Regretfully so, I have decided that I am ok with my last post. I'm sure a lot of you are a bit flabbergasted by it, but again, it's my blog, I can say what I want.
I do feel the way I do, and I have a right to. We all have our own right to be, feel, say, do what we want. My intention was not to bash on any race or anything like that, I was just stating what I felt, simple as that.
Plain and simple, all people suck in their own sucky ways, it doesn't matter what they look like or what country they are from, humans in general just suck.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
I am Prejudice, I Admit It
So I just got done having an interesting IM session with my best pal Jodi. She's up in Jersey right now, but she and her husband are going to move out of there, somewhere soon. He is currently interviewing all over the place for a Professorship at a college, some are looking rather good at this point, one of them being in Alabama. This is what leads me to my blog today:
I am prejudice, I will admit it. Might be moreso than others, but if anyone tries to say they don't have a prejudice bone in their body, they are the biggest, fattest liars in the world. Being prejudice doesn't have to be a racial thing. There are people that hate fat people, people that smell, people who are beautiful, the list can go on and on.
If Jodi and her husband move to Alabama, I will not be real excited about visiting, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia are just three states, known as "The Dirty South" that I have never had any interest in visiting. Too many back woods, racist, KKK mother fuckers there. Both whites and blacks are horrible in those parts, and quite honestly, it frightens me a little. I value my life, and going to those states to me, could threaten my life, wrong place wrong time kinda scenario...
I choose to be prejudice to about every race known to man. Us cracka's are all a bunch of self-righteous fuckers who think we are better than everyone else, or, you are just trailer trash. The blacks think that they are owed everything most of the time, and that all the cracka's are here on earth to figure out how to re-enslave them. Ok, I know this is probably offending most of the people who are reading this, but it's my blog, so fuck you. It's the truth and you know it. The Asians are all very uppety and believe that they are superior to everyone, physically, mentally, all of it, they just think they are better than us. Even the Vietnamese ladies that do my toes, they are all very nice, so then speak in fucking English when you are doing my toes, you can speak it, I've heard you, so what the fuck are you bitches talking about, all the fucking cracka's that are in paying $40 a pop to get our toes done, we know it, but can't prove that you are talking about us, it sucks. Maybe I'll try and take an on-line course to learn Vietnamese, so I can catch those fuckers in the act. Muslims...well other than the whole terrorism thing, we are all painfully aware of that (and no, not all Muslims are terrorists, so calm the fuck down) but can you people start using some fucking deodorant, it may be ok over there to stink, but it's so not cool here, hell, I'll throw you a few bucks, quit smelling like ass for god's sake. Who else am I missing...Mexicans (and yep, I'm being a total ass and lumping all Latino cultures into Mexican) true Mexicans from Mexico are pretty cool for the most part, they work their asses off, at least most of them do (but the creepy one's that whistle at you from the back of the trucks piss me off to no end). As far as Puerto Rico and Cuba and Columbia and shit, I ain't goin' there, some Columbian drug lord is going to find this and have me off'ed. But you people know, you really do.
I think the only people I don't have a prejudice towards is the true American Indian. They have a right to be all fucked up and alcoholics and shit. Us cracka's invaded their land, raped their women and children and basically said fuck you, we are taking all your shit. That's fucked. I always love 4th of July and all these types of holidays, remembering when "America" was born, fuck America, we stole this place, it wasn't ours for the taking. Too bad the Indians are way too outnumbered at this point, wish they'd revolt and take their god given land back.
I'm sure I'm going to get a million responses to this, and that's fine. Be pissed at me, but you all know that you have used a racial slur before, probably still do. It doesn't matter if you voice it, if you think it, according to GOD, it's a sin, so fuck all of you sinners, join the fucking club and own up to your prejudices!
Remember this too, being prejudice is VERY different from being racist. I am NOT a racist, I have issues with all races, including my own, so again, don't think you can attack me for that.
Again, sorry to all those I've offended, but just like the TV, if you don't like what show is on, don't watch it, turn the fucker off or change the channel.
I know I seem a little riled up today, but I guess I am somewhat. I have a right to have this opinion, I don't think it's wrong. I just don't like things about certain cultures and people, sorry, but I don't. Hell, I don't like MYSELF most of the time, so chew on that!
I am prejudice, I will admit it. Might be moreso than others, but if anyone tries to say they don't have a prejudice bone in their body, they are the biggest, fattest liars in the world. Being prejudice doesn't have to be a racial thing. There are people that hate fat people, people that smell, people who are beautiful, the list can go on and on.
If Jodi and her husband move to Alabama, I will not be real excited about visiting, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia are just three states, known as "The Dirty South" that I have never had any interest in visiting. Too many back woods, racist, KKK mother fuckers there. Both whites and blacks are horrible in those parts, and quite honestly, it frightens me a little. I value my life, and going to those states to me, could threaten my life, wrong place wrong time kinda scenario...
I choose to be prejudice to about every race known to man. Us cracka's are all a bunch of self-righteous fuckers who think we are better than everyone else, or, you are just trailer trash. The blacks think that they are owed everything most of the time, and that all the cracka's are here on earth to figure out how to re-enslave them. Ok, I know this is probably offending most of the people who are reading this, but it's my blog, so fuck you. It's the truth and you know it. The Asians are all very uppety and believe that they are superior to everyone, physically, mentally, all of it, they just think they are better than us. Even the Vietnamese ladies that do my toes, they are all very nice, so then speak in fucking English when you are doing my toes, you can speak it, I've heard you, so what the fuck are you bitches talking about, all the fucking cracka's that are in paying $40 a pop to get our toes done, we know it, but can't prove that you are talking about us, it sucks. Maybe I'll try and take an on-line course to learn Vietnamese, so I can catch those fuckers in the act. Muslims...well other than the whole terrorism thing, we are all painfully aware of that (and no, not all Muslims are terrorists, so calm the fuck down) but can you people start using some fucking deodorant, it may be ok over there to stink, but it's so not cool here, hell, I'll throw you a few bucks, quit smelling like ass for god's sake. Who else am I missing...Mexicans (and yep, I'm being a total ass and lumping all Latino cultures into Mexican) true Mexicans from Mexico are pretty cool for the most part, they work their asses off, at least most of them do (but the creepy one's that whistle at you from the back of the trucks piss me off to no end). As far as Puerto Rico and Cuba and Columbia and shit, I ain't goin' there, some Columbian drug lord is going to find this and have me off'ed. But you people know, you really do.
I think the only people I don't have a prejudice towards is the true American Indian. They have a right to be all fucked up and alcoholics and shit. Us cracka's invaded their land, raped their women and children and basically said fuck you, we are taking all your shit. That's fucked. I always love 4th of July and all these types of holidays, remembering when "America" was born, fuck America, we stole this place, it wasn't ours for the taking. Too bad the Indians are way too outnumbered at this point, wish they'd revolt and take their god given land back.
I'm sure I'm going to get a million responses to this, and that's fine. Be pissed at me, but you all know that you have used a racial slur before, probably still do. It doesn't matter if you voice it, if you think it, according to GOD, it's a sin, so fuck all of you sinners, join the fucking club and own up to your prejudices!
Remember this too, being prejudice is VERY different from being racist. I am NOT a racist, I have issues with all races, including my own, so again, don't think you can attack me for that.
Again, sorry to all those I've offended, but just like the TV, if you don't like what show is on, don't watch it, turn the fucker off or change the channel.
I know I seem a little riled up today, but I guess I am somewhat. I have a right to have this opinion, I don't think it's wrong. I just don't like things about certain cultures and people, sorry, but I don't. Hell, I don't like MYSELF most of the time, so chew on that!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Shawna Furr

Yes, folks, that is my name, funny enough. Shawna Furr is doing this because Shawna Furr wants to be at the top of a google search for Shawna Furr. Shawna's on there right now, under Dave's blog, but Shawna Furr wants it to go to Shawna Furr's blog, so Shawna Furr is going to write Shawna Furr as much as Shawna Furr can in this, so that if people are trying to find the Shawna Furr that went to Ruch Elementary in Oregon, then McLoughlin Jr. High in Oregon, then moved to Scurry, Texas, then to Waxahachie, Texas then to Mesquite, Texas, and now owns her own home in Dallas, Texas near Bryan Adams High School, they will know it's Shawna Furr.
Shawna Furr hopes some people she has been wondering about find Shawna Furr this way. The people Shawna Furr can think of that would be at the top of my list right now would be:
Sam Clark - Shawna Furr went to Waxahachie w/him, and they got in some stupid fight when she was 20, don't really remember why, but Sam Clark, like that's not a common name, she has been searching on and off for years, but there are a lot of Sam Clark's in this world.
Leah Pettigrew - Shawna Furr went to Scurry with her, they lost touch in our early 20's as well, for many reasons that are not necessary to discuss. Shawna Furr knows she is married now and Shawna Furr THINKS Leah lives in Rockwall or Rowlett, but Shawna Furr can't be sure.
So those are the most important people right now that Shawna Furr can think of that hopefully will google Shawna Furr at some point and know where to find Shawna Furr! Shawna Furr misses them terribly and would love to know how they are, I being SHAWNA FURR!!!
Shawna Furr, Shawna Furr, Shawna Furr, Shawna Furr, Shawna Furr, Shawna Furr
Here is what Shawna Furr looked like a couple of years ago, Shawna Furr pretty much looks the same, but maybe gained a few pounds or 10....
Happy hunting for Shawna Furr!
I'm Awesome (apparently)...
The last few days have been interesting for me, made me realize that I really DO know what I'm doing at my job and that people DO have respect for me in this business, my boss aside, at least I know I was worth something while I was here.
As you know, one of my main jobs here was Purchasing. I have several vendors that I deal with on a day to day basis so I've been calling them the last several days to let them know that I am leaving. Everyone has been really nice, complimentary and quite honestly freaked the fuck out. Quotes such as:
"Who the hell is going to know how to order like you?!?"
"This sucks!"
"I'm surprised it took you this long, your boss is an asshole, please tell me I don't have to talk to him!"
"You will be missed, they are going to be upside down trying to figure this out once you are gone"
Those are just a few. I'm not one to toot my own horn (at least I think I'm not like that, am I?) but man it has made me feel good. I know I'm good at what I do, I know I generally work my hardest every single day, and all that, but sometimes just hearing it sure is cool.
Here's another holiday pic, this time with my niece Loren on the left, me in the middle and my second cousin Taylor on the right.
As you know, one of my main jobs here was Purchasing. I have several vendors that I deal with on a day to day basis so I've been calling them the last several days to let them know that I am leaving. Everyone has been really nice, complimentary and quite honestly freaked the fuck out. Quotes such as:
"Who the hell is going to know how to order like you?!?"
"This sucks!"
"I'm surprised it took you this long, your boss is an asshole, please tell me I don't have to talk to him!"
"You will be missed, they are going to be upside down trying to figure this out once you are gone"
Those are just a few. I'm not one to toot my own horn (at least I think I'm not like that, am I?) but man it has made me feel good. I know I'm good at what I do, I know I generally work my hardest every single day, and all that, but sometimes just hearing it sure is cool.
Here's another holiday pic, this time with my niece Loren on the left, me in the middle and my second cousin Taylor on the right.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Weather Outside is Frightful, But I'm So Delightful
If any of you have watched the news (for the non-Dallas folks) we are getting hit pretty hard (for us) with some snow and shit. It's crazy! Of course most of the snow is gone now, but driving conditions are more than retarded, people are just a bunch of dumb asses in Dallas. Yes, please slam on your breaks when you start to slide, that's gonna help a bunch! Morons....
But, on the happier side of life, I really don't give a rats ass about it. I prefer it cold actually, and it's fucking cold outside. I went into work late today, didn't get in until 11am, as I wanted to wait for the idiots to get off the roads and to work before I ventured out. I also don't give a shit that I'm late to work anymore because we are on the FINAL COUNTDOWN! Only 7 more days left here at this place, then onto greener pastures!
Here's another Christmas pic for you. This time it's my father, my sister Sherri and myself at the honkey tonk. Isn't my dad a cutie all cowboyed up!?!
But, on the happier side of life, I really don't give a rats ass about it. I prefer it cold actually, and it's fucking cold outside. I went into work late today, didn't get in until 11am, as I wanted to wait for the idiots to get off the roads and to work before I ventured out. I also don't give a shit that I'm late to work anymore because we are on the FINAL COUNTDOWN! Only 7 more days left here at this place, then onto greener pastures!
Here's another Christmas pic for you. This time it's my father, my sister Sherri and myself at the honkey tonk. Isn't my dad a cutie all cowboyed up!?!

Monday, January 15, 2007
It's Official, my new life begins 2/1/07
Well, it's done folks. Got my official offer from the new company this am, signed that puppy real quick, as it was more than I expected, which is a nice bonus! My boss here at the current job was tied up in meetings all morning, so I didn't get to tell him until after lunch. It was a very short meeting.
I think his initial reaction was complete and utter shock. He seemed to relax a bit when he realized I was getting out of our industry altogether and moving onto something new. You know how company's can get when they feel you are "betraying" them to go onto a new place. He of course asked where, compensation, etc. I told him, and when I told him the compensation, I think he puked in his mouth a little. I'm assuming he wanted to know in hopes of being able to counter offer. I had already made up my mind that if he tried, it didn't matter, it's time for me to move onto something new. I've been in the Ad/Print business for 11 years now, and it's put me on Anti Depressants and Xanax, so I'd like to get off of them if at all possible.
Unfortunately he of course told me to "lay low" for a few days and not tell people...oops....too late, but if he finds out what is he gonna do, fire me? hahahahaha I want to do cartwheels down the hallways I am so excited but alas, I must refrain for now.
It's going to be sad leaving here, for one simple reason. They have a great core group of folks that I truly care for and love with all my heart, I'm going to definitely miss seeing them every day.
The good thing is that at the new company, I already know most of the staff, so it won't be walking into a weird, new environment which is really nice and comforting. I think that's why I'm not freaking out and happy about it. I'm quite a creature of habit for those that know me well, this kind of change would normally freak the fuck out of me, but because it's not completely foreign, I'm totally excited and super charged to get going.
2007 is going to be one hell of an awesome year for me, I feel it!
I think his initial reaction was complete and utter shock. He seemed to relax a bit when he realized I was getting out of our industry altogether and moving onto something new. You know how company's can get when they feel you are "betraying" them to go onto a new place. He of course asked where, compensation, etc. I told him, and when I told him the compensation, I think he puked in his mouth a little. I'm assuming he wanted to know in hopes of being able to counter offer. I had already made up my mind that if he tried, it didn't matter, it's time for me to move onto something new. I've been in the Ad/Print business for 11 years now, and it's put me on Anti Depressants and Xanax, so I'd like to get off of them if at all possible.
Unfortunately he of course told me to "lay low" for a few days and not tell people...oops....too late, but if he finds out what is he gonna do, fire me? hahahahaha I want to do cartwheels down the hallways I am so excited but alas, I must refrain for now.
It's going to be sad leaving here, for one simple reason. They have a great core group of folks that I truly care for and love with all my heart, I'm going to definitely miss seeing them every day.
The good thing is that at the new company, I already know most of the staff, so it won't be walking into a weird, new environment which is really nice and comforting. I think that's why I'm not freaking out and happy about it. I'm quite a creature of habit for those that know me well, this kind of change would normally freak the fuck out of me, but because it's not completely foreign, I'm totally excited and super charged to get going.
2007 is going to be one hell of an awesome year for me, I feel it!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tonight's the Night!
So I'm meeting with my potential new employer tonight at 8pm. We are good friends, so it's really casual, we are meeting at a bar, early, before the heathens get there and we all get stinkin' ass drunk.
I am hoping he's got his plan in place and I will be able to walk in on Monday, quickly type up my resignation notice and turn that bitch in. I'm so excited I can't stand it!
It's raining like a bitch here right now, and is going to all weekend, but you know what, I don't give a rats ass, because I'm feelin' oh so fine, and have a feeling that my life is about to change for the better after 8pm tonight.
Everyone have good thoughts and wish me lots of luck!
Here's a picture from X-mas of me riding a bull at the honkey tonk club my brother in law insisted we go to. We actually had a great time, so I really can't bitch, and now I can say I'm like Sissy from Urban Cowboy!
I am hoping he's got his plan in place and I will be able to walk in on Monday, quickly type up my resignation notice and turn that bitch in. I'm so excited I can't stand it!
It's raining like a bitch here right now, and is going to all weekend, but you know what, I don't give a rats ass, because I'm feelin' oh so fine, and have a feeling that my life is about to change for the better after 8pm tonight.
Everyone have good thoughts and wish me lots of luck!
Here's a picture from X-mas of me riding a bull at the honkey tonk club my brother in law insisted we go to. We actually had a great time, so I really can't bitch, and now I can say I'm like Sissy from Urban Cowboy!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A Dude Quit Today
So another one bites the dust, this time on his own accord. One of our Sales Reps jumped ship, and we hear he has gone to a competitor of ours that is AWFUL. What he was thinking we aren't really sure, but whatever, have a good time in hell...
Yes, our competitor is way worse than what I am dealing with in my own company, they would have to TRIPLE my salary to get me to work there...well, double it would probably be enough, I'd be making some fat cash either way!
That's about all I have to say, hopefully soon I will also be quitting and everyone can talk about ME!
Yes, our competitor is way worse than what I am dealing with in my own company, they would have to TRIPLE my salary to get me to work there...well, double it would probably be enough, I'd be making some fat cash either way!
That's about all I have to say, hopefully soon I will also be quitting and everyone can talk about ME!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Long Hair is Bad...In Your Thirties
So a different guy at work as been sporting long hair for way too long. I believe he's about 33 years old. He has beautiful strawberry blonde hair, but come on, long hair was cool in the early 90's with the whole grunge movement. Today, not so cool. At least not to me. And I am quite persuasive and managed to convince him to cut his hair.
He came to work today with it all cut off, looking pretty good except some weird tail like thing the hair stylist left on the back (I have also convinced him to go back and get that fixed, as it's really lame, and is giving him a late 80's "rat tail" effect).
Upon closer inspection, I realized she did an awfully horrible job of trimming up his neck/back hair and decided to start ripping out the long one's by hand. That was fun. Let me tell you, it was really, really fun. This guy and I have had our ins and outs over the years, he's very temperamental (I know, some of you are chuckling right now) and has made me cry twice in the four years I have worked here. So ripping out backhair was rather therapeutic. I did eventually feel bad and went and got some tweezers, but I still had fun with those too. He now appreciates what women go through in the wax/tweezing world, that's for sure.
I think he was more horrified that he was indeed growing backhair along his shoulder blades and upper neck area. Ripping them out by hand was indeed one of the funnest things I have gotten to do to a man to inflict me a sadist if you will.
As you can see by my blog, we are rather slow today, my horribly bitchy boss is now gone and not back until Thursday for some sort of board meeting. Oh darn, Shawna's so fucking sad to see him go! :)
He came to work today with it all cut off, looking pretty good except some weird tail like thing the hair stylist left on the back (I have also convinced him to go back and get that fixed, as it's really lame, and is giving him a late 80's "rat tail" effect).
Upon closer inspection, I realized she did an awfully horrible job of trimming up his neck/back hair and decided to start ripping out the long one's by hand. That was fun. Let me tell you, it was really, really fun. This guy and I have had our ins and outs over the years, he's very temperamental (I know, some of you are chuckling right now) and has made me cry twice in the four years I have worked here. So ripping out backhair was rather therapeutic. I did eventually feel bad and went and got some tweezers, but I still had fun with those too. He now appreciates what women go through in the wax/tweezing world, that's for sure.
I think he was more horrified that he was indeed growing backhair along his shoulder blades and upper neck area. Ripping them out by hand was indeed one of the funnest things I have gotten to do to a man to inflict me a sadist if you will.
As you can see by my blog, we are rather slow today, my horribly bitchy boss is now gone and not back until Thursday for some sort of board meeting. Oh darn, Shawna's so fucking sad to see him go! :)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Xanax and Work
I really don't have much to say today. Watching the time SLOWLY tick by. We are slow, which is not unusual for the first week back after the holiday's, all of our clients are slowing getting back into things, I'm sure next week will be hell, and I'm almost out of Xanax!
Yeah, I took too many Xanax today and think I might possibly be a bit high, which is not a horrible place to be. My doctor gave me a VERY low dosage, and only gave me 20 of them, with no refills. He did put me on antidepressants too, but I can't tell if those are doing anything other than making my hands shake until I take Xanax to stop the shaking (go figure). So I can't say the shakes today made me OD on the Xanax, I think sheer boredom and the fact that I now officially hate coming to work every day (although the drugs do make it more bearable for the time being).
I hate that too, cuz I used to really like my job, I used the say it's the best job I've ever had. I will still agree with that, but am so ready to move on. I've got some things in the works, that hopefully by next week or the week after I'll be able to slap my resignation notice on my boss' desk, can't wait to see that. I've thought about trying to rig a camera to my glasses somehow, so I can capture the moment on film, because I know he's going to freak the fuck out.
I'm not a bridge burner, you never know when you will need someone's help in the future, or if you possibly could work with them again. I don't plan to rag on him or anyone else, but let's just say I've been working on my speech to give him as to the why's and the what's, as I feel I do need to say some things, but in a very eloquent manner.
That's about all for me, I'm leaving at 5pm to go meet my gal pals Shelley and Denise for cocktails at where you ask? Why The Landing of course! It's usually an every Friday happy hour tradition for us, but we've all been so busy, that it's been about 3 weeks, so I have a feeling I'll be horizontal on the couch much of tomorrow. Gonna go hang out at the boys house tomorrow night, and just lay low (he's got Xanax, I plan on taking some of his for stocking purposes, tee-hee-hee) and watch a movie or something. I haven't seen him in a week, so Mama needs some lovin'!
Yeah, I took too many Xanax today and think I might possibly be a bit high, which is not a horrible place to be. My doctor gave me a VERY low dosage, and only gave me 20 of them, with no refills. He did put me on antidepressants too, but I can't tell if those are doing anything other than making my hands shake until I take Xanax to stop the shaking (go figure). So I can't say the shakes today made me OD on the Xanax, I think sheer boredom and the fact that I now officially hate coming to work every day (although the drugs do make it more bearable for the time being).
I hate that too, cuz I used to really like my job, I used the say it's the best job I've ever had. I will still agree with that, but am so ready to move on. I've got some things in the works, that hopefully by next week or the week after I'll be able to slap my resignation notice on my boss' desk, can't wait to see that. I've thought about trying to rig a camera to my glasses somehow, so I can capture the moment on film, because I know he's going to freak the fuck out.
I'm not a bridge burner, you never know when you will need someone's help in the future, or if you possibly could work with them again. I don't plan to rag on him or anyone else, but let's just say I've been working on my speech to give him as to the why's and the what's, as I feel I do need to say some things, but in a very eloquent manner.
That's about all for me, I'm leaving at 5pm to go meet my gal pals Shelley and Denise for cocktails at where you ask? Why The Landing of course! It's usually an every Friday happy hour tradition for us, but we've all been so busy, that it's been about 3 weeks, so I have a feeling I'll be horizontal on the couch much of tomorrow. Gonna go hang out at the boys house tomorrow night, and just lay low (he's got Xanax, I plan on taking some of his for stocking purposes, tee-hee-hee) and watch a movie or something. I haven't seen him in a week, so Mama needs some lovin'!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
A Dude Got Fired Today
So a dude here at my company got fired today. He did deserve to be fired, but I did like the guy, he wasn't the best worker, wasn't the fastest worker, wasn't really much of anything, but he smoked and went to The Landing from time to time, so how could I hate the guy?
Basically in the almost 2 years he had been here, he only made it to work on time once. Yes, you got that right, only once. Granted, his shift began at 6am, but hell, the dude got to leave at 2:30pm! Also, I'm sure some days it was only by a few minutes, but in our business, time is money, and if our printers aren't running (and he was an operator for 9 printers) we aren't making any moola!
Apparently he didn't make a fuss at all, didn't even tell my boss to F off, which I know from smoke conversations with the kid before, that he really wanted to. He said a few choice things to his immediate supervisor about my boss, but other than that, he left without incident.
Sad though, we are such a small company, that everyone knew "the walk of death" because we are now in a big open warehouse where everyone can see everyone (except for us exec's, we get offices) and when your supervisor is walking you out, that is never a good sign. Of course everyone is trying to get scoopage from me, but I don't know too much, just what I fished out of his supervisor.
Basically in the almost 2 years he had been here, he only made it to work on time once. Yes, you got that right, only once. Granted, his shift began at 6am, but hell, the dude got to leave at 2:30pm! Also, I'm sure some days it was only by a few minutes, but in our business, time is money, and if our printers aren't running (and he was an operator for 9 printers) we aren't making any moola!
Apparently he didn't make a fuss at all, didn't even tell my boss to F off, which I know from smoke conversations with the kid before, that he really wanted to. He said a few choice things to his immediate supervisor about my boss, but other than that, he left without incident.
Sad though, we are such a small company, that everyone knew "the walk of death" because we are now in a big open warehouse where everyone can see everyone (except for us exec's, we get offices) and when your supervisor is walking you out, that is never a good sign. Of course everyone is trying to get scoopage from me, but I don't know too much, just what I fished out of his supervisor.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy 2007

Man, all I can say is that my kidneys and liver need to be flushed, in a bad, bad way. I don't think I am going to not drink for January, as I did last year, but I'm definitely going to be taking it easy. My kidney's literally hurt today. It hurts when I breathe for god's sake.
NYE at the "rich folks" house was awesome, had so much fun, no one remembers why these pics occured.....I'll leave you with these lovely pics for now.
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