Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Work & Boys (yep, you are all boys)

Sorry faithful readers for being gone for a while, Sue had to prompt me to get off my butt and write a new blog.

As you know, I started my new job last week, and so far so good. Not really a lot for me to do yet, just sit and watch and ask questions and stuff. Kinda driving me nuts, cuz I'm used to going 90 to nothing, but that's ok, I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be bitching about the overload I've got! I'm happy about the move, know it's gonna be great, and that I made the right decision. Nothing to complain about on the work front.

I broke up with "the boy" last night. Just too many similarities to my ex for starters among his own quirks and issues that I just finally decided after 3 months, weren't worth it. The "Cons" list was much, much longer than the "Pros" list. I had fun 75% of the time, but damnit, I'm awesome and I deserve fun and happiness with my mate 100% of the time. Like I've always said, "boys are stupid!" I need to become a lesbian....hahaha, think I've talked about that before too, that's not gonna happen, like the penis and girls are fucked up in their own ways, I couldn't imagine having to deal with one as a mate, kill me NOW! I just need to find a guy that is a MAN, I seem to find these little pussy boys that have issues bigger than The Grand Canyon. I don't need that, I have enough issues that I actually work on (yes folks, I do work on them) and try and resolve.

I don't think my man exists. If he does, let the Blog lords cometh and save me now, send my soulmate to me through this blog...

Yeah, right, like that's gonna work.

Check out this site, it's awesome. The humor in it, I think, is very similar to mine, I spent most of the day, being sure to read each and every "comic" as they call them. Also, if you go to Joey on the menu bar, he has written a bunch of "fake" cover letters to potential employers, this site can honestly keep you busy for hours! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure everyone has issues as big as the grand canyon. no avoiding it. sigh

House of Suz said...

Welcome back to singledom---and right before VD!

I keep telling myself I am laying off men for the year and so far I am holding true to it. My luck when I come back they won't be interested at all.

Shawna said...

Valentine's Day is a joke, I've never liked the damned day, yes I refuse to call it a holiday, because it is not.

It's an excuse for single women to get drunk and whine about being single and an excuse for married/with boyfriend women to bitch at their other half for the shitty gift they got (or didn't).

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think of myself as an almost middle-aged boy, this way, I never need to be responsible in my relationships. It's the way it works (for me and most males). I think one day, I'll reach that point where being a boy is no longer an option - until then... wooooohooooo! PENIS IN VAGINA SEX!!!!!!!

Anyway, hope you're happy with the break and looking forward to enjoying yourself as a single girl.

Shawna said...

Oh trust me, this was the right decision, I knew it was 3 weeks into it, just was bored and I guess had nothing better to do.

It's one of the best decisions I've made this year! 2007 is all about GOOD decisions for Shawna!