That means (and just made up by me of course):
I just got out of a meeting here at "technology central" and I am FRIED. This business is so full of fucking ACRONYMS it blows my mind. I feel really stupid right now, I feel like I asked the most elementary questions, luckily everyone is cool here, and they aren't making fun of me, but MAN.....whew, I need to decompress after that session. I was learning how our network works, it's mind boggling to be honest with you. I have a whole new appreciation for the "nerd". I've always been fond of the nerds, hopefully one day I'll marry one. I like nerds. Smart dudes turn me on. No, I didn't get all hot and bothered by the nerds in there, cuz I know their wives and stuff, but you know what I mean. To me, there is nothing sexier than a smart guy. Especially when I don't know what the hell they are saying. Dunno why, guess I've dated a lot of dumb dudes before.
So this is a great site for me to learn the acronym terms, but jesus christ, they have "new terms" that are updated almost DAILY! Holy crap! I know I will be speaking geek in about six months, but right now, I am so intimidated by it, it's crazy. It's been a long time since I've been in the dark about what I'm doing, and I will be the first to admit I am right now!
10 years of advertising and printing, I can talk some shop there, but when it comes to this side of the world, wow, it's a whole new world.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. I like a challenge, my brain's just not liking it right now. It's been so long since I've truly had to learn something new. I can spout off anything you want to know about advertising specs, paper, vinyls, fabrics, ink cartridges, printers, any of that side of the world, I think my brain is going to have to start letting some of that go, so I can have room for this new stuff!
Just look at this, this is "for dummies", only imagine the internal one's I get to see.....

Get yourself a Newton's Telecom Dictionary. I still look shit up and I've been in this industry for almost 9 years.
It's nuts. My brain hurts a lot. Thanks for the reference, I may get that!
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