Sorry folks, I dunno what's gotten into me, just haven't felt "bloggy" lately. Sorry about that. I'm going to do iamnot's request, as it's fairly easy, and I don't really have much to say, I'm kinda in, no I AM in a pissy mood right now. It took me over an hour to get home tonight because people in Dallas are fucking morons.
"Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."
1. I now no longer smoke cigarettes (OK, I've cheated here and there) and I'm happy about it. I have 5 more days on the meds, then I'm off of it, and have no worries that I will become a pack a day smoker again. I am really surprised at how much I don't miss it. I really thought it would be worse than it's been. Maybe the Xanax has helped...hehe
2. I haven't been blogging much because I've got more important things to concentrate on. My health is pretty bad, hence the stopping drinking and smoking, my cholesterol was very, very high, I'm 31 years old and on a double dose of cholesterol meds, isn't that awesome?
3. I do not plan on having children and hate people who tell me "oh, you'll change your mind, you are young" and shit like that. Why the FUCK do I have to have kids, or why the FUCK do people think that just because I have a uterus I want one? Irks me to no end. I do enjoy kids, but enjoy giving them back more! I love my 3 nieces, they are so much fun to spoil! But like I said, just don't want any of my own, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that and wish people would keep to themselves or at least respect my decision and not try and change me into a Soccer Mom. (yes, this was discussed in "6 weird things about Shawna" but I guess I feel the need to emphasize this point MORE!)
4. I am probably one of the most sensitive people ever. No joke, I come across as all tough and shit, when in reality I am super sensitive. It probably stems from a lot of variables, we'll save that post for another time!
5. I have never eaten liver from any sort of animal and never have any intentions on trying it. Why would anyone want to eat something that's function when it was "alive" was to filter out impurities? Really? Think about that you liver eating weirdo's! Thank god neither of my parents liked it! I've eaten a lot of weird shit, so it's not a matter of being non-adventurous, I just think that it's disgusting.
6. I am in love with a man you all know as "D", he has given me permission to tell you his name is Dave. I know, so exciting right? I think that we will probably be co-habitating by the new year...
7. I have yet to paint my bathroom and stain the cabinets although I have been in my house well over a year now, and have posted about doing this on multiple occasions, I do not know why I can't seem to go to Home Depot, get the gallon of paint, paint the fucking walls, then work on staining the cabinets, I know I'll be so happy and pleased when it's done, it's just a matter of starting.
8. I have not been to The Landing since May 25th. I know! This whole not smoking, not drinking thing has made me rather boring!
So I'm not going to tag anyone, as I think my few blog friends are pretty much all intertwined, and this was requested of me long, long ago, and I'm finally just doing it. If you wanna be tagged, lemme know, I'd be happy to tag yo' ass! ;)

Here is a pic of Dave and Georgie, she likes to lick his head, when it's shaved like that we think she likes the roughness or maybe she's just a spaz...
Thanks for playing Ms. Furr.
Two things.
1) I loves me some liver! Calves liver w/onions, yum. Chicken livers deep fried, double yum.
2) It's time to tell Dave the difference between loving your pets and "loving" your pets....
Now, now, you are going to give him a complex! If you notice, she's the one all over him, she's quite the slut for the boys.
Dave? Damn, I thought it was Dumbledore (just finished reading the last Harry Potter book so I guess that was on my mind).
#3 When I was with my ex and lived in Texas we got that all the time. I finally told someone "Oh, we already have kids, the state took them" and never heard a peep again.
#8 If you go to the landing you might just run into my ex and his current WIFE. Yep, he married the skank.
hahaha, I like the kid response...chicken livers or any livers are disgusting, you guys are just gross. as far as the ex and the "skank", i saw them the one time, she didn't seem to be too interested in talking to me, as she knew that i was friends w/you and sarah...screw em, they are old and live in PLANO! say no more...
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