Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Police recap and one legged folk

My blog today consists of an IM session I had with a friend/fellow co-worker this morning, post-Police, the first part will give you our thoughts, the second part, well, it's going to offend, like BetheBoy sometimes offends with his midget issues and talks of trannys. I really hope you enjoy, because I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna die. This friend of mine is always crackin' jokes and such and he really made my morning just wonderful, here's to you buddy!

Him: Oh man, I'm still blown away.
Me: yeah, they fuckin' rocked!
Me: sounded fantastic

Him: totally. They still got a couple of albums in them if they chose to record.
Me: you think they will?
Him: I can only hope.
Me: i don't see it, they looked like they were having a good time, but i dunno....
Me: i thot they were just coming back for this one tour, didn't think they were "getting back together" or anything
Him: what I would be interested in having is all the stuff they laid down that never made albums. At least that would be cool. The only thing that makes me think they wouldn't do any new stuff is because Andy is an old dood.
Me: haha, yeah, he didn't stay in shape like the other two did he? hehehe
Me: OH! I'd be all over a "hidden track" album, that could be really awesome

Him: he's about 10 years older than everyone else.
Me: yeah, i had to bust out the crackberry to prove to my boyfriend that sting was in his mid fifties!
Me: wasn't sure how old he was, but that makes sense
Me: cuz he looked tired! hahaha

Him: He was born in 1942
Me: sting was born in 51 , he'll be 56 in october
Me: all that yoga and tantric sex makin' him still look good! haha
Him: yeah...He's getting up there. Stu is a bit younger than Sting even.
Me: yeah, his friggin ARMS were out of control, he looks great too
Me: i was mezmerized by his drumming...fucking unreal

Him: he's still the man.
Him: Yeah so Andy is what? 65?
Me: i know everyone say's the Rush drummer is the shizz, but I'm just not a Rush fan (most chicks aren't) so I'm all over Stu
Me: stu was born in '52, only a year younger than sting

Him: yeah...thats right. I knew he was close.
Him: Andys not too old to at least do a new studio album with them even if they didnt tour behind it.
Me: fucking weird, completely sober for the show, first show EVER to be sober! haha
Him: I had two beers. They have been my fav band since 1970-something and I didn't get to see them then so I stayed stone cold sober for it. Didnt want to miss a thing.
Me: wow, that's cool, had no idea they were your fav
Me: yeah, andy could probably do that...but if they were to tour again, dunno if he could do it, and dunno if sales would be as high w/out him
Me: that was the best part, that is WAS the original 3
Him: oh yeah....always have been so I was bummed when they broke up after Synchro because I thought I'd never see them.
So I had to set it up, so this made sense, why we went into this diatribe....this is when it gets awesome:

Me: but Paul McCartney is 65 and still touring, maybe Sting and Stewey need to get Andy in the gym w/them, buff his ass up a bit! haha
Him: lol...hell yeah! I'm starting to think Paul is going to be around forever.
Me: i think Paul might not be Paul anymore, his organs have been replaced with Robot parts
Him: heh....he has the money I am sure.
Me: yeah, and he married a chick w/no leg for a while, i'm sure she had some interesting connections! hahaha
Me: seriously, i really don't think i could have sex w/a dude with a missing leg....i think i'd laugh too much at how weird it was! hahaha
Me: and then he'd be sad
Me: and "deflated"
Him: oh god...nah...that pretty much would end the first date for me
Me: oh yeah? even tho for you it just makes for easier access? hehe
Him: lol...yeah...I dont think I could handle that.
Me: ric said he's gonna think about his stance on it....I say he'd do it....hahaha
Him: nice.
Him: He'd have a leg up on his partner.

Me: seriously, out loud and LOUD

Him: definitely need someone new for the potato sack races.

Him: Would he describe his sex life as "Half calf" then?
Me: you are SICK, i love it!
Him: Would he sing ZZ top tunes to her like "She's got leg, and she knows how to use it"?
Me: you are such a FREAK
Me: are you high right now????

Him: lol...nah....jsut woke up
Me: wow, my brain doesn't work that well this early
Him: "Knockin me out with that American thigh"
Me: i cant' stop laughing and they are about to yell at me, i know it! hehe
Him: He wouldn't spend near the money on shoes for her though.
Me: i'm actually crying i'm laughing so hard!!!!!
Him: Would she buy a pair of "Docker" or "Levi" instead of Dockers or Levis?
Him: No more long walks by the beach.
Me: you are so silly
Him: I wonder if she would be offended if he bought her some Legos
Me: just choked on coffee on that one
Him: Tell Ric that his "girlfriend" would die because her parachute pants would fail.
Me: ok, i have a blog, and i'm totally putting his convo on today's post, no joke, this is too fucking hilarious
Me: i'm sure it will offend, which is even BETTER!
Him: F em.
Me: oh, my blog offends people all the time, i love it!
Him: thats greatness.


Will said...

Oh that is so good and offensive!

Shawna said...

haha, did you also like the robot reference?

Ed & Jeanne said...

Yeah, I guess Paul must be an ass or tits man and not a leg man...