Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's Thursday

Sorry faithful readers, I'm sure you've all been checking my blog every 2.3 seconds for a new blog, haven't you? hahaha

I am so over reading and writing you have no idea! Our new site is FOR SURE launching on Monday, so the end is near...really, I mean it!

So what's new in my world? Got my confirmation that my computer shipped from Dell yesterday, so I should hopefully see my new baby early next week. Now if I could just get RoadRunner to call me back to set up an appointment, life would be perfect! "D" has even volunteered to come over and wait on them for an install next week, since he's between Spring and Summer semester! What a guy, what a guy! I think it more has to do with he can't stand the fact that he can't "Internet" at my house. Soon I will actually utilize my office, I am very excited about that! I have 3 entire rooms in my house that never get used. The office, the guest room (obviously gets used when I have guests) and the "pool table" room. This will probably turn into "the studio" when and if "D" moves in with me someday. He's got a shitton of equipment, and it's a huge room!

Yesterday I was driving home, all prepared to mow my lawn (yet again, it's about once a week right now with all the rain we've been getting) and I pulled up and had to sit in my car for a minute. Someone had mowed the front yard! It looked great! I immediately knew it was my friendly neighbor next door. Now before you guys get all "oh, he likes you, oh, he has a crush on you" please know that he's old enough to be my father, is married and has kids my age. His kids are boys, so I think I'm the surrogate daughter in a way. He comes and takes Georgie on walks and last summer he brought me organic tomatoes from his garden, and man were they awesome. He's got a key to the house, he's just a good guy that looks out for me. We talked and I joked about him trying to "tell me something" and he got all flustered and upset and said he was just trying to help me out, knowing that I work hard and stuff. I had to apologize to him, I felt bad! He's just a friendly semi-retired guy that has nothing more to do than putter around in the yard! What an awesome neighbor!

"D" will get his truck back tomorrow, although they gave him a Mustang as a rental, and he's been having fun "pimpin" in it. I've been so busy, I didn't get to enjoy the Mustang, but at least he did, hell, he deserves it anyway, I'm the one who fucked up his truck!

Sorry I haven't blogged this week, just sick of looking at computers and words. Once I get my computer at home, not only will the blogs be better, I'll start takin' pics of shit too!


Gnomeself Be True said...

Can you get your neighbor to drop by my place tonight? Otherwise, I'll have to mow it myself.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the pictures of shit?

Shawna said...

My computer JUST came in, I have to wait until this weekend to get it running (RoadRunner coming Sat. morning), so just hold your britches boy!

Oh, then I'll be in San Diego from May 30th - June 3, so you'll have to wait until after that too!