Monday, February 26, 2007

Time for Change

Yeah, I changed my template. Got bored, needed something to do, thought I'd check out the "new" blogger.

This will probably change 50 more times, I dunno. What I'd really like to figure out is how to post my pic as well as links to other peoples blogs. I have found this difficult in the past, but maybe now with the new and improved blogger I can figure the fucking thing out.

I work for a very high tech server selling company. They would be appalled to know I have no idea how to insert my friend's blogs into the blog code. I'm sure it's simple and easy, and after I write this, I'm going to attempt it. We'll see what happens.

I don't have anything interesting to write about today. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

FWIW, I think the new layout is cool, and how could it not be sporting such a cute pic! :)

I really enjoyed reading about your house-buying experience, and I'm on the very same journey here in Portland, OR.

Anonymous said...

Oh shawna... I thought you had plenty of experience inserting your friend's blogs into your blog code?!?


I made a sex joke!

I bet you never saw that one... coming!

(I really shouldn't imbibe tasty beverages and narcotics and then read your blog)

Shawna said...

rlk - I don't know what FWIW is...buying a house is a nightmare, but totally worth it in the end.

tav - amazing ability to insert (haha, i said insert) a sex joke into a blog, with no rhyme or reason!

Unknown said...

FWIW...for what it's worth....

God, Shawna,I don't even work for a high tech company and I know that. Or do I just spend too much time reading blogs at work?

Shawna said...

FWIW - I have never heard that before! Now I know.

I might work for a high tech company, that doesn't mean that I understand it yet, I've only worked here for a month! SHEESH!

House of Suz said...

Love the makeover.

Shawna said...

Thanks! I love me some red, and black goes so well with it. It's also the logo colors of my new company. They chose well.

Anonymous said...

christ on a bus you're a fat ugly thing, aren't you?...and so full of shit... reading all your crap is like the time in high school i was amused for 5 minutes while i let some greasy fat loser sit down and talk to me and try to impress me...the pics of you and the other porky on the floor was soo gross..nice fat bf's too! soo the reason why texas is the asshole of the u.s...its packed full of huge pieces of shit like you...also, i hope someday that you get gangraped by a black,"mexican", asian's the most action any face fucked up fatty like you could ever hope to get...and you know this is all true...and everybody is thinking it..and i have the right to say it too :)

Unknown said...

wow. I followed the hate link down there,and it leads to the most pathetic hate site I have ever seen. The guy on the site looks like a shaved down gorilla. I tried to post a comment, but he makes you register, and to be honest, I didn't feel he was important enough to spend the 2 minutes it might take to do that. But seriously, try to listen to boys like rlk above, and not to a monkey in a man suit.

Shawna said...

That's awesome. I love hate posts. They are so great. His momma was probably fat, and made him have sex with her or something.

He's blocked now, so it doesn't really matter.

House of Suz said...

Hmm, nope, that guy's got no problems. I am sure he's sane.
