Wednesday, April 04, 2007


This is a fun one. VE started this, and I'm going to play along, as I know how it feels to only have a few faithful readers!

Stranded on a deserted island, and you have these things...

One iPod song?
I like Sue do not actually own an iPod, I want one, so I'll still pick a song. I'm not going with obvious oceanic theme songs, I truly would have to live with the song forever. God, this is harder than I thought.
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

One DVD?
This is also difficult, as there are several movies I could actually watch over and over again.
Good Fellas - it's my favorite of all time

One book?
I'm going to have to go a bit obvious here, but I'll pick
Lord of the Flies - it really is a great book, and like Sue, I may get some insight just in case anyone else gets stranded with me, or there are some natives on the island, that just aren't appearing yet (yes, had to throw a LOST reference in there)

One type of drink?
Easy, if I gotta be stranded, I want to be drunk as hell so I don't care!
Crown Royal Reserve - on the rocks

One kind of meal?
Always said this was my dying wish meal, so it should be good enough for here
Filet Minon-medium rare, baked potato - loaded, steamed asparagus & Caesar salad

One dessert?
I'm not really a dessert person either, but I'm stranded, so I'll eat it!
Chocolate Sheet Cake

One toiletry item?
This isn't hard at all

One photograph?
I'd have to say any of the multitude of pics of me with my sisters and their children.


Just Sayin' said...

Based upon your answers... I think I may...

Love you!

Your first three answers are exactly the same as mine would be... Even down to "The Lord Of The Flies" for the obvious reasons!!!

Disagree on the drink... But whatever.

Completely agree on the meal and dessert!

Toiletry... Well, let's just say I support your choice...

And photo... I don't really know any of your sisters... But sure why not?

All in all I'd have to say it's love...

Ed & Jeanne said...

Excellent choices here.

Well went for the really good meal...but steak over and over...I'd have to bring along the fiber too ;)

House of Suz said...

A+ for participation.

Shawna said...

just - thanks so much, I'm so thrilled to have someone new reading my blog!

VE - I loves me some steak, God made cows taste good for a reason!

Sue - thanks teach!

House of Dave said...

Hmm. Such surveys are common in blogland, but I don't normally fill them out. But I have just relocated to a desert island of my own -- occupied by several million other people, but still -- so I'm intrigued.

One iPod song? Uh, if you only have one song, what do you need an iPod for? You could play it on a $5 Walkman. Aren't we just asking for one... song? In that case, for a desert island, I would pick Billy Joel's "Italian Restaurant." Because it's really long (feels like more than one song, actually), has good associations, and doesn't remind me of being on a desert island.

One DVD? Pulp Fiction. Ordinarily I would say "It's a Wonderful Life," but I have a feeling that would seem rather depressing all by myself.

Book? Galapagos, by Kurt Vonnegut. Island associations.

Drink? Vodka. Tuaca's no good without a freezer.

Meal? Same as yours, I'd say.

Dessert? If I had a freezer, ice cream. But then I could have Tuaca, too, right? This is far more complicated than it appears.

Toiletry item? Toothbrush.

Photo? Let's just say it would not be of a relative, or of a male.

Gnomeself Be True said...

I have to say that your choice of a Pink Floyd tune impresses me greatly.
I'd rather share an iPod with you than Susan because, although I'd love to be stranded on a desert island with her, I don't think I could stand living forever with one Rufus Wainright song.
As an alternative to Wish you were here, though I love it, how about "Shine On You Crazy Diamond?" Parts 1-9 makes a 27:11 song. Surely a plus, when you only have one song.