It's so not that bad today at all. Alas, I did still get some co-workers to pick me up.
I had a RAGING hangover this morning thanks to Ms. Baker (imagine that). I threw up until about 11:30am (yes, at work), then finally could start to hold down water. I also apparently broke up with "the boy" last night as well, don't' remember a bit of that. Not sure where that's going and don't want to talk about it now, so we'll let that go. But yes, my "boys are stupid" theory still holds true.
Anyhoo, the weather yes, is fucking cold as hell, and we have been getting a "wintry mix" but nothing is really freezing as of yet, and it's 4:07pm right now. I'm sure they'll get bad tonight, once darkness falls, so tomorrow morning the drive in will suck (getting the co-workers to pick me up again) but it will all be gone and a distant memory by noon, as it's getting into the 40's tomorrow.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Crazy Texas Weather
Well, we hit a high of about 77 degrees today. Hope we enjoyed it.
By 9pm tonight, the temperature will drop into the 30's, yes, 40 degrees less than it is now, and within 1 hour (they say). This comes along with severe thunderstorms, up to 1" of rain, and "possible" damaging hail. By 6am it's supposed to be about 23 degrees, so yes folks, get ready for the great freeze of 2006. Dallas will literally shut down. No banks, no malls, no school, no nothing. People here can't drive when it's sunny and 90 degrees. Throw some ice and sleet into the mix and you have about a billion wrecks at once. Our overpasses and highways all freeze over, because they build these monolithic type structures that can't be driven over.
I imagine I won't get to work until around lunchtime tomorrow, if the weather holds true. I am not risking my life because people here STILL don't know that you do not slam on your brakes when hitting an ice patch. I will sit at home, drinking my hot tea and laugh at all the dumbasses stuck on the highways of the DFW Metroplex.
It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too, and get back into the 20's tomorrow night, so Friday morning will probably be some of the same.
If you don't get a blog tomorrow, that's cuz my ass didn't come to work.
We'll see, the weathermen (and women) here suck, it never happens like they say
By 9pm tonight, the temperature will drop into the 30's, yes, 40 degrees less than it is now, and within 1 hour (they say). This comes along with severe thunderstorms, up to 1" of rain, and "possible" damaging hail. By 6am it's supposed to be about 23 degrees, so yes folks, get ready for the great freeze of 2006. Dallas will literally shut down. No banks, no malls, no school, no nothing. People here can't drive when it's sunny and 90 degrees. Throw some ice and sleet into the mix and you have about a billion wrecks at once. Our overpasses and highways all freeze over, because they build these monolithic type structures that can't be driven over.
I imagine I won't get to work until around lunchtime tomorrow, if the weather holds true. I am not risking my life because people here STILL don't know that you do not slam on your brakes when hitting an ice patch. I will sit at home, drinking my hot tea and laugh at all the dumbasses stuck on the highways of the DFW Metroplex.
It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too, and get back into the 20's tomorrow night, so Friday morning will probably be some of the same.
If you don't get a blog tomorrow, that's cuz my ass didn't come to work.
We'll see, the weathermen (and women) here suck, it never happens like they say
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
99.5% of the Population is Retarded
Yes folks, I really do think that. The biggest retard on hand right now is a guy I work with. He amazes me with the amount of retardedness he exudes. It is rather monumental really. He has to be retarded quite frankly, because that is the only way his behavior can be excused, hell, even explained.
I am not going to get into why I find him so utterly retarded, just trust me on this one. He is, plain and simple, and I want to stab him in his eye with my black ball point pen on a daily basis. I don't care that he has a wife and two kids, quite honestly, the guy has got to go.
He hired on here about 8 months ago, and I was warned by a very good friend that he was retarded. My friend Carl actually had to work w/the guy for the last several years, it was just a small world thing that we figured it all out. Carl was right, he's a retard and I want him gone. I actually think Carl did a little dance when he found out he was finally going to be rid of this utter moron. Wait, retard is the word I've been using, I'll stick with it.
I know you all are thinking, wow, retard is such an un-PC word to use. Well I don't give a fuck! He again, HAS to be retarded. Maybe my bosses felt sorry for his retardedness, and gave him a job, because they felt bad, I'm not really sure. I know I didn't get to interview the retard, because I would have seen it right away. Hell, I figured it out his first day, I can't be quoted, but I'm pretty sure I said to a few people, "ya know, I think that guy is a retard." No joke.
What utterly irks me to no end is that he was hired on to HELP me in my job, take care of some things that I really didn't have the time, and quite honestly shouldn't have been doing. Again, can't get into logistics, because if my work ever finds this blog, hopefully they won't figure out who I am talking about. Hell, he still works here, so they are obviously totally clueless to the extraordinary amount of retardation this guy has. So since he has a penis, that automatically means he makes at least 10% more annually that I do. See why I am so pissed? I work my ass off, half the time fixing his retarded mistakes, reminding him of what the fuck his job is and continually asking over and over again for the same fucking things. Fire the retard, double my salary and they'd have the most bad-ass bitch in the history of this company working for them.
Plain and simple, apparently it pays to be retarded. I'm gonna go suck my thumb and wipe shit on the walls, maybe I'll get a raise.
I am not going to get into why I find him so utterly retarded, just trust me on this one. He is, plain and simple, and I want to stab him in his eye with my black ball point pen on a daily basis. I don't care that he has a wife and two kids, quite honestly, the guy has got to go.
He hired on here about 8 months ago, and I was warned by a very good friend that he was retarded. My friend Carl actually had to work w/the guy for the last several years, it was just a small world thing that we figured it all out. Carl was right, he's a retard and I want him gone. I actually think Carl did a little dance when he found out he was finally going to be rid of this utter moron. Wait, retard is the word I've been using, I'll stick with it.
I know you all are thinking, wow, retard is such an un-PC word to use. Well I don't give a fuck! He again, HAS to be retarded. Maybe my bosses felt sorry for his retardedness, and gave him a job, because they felt bad, I'm not really sure. I know I didn't get to interview the retard, because I would have seen it right away. Hell, I figured it out his first day, I can't be quoted, but I'm pretty sure I said to a few people, "ya know, I think that guy is a retard." No joke.
What utterly irks me to no end is that he was hired on to HELP me in my job, take care of some things that I really didn't have the time, and quite honestly shouldn't have been doing. Again, can't get into logistics, because if my work ever finds this blog, hopefully they won't figure out who I am talking about. Hell, he still works here, so they are obviously totally clueless to the extraordinary amount of retardation this guy has. So since he has a penis, that automatically means he makes at least 10% more annually that I do. See why I am so pissed? I work my ass off, half the time fixing his retarded mistakes, reminding him of what the fuck his job is and continually asking over and over again for the same fucking things. Fire the retard, double my salary and they'd have the most bad-ass bitch in the history of this company working for them.
Plain and simple, apparently it pays to be retarded. I'm gonna go suck my thumb and wipe shit on the walls, maybe I'll get a raise.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving Holiday Recap
Well, today is Monday, and that just totally sucks. Back to work drones! Here's a recap of my holiday weekend:
Worked that day, left around 5:30. The "kids" (younger crowd of people I hang out with from time to time from work) were playing Texas Holdem and Domino's at one of their houses, so I ventured up there around 8pm. They apparently started drinking as soon as their asses got out of work, because by the time I showed up, the buzzes were strong and proud. I guess this is why I beat them in every game we played. Took the whole pot from Texas Holdem (not playing for real money unfortunately) and won 2 domino games in a row. I decided to stop playing. Their little male egos were having a hard time handling this. I guess I got home around 12am and went to bed.
Went and got the boy from his house and took him over to Jen & Lance's house for Thanksgiving Day. I refer to Jen & Lance as "the rich friends" so you'll hear that from time to time. Had a lovely meal w/their families, then the drinking began around 3pm, once all family members had been successfully removed from their home. Jen's step father likes tequila, and when I say likes tequila, I mean he likes to take a shot every 3.2 seconds once he starts. Luckily there was very little tequila left, and I only had to suffer through 2 shots. Yeah, I know, I could have said no, but that would just be rude. So I had a nice buzz going by about 6pm. The new boy was drinking Jack Daniels, I was just drinking beer. They were out of Crown, otherwise I would have been hammer-time. My new boy sells diamonds, so he had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so during the Cowboy's game, he told me he wanted to try and head back to his place around 6-7pm. I told him no problem, whatever he wanted to do. Well, once the boy became comfortable around everyone, and realized that indeed, they like to drink copious amounts of alcohol, just as he does, he began to relax. The next time frame he gave me was "no later than 8:30." I again laughed and told him whatever he wanted to do. Finally at 10pm, as I was dragging him out of the house, we got out of there. Not that I didn't want to stay, but I had a buzz, wanted to get some action before he or I passed out and still get him to sleep at a reasonable hour, so he wouldn't feel too bad on the busiest shopping day of the year. I think we went to bed around 2am, so I wasn't all that successful.
I went home and slept all day long. The boy has given me a cold he had been fighting, and so now I'm sick. Don't feel all that bad, just really congested and coughing up all kinds of lovely things...I finally got up and going around 7:30 as Sarah is in town, so we had some serious drinking to do at the Landing. Picked her up around 9pm and the madness (as usual) ensued. Nothing too crazy, just the usual too many of this and too many of that at the bar. She spent the night at the house but we had to get up early (8am) to get her home to her parents.
Slept all day long again. This cold thing is just totally clobbering my ass. Again, don't feel horrible, just congested and taking medicine that apparently knocks my ass out. Layed on the couch all day long with Georgie, watched TV and slept, watched TV and slept. Finally got in the shower about 6pm, not knowing if the new boy wanted to get together or not. Ended up going over to his house around 10pm, ordering pizza and watching a bootleg copy of the new Casino Royale, ala James Bond. It was ok, but he had Nyquil, so I passed out before I saw the end. I don't think I missed too much, we all know what happens in Bond movies. He gets the girl, he gets the bad guys, all is well.
Woke up feeling worse than ever. So much snot in my head and chest it was rather disgusting. I went to the bathroom to hack and blow it out. I guess the new boy can't hear all that well (thank god) as it was pretty raunchy. When I came back to bed, he pointed out that there were tissues right next to me (isn't that sweet of him?) but I told him it was definitely best if I do it in another room. He yet again had to work, so I went and had brunch w/my buddy Mike, then went home and took cold medicine. In my haze, I thought the bulk trash pick up was this week, so I hurriedly changed and went out front to rake some leaves. Yeah, let me just say that raking leaves sucks big ole balls. I just got the leaves in my driveway and a small section to the right of the house, and that was 4 bags full. I was sick, it was hard to do, so I gave up. Walked out this morning, and leaves are back, doesn't look like I did a thing. So much for that. Also thank god for Home Depot and their credit cards. I will be purchasing a leaf blower this weekend to finish the job. Trash pick up is NEXT week, not this one, so that'll be one of my weekend activities this weekend. Oh, the joys of homeownership!
So that's it, in a nutshell. Sorry to not be funny and tell you all the funny stuff that happened. There was and it did. I am just too damned tired and really don't feel 100% today, so I'll leave it up to your imaginations!
Worked that day, left around 5:30. The "kids" (younger crowd of people I hang out with from time to time from work) were playing Texas Holdem and Domino's at one of their houses, so I ventured up there around 8pm. They apparently started drinking as soon as their asses got out of work, because by the time I showed up, the buzzes were strong and proud. I guess this is why I beat them in every game we played. Took the whole pot from Texas Holdem (not playing for real money unfortunately) and won 2 domino games in a row. I decided to stop playing. Their little male egos were having a hard time handling this. I guess I got home around 12am and went to bed.
Went and got the boy from his house and took him over to Jen & Lance's house for Thanksgiving Day. I refer to Jen & Lance as "the rich friends" so you'll hear that from time to time. Had a lovely meal w/their families, then the drinking began around 3pm, once all family members had been successfully removed from their home. Jen's step father likes tequila, and when I say likes tequila, I mean he likes to take a shot every 3.2 seconds once he starts. Luckily there was very little tequila left, and I only had to suffer through 2 shots. Yeah, I know, I could have said no, but that would just be rude. So I had a nice buzz going by about 6pm. The new boy was drinking Jack Daniels, I was just drinking beer. They were out of Crown, otherwise I would have been hammer-time. My new boy sells diamonds, so he had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so during the Cowboy's game, he told me he wanted to try and head back to his place around 6-7pm. I told him no problem, whatever he wanted to do. Well, once the boy became comfortable around everyone, and realized that indeed, they like to drink copious amounts of alcohol, just as he does, he began to relax. The next time frame he gave me was "no later than 8:30." I again laughed and told him whatever he wanted to do. Finally at 10pm, as I was dragging him out of the house, we got out of there. Not that I didn't want to stay, but I had a buzz, wanted to get some action before he or I passed out and still get him to sleep at a reasonable hour, so he wouldn't feel too bad on the busiest shopping day of the year. I think we went to bed around 2am, so I wasn't all that successful.
I went home and slept all day long. The boy has given me a cold he had been fighting, and so now I'm sick. Don't feel all that bad, just really congested and coughing up all kinds of lovely things...I finally got up and going around 7:30 as Sarah is in town, so we had some serious drinking to do at the Landing. Picked her up around 9pm and the madness (as usual) ensued. Nothing too crazy, just the usual too many of this and too many of that at the bar. She spent the night at the house but we had to get up early (8am) to get her home to her parents.
Slept all day long again. This cold thing is just totally clobbering my ass. Again, don't feel horrible, just congested and taking medicine that apparently knocks my ass out. Layed on the couch all day long with Georgie, watched TV and slept, watched TV and slept. Finally got in the shower about 6pm, not knowing if the new boy wanted to get together or not. Ended up going over to his house around 10pm, ordering pizza and watching a bootleg copy of the new Casino Royale, ala James Bond. It was ok, but he had Nyquil, so I passed out before I saw the end. I don't think I missed too much, we all know what happens in Bond movies. He gets the girl, he gets the bad guys, all is well.
Woke up feeling worse than ever. So much snot in my head and chest it was rather disgusting. I went to the bathroom to hack and blow it out. I guess the new boy can't hear all that well (thank god) as it was pretty raunchy. When I came back to bed, he pointed out that there were tissues right next to me (isn't that sweet of him?) but I told him it was definitely best if I do it in another room. He yet again had to work, so I went and had brunch w/my buddy Mike, then went home and took cold medicine. In my haze, I thought the bulk trash pick up was this week, so I hurriedly changed and went out front to rake some leaves. Yeah, let me just say that raking leaves sucks big ole balls. I just got the leaves in my driveway and a small section to the right of the house, and that was 4 bags full. I was sick, it was hard to do, so I gave up. Walked out this morning, and leaves are back, doesn't look like I did a thing. So much for that. Also thank god for Home Depot and their credit cards. I will be purchasing a leaf blower this weekend to finish the job. Trash pick up is NEXT week, not this one, so that'll be one of my weekend activities this weekend. Oh, the joys of homeownership!
So that's it, in a nutshell. Sorry to not be funny and tell you all the funny stuff that happened. There was and it did. I am just too damned tired and really don't feel 100% today, so I'll leave it up to your imaginations!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
6 Weird Things about Shawna
Well, since Sue "tagged" me, I guess I'm going to play this game, it's a fun one anyway. I'm supposed to "tag" 6 other bloggers, but I don't know that many, so if anyone out there wants to play, more power to ya! Dave, Jodi & Sarah need to play. At least I got 1/2 of what I was supposed to!
6 Weird Things about me:
1. I like orange flavored things, but do not like eating oranges. I also like eating grapes (both red and green), but do not like grape flavored things.
2. I type things out all the time, when not at a keyboard. If I watch TV I will type w/my fingers whatever the actors are saying. I also do this in meetings at work when I'm bored, and various other times.
3. I can pooh anywhere. Well, not ANYWHERE, but I don't have the affliction of "I must pooh in my bathroom and only my bathroom" if I gotta go, I gotta go. I might even make you pull over at a gas station, when it's time, it's time. I've been known to make people do that!
4. I think having a baby is disgusting. It literally feeds off of your body for 9 months. Like a parasite. Ick. One of the many reasons I do not plan to be a breeder.
5. I enjoy cleaning. I am anal-retentive, but still, I enjoy dusting, washing dishes, doing laundry, all that stuff, I always have. I also MUST make my bed every morning before I leave, if I come home to an unmade bed, I feel "off", I will make the bed before I get into it.
6. I love to drink to get drunk. This doesn't seem odd, except I almost always throw up (it's gotten better over the years, but still...) why would I continue to do this to myself when I know it is almost inevitable that I will puke?
6 Weird Things about me:
1. I like orange flavored things, but do not like eating oranges. I also like eating grapes (both red and green), but do not like grape flavored things.
2. I type things out all the time, when not at a keyboard. If I watch TV I will type w/my fingers whatever the actors are saying. I also do this in meetings at work when I'm bored, and various other times.
3. I can pooh anywhere. Well, not ANYWHERE, but I don't have the affliction of "I must pooh in my bathroom and only my bathroom" if I gotta go, I gotta go. I might even make you pull over at a gas station, when it's time, it's time. I've been known to make people do that!
4. I think having a baby is disgusting. It literally feeds off of your body for 9 months. Like a parasite. Ick. One of the many reasons I do not plan to be a breeder.
5. I enjoy cleaning. I am anal-retentive, but still, I enjoy dusting, washing dishes, doing laundry, all that stuff, I always have. I also MUST make my bed every morning before I leave, if I come home to an unmade bed, I feel "off", I will make the bed before I get into it.
6. I love to drink to get drunk. This doesn't seem odd, except I almost always throw up (it's gotten better over the years, but still...) why would I continue to do this to myself when I know it is almost inevitable that I will puke?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Monday - You won't see that often
Had a great weekend, if I do say so myself, still in a great mood from it.
Went out on Friday w/the new boy. We went and had dinner at Patrizio, a great Italian joint, one I worked at about 10 years ago, how I met Ms. Sarah to be exact. He had to work the next morning, so we just went home, drank some wine and watched The Breakup w/Vaughniston. It was fucking hilarious, if you haven't seen it, it's a must, as you have had one of the fights they have in this movie at some point in some relationship. It's completely relatable and I was laughing. Of course it doesn't hurt that Vincey-Pooh is my #1, so the eye candy for me was an added bonus. I slept in while he went off to work, then went home, showered and had my monthly ritual of getting my eyebrows ripped out with wax, to make them perfect specimens. I then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a new shower curtain and rug for the main bathroom with a gift certificate I was given on my birthday by my buddy Dave.
Saturday night I went out with Jen, Josh and Mike. That was quite the treat. We went to Humperdinks, and for those of you who are snickering, see website info attached. They have these things they call "Towers" they hold a little over 6 pints of beer a piece. They are fun to have at the table, are phallic to a fault (even the plastic ice piece they leave it it to keep it cold looks like a penis) but oh so fun to drink. It's the apparatus you see on the site to the right. Between the four of us, we managed to consume 5 of them and about 4 Jager Bombs a piece. Yeah, we were shittier than shitty, but had so, so much fun. They are also only $15 a piece, so it's quite a bargain if you really do the math (and no, I'm not doing the math, you are all big kids). Needless to say, by the time we got back to Jen's it was a big ole slumber party. I remember dancing with Jen and Mike in the backyard, so you know we were loaded. Shawna is not much of a dancer, only when she's really loaded (so speaking of myself in 3rd person right now). I am white, call me a cracker if you will, so I have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever. If you ever get the chance to see my dancing, you will laugh your ass off, cuz it's pretty damned bad.
Woke up about noon on Sunday and went home. Georgie hates me right now, I didn't come home Friday OR Saturday night, so she was not too happy w/her momma. I had to go to the grocery store, as I had no food. So did that real quick then spent the rest of the day giving her hugs and kisses and lots of loving. I think she finally got sick of me after a few hours and went to the other end of the couch. She's needy, but apparently a little bit goes a long way with her!
I've been in a great mood all day at work, but alas am ready for it to be over, because I have yet another date w/the new boy right after work. Yeah, we are seeing eachother quite regularly. I think we kinda like eachother. Or maybe we just like having sex on a regular basis, think we are both still figuring that part out! :)
It's 4:17pm here, so I'm killing another hour or so before I skirt out the door to go get me some lovin'. Yeah, I've just decided I'm so happy because I'm getting ass on a regular basis. I'm a Scorpio after all, it's in my nature!
Went out on Friday w/the new boy. We went and had dinner at Patrizio, a great Italian joint, one I worked at about 10 years ago, how I met Ms. Sarah to be exact. He had to work the next morning, so we just went home, drank some wine and watched The Breakup w/Vaughniston. It was fucking hilarious, if you haven't seen it, it's a must, as you have had one of the fights they have in this movie at some point in some relationship. It's completely relatable and I was laughing. Of course it doesn't hurt that Vincey-Pooh is my #1, so the eye candy for me was an added bonus. I slept in while he went off to work, then went home, showered and had my monthly ritual of getting my eyebrows ripped out with wax, to make them perfect specimens. I then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a new shower curtain and rug for the main bathroom with a gift certificate I was given on my birthday by my buddy Dave.
Saturday night I went out with Jen, Josh and Mike. That was quite the treat. We went to Humperdinks, and for those of you who are snickering, see website info attached. They have these things they call "Towers" they hold a little over 6 pints of beer a piece. They are fun to have at the table, are phallic to a fault (even the plastic ice piece they leave it it to keep it cold looks like a penis) but oh so fun to drink. It's the apparatus you see on the site to the right. Between the four of us, we managed to consume 5 of them and about 4 Jager Bombs a piece. Yeah, we were shittier than shitty, but had so, so much fun. They are also only $15 a piece, so it's quite a bargain if you really do the math (and no, I'm not doing the math, you are all big kids). Needless to say, by the time we got back to Jen's it was a big ole slumber party. I remember dancing with Jen and Mike in the backyard, so you know we were loaded. Shawna is not much of a dancer, only when she's really loaded (so speaking of myself in 3rd person right now). I am white, call me a cracker if you will, so I have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever. If you ever get the chance to see my dancing, you will laugh your ass off, cuz it's pretty damned bad.
Woke up about noon on Sunday and went home. Georgie hates me right now, I didn't come home Friday OR Saturday night, so she was not too happy w/her momma. I had to go to the grocery store, as I had no food. So did that real quick then spent the rest of the day giving her hugs and kisses and lots of loving. I think she finally got sick of me after a few hours and went to the other end of the couch. She's needy, but apparently a little bit goes a long way with her!
I've been in a great mood all day at work, but alas am ready for it to be over, because I have yet another date w/the new boy right after work. Yeah, we are seeing eachother quite regularly. I think we kinda like eachother. Or maybe we just like having sex on a regular basis, think we are both still figuring that part out! :)
It's 4:17pm here, so I'm killing another hour or so before I skirt out the door to go get me some lovin'. Yeah, I've just decided I'm so happy because I'm getting ass on a regular basis. I'm a Scorpio after all, it's in my nature!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Oprah's in my dreams
I don't really have much to say today, except that I'm really fucking glad it's Friday and I'm ready to get the hell out of work. We were so busy the last few months, that now that we have slowed down, I am procrastinating like a mother-fucker. One of my main duties is Purchasing, so I have MOUNDS of completed purchase orders that I need to file. I have to take the PO, match it up to the packing slip and then staple the bitches together. Doesn't seem like much right? Well, my procrastination on this such mind sucking duty has been so bad, that I am about 200 PO's behind. Yeah, that's 400+ pieces of paper to sort through and figure out what goes with what. It's something I should really take home and do sitting on the couch, but alas, that hasn't happened yet either. I could be doing that right now instead of blogging about it, but this is so much easier. I could also come in on a weekend and take care of that, but fuck a bunch of that, I've had to come in so many weekends lately, that it's the LAST thing I want to do.
I'm going out w/the new boy tonight, so I know there will probably be a hangover involved in my Saturday morning, so coming to work really won't happen. At least I have a viable excuse right?
Other than that, I got a whole lotta nothing today. I guess I need to sit down and think of things interesting to blog about. Oh SHIT, I almost forgot, had the weirdest dream the night before last:
So I was leaving work w/a fellow co-worker when I got a page that I needed to attend a employee meeting, I looked at my co-worker and told him he needed to go too, if it's an employee meeting, we should both be there right? Well, in my "dream world" Meisel was about 10 times the size it is now (we have about 70 employees), so we walked into this huge auditorium and of course were the last one's there. We had to sit in seats right next to the stage, along a wall. In walks Oprah, yes Oprah Winfrey. This is not odd to anyone, apparently Oprah owns Meisel in this dream. She looks over at us and asks my co-worker who he is, he tells her and she looks down at a clipboard, looks up at my and says "You are Shawna Furr right?" and I tell her yes ma'am, I certainly am. She then asks why in the hell did I tell him to come to the meeting, if she wanted him there, she would have had him paged! I just look at her weird, and she proceeds to tell me I'm fired in front of the entire company. Again, why everyone else but this one co-worker got to attend the meeting is beside me, I have no clue, but she fires my ass. Fucking Oprah fired me. I say whatever and walk out and tell her I'm going to go talk to George, he'll fix it all (George is the REAL owner of Meisel). So I walk up to his office, tell him the above and he just says "Shawna, I'm sorry, but it's fucking Oprah, she totally cancels me out, I guess you'll have to go!"
Fuck Oprah and her stupid ass shit, I think I'll stop watching her now...
Here's a cute pic of my nie
ces practicing for Halloween
I'm going out w/the new boy tonight, so I know there will probably be a hangover involved in my Saturday morning, so coming to work really won't happen. At least I have a viable excuse right?
Other than that, I got a whole lotta nothing today. I guess I need to sit down and think of things interesting to blog about. Oh SHIT, I almost forgot, had the weirdest dream the night before last:
So I was leaving work w/a fellow co-worker when I got a page that I needed to attend a employee meeting, I looked at my co-worker and told him he needed to go too, if it's an employee meeting, we should both be there right? Well, in my "dream world" Meisel was about 10 times the size it is now (we have about 70 employees), so we walked into this huge auditorium and of course were the last one's there. We had to sit in seats right next to the stage, along a wall. In walks Oprah, yes Oprah Winfrey. This is not odd to anyone, apparently Oprah owns Meisel in this dream. She looks over at us and asks my co-worker who he is, he tells her and she looks down at a clipboard, looks up at my and says "You are Shawna Furr right?" and I tell her yes ma'am, I certainly am. She then asks why in the hell did I tell him to come to the meeting, if she wanted him there, she would have had him paged! I just look at her weird, and she proceeds to tell me I'm fired in front of the entire company. Again, why everyone else but this one co-worker got to attend the meeting is beside me, I have no clue, but she fires my ass. Fucking Oprah fired me. I say whatever and walk out and tell her I'm going to go talk to George, he'll fix it all (George is the REAL owner of Meisel). So I walk up to his office, tell him the above and he just says "Shawna, I'm sorry, but it's fucking Oprah, she totally cancels me out, I guess you'll have to go!"
Fuck Oprah and her stupid ass shit, I think I'll stop watching her now...
Here's a cute pic of my nie

Thursday, November 16, 2006
It's been a long time...

Man, I haven't blogged since May...that's sad. But no, I still don't have service at home, I just really miss blogging, it is fun. I am going to do my best to take time from my job every day so that I can blog some little tid-bit of something.
Let's see, what's been going on with Shawna since May. A whole hell of a lot.
Work's been insane, but we are finally slowing down now that all the holiday graphics are out of this mother-fucker. For those of you who don't know, I work for a large format printing company. I purchase all the materials, inks, boxes, basically anything we use, yes, including tape. I also do about 5 other things, but none of it most of you would understand, so no point in telling you. We do graphics for large companies, like Eddie Bauer, Johnston & Murphy, Coach, J. Jill, McDonald's, Taco Bueno and LeSportSac to name a few. Yeah, I'm a total name dropper! It's a crazy business but I'm a crazy bitch, so it suits me to a T.
Haven't really gotten much done at the house, I plan to stain and paint the main bathroom over the Thanksgiving holiday, I've decided I'm not celebrating it this year, I'm just going to stain, paint and drink heavily with Sarah, since she'll be here!
Georgie is finally not so wild and crazy anymore. She's almost 11 months old already. She managed to fuck up some shit in the new house pretty good before I finally rigged it so that she can only go into a small part of the kitchen and has full run of the backyard while I'm at work or drinking heavily with one of my partners in crime. She's awesome though, I love her to death, can't imagine life without her.
Remember that dating email? Well, I finally found a guy on that I felt like I could handle going on a date with and we've been seeing eachother for almost 3 weeks now. It's going well, but don't want to say too much, don't want to jinx it. I will say this though, it's very interesting for me. I've always dated losers (don't most women until they finally grow up and realize the "bad boy" is really a bad boy and you shouldn't date them, just fuck them?) and this guy is far from a loser. He has a great job, owns his own condo, has his own car...yeah, he's a contributing member of society! It's amazing. He's nice to me...that's also a new one for me. He compliments me, opens doors and pays for everything (I am usually the one shelling out the cash on "dates" with the men I usually date). I think I've already said too much, so I'm going to leave it at that for now.
What else? Oh, my sister Sherri and her husband Mark and my wonderful 17 year old niece Loren will be coming in for Christmas to check out the new house and see all the family here, so I'm really looking forward to that, it's going to be a lot of fun. But it's right around the corner, so I really need to get some cleaning and organizing done before they get here.
Guess that's about all for now, it's almost 6pm and I'm still at work (which is not unusual) but it's slowing down so I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I can leave and go home and sit on my couch and watch TV with Georgie. So that's what I'm gonna do.
Oh, this is a drunken picture of Jodi (my best gal) and me over Labor Day weekend at The Landing...
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