Saturday, January 28, 2006

Musical Mishap/Missin' the bar

Well, I got the rest of my CD's this afternoon from BMG, and alas, In Between Dreams is Jack Johnson's 3rd album, not Jason Mraz's 2nd. I knew this, but when ordering 13 CD's at once, you can see how I might have gotten a bit confused.
I'm about to go put it in, listened to the 1st & 2nd first, now onto album 3, could I be more anal retentive???
So it's Saturday night, a little after 7pm, and I am officially bored out of my ever loving mind! This sobriety thing is getting old. Well, I say sobriety thing, but really what I've learned out of this little experiment of mine is that I don't go out to get loaded, its more for the social aspect of it. I live alone for god's sake, I get BORED. Luckily I'm getting a puppy soon, so that'll keep me busy. I'm sure there will be blogs like Sue's, about her not so little pooch.
I have done a whole lot of nothing today. Went to the gym this morning (big whoop), came home and showered, played a shitload of spades online and listened to CD's all day. Haven't turned on the TV once. I have no desire for TV. I have a desire for socialization. I'm dying over here.
Granted, I do have to say that waking up not hung over has been nice. I'm the queen of hangovers, it's ridiculous really. Why do I drink when I know how I'm going to feel the next day? Oh, I know, the SOCIAL aspect of it. Come to think of it, I have not spoken outloud ONCE today, I probably sound like shit. Wait.......yep, I sound like shit.
I so want to go up to The Landing tonight, BAD. I miss everyone. I miss talking....
Seriously, this is the worst I've had it all month. I think I get why kids drop out of their senior year of high school 1 month before graduation. They just can't WAIT anymore. That's exactly how I feel.

God I need to get some friends that don't drink.


Gnomeself Be True said...

Here's hoping you don't get a "rufus." No one needs a Jack Russel Terrorist in their lives.

You need a hobby.

House of Suz said...

Hang in there kiddo, just a few days left in January and then it's off to February drink-a-thon! Hell, I'll even have one for you.

And yes, they seem so cute and all that but in those fuzzy little puppies beats the heart of a BEAST! Beware.

So, I see you met my sailor, or at least he's a fan of yours.