Prior Company News:
So I went and had lunch with a bunch of people I worked with at my former job yesterday. It was a random thing, we threw together at the last minute. Turns out it was a goooood day to meet up with them, as drama was unfolding there yesterday!
Three people got fired (let go).
The other two I'm not happy about, but there is justice, the retard got what was coming to him.
It was explained that sales had been shitty for the last two months, so they needed to free up some money. Blah, blah, blah. In my opinion, the real problem was that they moved into this huge new space, that put their break even at a very high number, so our profitability went to the toilet. Don't get me wrong, they totally needed more space and such, but the sales team was pretty low, really only two sales people there that really sold their asses off.
I don't think I necessarily had my job to worry about, if I was still there, I did way too much for them, but I'm sure glad I got out when I did. I don't think that's the last of the layoffs.
The jackass dude that left that ridiculously (and kind of scary) stupid comment on my blog from the last post...god, where do I start. First off, if you click on it, it goes to his website it's just ridiculous. This guy is trying to sell his services by making fun of people that are big? Um, hello jackass, get a clue, the people that would use you ARE fat, they are coming to you to LOSE weight, why don't you let them know you are a total jackass and hate people that aren't stick figures, I bet he gets a TON of business.
I just don't understand the world of blogging I guess. I mean I understood on the somewhat racial post I did recently why I got the hate comments, but he posted that under a "I don't have much to say" post. WTF??? I read all sorts of random blogs, sometimes I post, if I feel the need to, but I would NEVER go to someone's blog and write such hatred. Probably because I don't have that much hatred inside of me, maybe, ya think?
I've read some blogs lately where people have stopped because of things such as this. They are scared to death of these "stalker bloggers" or whatever you want to call them. I don't really blame them, but it's gonna take a lot more than that to stop me from writing about MY LIFE & MY OPINIONS.
I'll admit I'm not a bean pole, but I by no means think I'm fat, and neither is my friend Mary, that is in the pictures he's talking about. Could I lose some weight, um, yeah, but why does he feel like it's his business to tell me as much? It's my fucking life and my fucking body, I don't need that shit from anyone. Does he think that I have taken all mirrors out of my house for god's sake? Trust me, I see my naked body every day, and know I need to get my ass back in the gym, but I certainly don't need Rocco to tell me as much. Inflated muscle head retard. Read the comment I posted, I'm pretty proud of that. I mean really, people that do that obviously have had some sort of trauma in their childhood, because normal, mentally healthy people don't do things like that, ya know?
That's all for now.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Time for Change
Yeah, I changed my template. Got bored, needed something to do, thought I'd check out the "new" blogger.
This will probably change 50 more times, I dunno. What I'd really like to figure out is how to post my pic as well as links to other peoples blogs. I have found this difficult in the past, but maybe now with the new and improved blogger I can figure the fucking thing out.
I work for a very high tech server selling company. They would be appalled to know I have no idea how to insert my friend's blogs into the blog code. I'm sure it's simple and easy, and after I write this, I'm going to attempt it. We'll see what happens.
I don't have anything interesting to write about today. Sorry.
This will probably change 50 more times, I dunno. What I'd really like to figure out is how to post my pic as well as links to other peoples blogs. I have found this difficult in the past, but maybe now with the new and improved blogger I can figure the fucking thing out.
I work for a very high tech server selling company. They would be appalled to know I have no idea how to insert my friend's blogs into the blog code. I'm sure it's simple and easy, and after I write this, I'm going to attempt it. We'll see what happens.
I don't have anything interesting to write about today. Sorry.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Is It Just Me?
Or have you all noticed lately that there is a phenomenon going on in the blogging world. There is a short phrase (2 words really) and another word that have been all over everyone's blog lately. I think everyone likes these words, and somehow has managed to incorporate them into their blog.
I digress
Yeah, you know who you are!
It just seems that almost every day I am seeing those 2 used in more and more blogging. I haven't heard them being used elsewhere (like on TV or radio), so I'm going to assume that our little blogging community is becoming quite incestuous and stealing these nifty little words from their friends.
It's not that I dislike either of the 2, I have just noticed an overwhelmingly high use of them lately. Very popular in the blog world.
That's all I got. Just had to point it out. I thought about showing all the places I've noticed them, but that would take way too long, and again, you know who you are.
I digress
Yeah, you know who you are!
It just seems that almost every day I am seeing those 2 used in more and more blogging. I haven't heard them being used elsewhere (like on TV or radio), so I'm going to assume that our little blogging community is becoming quite incestuous and stealing these nifty little words from their friends.
It's not that I dislike either of the 2, I have just noticed an overwhelmingly high use of them lately. Very popular in the blog world.
That's all I got. Just had to point it out. I thought about showing all the places I've noticed them, but that would take way too long, and again, you know who you are.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
All Hail the Catholics!
So today is Ash Wednesday. The day when all the Catholics get ash on their foreheads in the shape of a cross (at least the practicing one's do) and give something up for the next 6 weeks. A girl here at work has her ash on, but can't figure out what to give up, so I enlisted the help of my sister. I asked what she was giving up. She has no idea. Says my niece is the "good Catholic" and that she is good to get to church on Sunday's!
It generally has to be something that is difficult. She quit smoking years ago this way. I think my niece was a bigger influence on that, not the church, but it worked! If I was Catholic, I'd try that.
I have so many bad habits, I'd just have to pick one and hope that it worked! Probably part of the reason I've never settled on a religion, I'd have to start following their rules. I'm not much on following rules, never have been.
Don't get me wrong, I am a tax paying citizen and all that shit, but I do drive overwhelmingly fast when I can. I do not stop at stop signs completely, the ole "no cop, no stop" rule. I do try and use my blinker, I hate when people don't. I smoke, so therefore I break that law. (you know what I mean, right?) Um, I have driven probably over the limit all the time, but I do not drive when I know I can't. One DWI in a life is enough, right? I do need to get better at that. But yeah, I think we all break rules and don't abide by "the law" all the time, right? Am I the only one?
Tell me what laws you have broken lately.
It generally has to be something that is difficult. She quit smoking years ago this way. I think my niece was a bigger influence on that, not the church, but it worked! If I was Catholic, I'd try that.
I have so many bad habits, I'd just have to pick one and hope that it worked! Probably part of the reason I've never settled on a religion, I'd have to start following their rules. I'm not much on following rules, never have been.
Don't get me wrong, I am a tax paying citizen and all that shit, but I do drive overwhelmingly fast when I can. I do not stop at stop signs completely, the ole "no cop, no stop" rule. I do try and use my blinker, I hate when people don't. I smoke, so therefore I break that law. (you know what I mean, right?) Um, I have driven probably over the limit all the time, but I do not drive when I know I can't. One DWI in a life is enough, right? I do need to get better at that. But yeah, I think we all break rules and don't abide by "the law" all the time, right? Am I the only one?
Tell me what laws you have broken lately.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Women in Restrooms
Ok. I didn't think I had anything to say today until I went to the bathroom in my office building. I pose this question -
Why are women so fucking disgusting in restrooms?
So at my last job, it was a common joke that our bathroom ALWAYS smelled like shit, yes, actual shit. No one was afraid to take a dump at any time of the day. I guess that means we were all close and comfortable with eachother and stuff, but it seriously would be so gross some days, I'd walk in and walk right back out, literally gagging from the smell. There were a couple of women in particular that you KNEW had been in there, they were rotten inside. It was only a company of about 70 people, so after a while, it was easy to figure out who the "offenders" were.
At my new job, we are in a building with a few other offices as well, and it's a community bathroom with 5 stalls. It's a very nice bathroom, doesn't smell like shit ever, which is a plus, but I've tried every stall and there is an obvious pressure problem in there. Even if you just pee, you usually have to flush twice, so everything goes down and you leave a nice, clean bowl. Am I the only one who actually makes sure that there isn't anything gross in the bowl when I'm done??? Please tell me if I am. If I am, this is my plea to all the women out there to start doing so. I just got to see someone's nasty tampon in the toilet, it was so gross I actually puked in my mouth a litte, no kidding!
But the point is that this happens in almost every women's restroom I use. It's no secret, I've said in a previous post that I can pooh anywhere, if I gotta go, I gotta go. I'm not one of those people who can only go in their own house. When nature calls, it calls and there's no holding it back. So I've been in a lot of restrooms in lots of random places before. It is usually pooh, left over pooh bits, or skid marks on the bottom of the toilet. I will flush that bitch until there is no evidence of my pooh if necessary, to me, its the right and courteous thing to do. The tampon incident of a few moments ago was actually a new one. Actually worse than pooh in my opinion.
And pissing all over the seat. That's a real treat to walk into. There are places I will sit, and places that I know it's best to squat, but if I get pee on the seat, I will totally wipe it off, it's gross, no one wants to see or smell your piss, trust that! Why do I seem to be the only one in America that does this? It's your piss, get a big wad of toilet paper and wipe it off, SERIOUSLY! I do not want to wipe your piss off, that's gross. When there is a bathroom pull of pissed on seats, I get all freaked out and think that I'm going to get their spray on my clothes somehow and contract some fucked up toilet seat disease.
*Note: I have never been out of the country (other than Mexico & Canada, but they are attached, so to me it doesn't count), so I can't speak for any other place, but I'm going to assume this is a world-wide epidemic!
I really don't care if you do these things in your own home, by all means do what you want, it's your house, but why can't women be considerate when in public?
Why are women so fucking disgusting in restrooms?
So at my last job, it was a common joke that our bathroom ALWAYS smelled like shit, yes, actual shit. No one was afraid to take a dump at any time of the day. I guess that means we were all close and comfortable with eachother and stuff, but it seriously would be so gross some days, I'd walk in and walk right back out, literally gagging from the smell. There were a couple of women in particular that you KNEW had been in there, they were rotten inside. It was only a company of about 70 people, so after a while, it was easy to figure out who the "offenders" were.
At my new job, we are in a building with a few other offices as well, and it's a community bathroom with 5 stalls. It's a very nice bathroom, doesn't smell like shit ever, which is a plus, but I've tried every stall and there is an obvious pressure problem in there. Even if you just pee, you usually have to flush twice, so everything goes down and you leave a nice, clean bowl. Am I the only one who actually makes sure that there isn't anything gross in the bowl when I'm done??? Please tell me if I am. If I am, this is my plea to all the women out there to start doing so. I just got to see someone's nasty tampon in the toilet, it was so gross I actually puked in my mouth a litte, no kidding!
But the point is that this happens in almost every women's restroom I use. It's no secret, I've said in a previous post that I can pooh anywhere, if I gotta go, I gotta go. I'm not one of those people who can only go in their own house. When nature calls, it calls and there's no holding it back. So I've been in a lot of restrooms in lots of random places before. It is usually pooh, left over pooh bits, or skid marks on the bottom of the toilet. I will flush that bitch until there is no evidence of my pooh if necessary, to me, its the right and courteous thing to do. The tampon incident of a few moments ago was actually a new one. Actually worse than pooh in my opinion.
And pissing all over the seat. That's a real treat to walk into. There are places I will sit, and places that I know it's best to squat, but if I get pee on the seat, I will totally wipe it off, it's gross, no one wants to see or smell your piss, trust that! Why do I seem to be the only one in America that does this? It's your piss, get a big wad of toilet paper and wipe it off, SERIOUSLY! I do not want to wipe your piss off, that's gross. When there is a bathroom pull of pissed on seats, I get all freaked out and think that I'm going to get their spray on my clothes somehow and contract some fucked up toilet seat disease.
*Note: I have never been out of the country (other than Mexico & Canada, but they are attached, so to me it doesn't count), so I can't speak for any other place, but I'm going to assume this is a world-wide epidemic!
I really don't care if you do these things in your own home, by all means do what you want, it's your house, but why can't women be considerate when in public?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well, they made me upgrade too, was wondering when that would happen.
So I promised another Valentine's Day story, this one from when I was 19 or 20.
So I was dating my now ex fiance, the first or second go around on this particular Valentine's Day. I was over at a friends house, and I couldn't get in touch with him. He finally calls back (yes, this was before cell phones) and I ask what we are going to do that night. He tells me that he had plans to hang out with his roommate that night. I of course throw a little fit, cuz it's Valentine's Day and we are supposed to be together damnit! He agrees to come over to my friends house "for a while". I of course think that once he's there, he won't want to be without me! HA Anyway, he finally shows up, with his roommate in tow. They are stoned off their asses, which would be fine if they brought weed for us, but alas, no, no weed for us. He stays for about 10 minutes and then says that they gotta go. I am furious. They leave. My friend and I proceed to find some weed, get really high, and then go out to a bar and get totally wasted.
I find out the next day that they had gone to the West End (he used to work at Planet Hollywood as a door guy, when it was cool to work there) and he entered a kissing contest with some random chic and actually WON!
Man, I know how to pick 'em, don't I?
So I promised another Valentine's Day story, this one from when I was 19 or 20.
So I was dating my now ex fiance, the first or second go around on this particular Valentine's Day. I was over at a friends house, and I couldn't get in touch with him. He finally calls back (yes, this was before cell phones) and I ask what we are going to do that night. He tells me that he had plans to hang out with his roommate that night. I of course throw a little fit, cuz it's Valentine's Day and we are supposed to be together damnit! He agrees to come over to my friends house "for a while". I of course think that once he's there, he won't want to be without me! HA Anyway, he finally shows up, with his roommate in tow. They are stoned off their asses, which would be fine if they brought weed for us, but alas, no, no weed for us. He stays for about 10 minutes and then says that they gotta go. I am furious. They leave. My friend and I proceed to find some weed, get really high, and then go out to a bar and get totally wasted.
I find out the next day that they had gone to the West End (he used to work at Planet Hollywood as a door guy, when it was cool to work there) and he entered a kissing contest with some random chic and actually WON!
Man, I know how to pick 'em, don't I?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Leave My Uggs Alone!

So I've recently come under attack from a lot of people for wearing my Uggs. I am here to defend the almighty Ugg!
First off, I was first made aware of these interesting shoes WAY back in 1988 when my oldest sister moved to San Diego. These shoes have been around LONG before Paris Hilton decided that they were cool, ok? Surfers in Southern Cali have worn them for years, they were NOT a new thing a few years ago.
I've been slammed by numerous people for still wearing my Uggs, and I say to all of you:
I love them. They are like wearing slippers all the time. Are they all that attractive? No. No they are not. Do I care? No. No I do not. Do my feet stink if I don't wear socks with them? Yes. Yes they do. That is why I always wear socks with them now.
They are ridiculously expensive, the shoe shown above retails for about $140.00. I got mine in San Diego a few years ago and got them for $99.00, what a deal! I have the cheapo version, I'd love to get the "ultimate" version, but they are almost 2 bills! My other sister is quite obsessed with them really. I believe she now has 4 pair. 3 boots and 1 slipper. Yes, they make actual slippers too, but they just look like mules. You could totally wear them in public.
Uggs came into fashion because of people like Paris, but seriously folks, do you let someone like her decide what is fashionable and what is not? Puh-leeze. She's a skank and you know it. I was actually upset when they became popular, because I knew this would happen.
Just like with Birkenstocks. I grew up in Southern Oregon. Everyone wore Birks. EVERYONE. It wasn't a so called "fashion trend" people just wore 'em because there are a lot of dirty hippies in Oregon. God I miss that place. I could never be a true "dirty hippy" cuz I like to shave my pits and shower on a regular basis, but you get my drift. I finally threw away my last pair of Birks a few years ago (they needed to be in the trash, they were reaching dirty hippy status) and normally would have instantly bought a new pair, but alas, I fell to the peer pressure of "Birks aren't cool anymore" and switched to flip flops. I do love my Reef's, and they are a lot cheaper, but still!
My point is this. You can not stop me from wearing my Uggs. I will wear them more now that I have realized they bother people. They are comfy, easy and warm. It gets cold in Texas in the winter, and I'll tell ya what, my feet aren't!
So laugh all you want, bet your feet aren't as warm as mine!
*side note, even with wearing socks they do not make your feet sweat!
Lordy, Lordy
So today I have spent reading blogs. I found out something that I didn't know existed. Did you know that you can post porn on Craigslist??? I had never noticed that there was a place to post women seeking met, etc. It's really rather disgusting, as I coined it, the "poor mans"
We all know how great has been to me, HAHAHA
I have now become fascinated with it though, I can't seem to stop looking. I am amazed, yet not amazed that people do this. People are seriously fucked up, no doubt about that. Hell, I'm fucked up in my own way, but I KNOW I would never be desperate enough to post shots of my boobies on craigslist to try and get a "date". Really, I wouldn't. I'd probably just get drunk and pick up some random guy at the bar. THAT I will admit has happened! Not proud of it, but we all have needs...
And that leads me to realize that I am once again sexless. Not that there was a ton of sex with "the boy" but at least I knew it was a viable option, if I wanted it. Now I am realizing that is gone again. Shit. That sucks. I'm a Scorpio, we NEED sex, at least this one does. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Tomorrow is the dreaded Valentine's Day. Everyone (including me) enjoys the holiday when they are in a relationship. Honestly I could take it or leave it, but flowers are nice, I do enjoy them. Tomorrow is a shit-ass day for me once again. And for a funny V-Day story:
So back in my advertising days, when I was in my early 20's (and single of course) I worked at a very prestigious firm in the industry. We were the largest in the world, but of course the Dallas office was not that large, but big enough for a receptionist. I was friends with her. She called my extention on V-Day and told me I "had something at the front desk" I quickly said "fuck you!" and hung up the phone. She called right back and I didn't even let her talk, just said more fuck you's and hung it up again. This went on for a few more times and I finally went up there, yelling from the hallway, "You know I hate this day, why are you torturing me, telling me I have something when you good and well know I don't have shit!?!?" Turns out, there was a vase with a single red rose in it (I hate roses by the way, too obvious). I of course apologized while laughing hysterically and opened the card, wondering who was so nice...who the possible secret admirer could be, when was from one of my vendors! UGH! So embarrassing! Poor single Shawna left out on V-Day, so my vendor sends me a fucking flower. Nice and thoughtful, but still embarrassing.
I have another great one, from the guy who I almost married, back when I was 20, he was 23. I'll tell you that one tomorrow, on the actual day, so I can relive it, almost 10 years later! hahaha
We all know how great has been to me, HAHAHA
I have now become fascinated with it though, I can't seem to stop looking. I am amazed, yet not amazed that people do this. People are seriously fucked up, no doubt about that. Hell, I'm fucked up in my own way, but I KNOW I would never be desperate enough to post shots of my boobies on craigslist to try and get a "date". Really, I wouldn't. I'd probably just get drunk and pick up some random guy at the bar. THAT I will admit has happened! Not proud of it, but we all have needs...
And that leads me to realize that I am once again sexless. Not that there was a ton of sex with "the boy" but at least I knew it was a viable option, if I wanted it. Now I am realizing that is gone again. Shit. That sucks. I'm a Scorpio, we NEED sex, at least this one does. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Tomorrow is the dreaded Valentine's Day. Everyone (including me) enjoys the holiday when they are in a relationship. Honestly I could take it or leave it, but flowers are nice, I do enjoy them. Tomorrow is a shit-ass day for me once again. And for a funny V-Day story:
So back in my advertising days, when I was in my early 20's (and single of course) I worked at a very prestigious firm in the industry. We were the largest in the world, but of course the Dallas office was not that large, but big enough for a receptionist. I was friends with her. She called my extention on V-Day and told me I "had something at the front desk" I quickly said "fuck you!" and hung up the phone. She called right back and I didn't even let her talk, just said more fuck you's and hung it up again. This went on for a few more times and I finally went up there, yelling from the hallway, "You know I hate this day, why are you torturing me, telling me I have something when you good and well know I don't have shit!?!?" Turns out, there was a vase with a single red rose in it (I hate roses by the way, too obvious). I of course apologized while laughing hysterically and opened the card, wondering who was so nice...who the possible secret admirer could be, when was from one of my vendors! UGH! So embarrassing! Poor single Shawna left out on V-Day, so my vendor sends me a fucking flower. Nice and thoughtful, but still embarrassing.
I have another great one, from the guy who I almost married, back when I was 20, he was 23. I'll tell you that one tomorrow, on the actual day, so I can relive it, almost 10 years later! hahaha
Monday, February 12, 2007
She's (was) so outrageous!
So Anna Nicole is dead. Big shocker. Actually it really was for me. I found out Friday morning, in a haze of cold medicine. Saw it, was in shock, but quickly passed out from taking more cold medicine. I woke up and thought it was a dream, but alas, my Anna is dead.
Yes folks, I am (was) intrigued by her. Train wreck you HAD to watch, really, that's what it was about. When her son died, I knew trouble was brewing, I just didn't talk about it with anyone, because she is one of my guilty pleasures. Indeed, I don't think most of my friends knew I had a little obsession with her. I loved her show, was so sad when she decided to stop, especially after she lost all the weight. I'm blaming it on Howard K. Stern. That guy is a creep to no end.
I think he purposely gave her son too many drugs, and her as well, I think he killed them both. Conspiracy theory? Nope, he's just a money grubbing loser of a lawyer that latched onto her like stink on shit, when he realized the woman was out of her ever-lovin' mind. He is NOT the father, I really think the Birkhead guy is. He's a little pathetic too, but he SEEMS to have the babies best interest at heart (do I believe that totally you ask? of course not, he wants the $$$ too).
It should be interesting to watch what happens with the baby, Howard K. Stern and her crazy backwoods family. Did anyone catch the 20/20 episode on Friday night? I normally wouldn't have, but was at home with the flu, so watched her pathetic excuse for a mother, trying to act like she gave a shit. She comes from pure blooded white trash baby, they are all scrambling for a piece of that pie.
Poor Anna, she is probably looking down at the media frenzy and is popping some more pills, wherever she may be.
Did she do this to herself? Well, maybe to a certain extent, but I think she had way too many bad people in her life, and she was just too simple to see that people, all people (other than her son) were all around her, and with her, and supporting her because they wanted her money and knew she was too simple to know.
Let's all bow our heads and take a moment of silence....
Yes folks, I am (was) intrigued by her. Train wreck you HAD to watch, really, that's what it was about. When her son died, I knew trouble was brewing, I just didn't talk about it with anyone, because she is one of my guilty pleasures. Indeed, I don't think most of my friends knew I had a little obsession with her. I loved her show, was so sad when she decided to stop, especially after she lost all the weight. I'm blaming it on Howard K. Stern. That guy is a creep to no end.
I think he purposely gave her son too many drugs, and her as well, I think he killed them both. Conspiracy theory? Nope, he's just a money grubbing loser of a lawyer that latched onto her like stink on shit, when he realized the woman was out of her ever-lovin' mind. He is NOT the father, I really think the Birkhead guy is. He's a little pathetic too, but he SEEMS to have the babies best interest at heart (do I believe that totally you ask? of course not, he wants the $$$ too).
It should be interesting to watch what happens with the baby, Howard K. Stern and her crazy backwoods family. Did anyone catch the 20/20 episode on Friday night? I normally wouldn't have, but was at home with the flu, so watched her pathetic excuse for a mother, trying to act like she gave a shit. She comes from pure blooded white trash baby, they are all scrambling for a piece of that pie.
Poor Anna, she is probably looking down at the media frenzy and is popping some more pills, wherever she may be.
Did she do this to herself? Well, maybe to a certain extent, but I think she had way too many bad people in her life, and she was just too simple to see that people, all people (other than her son) were all around her, and with her, and supporting her because they wanted her money and knew she was too simple to know.
Let's all bow our heads and take a moment of silence....
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Work & Boys (yep, you are all boys)
Sorry faithful readers for being gone for a while, Sue had to prompt me to get off my butt and write a new blog.
As you know, I started my new job last week, and so far so good. Not really a lot for me to do yet, just sit and watch and ask questions and stuff. Kinda driving me nuts, cuz I'm used to going 90 to nothing, but that's ok, I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be bitching about the overload I've got! I'm happy about the move, know it's gonna be great, and that I made the right decision. Nothing to complain about on the work front.
I broke up with "the boy" last night. Just too many similarities to my ex for starters among his own quirks and issues that I just finally decided after 3 months, weren't worth it. The "Cons" list was much, much longer than the "Pros" list. I had fun 75% of the time, but damnit, I'm awesome and I deserve fun and happiness with my mate 100% of the time. Like I've always said, "boys are stupid!" I need to become a lesbian....hahaha, think I've talked about that before too, that's not gonna happen, like the penis and girls are fucked up in their own ways, I couldn't imagine having to deal with one as a mate, kill me NOW! I just need to find a guy that is a MAN, I seem to find these little pussy boys that have issues bigger than The Grand Canyon. I don't need that, I have enough issues that I actually work on (yes folks, I do work on them) and try and resolve.
I don't think my man exists. If he does, let the Blog lords cometh and save me now, send my soulmate to me through this blog...
Yeah, right, like that's gonna work.
Check out this site, it's awesome. The humor in it, I think, is very similar to mine, I spent most of the day, being sure to read each and every "comic" as they call them. Also, if you go to Joey on the menu bar, he has written a bunch of "fake" cover letters to potential employers, this site can honestly keep you busy for hours! Have fun!
As you know, I started my new job last week, and so far so good. Not really a lot for me to do yet, just sit and watch and ask questions and stuff. Kinda driving me nuts, cuz I'm used to going 90 to nothing, but that's ok, I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be bitching about the overload I've got! I'm happy about the move, know it's gonna be great, and that I made the right decision. Nothing to complain about on the work front.
I broke up with "the boy" last night. Just too many similarities to my ex for starters among his own quirks and issues that I just finally decided after 3 months, weren't worth it. The "Cons" list was much, much longer than the "Pros" list. I had fun 75% of the time, but damnit, I'm awesome and I deserve fun and happiness with my mate 100% of the time. Like I've always said, "boys are stupid!" I need to become a lesbian....hahaha, think I've talked about that before too, that's not gonna happen, like the penis and girls are fucked up in their own ways, I couldn't imagine having to deal with one as a mate, kill me NOW! I just need to find a guy that is a MAN, I seem to find these little pussy boys that have issues bigger than The Grand Canyon. I don't need that, I have enough issues that I actually work on (yes folks, I do work on them) and try and resolve.
I don't think my man exists. If he does, let the Blog lords cometh and save me now, send my soulmate to me through this blog...
Yeah, right, like that's gonna work.
Check out this site, it's awesome. The humor in it, I think, is very similar to mine, I spent most of the day, being sure to read each and every "comic" as they call them. Also, if you go to Joey on the menu bar, he has written a bunch of "fake" cover letters to potential employers, this site can honestly keep you busy for hours! Have fun!
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