Friday, April 13, 2007

Chee Chee Chee Haa Haa Haa

Yes folks, it's Friday the 13th! The title of this post is supposed to mimic the sounds from the Jason music from the popular movies, it's the closest I could get, did anyone actually pick up on that?

I decided to google the date, and see what came up, this is the one thing that really got me:

Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they are simply unable to get out of bed when Friday the 13th rolls around. The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that more than 17 million people are affected by a fear of this day. Despite that, representatives for both Delta and Continental Airlines say that their airlines don't suffer from any noticeable drop in travel on those Fridays.

Seriously? 17 million people are paralyzed with fear over a stupid date? Come on. I swear to god, this world and all the psychiatrists and shit making up these stupid non-existent "conditions". It's a fucking superstition, that's it!

I personally love the day, I know something fucked up with happen, hopefully not to me, but whatever, it's just a DAY.

I wonder what kind of meds those people get.....


Anonymous said...

Nevermind about today being Friday the 13th, (and I agree with you 100%) how'd the date go? ;)

Shawna said...

Hahaha, didn't know you were still around, you hadn't posted a comment in a while! :)

The date got cancelled and rescheduled for this coming Wednesday. He had a big paper due, and didn't sleep at all, I made him cancel.

So far so good though, we have talked on the phone several times and had several lengthy IM conversations, and I'm looking forward to meeting him in person!

Anonymous said...

I hope it goes as sweetly as how I'd imagine it going [blush] :)

Shawna said...

Wow, you imagined my date? I don't know if I should be flattered or scared....tee-hee-hee

Anonymous said...


I probably shouldn't mention the hottub scene, then, huh? :)

Shawna said...

rlk - i do believe you have a crush on me! i love it!

Anonymous said...

Guilty! :)

House of Suz said...

FUCK! You mean I could have called in to work this morning telling them I am too afraid to get out of bed because it's Friday the 13th and probably gotten away with it like all those other people fake every time it rolls around? Man I feel cheated. I'm marking my calendar.

alexleverington said...

hahaha. I drink red bull instead of taking meds. It gives me wings.

House of Dave said...

My Friday the 13th passed without incident, you'll be happy to know.

And I have to say, that 17 million figure seems like a total crock. That would be enough to be noticed.

Jason music? I thought you were imitating a monkey. A very amused monkey.

noone said...

Had a paper due? Perhaps you should wait until they're out of high school. What's it going to be next week, "Sorry my dog ate my condoms."

Shawna said...

Brandon you should know first hand about that, he's a STUDENT working on his Master's, then PhD, so shut it! He's a grown man, just still in school!