Well, since I was called out on TWO posts from fellow friends/bloggers, I promised them I would post. So Dave and Suz, I really hope you two enjoy this, because it's all for you!
I was driving home thinking about what I would blog about and I came up with a whole lotta nothin. Not to say things haven't been going on, I just really have had no desire to spill it like I normally do. Not sure why. Feeling all private and no one can know about me or something? That doesn't sound like me at all. Who knows. So here's a recap of what's been going on.
Just got back from San Diego on Sunday. Had a great time, but it was too short and way too fast. I didn't actually get there until Thursday, as there was bad weather in Dallas on Wednesday and after about 6 hours of waiting, I just gave up and headed back home. Unbeknownst to me, the lovely ticketing agent hooked me up with first class on the way there, so that was really cool to get to experience. It's really nothing special, it's a bigger seat and they kept saying "Mrs. Furr, are you alright, can we get you anything?" always addressing me that way. Do I look like a Mrs.? No rings on EITHER of my fingers, last time I checked! But, I was happy to drink my free mimosa's (and they didn't skimp on the champagne either) and let them address me as I was a Mrs.
So I arrived and we immediately had to go to a hotel for a Senior Luncheon for my niece. She looked absolutely beautiful, just as she always does. I swear I was in an episode of The OC every time I was around my niece and her friends, no joke! They are all MODEL gorgeous kids, even most of the boys. You see, my niece has been privileged enough to attend private school all of her life, so most of her friends parents are DRIPPING with money. Not to say my sister doesn't do well in her life, because she does (shout out sis!) but compared to these kids, they might as well be flipping burgers at McDonald's.
Anyway, so the luncheon was nice, then it was home for a brief moment before we headed out for the Baccalaureate service. More of the same, lots of beautiful Catholic people in very expensive clothes and lots of jewelry! I don't think I saw one kid with bad teeth, everyone definitely had regular visits to the dentist.
Then my sister and I took my niece up to her school at 9pm, as they were getting on buses and headed to Disneyland for Senior Night. They open it to Seniors in surrounding areas and they get the run of the park until 5am. My niece said it was a nightmare, too many kids. She was only able to ride 3 rides the entire time she was there.
Friday I slept in, then took my niece to Nordstroms for the 2nd half of her graduation present, another pair of designer jeans! It's all the rage, and she already has 2 pair, so she was ready for a 3rd. Yep, 17 and is pimpin' it big time. Her "Aunt Nawna" loves to spoil her. She is truly a terrific kid/young lady. That night my sister made spaghetti for the entire family, her family, my dad and his wife, my other sister and her kids. Not too often my dad gets to sit down and eat with all 3 of his daughters, I'm sure he really enjoyed that.
Saturday was the graduation at 10am. It was fast, only an hour, which was good, my niece of course looked absolutely gorgeous as usual. She can even be beautiful in a white "sack" known as the graduation robe. After that my sister threw a small party for her, about 30 or so people I suppose. We ate, we drank, we were merry. I gave my niece the other part of her gift, that she knew about, a pretty silver Tiffany's ring that she picked out. The "ex" got me 50% off, so that was cool! That night we dropped her off for Grad Night, which the school throws for them at a Family Fun Center typo of place called Boomers! (yep, there's an exclamation point in the sign) she was there until 3am. Sunday just got up and got ready to go. Very fast and furious. And yes, I bawled at her graduation, so crazy, I can still remember the day she was born like it was just a few years ago.
Things with "D" are still kickin', he just started Summer 1 on Monday, so I won't really see much of him, he's got a pretty busy week, Sunday being the only day off from anything. I do enjoy my free time, so I really don't see it as too much of a problem, we will just have to make it a point not to forget about each other! He's a wonderful man, and I have a pretty strong feeling that I will be blogging about him for years to come. Maybe one day I'll even say his real name (even though most of you already know)!
Having a computer at home is great. In the next post, hopefully I'll have gotten motivated to put up some picks that I've taken. Oh, well, will take, as I haven't even taken old pics off of it, and onto the computer yet. I thought I'd be all over this thing once I got it, but obviously "not so much".
Hope that is good enough for now, I'm worn out!
Great title; capturing the heart and soul of your dedicated reader's sophisticated needs! ;)
Oh, and I don't mind being the dripping pan for all your friends that are dripping money! I'd drip money too but I can't afford it.
hahaha - yeah, I wouldn't be me if "Fuck" wasn't in there!
Oh, they aren't my friends, they are my niece's friends PARENTS. Sorry, can't drop off any bags of cash anytime soon.
How's the new woman?
Thank you Shawna! I am soluting you right back!
Damn, I always wanted to have money dripped on me!!!
New woman is wonderful. Nothing but love and sex (and dinners out). Here's your towel for that sugary coating I just spewed...
How's the new man?
He's just as fabu as your little lady friend! Does she know about your blog and that we talk about her?
Waiting on him now to pick me up for dinner...then of course home for sex and love...
(I know, so sick isn't it?)
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