Wednesday, February 21, 2007

All Hail the Catholics!

So today is Ash Wednesday. The day when all the Catholics get ash on their foreheads in the shape of a cross (at least the practicing one's do) and give something up for the next 6 weeks. A girl here at work has her ash on, but can't figure out what to give up, so I enlisted the help of my sister. I asked what she was giving up. She has no idea. Says my niece is the "good Catholic" and that she is good to get to church on Sunday's!

It generally has to be something that is difficult. She quit smoking years ago this way. I think my niece was a bigger influence on that, not the church, but it worked! If I was Catholic, I'd try that.

I have so many bad habits, I'd just have to pick one and hope that it worked! Probably part of the reason I've never settled on a religion, I'd have to start following their rules. I'm not much on following rules, never have been.

Don't get me wrong, I am a tax paying citizen and all that shit, but I do drive overwhelmingly fast when I can. I do not stop at stop signs completely, the ole "no cop, no stop" rule. I do try and use my blinker, I hate when people don't. I smoke, so therefore I break that law. (you know what I mean, right?) Um, I have driven probably over the limit all the time, but I do not drive when I know I can't. One DWI in a life is enough, right? I do need to get better at that. But yeah, I think we all break rules and don't abide by "the law" all the time, right? Am I the only one?

Tell me what laws you have broken lately.


House of Suz said...

What laws haven't I broken lately? Kidding, just the one about being fall down drunk in Tijuana, I heard that's enough to get you thrown in the slammer.

In the past I've given up smoking, Jack Daniels and Popeye's fried chicken for Lent. This year I'm giving up Chatholicism.

Unknown said...

I told her to give up Grey's anatomy.

she looked at me like I just shot her dog.

Shawna said...

Ha, that's a good one. My sister watches that show too, I'll tell her to give that up, although she already ruined it, as I am sure she watched last Thursday! Who didn't???