Thursday, May 03, 2007

Be the Boy Questions

So over at Be the Boy, he started playing a fun game, and I wanted a little piece of the action. I like these little blog games, they are fun and different. So basically he asks me 5 questions and I answer them. If anyone who reads my blog would like to play, just post in the comments section and I'll send ya some questions, leave your email, so I can get to you.

1. What inspired you to start your blog and what inspires you to continue?

I believe it was my buddy Dave that suggested I start blogging, think he said something along the lines of "you always have something to say, you'd be a great blogger" so I started! I, once upon a time wanted to be a writer, but alas, got into advertising instead. I used to keep journals and such, so I figured this was very much a journal, just online for the world to read!

What inspires me to keep going is that I actually really enjoy it! I took a break after I bought the house last year, and really, really missed it. It really is good therapy, even if some of the freaks on the worldwide web seem to think otherwise. Thank god for comment moderation!

2. Do you have a secret blogger make out wish list, can you name names?

I actually don't. While I quite enjoy making out, I think I'll stick with "D" on that, and make out with him whenever I wish. He's very accommodating that way! I always thought Will was cute, but I wouldn't live in LA if you paid me (OK, I probably would if someone paid me too, I'm a whore for free money) so I knew that was never going to happen. Then he met the love of his life and any hopes to make out with him vanished. While I like robots, I'm not sure if I could have them all over my house anyway. I'm more of a ninja girl.

3. Do you want to know who reads your stuff?

Absolutely! I wish more people would comment (as long as it's not some irate freakazoid) like I know my sister reads it all the time, I know some other friends read it, but they never comment. That's part of the fun of blogging, getting feedback!

4. Has there been anything you have written that you wished you could have back once it was posted?

Well, most of you remember the prejudice blog, and while you'd think I wish I could take it back, I don't. That's part of the beauty of this. It's mine, I can say and write whatever I wish. You don't like it, don't read it. I'm a firm believer in not having regrets, there is nothing you can do to take it back (that is, until time machines are built) so you might as well buck up, learn from it (or not) and move on. Life is too short to worry about the past and what you could have done to change it.

5. He-Man and Skeletor: Secret lovers or just repressed?

I'm gonna go with repressed on this one. They are enemies, and I don't think that enemies generally want to....wait a minute, maybe they are lovers. Well, not lovers, but I bet they'd both stick it to each other if they had the chance. Just to say "HA, I poked you in the butt!" Now that's got me wondering about Skeletor, since the penis is not a bone, he's kinda screwed there (pun intended), looks like He-Man gets the better end of the deal there. So let's go with He-Man is totally gay and Skeletor is just repressed.


Unknown said...

Skeletor doesn't need an actual penis, he will just give it to you all violent virtual reality style, like in that movie where the ghost keeps raping the chick? What was that movie?

Unknown said...

ok I had to google it.The movie was "The Entity". Skeletor would be like the Entity.

Gnomeself Be True said...

I'll play...but I won't post my email here. You could get it from Suz.

BTW. Adam (He-Man's alter-ego) is the gay one. He and Skeletor are lovers. He-Man is Adam's desperate attempt to assert his manhood, in spite of being Skeletor's penis puppet.

Shawna said...

hahaha to both of you. i knew the comments would come from the gay part of the always does!

Gnomeself Be True said...

Careful, we don't want He-Man thinking he is the Butt of any jokes.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Ok, I'll play too. You never know what I might say; even I don't! Like iamnot, I won't post my email, you can get it from Suz; she is the single person in blog land that knows who really I am.