We actually do have a purpose for going to this event, it's the BBQ contest. One of the guys here is quite the chef when it comes to smoking up some good ole Texas BBQ, and man, his ribs are the best ribs I have ever eaten in my life, no joke!

There he is, slaving away at making us some ribs and brisket. The poor guy didn't sleep at all, we got out on Friday afternoon, he finally slept after the competition around midnight on Saturday night. He got 3rd place in ribs, out of 71 entries. I'd say that's pretty fucking awesome! I actually sat down and was a judge for the rib contest. No, we did not have to try 71 kinds of ribs, they broke it down, I got to try 16 different ones. Didn't get his, as I know them well, so it wasn't fixed!
We also created the "White Trash Yard Art" contest, the first annual, and this is what won:

Here's a picture of most of the main "crew" that was there from Friday to Sunday. This was taken Saturday evening, after we had won the 3rd place prize for ribs! As you can see, we all have on our "matchy matchy" Three Bars BBQ t-shirts!
I only had one mishap, on Friday night, after playing with the toilet contraption too much, I was sitting in a chair, and moved it slightly, apparently my reflexes were NOT cat-like, and I fell over, according to one account, "It was totally slow motion and none of us could get off our asses to help you!" So I have a nice bruise on my left forearm. Looks like I got in a fight and lost terribly. Funny thing is, I didn't even notice it until Saturday evening, standing at the judges tent, waiting on the awards! It's a big one though, about 4 inches long, about 2 inches wide, and today it's a lovely shade of purple and green!
So we went through 70 pounds of brisket, 25 racks of ribs, 6 chickens, god knows how much sausage, plus an assortment of side items. If I told you the amount of alcohol we went through, you'd call the authorities on me! Let's just say it was a good amount!
Lots of fun was had, we drank, we ate, we were merry! I can't wait for next year! Oh, and Three Bars BBQ came from the fact that our company logo has three bars in it...if anyone was wondering!
I thought that it refered to the fact that after hitting 3 bars you're toasted.
Hahaha, that's a good one, but alas, not the case!
Koozies and Jager from a toilet...yea. I think that's pretty much a high point. No need to go on from there.
1. BBQ. Mmmmmmmmmmm
2. Toilet shots? I don't care if it is new, that is gross...plus, I just hate shots.
3. "HA HA Shawna just slow-mo busted her ass!" Deja vu.
4. Any GIT ER DONE flags flying this year, or is that sooooo 2006?
A nifty Jager machine. Now I would have featured that in my potty posts but alas, I'm already potty trained. Still, you should take that idea public...
Koozies are rad, what do you have against koozies? They keep your beer cold, how can that be bad?
We didn't drink the shots OUT of the toilet, we drank them out of dixie cups, sheesh!
Of course someone had a "confederate flag" up, it wouldn't be a redneck festival without one. No one said "git er done" thank god, think that novelty phrase has finally worn off, and it was 2005 last time I went.
I did actually discuss with the makers that we outta start making these things and selling them on ebay, we could make some serious cash. We are still working on the patent, as we need to figure out how to make the monster/red bull pour as well, to make it completely streamlined.
Shawna: There's this girl I know who's got a sizable trust fund. (Welcome to LA.) I once asked someone what her parents did and they said..wait for it....
"Her dad invented the Koozy."
I fucking love those things. They remind me of summers in the south.
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