Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Georgie & Tulips

So "D" reminded me after I posted yesterday that I forgot to mention one really important thing about this weekend....Georgie LOVES him, like ridiculously loves him, like doesn't even want much to do with me when he's around. She's always been partial to boys, so it doesn't surprise me much, although by Sunday afternoon, I was getting a little bit jealous. She really had no desire to sit with me, follow me around, none of the normal stuff. She wanted to sit right next to, on top of, near "D" the whole time. It's nice, cuz the last one didn't like dogs, hell, I don't think he liked much of anything but himself, so indeed it's a nice change. Georgie is my baby, my child, so it's very important for the significant other to like her and get along with her. For those of you who have met her, that's not necessarily an easy thing. She's a puppy and she's super spazzy, you pretty much have to be a dog person to deal with her.

So we also found out that the wreck is only going to set me back $500.00 which is awesome. I'm so relieved that his deductible was low, you just never know. Luckily I just got my income tax return back and can use that to pay him right away!

So about 3:20 today the receptionist brought me the most beautiful bouquet of tulips. "D" really is a great guy, I wreck his car and he sends me flowers? WOW! I guess I'll keep him around for a while! hehehe


Unknown said...

I guess he did his research, too, when did u mention to him that those are your fave flower?

Now that classes are out I don't know what to do with myself. I think I am going to start packing but since the move is still 2 months away, that really seems premature.

Shawna said...

Oh, he knew what I liked, he's very good at asking those kinds of questions.

Wow, you sound like me, ready to pack way before it's time. Pack up what you can, no harm in that.

Anonymous said...

I like to pack too.

Gnomeself Be True said...

Email those questions again. I'll try to catch them before the spam killer gets them.