"D": cool
Me: yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gay, isn't that odd? a gay exterminator? you think a gay man would think bugs are "oogy" ahhaha
Me: dude, he's all spraying all the way up to the roof and in the trees! totally kick fucking ASS
"D": sweet
Me: but this spray is making me sneeze like crazy
Me: wonder if it'll get me high, or just poison me! hahaha
"D": hehe
Me: I'm gonna ask him once he's done
Me: yeah, better safe than poisoned! haha
"D": no shit
Me: kill those mother fuckin' worms!!! wooo hoooo
Me: even my dad was surprised at the multitude of them
"D": yeah stupid gay worms! oh, sorry Mr exterminator, no offense
Me: HA, nice!
"D": I wonder if he "likes" worms
Me: gettin' to the wenis portion of the joking
"D": wenis?
"D": is that a worm-penis
Me: yeah, betheboy used wenis the other day on his blog and i thot it was hilarious
Me: no, but THAT is fucking hilarious! worm-penis = wenis
"D": I'd keep an eye on that guy, make sure he isn't molesting the worms
Me: i do think I've got a little "herd" of garden snakes tho, bet he'd be more than happy to wrangle him some snakes
"D": I'm sure he knows just what to do with the snake
Me: bet the worms would like it, even if he accidentally tears one in 1/2, they regenerate, it's all good
Me: I've got some lizards back there too
"D": bonus, then you really could "tear that shit up"...
Me: they are albino, get a herd of them every year, but they are cool
"D": albino? you got some KKK lizards in your backyard?
Me: we are in the south
Me: but I'm in mexi-ville, do KKK hate the mexi's too?
"D": hence why they're always hiding
"D":oh sure, they're equal opportunity haters
Me: oh, they are way too outnumbered in these parts
"D": yep, even with regeneration
Me: i guess Mexicans would have a menis?
"D": no it's called an enchilada
Me: nah, i see it more as a tamale or a flauta
"D": not an inch-ilada though
Me: enchiladas are too soft
Me: haha, inchilada
Me: yeah, it's the bug chemicals
"D": they're turning you gay!
Me: i didn't fuck around and get organic, i know my neighbor is probably at his window hanging his head in shame
Me: and possibly horror
Me: i might need to ask for my key back
"D": yeah? whys that?
Me: well, ya know how activists can get, look at PETA for god's sake
"D": so you think they'll kidnap me to get my key?
Me: he could come in and dump a bag of organic manure (is that redundant?) in my living room or bed or something
"D": I want to know Inorganic manure would be???
"D": Robot shit?
Me: nice, always good to throw in robot references, betheboy loves that shit
"D": Is it like a pile of wires and circuits?
Me: maybe some oil
Me: anti-freeze
Me: no one likes a cold robot
"D": no that would be robot diarrhea
Me: well yeah, maybe, it could be a mixture between the two, there are all kindsa poop types you know

Me: the corn poop
Me: the never ending wipe poop
Me: the ghost poop (can't find it in the toilet or on toilet paper)
Me: there's a poster of em all somewhere, or something, i saw it on the "Internets"
"D": nice, we'll have to get it for the studio
Me: um, i dunno if I'd want poop on my wall necessarily
Me: figuratively of course
"D": well, art is art
Me: unless we had kids on accident, then we really could possibly have poop on our walls
Me: i can tell ya i ain't cleaning that SHIT (pun intended) up
"D": Okay that's it, now I want kids!!!
"D": The shit on the walls did it for me...
Me: so you can have poop art, or so we could argue about who's cleaning the shit that time?
Me: you know poop smells right?
"D": for how long?
Me: would you spray some sort of lacquer or something on it, to preserve it?
"D": Brilliant! We'll stain the poop!!!!
Me: and them put a frame around it? not necessarily w/a piece of glass or anything
Me: why'd you stain poop? stain is generally brown, like poop, you could SPRAY paint poop
Me: no, it's not, there was a movie w/ben stiller & jack black
"D": That was Va-POO-Rize
Me: yeah, that's it, haha
"D": Yeah, this is like spray paint but for Poop Art, I just coined that term....
"D": We're going to patent this
Me: anyway, need to go check on gay exterminator, make sure my worms aren't humped to death
"D": poor gay worms....
Me: they could be underage too, i mean, who knows a worms age? fucking gay worm molester
"D": word
"D": I mean worm
Me: oh and "extermigator" (yep, that's what i thot of when i was talking to him) thought my house was "so cute, i just love it so much!"
"D": haha
"Me: extermigator...rad, maybe I am high...