all confused yet excited and ask what's going on. They proceed to tell me that they are opening a bar in my barn. I get super excited (for those of you who don't know, that's what I'd eventually like to do, own a bar) and start asking a bazillion questions. That's when everyone's faces get a little weird.

Alisha sets up a credit card machine on a table and everyone pulls out their plastic and lines up. She tells everyone that their ante is X amount of dollars and everyone agrees to this. I ask about myself and no one will look at me, like I've got leprosy or something. Alisha tells me that she'll talk to me about that later. I assume nothing, as I figure, I don't have to ante up, since they are opening the bar in my barn, right? Wrong!

She takes me aside and tells me that the group decided as a whole that I was not allowed to be part owner of it, that no one trusted me. That they felt like I'd ruin it, and the bar would be shut down in a matter of days. Of course I start yelling at everyone saying things like, "It's my fucking property, are you people crazy? I thought you people were my FRIENDS, Jodi, what is going on???" Even Jodi won't look me in the eye. I next go to Cullen, who is a bartender at The Landing and ask if he had anything to do with it, did they think I would drink all the profits or something? He just shakes his head and looks down. Brandon's next, I start yelling, "if anyone is going to drink the profits away, it's gonna be Brandon, no offense Brandon, but don't you agree???" He laughs, his Brandon laugh and shrugs and says, "who knows, guess they like me more than you!" That would be a typical Brandon response, so I thought nothing of it really.

So everyone bolts except for Alisha and Steve. They take me into my house and sit me on the couch and tell me that it's for the best, that I should just relax and enjoy it and just be like the welcoming committee to new customers and such, almost like I'm a fucking hostess! I yell and scream some more, say something like, "we aren't even FRIENDS anymore, where the hell did you two come from and why are you trying to take my barn away along with my REAL friends??" They laugh and say that my friends contacted them about it, they had the most capital, and that's just the way it was going to be. I was free to move if I wanted to, but my Dad had already dealt with my mortgage company and I was going to lose my house! If I chose to just accept it, I was welcome to still live in my house and come to the bar whenever I wished.

What the fuck does that mean??? That's all I remember from the dream. I have not been friends with Alisha and Steve in several years, so I have no idea why they popped up and became the bad guys. Now I will admit, our friendship ended rather abruptly, so I'm sure there's some deep seeded issues there, but for the rest of the people on the list, those people ARE my CURRENT friends and family, what the hell does it mean?


House of Suz said...

I am so glad I didn't have the capitol to invest and declined your frends offer. I'd hate to have gotten on your dream bad side.

Name for the bar: BAR N

The dream either means you feel a loss of control or you hate your mother. Or it could mean you wish you had a penis, I'm not really sure. I'll check the magic 8 ball for a solution.

Unknown said...

It means nothing. It's a freaking dream! I guess it could mean that you think all of your friends and family don't think you can handle the responsibility of your house/life/relationship. Or maybe you are afraid that everyone thinks you are an alcoholic. Or maybe there is a huge conspiracy and we really are going to turn your barn into a bar and not let you have any ownership in it. Once you build your barn, our plan can commence!! Mwaaaahahahahahaha!

stringtapper said...

That's it! We can build the barn "for the cats to live in", and the trap will be set!

Shawna said...

Well, I'm not fond of my mother at all, so Suz you may be onto something there.

It means something Jodi, it certainly means something.

"D" you and those damned cats...hehehe

Gnomeself Be True said...

What does it mean to you?

That'll be $150 for the therapy.

Anonymous said...

The barn represents

noone said...

Look, I tried to tell everyone that I was the least trustworthy, but no one would listen to me. Seriously... I think they really do just like me better than you.

House of Dave said...

It's a classic anxiety dream. Whatever people think in your dream is what YOU think, at least on a subconscious level, since it all comes out of your head. The details are usually just random (although often influenced by what you commonly see). Don't blame us; you're assigning your own opinions to us and then getting pissed about it. We love you, Shawna.

But it's possible we do like Brandon more.