Things with "D" are still great! We decided to be honest to goodness "boyfriend/girlfriend" exactly 2 months ago today. Yes, we told eachother happy anniversary, but we are not so gay that we are like celebrating or anything crazy. We spend lots of time together and generally have a great time. I met his inner circle of friends for the first time on Saturday night and they are all great! Small world, one of the girls I actually went to high school with, when I went to high school in Waxahachie. No, we didn’t really hang in the same crowd, but we definitely knew who eachother were! Too funny! He mowed my yard yesterday while I cut back bushes and things, man, that was awesome, because those bushes and things would not have been cut back if he weren’t there, and they really, really had needed to be for quite some time! He just told me on IM that he really enjoyed it! Sucker! Now he’s REALLY in it for the long-haul, you think I’m doing my yard without him around again? Heck no!
I had been smoke free since June 15th before this weekend. I cheated on Friday and Saturday nights (I know, I know) but I’m back on track. I just need to stay away from alcohol, that screws it all up. I’m not really even sure why I drank, as I knew it would create a problem, as my "crazy" medication makes drinking not so much fun anymore, so I really haven’t been drinking anyway. I know, so weird, no smoking/drinking Shawna? She’s not bad, and she can drive YOUR drunk ass home! I definitely drove "D"s drunk ass home on Saturday! Hahaha I actually managed to get a buzz on Friday, but threw up when I got home. What happens when I drink on the meds is that I can drink and drink and drink, not catch a buzz, but puke pretty badly. Yeah, not so much fun, so decided just not to drink! On Saturday I had 2 beers and that was it. I know, at a party with a bunch of people I don’t know, and I stayed sober. Crazy! I guess I really am growing up. Weird.
My girl Jodi will be back in the South very, very soon. Let’s see, I think they arrive in Shreveport on the 1st of July, so 6 days from now! "D" and I will be going the 6th-9th to see my girl, the new house and all of that stuff! Oh, and of course Troy! I am super excited to have her only a 3 hour drive away. I think I’m going to become extremely familiar with Interstate 20. When they were out in February, they bought some really nice leather chairs, they’ve been at my house since, so "D" and I will be delivering their lovely new chairs to them too!
Next weekend (weather dependant, as Texas is now the new Oregon/Washington) as it’s STILL raining here I plan to cut back the big trees in my yard with "D", Colleen, Scott and my Dad. We had a week or so of dry, but there’s rain in the forecast for the next 9 days! I’ve got a ton of trees and they should have been done last year when I moved in, but we all know how that goes. Well, it’s reached critical importance as trees are starting to intertwine into eachother and hit power-lines and my roof and all that fun stuff. I have a feeling the limbs and stuff are going to be so high it will be like a fence in front of my house when we are done! Should be a ton of fun, and I know I’ll be sore as hell on Monday from it! The yard work from yesterday as rendered my arms and the back of my thighs sore as shit today. But, it’s a great workout!
Since TV really does suck right now, I have finally emptied my camera so I can start taking pics for every post. I can take some pics of the house and such, now that it has furniture in it. Although, it really needs a good cleaning, so I might scratch that until I get the motivation to do a good cleaning. Maybe not, who knows. They of course will be nowhere as amazing as Iamnot’s work, as I am no photographer! I really want to do the whole before and after action for all the home improvement stuff I plan to do. The tree’s will probably be an interesting shot. That is, if I remember to take the before! Hahaha If nothing else, I know I’ll take a shot of the impressive stack of tree debri that will be in front of my house for the bulk trash folks to pick up!
Oh, I also have a little baby iPod now, "D" bought it for me. It’s the smallest one I’ve ever seen, it’s so cute! It’s for working out and such, you clip it on your shirt or whatever, think it’s a Gig, so it’ll hold about 250 songs, not bad! I need to get going on actually plugging it into my computer and making use of the damned thing. I’ve wanted one forever, now that I’ve got one, it just sits on my dining room table in it’s box. I have no idea what my deal is, but my motivation is for shit right now. I think the only reason I actually did cut down the bushes and such yesterday is that I would have felt guilty "D" out there all sweatin’ it up and me sitting inside in the cool AC! I did do a shitton of laundry yesterday too, and unloaded the dishwash and went to Home Depot (god I love that place)!
I’ll be headed to Chicago at the end of July for this event. It will be my first tradeshow in this industry, so it should be interesting to see what it’s like. I wonder if anyone will come dressed up in their geek gear? We don’t have a booth this year, but SL’s agency gal (and also pal) will be there with me, so she and I can brainstorm and decide how to "wow" them next year! This will be my first booth to get to actually have SAY in what it is, rather than just producing what they want, so I’m excited about that! Already have some ideas brewing as a matter of fact. I always had thoughs and views about my last place of employment and what they did, although never said anything (to their faces anyway). Actually when SL’s agency became the last jobs agency (through me of course) our tradeshow booth was actually something I was proud of! Imagine that! We are going out early, to have a little fun, I’ve never been to Chi-Town so I’m really excited. We are going to a Cub’s game on the Sunday we are there. I really don’t care about baseball (my least fav major sporting event) but it’s Wrigley Field…it’s an American Institution!
Guess that's about it for now, a lot of other stuff is going on in my life too (no, I'm not pregnant) but I'll leave some stuff out, so I'll have something to blog about tomorrow and the day after that!
Here's a pic from last summer, I fostered Petey, I'm sure I talked about him, but don't remember posting pics. If I weren't lazy, I'd go check if I had talked about him, but whatever. Hell, I might have even posted this pic! hahaha
Oh sure, throw in a cute dog picture on the post...
If you're getting to Shreveport in 3 hours, you're driving too fast...and in the wrong direction.
VE - isn't she perty?
Iamnot - heh? It's only 200 miles from Dallas, that's a 3 hour trip...just like Dallas to Austin, 3 hours....???
Well Shawna actually did all the hard yard work. I was just walking around in circles while pushing a piece of small machinery. So who's the sucker now!!
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