Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Yep, that's me, the slacker. Sorry, but I've been really busy and just haven't had a chance to sit down and blog.

Headed to San Diego in the morning for my nieces graduation, I'll start blogging again the week of the 4th, I promise!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's Thursday

Sorry faithful readers, I'm sure you've all been checking my blog every 2.3 seconds for a new blog, haven't you? hahaha

I am so over reading and writing you have no idea! Our new site is FOR SURE launching on Monday, so the end is near...really, I mean it!

So what's new in my world? Got my confirmation that my computer shipped from Dell yesterday, so I should hopefully see my new baby early next week. Now if I could just get RoadRunner to call me back to set up an appointment, life would be perfect! "D" has even volunteered to come over and wait on them for an install next week, since he's between Spring and Summer semester! What a guy, what a guy! I think it more has to do with he can't stand the fact that he can't "Internet" at my house. Soon I will actually utilize my office, I am very excited about that! I have 3 entire rooms in my house that never get used. The office, the guest room (obviously gets used when I have guests) and the "pool table" room. This will probably turn into "the studio" when and if "D" moves in with me someday. He's got a shitton of equipment, and it's a huge room!

Yesterday I was driving home, all prepared to mow my lawn (yet again, it's about once a week right now with all the rain we've been getting) and I pulled up and had to sit in my car for a minute. Someone had mowed the front yard! It looked great! I immediately knew it was my friendly neighbor next door. Now before you guys get all "oh, he likes you, oh, he has a crush on you" please know that he's old enough to be my father, is married and has kids my age. His kids are boys, so I think I'm the surrogate daughter in a way. He comes and takes Georgie on walks and last summer he brought me organic tomatoes from his garden, and man were they awesome. He's got a key to the house, he's just a good guy that looks out for me. We talked and I joked about him trying to "tell me something" and he got all flustered and upset and said he was just trying to help me out, knowing that I work hard and stuff. I had to apologize to him, I felt bad! He's just a friendly semi-retired guy that has nothing more to do than putter around in the yard! What an awesome neighbor!

"D" will get his truck back tomorrow, although they gave him a Mustang as a rental, and he's been having fun "pimpin" in it. I've been so busy, I didn't get to enjoy the Mustang, but at least he did, hell, he deserves it anyway, I'm the one who fucked up his truck!

Sorry I haven't blogged this week, just sick of looking at computers and words. Once I get my computer at home, not only will the blogs be better, I'll start takin' pics of shit too!

Monday, May 14, 2007

12 Hour Day....

Well, I got to work at 7:15am this morning and am still here. I'm not bitching, because this is the FIRST day, since 2/1/07 when I started that I've actually needed to stay late. We are attempting to launch our website, version 2 soon....like tomorrow. Let me tell you, in all my years of experience, I have never gone through a website launch and it's a bitch, let me tell ya. It's a shitton of work.

I'll be in again tomorrow at 7am to review copy again. For those of you who I talk to on a regular basis, you know I've been in copy hell for several weeks now. BUT, the end is in site. I think.

I think I can leave soon, just waiting on our web guy to say he's doing the rest from home, hopefully that's soon. I need to make sure he doesn't have any further questions for me. I don't need any reason for something not getting done.

I am tired, couldn't get to sleep last night, so I'm only on five hours, which I usually need a good eight to be really fresh and functional. I am definitely losing steam, I can tell you all that much. The bad thing is, I know I'll go home and over-obsess about it and worry about it all night long and again, probably only get about five hours of sleep.

At my last job this was generally an every day occurrence, it's amazing how quickly your body gets used to actually getting sleep and enjoying it! I worked on average at my last job about 60 hours a week. It was nothing to work 12 hour shifts during the week, then put in a few more on the weekend. SL has spoiled me.

Off to check on the designer, hopefully he'll tell me to scram!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Dream Analysis - Bring It On!

I had the weirdest dream last night, what do my faithful readers think it means? Please post your analysis in comments.

So in this dream, the home I own is not the current one I own, it's definitely a "dream" house. I get a knock at the door and open it to a large group of people I know, or have known and were friends with in the past. For those of you who know me, here's a list of them that I can remember:

Jodi & Troy
Alisha & Steve (and a bunch of their friends)
Sherri, Mark & Loren
Dave Thorn

Those are the folks I distinctly remember in this dream. So they've got some big thing covered up and lead me to my "barn". I put that in quotes, because it wasn't really a barn, it resembled a barn, but once you got inside it had a cement floor, was huge like a barn and had all kinds of random crap strewn about (definitely needed some clean up). Everyone is all smiles and I'm asking what this is all about and no one will tell me.

They make a big production of this thing that's covered up, put it up on a table and then drop the cover that's on it. It looks like a painting, probably 3 feet tall and about 8 feet wide. It's a sign, that plugs in, and has a name on it (and I don't remember what it said). It's a bar sign. Like welcome to whatever, come on in and have a drink.

I'm all confused yet excited and ask what's going on. They proceed to tell me that they are opening a bar in my barn. I get super excited (for those of you who don't know, that's what I'd eventually like to do, own a bar) and start asking a bazillion questions. That's when everyone's faces get a little weird.

Alisha sets up a credit card machine on a table and everyone pulls out their plastic and lines up. She tells everyone that their ante is X amount of dollars and everyone agrees to this. I ask about myself and no one will look at me, like I've got leprosy or something. Alisha tells me that she'll talk to me about that later. I assume nothing, as I figure, I don't have to ante up, since they are opening the bar in my barn, right? Wrong!

She takes me aside and tells me that the group decided as a whole that I was not allowed to be part owner of it, that no one trusted me. That they felt like I'd ruin it, and the bar would be shut down in a matter of days. Of course I start yelling at everyone saying things like, "It's my fucking property, are you people crazy? I thought you people were my FRIENDS, Jodi, what is going on???" Even Jodi won't look me in the eye. I next go to Cullen, who is a bartender at The Landing and ask if he had anything to do with it, did they think I would drink all the profits or something? He just shakes his head and looks down. Brandon's next, I start yelling, "if anyone is going to drink the profits away, it's gonna be Brandon, no offense Brandon, but don't you agree???" He laughs, his Brandon laugh and shrugs and says, "who knows, guess they like me more than you!" That would be a typical Brandon response, so I thought nothing of it really.

So everyone bolts except for Alisha and Steve. They take me into my house and sit me on the couch and tell me that it's for the best, that I should just relax and enjoy it and just be like the welcoming committee to new customers and such, almost like I'm a fucking hostess! I yell and scream some more, say something like, "we aren't even FRIENDS anymore, where the hell did you two come from and why are you trying to take my barn away along with my REAL friends??" They laugh and say that my friends contacted them about it, they had the most capital, and that's just the way it was going to be. I was free to move if I wanted to, but my Dad had already dealt with my mortgage company and I was going to lose my house! If I chose to just accept it, I was welcome to still live in my house and come to the bar whenever I wished.

What the fuck does that mean??? That's all I remember from the dream. I have not been friends with Alisha and Steve in several years, so I have no idea why they popped up and became the bad guys. Now I will admit, our friendship ended rather abruptly, so I'm sure there's some deep seeded issues there, but for the rest of the people on the list, those people ARE my CURRENT friends and family, what the hell does it mean?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Various Nothingness

Today has actually been a rather productive day here at work. We are working on a new website launch for Monday and I think we'll actually hit it. I may have to work a bit this weekend, but nothing I'm not used to. Not sure on that yet, I will do everything in my power to get it done before then.

I finally pushed the button at dell.com for my new home computer. I am so free spending when it's a couple hundred bucks, but when we are talking $1000.00 I get all freaked out, I don't know why. I'm a nerd. Got a good deal with no interest or payments for 12 months, so free money! I will have that puppy paid off way before then. I also had my resident "nerd" make sure what I got was "worthy" and he approved, so all is well. The unfortunate thing is that it's not scheduled to arrive until the 23-25, guess they are waiting on parts or something. That part sucks, but hopefully it'll get better, since I JUST did it. It is ridiculous that I work for a high tech company and I don't have a working computer at home! Now I just need to sign up for service and get that scheduled and I'll be set. Back into the 21st century once again! I can't believe I have gone an entire year without a computer at home. Now I'm all excited and can't wait for my new arrival!

I also received "D"s guitar I purchased for his birthday. Don't worry, he picked it out, so he already knows. I want to hear my damned song he wrote about me and he won't let me hear it without the right instrument. Damned musicians! Don't worry, I didn't spend a shitton of money or anything, it was a good deal and I'll make sure he writes a ton of songs about me, so it gets plenty of use. His true passion is bass, so this is just a "toy" for him. Hopefully he'll give me a file when he records it and I can post it here (hint, hint) That will probably be a post next month though, as his birthday is the 23rd, and I'm making him wait to get it.

My flowers are still looking gorgeous, sitting on my desk to remind me that I think I've finally found a good, decent man, who appreciates what I have to offer. Now don't get me wrong people, I am a total and complete pain in the ass sometimes, I have never tried to hide that, but I also have some really good qualities too! Apparently he's seen those, cuz he sure does seem to like me!

I'll have to admit, I really think that finally getting on some medication has really changed how I view things. I don't get nearly as stressed out or freak out about the little stuff anymore, it's a godsend for me, and I think for anyone that is close to me! I used to be the person that said I could handle it, I didn't need to be on drugs to stabilize my moods, well, I was terribly wrong. It's been a long time since I've had a freak out episode and I'm just as happy about that as anyone who has ever witnessed it!

I am really trying to post every day, I've been doing pretty good, but my posts have been kind of boring, I think once I get my home PC, they will be better, I'll do them from there, where I can really let loose and take some time on them. I'll also start posting pics again.

Ok, heading home as all these storms fried my hard drive on my receiver so I've been forced to have to watch live TV. Let me tell ya, TiVO spoils the hell outta you, it is so hard to watch TV without being able to pause, or even better, 30 minutes after a show starts, so you don't have to sit through commercials. My new receiver should arrive on Friday, so I'll be back to normal by the weekend. Thank GOD!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Georgie & Tulips

So "D" reminded me after I posted yesterday that I forgot to mention one really important thing about this weekend....Georgie LOVES him, like ridiculously loves him, like doesn't even want much to do with me when he's around. She's always been partial to boys, so it doesn't surprise me much, although by Sunday afternoon, I was getting a little bit jealous. She really had no desire to sit with me, follow me around, none of the normal stuff. She wanted to sit right next to, on top of, near "D" the whole time. It's nice, cuz the last one didn't like dogs, hell, I don't think he liked much of anything but himself, so indeed it's a nice change. Georgie is my baby, my child, so it's very important for the significant other to like her and get along with her. For those of you who have met her, that's not necessarily an easy thing. She's a puppy and she's super spazzy, you pretty much have to be a dog person to deal with her.

So we also found out that the wreck is only going to set me back $500.00 which is awesome. I'm so relieved that his deductible was low, you just never know. Luckily I just got my income tax return back and can use that to pay him right away!

So about 3:20 today the receptionist brought me the most beautiful bouquet of tulips. "D" really is a great guy, I wreck his car and he sends me flowers? WOW! I guess I'll keep him around for a while! hehehe

Monday, May 07, 2007

C is for Carwreck

"D" stayed the weekend with me, from Friday until today. Let's do a recap on how this long, extended length of time went with him.


He got to the house about 8pm and I was starving, so I think we had a quick kiss before I said let's go eat NOW. Just went to the Chili's in Casa Linda near my house and had some grub. We got back to the house and settled in to watch a movie. Anyone seen Mulholland Drive? Yeah, let's just say that snuggling on the couch turned into much more and we could care less about the movie and trying to figure out David Lynch. We eventually retired to the bedroom for the night.


Got up around 10am and stayed in bed a while. Had to attend a co-workers crawfish boil, so we got ready to go and headed out around noon. The part was fun, but we didn't stay long as "D" had too many "slurricanes" (yes, they put so much alcohol in them, they renamed the hurricane) so we were only there for a couple of hours. Due to him drinking much more than I, I decide that I need to drive his Ford F150 home, as I am sober. We get on the road and such and I get impatient close to the house, as people drive like Grandpa's on a particular street. I go to switch lanes, and unfortunately don't notice a little black sports car approaching on my right. I hit it, I hit it good. Sideswiped the hell outta both cars. Scratches from bumper to bumper on both vehicles. Lovely! Luckily the driver was a cool chic, no one freaked out or anything. We exchanged information and got on our way. I think I apologized to "D" for the next 10 hours or so. He is wonderful, so sweet, didn't seem to be angry or yell at me or anything! So we just chilled at the house for the rest of the day, talking and watching TV. We were supposed to go out with my boss that night, but after the wreck, neither one of us really wanted to get behind the wheel of anything for the rest of the day. We ordered pizza and wings for dinner and did more of the same as Friday night!


Got up around 11am or so and went and ate at a Mexican restaurant near my house. Then had to stop at Home Depot for some flea/insect retardant that I will be spraying my yard with tonight. Georgie had a little flea problem that I cleared up, but I want to do some preventative maintenance just to be safe. Plus, it gets rid of a lot of other bugs like mosquito's, roaches and ants, so I'm all for it! We then went to Central Market as I had a big craving for a steak. "D" loves steak, anything steak, topped with steak, so I knew he'd be game. I got two of the biggest ribeyes ever in the history of ribeyes. We really could have shared one, but we just went for it. We got home and he needed to work on some school compositions, so he sat in the chair while I played Suzie Homemaker and did some laundry, picked up around the house and started preparing our dinner for the evening. It was really nice and comfortable, like that was the way it was supposed to be. No, not me doing all the work while he sat on his ass, it wasn't like that. I WANTED to do all that stuff for him. I know, crazy...
There's a big difference when a guy just sits around and watches TV or plays on the computer while you are cleaning and doing stuff. He was actually WORKING, so it didn't bother me one bit.
It had been a long weekend, so soon after dinner, I was ready for bed. Think we were in bed and asleep by about 10:30pm.


Got up this morning and got myself ready for work. Stood in the bathroom and watched "D" sleep, I was so jealous. He doesn't have class anymore, so he got to sleep in and leisurely head back to Denton when he felt like it. I however spent the first few hours of my day taking care of the insurance for the wreck. Guess that's what I get for being a dumbass!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Be the Boy Questions

So over at Be the Boy, he started playing a fun game, and I wanted a little piece of the action. I like these little blog games, they are fun and different. So basically he asks me 5 questions and I answer them. If anyone who reads my blog would like to play, just post in the comments section and I'll send ya some questions, leave your email, so I can get to you.

1. What inspired you to start your blog and what inspires you to continue?

I believe it was my buddy Dave that suggested I start blogging, think he said something along the lines of "you always have something to say, you'd be a great blogger" so I started! I, once upon a time wanted to be a writer, but alas, got into advertising instead. I used to keep journals and such, so I figured this was very much a journal, just online for the world to read!

What inspires me to keep going is that I actually really enjoy it! I took a break after I bought the house last year, and really, really missed it. It really is good therapy, even if some of the freaks on the worldwide web seem to think otherwise. Thank god for comment moderation!

2. Do you have a secret blogger make out wish list, can you name names?

I actually don't. While I quite enjoy making out, I think I'll stick with "D" on that, and make out with him whenever I wish. He's very accommodating that way! I always thought Will was cute, but I wouldn't live in LA if you paid me (OK, I probably would if someone paid me too, I'm a whore for free money) so I knew that was never going to happen. Then he met the love of his life and any hopes to make out with him vanished. While I like robots, I'm not sure if I could have them all over my house anyway. I'm more of a ninja girl.

3. Do you want to know who reads your stuff?

Absolutely! I wish more people would comment (as long as it's not some irate freakazoid) like I know my sister reads it all the time, I know some other friends read it, but they never comment. That's part of the fun of blogging, getting feedback!

4. Has there been anything you have written that you wished you could have back once it was posted?

Well, most of you remember the prejudice blog, and while you'd think I wish I could take it back, I don't. That's part of the beauty of this. It's mine, I can say and write whatever I wish. You don't like it, don't read it. I'm a firm believer in not having regrets, there is nothing you can do to take it back (that is, until time machines are built) so you might as well buck up, learn from it (or not) and move on. Life is too short to worry about the past and what you could have done to change it.

5. He-Man and Skeletor: Secret lovers or just repressed?

I'm gonna go with repressed on this one. They are enemies, and I don't think that enemies generally want to....wait a minute, maybe they are lovers. Well, not lovers, but I bet they'd both stick it to each other if they had the chance. Just to say "HA, I poked you in the butt!" Now that's got me wondering about Skeletor, since the penis is not a bone, he's kinda screwed there (pun intended), looks like He-Man gets the better end of the deal there. So let's go with He-Man is totally gay and Skeletor is just repressed.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"D" is for Done Deal!

Well, things with "D" are moving along at light speed. We are totally and completely into each other. This is it for me folks, I think I've found "the one"! I know, most of you are going "oh lord, what the hell is she doing" and all that stuff. All I can offer, is that you trust me to know what I'm doing.

No, we aren't getting married tomorrow or moving in together, although we have already had those discussions. We are THAT serious about this.

Yes, I know we are still in the ga-ga-goo-goo stages of the relationship, as it's only been a few weeks, but we both also recognize that and are trying to maintain a level head. Some days it's hard, but overall, we both are smart and logical people and aren't going to jump into anything that could potentially destroy what we have.

He has 3 cats, I met them on Monday night when I stayed at his place in Denton. They are terrific, however, I am still allergic, no matter how cute and wonderful they are, they are still something I can't live with. That's going to be a big deal. We need to figure out what the heck can be done about this. I would never in a million years want or expect anyone to get rid of their beloved pets over me. We all know how much I love Georgie, I couldn't imagine having to give her up for a man. I don't think I could.

We've joked about a "cat sanctuary" in the backyard, you know, almost like a child's playhouse, but for the cats to live. That sounds cute and fun and all, but that's not really fair to the cats. Plus Georgie would terrorize them on a daily basis.

He obviously would live with me, as I own, and he rents. Poor guy will have to commute quite a way, but I'm totally worth it! hehehe His lease is up in July, and we talked about him moving then, but that's just way too soon. If his landlord will let him, he is going to ask for a 6 month lease, as I feel after that point, if we are still feeling as strongly, we will shack up at that point!

The biggest test is yet to come, he has yet to meet any of my friends. I have so many different types of friends, this should be interesting. I haven't even taken him to The Landing yet! He will be meeting a shit ton of co-workers this weekend, as there are two parties for us to go to on Saturday. But the biggest one of them all would have to be Jodi. She won't meet him until July, but she's already all over the "D" bandwagon, so I think it should go well. She is the ONLY friend that I have that will be honest and upfront (even though I've asked others to on the last one, you know who you are...) and tell me if he's right or wrong in the beginning. Not this "oh, I knew he was wrong for you" after the fact bullshit. No pressure "D", no pressure at all!

I've tried to not write about him, but it's hard. So if I sicken you all with my talk of "D" you are just going to have to get over it. He's my man, and I'm so happy about it! I had told him when we first met that I didn't NEED a man, I WANTED a man. My tune has changed, I've needed a man in my life all along, I was just too afraid to admit it. We all need that, having a companion and friend and lover is so important. It can be the greatest feeling in the world. I feel like I've won the lottery with "D", he's fantastic and makes me feel absolutely amazing.