Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well, last night I had my first "official" date with the new boy. He will now be referred to as "D". We met up at a Mexican joint in Flower Mound, as that's about the 1/2 way mark for the both of us.

Had a nice dinner, a couple of fish bowl margaritas and headed outside for a little makeout session in his truck! So felt like a teenager! Was waiting for the cops to show up and shine their spotlight in the fogged up windows of the truck! That didn't happen, I will say I was a little disappointed! hahaha

So yeah, things are going well in my book, we have good conversations and he's a GREAT kisser! Oh yeah, and he's really handsome and stuff too!

However, I did make the error of giving him my blog info, so he's read up. He made note last night that I seemed to really like the last new boy, and that it went downhill rather quickly. He's right, it did, but I'll explain a little better now.

With the last guy, it had been a long time since I'd been in any semblance of a relationship. I WANTED it to be great, I WANTED to like him. I don't think I ever really liked him all that much to be honest. I tried to make something out of nothing, which luckily I figured that out eventually and got the hell outta there! He still calls from time to time, I just don't answer the phone, especially since it's usually a drunk dial in the wee hours of the morning on a school night, so I'm usually in bed anyway (makes it a lot easier to ignore).

With D it's a completely different feeling. One I haven't had in probably 10 years. Hopefully that won't scare him away, but it's true! I've always been a big fan of the honesty, so there you have it. He makes me smile, he makes me feel like he actually cares what I'm saying, and actually retains the information. He's genuinely a nice guy and that's also a nice change of pace. Well, at least I think he's a good guy, if not, he's one hell of a pretender! I don't really know how to explain how I feel about this budding relationship, but I'm so happy it's happening!

Stay tuned!


Unknown said...

Oh, that D! He's the cautious one isn't he? As an expert on your relationships, I can say with authority that this time, it really is completely different. But, ya gotta give the guy props for being careful.

For what it's worth, I never liked that last guy.

Shawna said...

Yeah, you've definitely pretty much been through every relationship I've ever had, so yeah, you most definitely can speak on my behalf!

Anonymous said...

Cool beans. I sincerely hope he doesn't turn into a nugget chomper ("nugget chomper" trademark tka 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this phrase may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the owner.).

Oh yeah - you know you love it.

House of Suz said...

Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you and D! :)

noone said...

Hmmm, I for one think these 'nice guys' are overrated. What about the 'bad boys'? Who's gonna love us? You know the one's who never remember your birthday. The one's who rarely call you, and don't answer the phone when your number pops up on caller id. The one's who tell you they're tired so they can go out with their buddies, get shit-canned, and hit on other women. We deserve love too. We don't hurt you intentionally. We're just so completely self absorbed that we pay little-to-no attention to your feelings and needs.
Oh, now that I think about it I guess we love... OURSELVES. So scratch what I said earlier, we don't need you after all.

It's me, @Moustachio said...

I have a Pontiac. Ever made out in a Pontiac?

Shawna said...

rlk - thanks!

brandon - yeah, I've had my fill of the bad boys, you guys suck!

conti - i can honestly say i've never made out in a pontiac...maybe if things don't work out w/D, I'll give you a call!