Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"D" is for Done Deal!

Well, things with "D" are moving along at light speed. We are totally and completely into each other. This is it for me folks, I think I've found "the one"! I know, most of you are going "oh lord, what the hell is she doing" and all that stuff. All I can offer, is that you trust me to know what I'm doing.

No, we aren't getting married tomorrow or moving in together, although we have already had those discussions. We are THAT serious about this.

Yes, I know we are still in the ga-ga-goo-goo stages of the relationship, as it's only been a few weeks, but we both also recognize that and are trying to maintain a level head. Some days it's hard, but overall, we both are smart and logical people and aren't going to jump into anything that could potentially destroy what we have.

He has 3 cats, I met them on Monday night when I stayed at his place in Denton. They are terrific, however, I am still allergic, no matter how cute and wonderful they are, they are still something I can't live with. That's going to be a big deal. We need to figure out what the heck can be done about this. I would never in a million years want or expect anyone to get rid of their beloved pets over me. We all know how much I love Georgie, I couldn't imagine having to give her up for a man. I don't think I could.

We've joked about a "cat sanctuary" in the backyard, you know, almost like a child's playhouse, but for the cats to live. That sounds cute and fun and all, but that's not really fair to the cats. Plus Georgie would terrorize them on a daily basis.

He obviously would live with me, as I own, and he rents. Poor guy will have to commute quite a way, but I'm totally worth it! hehehe His lease is up in July, and we talked about him moving then, but that's just way too soon. If his landlord will let him, he is going to ask for a 6 month lease, as I feel after that point, if we are still feeling as strongly, we will shack up at that point!

The biggest test is yet to come, he has yet to meet any of my friends. I have so many different types of friends, this should be interesting. I haven't even taken him to The Landing yet! He will be meeting a shit ton of co-workers this weekend, as there are two parties for us to go to on Saturday. But the biggest one of them all would have to be Jodi. She won't meet him until July, but she's already all over the "D" bandwagon, so I think it should go well. She is the ONLY friend that I have that will be honest and upfront (even though I've asked others to on the last one, you know who you are...) and tell me if he's right or wrong in the beginning. Not this "oh, I knew he was wrong for you" after the fact bullshit. No pressure "D", no pressure at all!

I've tried to not write about him, but it's hard. So if I sicken you all with my talk of "D" you are just going to have to get over it. He's my man, and I'm so happy about it! I had told him when we first met that I didn't NEED a man, I WANTED a man. My tune has changed, I've needed a man in my life all along, I was just too afraid to admit it. We all need that, having a companion and friend and lover is so important. It can be the greatest feeling in the world. I feel like I've won the lottery with "D", he's fantastic and makes me feel absolutely amazing.


Unknown said...

"G" is for "GA-GA" or, "GOD,u 2 are disgustingly sweet" or,"GAY". Oh, I cannot wait to start telling you how disgusting you are when you are all over each other in front of me, with the PDAs flying about. I remember all too well how you used to tell me and Troy to "get a room".

Well, I am glad that I have such a high status. D, if you are reading this,just know that you will be fine with me as long as you continue to treat her how she deserves to be treated. But, you really should learn how to cook...I mean, really....spaghetti? if you can play a string instrument like a piano then I think you can throw some shit in a pan.

Tee hee hee

Gnomeself Be True said...

Very cool Shawna.
That women don't need men and men don't need women is just propaganda put out by angry, bitter people.
We are hard-wired for completion through our love relationships. Maybe that doesn't have to be a mate, but it does have to be...someone or something we love more than ourselves.
I hope you've found that.

noone said...

I can't for Auto Pilot to meet this mystery man!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Don't worry...cats only live to be about 20 years old...

Shawna said...

Brandon, what are you talking about? Auto Pilot?

noone said...

Oh, Auto Pilot is my alter ego who only comes out to play when I'm drunk. You know him pretty well. He's the one that's always trying to do things like get you to kick him in the nuts, sleep with drunkest/ugliest chick at the bar, or get you to drive him home. I gave him the nickname Auto Pilot a long time ago because he seems to completely take over after I black out. I'll always say, "God I don't remember anything from last night, was I passed out". People always respond with, "no, you were running around and talking and I think trying to punch people". Then I say, "oh, that wasn't me that was Auto Pilot I hope he didn't hurt anyone... or himself".

Shawna said...

As many mornings as I've woken up with you (that sounds bad) I have never heard you use that term. It's funny, and so totally true. You never remember SHIT. Well, you say you don't, maybe that's what you do to get away with all the stupid shit you do when you are wasted! hahaha

-for the record, MF and I have never had sex, yes, we have slept in the same bed and in the same house, it's usually a drunken, where can I lay down and pass out situation!