Monday, January 22, 2007

I am Prejudice, I Admit It

So I just got done having an interesting IM session with my best pal Jodi. She's up in Jersey right now, but she and her husband are going to move out of there, somewhere soon. He is currently interviewing all over the place for a Professorship at a college, some are looking rather good at this point, one of them being in Alabama. This is what leads me to my blog today:

I am prejudice, I will admit it. Might be moreso than others, but if anyone tries to say they don't have a prejudice bone in their body, they are the biggest, fattest liars in the world. Being prejudice doesn't have to be a racial thing. There are people that hate fat people, people that smell, people who are beautiful, the list can go on and on.

If Jodi and her husband move to Alabama, I will not be real excited about visiting, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia are just three states, known as "The Dirty South" that I have never had any interest in visiting. Too many back woods, racist, KKK mother fuckers there. Both whites and blacks are horrible in those parts, and quite honestly, it frightens me a little. I value my life, and going to those states to me, could threaten my life, wrong place wrong time kinda scenario...

I choose to be prejudice to about every race known to man. Us cracka's are all a bunch of self-righteous fuckers who think we are better than everyone else, or, you are just trailer trash. The blacks think that they are owed everything most of the time, and that all the cracka's are here on earth to figure out how to re-enslave them. Ok, I know this is probably offending most of the people who are reading this, but it's my blog, so fuck you. It's the truth and you know it. The Asians are all very uppety and believe that they are superior to everyone, physically, mentally, all of it, they just think they are better than us. Even the Vietnamese ladies that do my toes, they are all very nice, so then speak in fucking English when you are doing my toes, you can speak it, I've heard you, so what the fuck are you bitches talking about, all the fucking cracka's that are in paying $40 a pop to get our toes done, we know it, but can't prove that you are talking about us, it sucks. Maybe I'll try and take an on-line course to learn Vietnamese, so I can catch those fuckers in the act. Muslims...well other than the whole terrorism thing, we are all painfully aware of that (and no, not all Muslims are terrorists, so calm the fuck down) but can you people start using some fucking deodorant, it may be ok over there to stink, but it's so not cool here, hell, I'll throw you a few bucks, quit smelling like ass for god's sake. Who else am I missing...Mexicans (and yep, I'm being a total ass and lumping all Latino cultures into Mexican) true Mexicans from Mexico are pretty cool for the most part, they work their asses off, at least most of them do (but the creepy one's that whistle at you from the back of the trucks piss me off to no end). As far as Puerto Rico and Cuba and Columbia and shit, I ain't goin' there, some Columbian drug lord is going to find this and have me off'ed. But you people know, you really do.

I think the only people I don't have a prejudice towards is the true American Indian. They have a right to be all fucked up and alcoholics and shit. Us cracka's invaded their land, raped their women and children and basically said fuck you, we are taking all your shit. That's fucked. I always love 4th of July and all these types of holidays, remembering when "America" was born, fuck America, we stole this place, it wasn't ours for the taking. Too bad the Indians are way too outnumbered at this point, wish they'd revolt and take their god given land back.

I'm sure I'm going to get a million responses to this, and that's fine. Be pissed at me, but you all know that you have used a racial slur before, probably still do. It doesn't matter if you voice it, if you think it, according to GOD, it's a sin, so fuck all of you sinners, join the fucking club and own up to your prejudices!

Remember this too, being prejudice is VERY different from being racist. I am NOT a racist, I have issues with all races, including my own, so again, don't think you can attack me for that.

Again, sorry to all those I've offended, but just like the TV, if you don't like what show is on, don't watch it, turn the fucker off or change the channel.

I know I seem a little riled up today, but I guess I am somewhat. I have a right to have this opinion, I don't think it's wrong. I just don't like things about certain cultures and people, sorry, but I don't. Hell, I don't like MYSELF most of the time, so chew on that!


House of Suz said...

In 1992 I drove through Mississippi and stopped at a back woods gas station. They had a "whites only" bathroom. In 1992. Crazy. I got in my car and didn't stop till I hit Florida.

Anonymous said...

Hey bi-atch, are you Hitler's daughter or dating a Jew?

Unknown said...

Was all this because of little ol' me calling you prejudiced? My main point was not to form an opinion on Alabama until you go there and see for yourself. I am sure that there is some fucked up stuff going on there. But, there is some fucked up stuff going on in every state. Remember Jasper, Texas? That shit happens everywhere. Here in the northeast I have met my share of racists. Except, they don't think they are racist. They just don't like Indians, Asians, or rich Jews. I don't know if poor Jews are ok. I will have to do some research on that.

I seriously hope that "anonymous" is someone you know being funny. Otherwise you just got your first officially scary hate comment.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Alabama. Went to school here. Moved away - and then, get this - I came back. Voluntarily. Actually, it's not nearly as bad here as you'd think. In fact, it's not bad here at all - at least the places I've been. And I've been to some pretty small, "backwoods" towns. The school I graduated from (back in 1993)had a total of 950 students, and that was K-12. My graduating class had a grand total of 65 people - so I know all about small, southern towns.

Like Jodi said, I'm sure that stuff like you mentioned happens everywhere, but in all my 30 years, I've never actually witnessed it happening here. I'm not saying it doesn't happen - just that I've never seen it.

When my mom and dad got married back in the '70s, they moved from Michigan to Alabama. My mom, who'd never been here before, laughs now about how she was shocked to see that not only did the people here wear shoes, but they also lived in "real houses" and not plywood shacks and lean-to shanties.

The city in which I live and work is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the country. In addition to NASA and Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville is proud to be the home of major offices of Boeing, SAIC, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Adtran, Raytheon, Bechtel - just to name a few. We are front-runners in the defense industry, as well as in the space industry.

And I don't think that your life would be endangered by visiting here. In fact, I think you'd be surprised at how beautiful this state really is. And how "normal" the people who live here are. I'm used to negative perceptions that people have about us, and I promise, I do have a sense of humor about it, but I just wanted you to know that Alabama isn't any worse than any other state.

And to Jodi - I think that you will love the University of Alabama campus. I hope you have the opportunity to visit.

Unknown said...

Hey thanks, anonymous #2. We may be visiting UA Birmingham, not Huntsville, but I have heard that Birmingham is a great city. If I move there, Shawna will be FORCED to visit whether she likes it or not. But something tells me she would be pleasantly surprised. If I can find things to like about New Jersey, I am sure I will love Alabama.

Shawna said...

I love anonymous comments, love that they don't have the fucking balls to say who they really are. Sorry dude or chic, whoever you are, like my post said, I have the right to my opinion and that's just my opinion. Glad you like your state, fan-fucking-tastic for you.

I still wouldn't live there.

Anonymous said...

You're right - you do have the right to your opinion. And I wasn't bashing it - I'm sorry if it came across that way. I just wanted to let you know that your opinion of this particular state is based on misconception - Alabama is not rife with "backwoods, racist, KKK mother fuckers" as you seem to believe. And since that is a quantitative fact, it cannot be considered an opinion, and using it as the basis of an opinion is just faluty logic. I thought I might just give you something concrete to consider.

And I wasn't posting anonymously because I lack the balls to say who I really am. I was posting anonymously because I don't have a blogger account. If you'd like to know who I am, all you have to do is ask.

Again, I wasn't trying to belittle your opinion - just enlighten you with the facts contained in your opinion that are incorrect, or at the very least, highly exaggerated.

Unknown said...

I'M curious, anonymous...who are you? You have the patience of a saint to not take the bait she left for you.

Damn it,she doesn't like Alabama and we CAN'T MAKE HER!!!!!!!!;)

House of Suz said...

You know, Shawna, now that I think about it Texas was pretty bad too, if memory serves....

I myself am also prejudiced as well, I don't like wearing colors. Maybe I always look like I'm going to a funeral but black is beautiful.