Monday, March 27, 2006

Escape Artist

Well, Georgie figured out how to pry open the bathroom door (it doesn't shut right anyway) and move the gate and the chair out of the way to escape the bathroom. Luckily all she chewed up was her toy basket. Not completely, hope she doesn't start pooping wicker bits, that would be pretty gross. Doesn't look like she ate it, just shredded it. Couldn't snap a picture, as my batteries on the camera have died and I haven't gone out for more yet. But here's a pic I took of her playing in the basket. Pardon the scary devil eyes.

Glad I found a house, hopefully that will help.

However, the anxiety is setting in of taking on such a daunting task as a home all by myself, with one pretty measley salary....yes, I'm having second thoughts. It's scary and I don't know if I can stomach the bills upon bills that come with homeownership. Not to mention that my monthly rent will double, which I can afford, but again, not really much of anything else. My thoughts are to find a place with a yard, rent it for a year, then begin the home search again. I'm supposed to meet with my realtor on Wednesday afternoon to write up a contract on the house, so I have until then to backout. I'm not sure what to do. I'm just nervous to do something like this on my own.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

House Hunt

Went with my Dad and my Realtor today to look at some homes. She drove past a new listing and we decided to check it out. Glad we did, because my Dad basically tore apart the other houses that I was actually interested in. That's why I wanted him to come, he points out all the imperfections that the normal person would never notice. He loved this house and felt it was the best of them all. The first visit I was just a maybe, but we went back at the end of the day, and I really dig it. It has the potential to be a great house to entertain in, which is going to be necessary, since I won't be able to have quite the social life I am accustom to.

The house has a lot of potential, if you click on the picture, it will show a few more shots, but it really doesn't do it justice. It's got a great little courtyard area that will be great. The yard needs a ton of work, a lot of ripping out of trees and shrubs and stuff, but I really get into that once I get going. A few Monster's and I can do yard work for hours on end. Plus, I won't really be able to go out anyway, so at least there is a good amount of work to keep me occupied for a while. It's got a detached 2 car garage that is really large, plus it's got an added on area that it seems the previous owner would go hide it, has a window unit in it and a ton of book shelves. These would be taken out and that would eventually turn into the pool table room or game room, something of that nature. The large room in the pics with the tile floor is where the washer/dryer connections are, and I'd make this my office/gym. 3 large bedrooms, so there would be two spare bedrooms for friends to crash in!

Really kick ass party house potential. I did take some pics, but only a few at this place before my camera decided to run out of battery juice. So I can't upload the one's I have (sorry Jodi). It's listed a bit high, I'm going to sleep on it, think about it and we are probably going to make an offer this week. It was bought by flippers, and it's been vacant since May, so the potential to get a good knock down price is pretty good, as we have a feeling they want to get this sucker off of their hands.

Only downside is that it is a corner lot, right at Peavy and San Lorenzo, so pretty busy, but again, the benefits far outweigh that one minor annoyance.

Will keep you posted!

And hey, two blogs in one day, Georgie's staring to chill, so looks like I have a bit more time on my hands again!

Funky Town Pic

So Sue's been posting a lot of her favorite pics lately. I have to say this is one of my favorite pics of all time. Jodi, Troy, my ex and myself, all looking so happy and carefree. It was NYE 2000, we were probably three sheets to the wind. It's actually my least favorite NYE on record, but I guess for this photo opp, I was pretending I was enjoying myself! Dave and Doris were with us, Doris now an ex of Dave's, I believe she was the one to snap this photo. This was pre-engagement/wedding for Jodi & Troy and pre-back together and engaged to now ex timeframe. Well, maybe Jodi and Troy were engaged, I don't know. I think they got engaged the following May if my memory serves me....

Oh, and why it's on here twice, I dunno, blogger sucks with pictures BIG TIME!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Tiny Terror

When you see that face, can you really resist?
I’m glad I’m taking a lot of photos to remember how cute she is. I need to look at them on a daily basis when I’m cursing and freaking out at whatever it is she has done that day. This is hard, hard work.
Do I regret it? Yeah, probably, if I had to do it all over again, I would have waited until I was in a house with a doggie door. My guilt, and her pleasure would all be much better. I feel really guilty leaving her in the bathroom all day, but what choice to I have? I’ve looked into hiring someone to come over and walk her mid-day, but jesus, it’ll cost me about $75.00 a week! Not exactly something I need to be doing while trying to buy a house, it’s a bit impractical!
She is really cute and I do love her dearly, I wouldn’t give her up for anything, I really wouldn’t. Trying to type this and have to keep checking on her to make sure she isn’t peeing or poohing somewhere in the house. FUN!
She pee’s and poops in the bathtub during the day. She didn’t take to the puppy pads at all, in fact, she just ripped them up. Which I suppose is a good thing, one less thing I have to spend money on right? My tub is clean as shit too, cuz I SCOUR it out every night when I get home. Non-dog folks will find that rather disgusting, I find it quite wonderful! At least I don’t have to clean it off of the bathroom floor, or worse her every night! It’s rather contained and simple. For you non-dog lovers, bet you won’t take showers at my house now will you? J
Guess that’s all for now, I must go give her my undivided attention OR ELSE! I promise soon I will talk about something other than Georgie, but for now, it’s pretty much all I got!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Georgie (name change)

Puppies are HARD. There is no doubt about that. Sorry I haven’t been on since I’ve gotten her, but I’ve been BUSY!

Blanca is no longer her name. It’s Georgie. That’s final. She knows it already and seems to be ok with it, and I think it’s just adorable.

So we’ve had some really good days, for the most part, she’s been pretty good. I finally didn’t come home at lunch yesterday and she didn’t destroy the bathroom, I was so excited! Well, today wasn’t the case. In my haste I didn’t snap a picture, and I so should have, my bathroom was a disaster area. I had a box of incense cones on top of the toilet that I didn’t think she could get to. I was horribly wrong. I’m talking a big ass box too. I think it had about 150 cones in it. Luckily, doesn’t seem as if she ate them, most of them were whole, and the rest were just crumbled all over my floor. All kinds of colors, it was rather psychedelic actually. She now smells really nice though, the blends of all the different varieties blended well, at least I don’t have to give her a bath any time soon!

The picture is from the first weekend, when we went over to my friend Amanda’s house and she got to terrorize Amanda’s 3-legged dog Ebby. That was fun, but after a few hours, little Miss Georgie was tuckered out, so tuckered in fact, her little cute tongue was sticking out.

How is she allowing me to blog right now you ask? Well, I opened the office window, stuck her on a chair, and she’s content to stare out the window and watch all the birds and crap in the backyard. I’m sure it won’t last long. Actually, she is now chewing on the windowsill.

It’s supposed to rain all weekend; I’m not looking forward to all the muddy paws and crap, that should be fun, fun, fun!

She’s allowed me 20 minutes, so I better be grateful and go play with her now. I’ve ignored her long enough to punish her for destroying the bathroom. I can’t resist her cuteness any longer.

I do however; need to find a house SOON. Going with my dad and the realtor this weekend to revisit 3 houses that I liked to get his opinion (he’s a carpenter, remodeler, etc) so I want to know what he thinks. Rather, what will be the least amount of work he’s going to have to do once I move in. Thank god for Dads!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


It’s 5pm. I’m still really tired. She took a good long nap when I got back from eyebrows. Unfortunately, I was at the stage of so tired I couldn’t sleep. Of course when I finally doze off, Blanca is back in action and ready to play.
We went outside and I got this one. To give you an idea of her size, she’s 6 pounds and from nose to butt she’s probably 12 inches. She’s tiny and cute.
But she’s wearing me out!

Sleep Deprevation

It’s been a rough 17 hours, since Blanca arrived. I’m exhausted. I feel like I gave birth and have a newborn in the house. I guess I do, it’s just a puppy and thank god I didn’t have to carry her in my body for 9 months!
She’s adorable, I love her, I really do, don’t get me wrong. I look forward to 9 months from now when she is a bit more under control.
She is sleeping blissfully in her crate right now. The vet recommended that I put her in when we got home, since I hadn’t done so thus far. She whined for a bit, but calmed down and quickly went to sleep. Think the activities of the morning wore her out a little, thank god!
She went pooh in the office this morning, while I was in the shower, she was pissed. She wasn’t getting any attention, so she went pooh. Never mind that we had already been outside about 4 times before I went in the shower, she peed well outside, so I assumed she wasn’t ready for another pooh. I was wrong. It’s ok though; I needed a sample for the vet (EW) anyway, so I gagged my way through gathering it up and putting it in a bag. Good news, no sign of worms, so at least it was worth it!
I’ve got to go get my eyebrows pretty again at 2pm, and I pity my neighbors if they are home, cuz I know she’ll howl until she wears herself out. It’s going to be a rough few weeks.
It’s very hard to get a good picture of her, as she is really fast and won’t really freeze like I need her to for my digi. So the first picture isn’t that great, but you get the idea. Her eyes are also not that weird blue color, I just couldn’t filter it out. Quite frankly, I’m too tired to try and mess with it.
I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday, as she is just like a newborn, in that it’s all about her, no time for me. I’m starving, I am also going to treat myself to something yummy when I leave at 1 to go get the brows done, and I deserve it.
I now have to go put my sheets back on my bed, as she soiled them last night, but it was my own fault. We fell asleep on the couch about midnight, and she woke up about 3:30, ready to play. I wasn’t, and stupidly picked her up and her bed, and put her in my bed. Yeah, real smart, she peed right away, so back to the couch for us.
Everything is clean again, so I’m going to go put the sheets back on and try and grab a power nap while I have the chance.
To be continued….

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Toe Woes

So this blog began in a Word Document. Last night, I tried to write this damned thing twice, and Blogger failed miserably, damn thing crashed out on me! My buddy Tavis in Jersey came up with the brilliant idea to type it in Word first, and then copy. What a smart guy eh?

So, let me start by telling you that I HATE feet with a passion. I mean I really dislike feet, even my own. Surprised I have been able to stomach pedicures. I don’t watch what they do usually, cuz it’ll just gross me out. My phobia comes from my father. As a small child he stepped on a rusty nail and actually got tetanus, I know, amazing, someone actually got it. We’ve been given the damned shots all our lives, there’s a good reason folks. Anyway, the outcome of this is that his toenails are totally funky. They are about ½ inch thick, and are yellow and layers can literally flake off from them. They are that thick! As a child, I remember my father cutting his toenails in his recliner with his pocketknife. Yes, he had to use a pocketknife, as regular toenail clippers just wouldn’t do the trick. It apparently screwed me up for life.

Let me also state that I realize I need a pedicure badly. My feet have been primarily in my Uggs for the last 4 months, so there was no real need to keep them up as I do in the summer. In the flip-flop season, I get my pedicures very regularly, about every 3 weeks, so give me some slack, I spend a lot of money to keep them looking as good as possible, but it just became nice. Was planning on going this weekend, but in light of my recent toe woes, it ain’t happening. I am not going to let those crazy Asian bitches touch my toe, as I believe it to be broken.

On to how this occurred…

So Tuesday night I came home, ready to put together my doggy crate. But first I needed to make room in my closet for the beanbag chair that is in my office, because that’s where Ms. Blanca will be residing while I am at work. Tile in the office, safer that way. I’d be very upset to come home and my beautiful hardwoods were soiled…plus I think my landlord would be too, and I’d probably have to pay to fix them.

Being the anal-retentive creature that I am, I realized that my closet floor was filthy, that I needed to pull everything out of it, so that I could sweep and mop. Upon beginning this task, I realized that I had a bunch of shoes that I hadn’t put on my feet in well over 3 years, so decided to bag them up and donate to the needy, which led to my dresser. Well, I never get into the bottom drawer of my dresser; because it’s full of old concert t-shirts that I can’t seem to part with and other random clothing items. I knew there were a bunch of t-shirts I was willing to part with, so here we go….

Since I never open the bottom drawer, but get into the one above it almost daily, I assumed it had the same affliction as the top, and the top sticks and is kind of hard to open. Nope, bottom drawer must’ve WD-40’ed itself, as it came flying out and smack dab right onto my big toe. I have never screamed so loud in my entire life. Glad the neighbors weren’t home at the time, they probably would have thought someone was killing me (or me killing someone else, does it matter?). Since we are on day 2 of this, I am glad to say that I don’t believe I will have the problems that Jodi and Sue do, it hit far enough back that my toenail is probably safe from falling off. Thank god, cuz that’s pretty gnarly! Sorry ladies, but toes just gross me out, and knowing that you both have missing toeanails, well it’s a small issue for me!

So the picture doesn’t really look too bad, but just take note in the fact that I’m posting a picture of my foot, this is a big step in my toe phobia recovery. Not sure if I can fully ever get over it, but you’ve got to start somewhere right? If it worsens or grows, I will be sure to post another photo. I am also saying today, that my blog needs more pictures, I am going to try and post a picture every time I blog. It could be old school pics of some of you from the past; it could be completely random, like my toilet seat. Oh, I like that, toilet seat shots, promise no turd shots, that’s just gross. You get my point. I am going to try and make my blog a more colorful place.