Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What Cocaine Can Do

Back when I was a Senior in High School, way back in '93 (haha) I had definitely reached the height of my experimentation with drugs. My best girl Jodi was already out of school, as she is a year ahead of me. At the time, she was dating this guy named Eric Jones. Eric was known as quite the bad boy. Lots of drugs, alcohol and jail. That's pretty much what his life was (and probably still is).

Well of course we thought he was cool, I mean, he could buy us beer and get really good drugs! I, at this point had tried marijuana and acid. I liked both of them a lot. I had yet to try cocaine, which they were really getting into at this time. Jodi of course, had joined the bandwagon, as she was his girlfriend after all.

This is about the first time I tried cocaine. It was a weird night, it was a school night for me. Jodi and Eric got into a big fight, as he wanted to go to the bar, and we obviously couldn't. If my memory serves me, he was even going with some random chic, and obviously, that didn't make Jodi happy. We were at his house, as they had just scored a bunch of coke and the plan was to party! I was planning on drinking (vodka and oj) and smoking some pot, but had no intentions on trying "the cocaine".

Well, after a bunch of yelling and screaming, Eric left anyway. What he forgot, was his cocaine. Jodi, myself and one of his roommates (can't remember his name) were the only one's left at the house, with an entire 8-ball of coke (that's quite a bit of coke for 3 people). I decided to try it. At first I said no, I just watched them, how they did it, watched what happened to them, and of course I finally succumbed to the enticement of it all.

Let me also say that I think peer pressure is complete and utter bullshit. Everything I've done or tried is because I WANTED to. Everyone has a mind of their own, sure some kids can be rather pushy, but if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. There was no peer pressure involved in my decision to try it. And for those of you who have used cocaine, if someone doesn't want any, that's good, it's more for the rest of them! I just wanted to, I had to know what it was like.

So I did my line, and can remember that feeling to this day. It's a feeling of complete and total immortality. Like you can do anything, to anyone, anywhere, like you were a Super Hero. What I realized 15 seconds later, is that it went away as quickly as it came, and you spend the rest of your time chasing that short, 15 seconds of bliss. I think after that 15 seconds I said something along the lines of, "give me more, NOW!" Yeah, yay....(sarcasm)

So the good part of the story is when I had to go home. I think my dad said I could stay out until 11pm, as I had to go to school the next day. Well, I get home, high as a kite, little drunk and completely unaware of anything. I remember laying in my bed most of the night, wanting the feeling to go away, and not being able to do anything about it.

Well, I guess I finally fell asleep at some point, because the next thing I know, I've got my dad SCREAMING at me, throwing a roll of paper towels at me and telling me to clean up my mess. Apparently vodka and oj doesn't go so well with coke. I had thrown up right next to my bed, a big ole pile of orange. Pretty gross. So I'm all confused and discombobulated, and begin to clean it up. He goes away, but of course is still yelling profanities through the house. What happens next, I to this day, have no idea why....

So the next thing I know, I'm ripping clothes off the hangers in my closet and putting them inside of Rolling Stone Magazine and throwing them out of my bedroom door yelling, "You happy Dad? ARE YOU HAPPY? I am on the YEARBOOK staff, NOT the NEWSPAPER, this edition is going to suck, I don't know SHIT about the newspaper!!!!" Yeah, um....wha? I think I was still high on the cocaine, don't you? He stopped dead in his tracks and said something along the lines of, "I have no idea what you and Jodi took last night, but you are NOT going to school, finish cleaning up the puke and get your ass back in bed and sleep off whatever the hell it is you are on!"

So at least I got out of going to school!


Gnomeself Be True said...

Fun stuff....
Coke makes a man feel like Superman and perform like Underdog.
Nothing like a drug that first makes you feel like the king of the world, then turns you in to a twitchy paranoid with a limp...er...um...superman.

Shawna said...

Yeah, no joke! I guess I should have said at the end:

This is why I no longer do cocaine, and haven't since 1996!

Ed & Jeanne said...

The things you'll do to get out of school!

Unknown said...

wow, I almost wish my name weren't associated with this story. I mean, I was only 18 or 19 at the time, I can't be held responsible now, right? Wow. I am paranoid, and totally clean. It's like a coke flashback.

Shawna said...

Jodi-you are not held responsible for any of it, hence why I put in the part about not believing in peer pressure!

Did you notice D posted? He's "stringtapper"

House of Suz said...

Drugs make you soooooo cool. Nothing says cool like waking up next to a pile your own of puke.

It usually means you're a rock star, right?

Shawna said...

Hey, at least I was NEXT to it, not in it. I was in my bed, it was on the floor next to me, so at least I didn't roll around in it!

This was not meant to be a "hey, remember the good ole days" kind of post, it was supposed to make people go:

"oh right, yeah, I remember when I did that shit"

And to think of a story of their own, to reflect on why cocaine is a sucky-ass drug!