So I've recently come under attack from a lot of people for wearing my Uggs. I am here to defend the almighty Ugg!
First off, I was first made aware of these interesting shoes WAY back in 1988 when my oldest sister moved to San Diego. These shoes have been around LONG before Paris Hilton decided that they were cool, ok? Surfers in Southern Cali have worn them for years, they were NOT a new thing a few years ago.
I've been slammed by numerous people for still wearing my Uggs, and I say to all of you:
I love them. They are like wearing slippers all the time. Are they all that attractive? No. No they are not. Do I care? No. No I do not. Do my feet stink if I don't wear socks with them? Yes. Yes they do. That is why I always wear socks with them now.
They are ridiculously expensive, the shoe shown above retails for about $140.00. I got mine in San Diego a few years ago and got them for $99.00, what a deal! I have the cheapo version, I'd love to get the "ultimate" version, but they are almost 2 bills! My other sister is quite obsessed with them really. I believe she now has 4 pair. 3 boots and 1 slipper. Yes, they make actual slippers too, but they just look like mules. You could totally wear them in public.
Uggs came into fashion because of people like Paris, but seriously folks, do you let someone like her decide what is fashionable and what is not? Puh-leeze. She's a skank and you know it. I was actually upset when they became popular, because I knew this would happen.
Just like with Birkenstocks. I grew up in Southern Oregon. Everyone wore Birks. EVERYONE. It wasn't a so called "fashion trend" people just wore 'em because there are a lot of dirty hippies in Oregon. God I miss that place. I could never be a true "dirty hippy" cuz I like to shave my pits and shower on a regular basis, but you get my drift. I finally threw away my last pair of Birks a few years ago (they needed to be in the trash, they were reaching dirty hippy status) and normally would have instantly bought a new pair, but alas, I fell to the peer pressure of "Birks aren't cool anymore" and switched to flip flops. I do love my Reef's, and they are a lot cheaper, but still!
My point is this. You can not stop me from wearing my Uggs. I will wear them more now that I have realized they bother people. They are comfy, easy and warm. It gets cold in Texas in the winter, and I'll tell ya what, my feet aren't!
So laugh all you want, bet your feet aren't as warm as mine!
*side note, even with wearing socks they do not make your feet sweat!
Just so you know: ugg boots are Australian; ugg boots are typically indoor footwear; ugg boots are only ever worn outside in australia by bogans; bogans are not good people.
If you'd like a better definition of bogan go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogan. In short, you don't want to be a bogan. Nobody likes a bogan.
I appreciate that you're not in Australia - but if I see you wearing ugg boots outside the house I will be forced to use violence. Bogan fashion has that affect on me.
The first celeb I noted wearing Uggs was Cameron Diaz and that was quite a few years ago. Before I went to Prague I bought a pair because it was March and snowing. Love those things, only they look more like Herman Monster boots, they aren't suede and they are black and have hiking boot soles. But they're still Uggs.
I know they are Australian Tav. People in the US wear them outdoors, so just deal with it. I have worn them in front of you before, I guess you were either trying to be nice and not say anything, or you didn't even notice!
I noticed, it pained me greatly to hold my tongue... but it's quite simply a clash of cultures. Doesn't really upset me all that much. I just like to exaggerate.
Honestly, it makes me giggle to see all the folks wearing ugg boots thinking they're trendy when really they look like bogans (all that's missing is a mullet!).
Again, I wear Uggs because they serve a purpose to me. I am not trying to be trendy or anything, if anyone knows me, they know I am NOT trendy.
Call me a bogan, I'm cool w/that.
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