Monday, May 07, 2007

C is for Carwreck

"D" stayed the weekend with me, from Friday until today. Let's do a recap on how this long, extended length of time went with him.


He got to the house about 8pm and I was starving, so I think we had a quick kiss before I said let's go eat NOW. Just went to the Chili's in Casa Linda near my house and had some grub. We got back to the house and settled in to watch a movie. Anyone seen Mulholland Drive? Yeah, let's just say that snuggling on the couch turned into much more and we could care less about the movie and trying to figure out David Lynch. We eventually retired to the bedroom for the night.


Got up around 10am and stayed in bed a while. Had to attend a co-workers crawfish boil, so we got ready to go and headed out around noon. The part was fun, but we didn't stay long as "D" had too many "slurricanes" (yes, they put so much alcohol in them, they renamed the hurricane) so we were only there for a couple of hours. Due to him drinking much more than I, I decide that I need to drive his Ford F150 home, as I am sober. We get on the road and such and I get impatient close to the house, as people drive like Grandpa's on a particular street. I go to switch lanes, and unfortunately don't notice a little black sports car approaching on my right. I hit it, I hit it good. Sideswiped the hell outta both cars. Scratches from bumper to bumper on both vehicles. Lovely! Luckily the driver was a cool chic, no one freaked out or anything. We exchanged information and got on our way. I think I apologized to "D" for the next 10 hours or so. He is wonderful, so sweet, didn't seem to be angry or yell at me or anything! So we just chilled at the house for the rest of the day, talking and watching TV. We were supposed to go out with my boss that night, but after the wreck, neither one of us really wanted to get behind the wheel of anything for the rest of the day. We ordered pizza and wings for dinner and did more of the same as Friday night!


Got up around 11am or so and went and ate at a Mexican restaurant near my house. Then had to stop at Home Depot for some flea/insect retardant that I will be spraying my yard with tonight. Georgie had a little flea problem that I cleared up, but I want to do some preventative maintenance just to be safe. Plus, it gets rid of a lot of other bugs like mosquito's, roaches and ants, so I'm all for it! We then went to Central Market as I had a big craving for a steak. "D" loves steak, anything steak, topped with steak, so I knew he'd be game. I got two of the biggest ribeyes ever in the history of ribeyes. We really could have shared one, but we just went for it. We got home and he needed to work on some school compositions, so he sat in the chair while I played Suzie Homemaker and did some laundry, picked up around the house and started preparing our dinner for the evening. It was really nice and comfortable, like that was the way it was supposed to be. No, not me doing all the work while he sat on his ass, it wasn't like that. I WANTED to do all that stuff for him. I know, crazy...
There's a big difference when a guy just sits around and watches TV or plays on the computer while you are cleaning and doing stuff. He was actually WORKING, so it didn't bother me one bit.
It had been a long weekend, so soon after dinner, I was ready for bed. Think we were in bed and asleep by about 10:30pm.


Got up this morning and got myself ready for work. Stood in the bathroom and watched "D" sleep, I was so jealous. He doesn't have class anymore, so he got to sleep in and leisurely head back to Denton when he felt like it. I however spent the first few hours of my day taking care of the insurance for the wreck. Guess that's what I get for being a dumbass!


House of Suz said...

Well, all in all it sounded like a pretty good weekend, except for the wreck.

Gnomeself Be True said...

Wow, even with a car wreck your weekend sounds better than mine.

I just want to break out in some hokey song..."Love, is a many splendor'd thing...."

Good for you.