Monday, March 19, 2007

Weekend Hijinx

This weekend turned to be quite the eventful weekend. I am hoping this is was the final stretch into some much needed relaxation. My social calendar has been quite full lately, which is not a bad thing, but boy I need some laying on the couch time for sure!


I stole an employee from my last job, so Friday was his going away happy hour from the old place. I planned to go, have a few drinks and get home at a decent hour. HA We decided to leave the happy hour around 10:30 and head over to the house of the boy who quit to drink more and be bad. We had to stop and get gas, as I was on empty. He was filling my car up and his girlfriend and I were in her car, enjoying her ridiculously beefed up stereo system, when out of nowhere a cop appeared. Yeah, talk about a buzz kill. He took both of our ID's, wanted to know what we were doing, the usual, I'm a cop and I have a gun bullshit. He made her get out of the car, and she somehow managed to pass the test despite the 9 or so beers she had consumed (she rocks!). We went on our merry way, but it was really looking like we'd be spending the rest of the evening on the phone, finding out when we could get her out of jail. Problem averted!


I woke up feeling like my dog had taken a serious dump in my mouth. I had a hair appointment at 10am and was NOT happy about it. I am now, my hair looks really cute, we went "ultra" shag, so it's really choppy and cute. Then I had to go get my eyebrows waxed, as those of you who know me, know if I don't do this, I could easily look like uni brow queen. Got my girl Jodi from Rockwall and we hung out at the house. Of course it's St. Paddy's, and my friend Tim was throwing a par-tay. We showed up about 7:30, it was a small party, which was cool. Somehow, everyone but me, managed to get stinkin' ass drunk. I think I left around 2:15am with my friend Mike in tow. We made a pit stop at 7-11 as he wanted funyons and some nachos. Yeah, the nachos at 7-11 are officially the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. EW.


I woke up at around 11am feeling just fine. Not the case for Mike. He stayed in bed a bit longer (and Mike is gay, so you all can quit speculating on whether or not I got lucky) and I mopped the kitchen floor, got some laundry gathered, and then took a shower, hoping he'd sleep some more and feel better so we could go eat. Not the case. I finally just went to Sonic for some burgers and tots and we ate at home, Mike couldn't really move much, so we didn't want to risk a car ride that could make him vomit! He left around 5pm, we sat on the couch all day watching bad MTV shows. Needless to say, I never got the laundry going, didn't get to the grocery store or anything. But all in all, a good lazy Sunday afternoon.

I really need to go to the grocery store tonight, but am so not in the mood. Think I'll go home, eat whatever I can summon up, I know I've got some eggs and other random things, I'll just make some weird white trash meal and be happy w/it. It's about to rain all week, so I'm going to try to mow a bit when I get home. The grass in the alley is getting tall, and the last thing I need is a fine from the city, they are so, so bad. I mowed weekend before this last one, but totally forgot about that, so I'll do that real quick and be done with it. I will also get the laundry done that I attempted to start, but never quite got there. I am also going to wash my sheets! They are pretty bad. Mike even said's that single syndrome kickin' in, I'm tellin' ya!

I was/am planning on getting some yard work done this weekend, that is, if it doesn't rain like the forecast says it is. But, this is Texas, it changes from day to day. I'm hoping it will all happen this week, so I can plant this weekend, as planned. I have two built in planter boxes on the front of the house, on either side of my huge picture window, and then a small bed to the right of the driveway that needs some TLC. Hopefully that will get done. But the faithful readers here know I always have good intentions on home improvement projects, but for some reason, they never seem to come to fruition...

Oh, and I have yet to get my fat ass in the gym.....


House of Suz said...

Oh, and how's the no smoking going? Has that started yet?

Shawna said...

That date is May 1st, my Dad's b-day, so I have time on that. The gym will come...I promise...

Vivalacrap said...

Go to the gym it will probably help with the not smoking thing.