So my woes of sleeping wrong did not end yesterday. By about 3pm I felt like it was getting worse, my shoulder and neck were stiff as a rock, I could no longer turn my head without excruciating pain. I attempted to call a friend of Jodi & Troys, who has his own massage locale here in Dallas, but alas, he was booked. I was forced to go to the Texas Institute of Massage, which ended up not sucking totally. I paid $40 for a one hour massage with an actual graduate, so he knew what he was doing. He concentrated on my neck and shoulder.
I left feeling pretty good, but about 1/2 way home I realized that it indeed was no better, it hurt like a mother fucker. Luckily I had been IM'ing all day w/my WONDERFUL and AMAZING friend Colleen (she still works at my old company) and she offered up some Darvocet. I had never taken Darvocet, so had no idea of it's effects on me, but hellz yeah to the 'scripts!
So she left them and some bath salts in her mailbox (she also only lives about 2 miles from me) as she and her hubby (who also works at the old company) had dinner plans. I stopped by their place and grabbed my loot out of the mailbox.
I got home and took a Darvocet about 8pm, the rest is hazy at best....
I'm pretty sure I went to bed around 9:30, but again, coulda been sooner, coulda been later, doesn't really matter.
I remember about an hour into it, I really started feeling the effects, as I could move my neck and arms, could feel that without the meds, that it would have still hurt like a bitch, but with the meds, I could stretch and such, knowing I needed to do this, to relieve the pain.
I believe I texted her at around 9pm and told her that Darvocet Rocks, and should I take another? Thank god I didn't, I'd still be in bed, in a coma! I also decided at this point, that although a bath with the bath salts she left me would have been wonderful, but I was afraid I'd pass out and drown in my own tub. I really don't want to be found naked when I die.
So in conclusion,
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
It really never ceases to amaze me how some people act. Certain "sects" of people seem to not think that they have to live by the normal rules of day to day life, like respect.
So I woke up this morning in excruciating pain. I guess I slept in one, very bad position all night, as my neck and shoulders were experiencing shooting pains. I tried my Wal-Mart massager (this is not code for a vibrator, it really is for that purpose), but due to the area, I was kind of defeating the purpose. I had to lift my arms, which caused more pain. I laid in bed and started to cry.
I got to work around 9:30, as I just did not want to move. Typing was/is hard. Turning my head, next to impossible. I realized that Whole Foods has the little chair massager people, so about an hour ago I went up there for my 20 minute massage. I can tell it helped, but I did a doosy on it, so it could quite possibly take a while to work itself out. Noticeable difference, but still hurts.
So on my way back I decide to stop at La Madeleine for a chicken Caesar salad. There's a huge line in the To Go line of course. Probably about 6 deep. Of course I'm already a bit aggitated because of my neck and shoulders. A woman that I had noticed in the parking lot, because she was probably 8 months pregnant and had two annoying little children in tow comes in. She comes in in a ruckus, because of course the two boys are being obnoxious little boys! She grabs a loaf of bread, and is in front of me in line.
The people behind the counter ARE taking forever, but it really doesn't excuse this woman's behavior. She decides (I'm going to assume because she is pregnant and has 2 kids in tow) that she can just cut in front of everyone so she can purchase her loaf of bread. Mind you, she doesn't say anything to anyone like, "would you mind if I jumped ahead, I just need to get this loaf of bread" she just does it! Luckily there were two "sistas" in the front of the line that were not having it. Of course the woman tries to act all oblivious, like she doesn't realize (even though she had been standing there for 5 minutes) that there was one line, and one line only.
So she gets back into line, but hands her two little brats a credit card and the loaf of bread, like suddenly everyone in the line is going to part, like the Red Sea, so these two stupid kids can get a loaf of bread! Yeah, right! Finally one of the sista's speaks up and says, "lady, it looks like everyone in this line has to go back to work, do you? Wait your turn like the rest of us, we are actually on a time schedule, doesn't look like you are!" Man, oh man, did I want to start clapping and laughing, but I didn't. I was proud of myself, because normally I would have been the one to say it. If it weren't for the sista's, it would have been me, but I probably wouldn't have said it that nice.
So she finally gets up there, and then proceeds to argue w/the cashier that her loaf is only $2.09 when in fact she picked up a different kind that was $3.29. The cashier just went ahead and gave her the loaf for the cheaper price, I think she knew where this would go. We all just wanted her out of the line! After she left we all were going nuts, like "can you believe that woman, was she for real?"
I work in Plano now, and the mentality up here is just that. Most of the Plano-ites seem to think that they are above everyone else, and can do as they please. I love it when they lose!
So I woke up this morning in excruciating pain. I guess I slept in one, very bad position all night, as my neck and shoulders were experiencing shooting pains. I tried my Wal-Mart massager (this is not code for a vibrator, it really is for that purpose), but due to the area, I was kind of defeating the purpose. I had to lift my arms, which caused more pain. I laid in bed and started to cry.
I got to work around 9:30, as I just did not want to move. Typing was/is hard. Turning my head, next to impossible. I realized that Whole Foods has the little chair massager people, so about an hour ago I went up there for my 20 minute massage. I can tell it helped, but I did a doosy on it, so it could quite possibly take a while to work itself out. Noticeable difference, but still hurts.
So on my way back I decide to stop at La Madeleine for a chicken Caesar salad. There's a huge line in the To Go line of course. Probably about 6 deep. Of course I'm already a bit aggitated because of my neck and shoulders. A woman that I had noticed in the parking lot, because she was probably 8 months pregnant and had two annoying little children in tow comes in. She comes in in a ruckus, because of course the two boys are being obnoxious little boys! She grabs a loaf of bread, and is in front of me in line.
The people behind the counter ARE taking forever, but it really doesn't excuse this woman's behavior. She decides (I'm going to assume because she is pregnant and has 2 kids in tow) that she can just cut in front of everyone so she can purchase her loaf of bread. Mind you, she doesn't say anything to anyone like, "would you mind if I jumped ahead, I just need to get this loaf of bread" she just does it! Luckily there were two "sistas" in the front of the line that were not having it. Of course the woman tries to act all oblivious, like she doesn't realize (even though she had been standing there for 5 minutes) that there was one line, and one line only.
So she gets back into line, but hands her two little brats a credit card and the loaf of bread, like suddenly everyone in the line is going to part, like the Red Sea, so these two stupid kids can get a loaf of bread! Yeah, right! Finally one of the sista's speaks up and says, "lady, it looks like everyone in this line has to go back to work, do you? Wait your turn like the rest of us, we are actually on a time schedule, doesn't look like you are!" Man, oh man, did I want to start clapping and laughing, but I didn't. I was proud of myself, because normally I would have been the one to say it. If it weren't for the sista's, it would have been me, but I probably wouldn't have said it that nice.
So she finally gets up there, and then proceeds to argue w/the cashier that her loaf is only $2.09 when in fact she picked up a different kind that was $3.29. The cashier just went ahead and gave her the loaf for the cheaper price, I think she knew where this would go. We all just wanted her out of the line! After she left we all were going nuts, like "can you believe that woman, was she for real?"
I work in Plano now, and the mentality up here is just that. Most of the Plano-ites seem to think that they are above everyone else, and can do as they please. I love it when they lose!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
That means (and just made up by me of course):
I just got out of a meeting here at "technology central" and I am FRIED. This business is so full of fucking ACRONYMS it blows my mind. I feel really stupid right now, I feel like I asked the most elementary questions, luckily everyone is cool here, and they aren't making fun of me, but MAN.....whew, I need to decompress after that session. I was learning how our network works, it's mind boggling to be honest with you. I have a whole new appreciation for the "nerd". I've always been fond of the nerds, hopefully one day I'll marry one. I like nerds. Smart dudes turn me on. No, I didn't get all hot and bothered by the nerds in there, cuz I know their wives and stuff, but you know what I mean. To me, there is nothing sexier than a smart guy. Especially when I don't know what the hell they are saying. Dunno why, guess I've dated a lot of dumb dudes before.
So this is a great site for me to learn the acronym terms, but jesus christ, they have "new terms" that are updated almost DAILY! Holy crap! I know I will be speaking geek in about six months, but right now, I am so intimidated by it, it's crazy. It's been a long time since I've been in the dark about what I'm doing, and I will be the first to admit I am right now!
10 years of advertising and printing, I can talk some shop there, but when it comes to this side of the world, wow, it's a whole new world.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. I like a challenge, my brain's just not liking it right now. It's been so long since I've truly had to learn something new. I can spout off anything you want to know about advertising specs, paper, vinyls, fabrics, ink cartridges, printers, any of that side of the world, I think my brain is going to have to start letting some of that go, so I can have room for this new stuff!
Just look at this, this is "for dummies", only imagine the internal one's I get to see.....

Monday, March 19, 2007
Weekend Hijinx
This weekend turned to be quite the eventful weekend. I am hoping this is was the final stretch into some much needed relaxation. My social calendar has been quite full lately, which is not a bad thing, but boy I need some laying on the couch time for sure!
I stole an employee from my last job, so Friday was his going away happy hour from the old place. I planned to go, have a few drinks and get home at a decent hour. HA We decided to leave the happy hour around 10:30 and head over to the house of the boy who quit to drink more and be bad. We had to stop and get gas, as I was on empty. He was filling my car up and his girlfriend and I were in her car, enjoying her ridiculously beefed up stereo system, when out of nowhere a cop appeared. Yeah, talk about a buzz kill. He took both of our ID's, wanted to know what we were doing, the usual, I'm a cop and I have a gun bullshit. He made her get out of the car, and she somehow managed to pass the test despite the 9 or so beers she had consumed (she rocks!). We went on our merry way, but it was really looking like we'd be spending the rest of the evening on the phone, finding out when we could get her out of jail. Problem averted!
I woke up feeling like my dog had taken a serious dump in my mouth. I had a hair appointment at 10am and was NOT happy about it. I am now, my hair looks really cute, we went "ultra" shag, so it's really choppy and cute. Then I had to go get my eyebrows waxed, as those of you who know me, know if I don't do this, I could easily look like uni brow queen. Got my girl Jodi from Rockwall and we hung out at the house. Of course it's St. Paddy's, and my friend Tim was throwing a par-tay. We showed up about 7:30, it was a small party, which was cool. Somehow, everyone but me, managed to get stinkin' ass drunk. I think I left around 2:15am with my friend Mike in tow. We made a pit stop at 7-11 as he wanted funyons and some nachos. Yeah, the nachos at 7-11 are officially the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. EW.
I woke up at around 11am feeling just fine. Not the case for Mike. He stayed in bed a bit longer (and Mike is gay, so you all can quit speculating on whether or not I got lucky) and I mopped the kitchen floor, got some laundry gathered, and then took a shower, hoping he'd sleep some more and feel better so we could go eat. Not the case. I finally just went to Sonic for some burgers and tots and we ate at home, Mike couldn't really move much, so we didn't want to risk a car ride that could make him vomit! He left around 5pm, we sat on the couch all day watching bad MTV shows. Needless to say, I never got the laundry going, didn't get to the grocery store or anything. But all in all, a good lazy Sunday afternoon.
I really need to go to the grocery store tonight, but am so not in the mood. Think I'll go home, eat whatever I can summon up, I know I've got some eggs and other random things, I'll just make some weird white trash meal and be happy w/it. It's about to rain all week, so I'm going to try to mow a bit when I get home. The grass in the alley is getting tall, and the last thing I need is a fine from the city, they are so, so bad. I mowed weekend before this last one, but totally forgot about that, so I'll do that real quick and be done with it. I will also get the laundry done that I attempted to start, but never quite got there. I am also going to wash my sheets! They are pretty bad. Mike even said's that single syndrome kickin' in, I'm tellin' ya!
I was/am planning on getting some yard work done this weekend, that is, if it doesn't rain like the forecast says it is. But, this is Texas, it changes from day to day. I'm hoping it will all happen this week, so I can plant this weekend, as planned. I have two built in planter boxes on the front of the house, on either side of my huge picture window, and then a small bed to the right of the driveway that needs some TLC. Hopefully that will get done. But the faithful readers here know I always have good intentions on home improvement projects, but for some reason, they never seem to come to fruition...
Oh, and I have yet to get my fat ass in the gym.....
I stole an employee from my last job, so Friday was his going away happy hour from the old place. I planned to go, have a few drinks and get home at a decent hour. HA We decided to leave the happy hour around 10:30 and head over to the house of the boy who quit to drink more and be bad. We had to stop and get gas, as I was on empty. He was filling my car up and his girlfriend and I were in her car, enjoying her ridiculously beefed up stereo system, when out of nowhere a cop appeared. Yeah, talk about a buzz kill. He took both of our ID's, wanted to know what we were doing, the usual, I'm a cop and I have a gun bullshit. He made her get out of the car, and she somehow managed to pass the test despite the 9 or so beers she had consumed (she rocks!). We went on our merry way, but it was really looking like we'd be spending the rest of the evening on the phone, finding out when we could get her out of jail. Problem averted!
I woke up feeling like my dog had taken a serious dump in my mouth. I had a hair appointment at 10am and was NOT happy about it. I am now, my hair looks really cute, we went "ultra" shag, so it's really choppy and cute. Then I had to go get my eyebrows waxed, as those of you who know me, know if I don't do this, I could easily look like uni brow queen. Got my girl Jodi from Rockwall and we hung out at the house. Of course it's St. Paddy's, and my friend Tim was throwing a par-tay. We showed up about 7:30, it was a small party, which was cool. Somehow, everyone but me, managed to get stinkin' ass drunk. I think I left around 2:15am with my friend Mike in tow. We made a pit stop at 7-11 as he wanted funyons and some nachos. Yeah, the nachos at 7-11 are officially the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. EW.
I woke up at around 11am feeling just fine. Not the case for Mike. He stayed in bed a bit longer (and Mike is gay, so you all can quit speculating on whether or not I got lucky) and I mopped the kitchen floor, got some laundry gathered, and then took a shower, hoping he'd sleep some more and feel better so we could go eat. Not the case. I finally just went to Sonic for some burgers and tots and we ate at home, Mike couldn't really move much, so we didn't want to risk a car ride that could make him vomit! He left around 5pm, we sat on the couch all day watching bad MTV shows. Needless to say, I never got the laundry going, didn't get to the grocery store or anything. But all in all, a good lazy Sunday afternoon.
I really need to go to the grocery store tonight, but am so not in the mood. Think I'll go home, eat whatever I can summon up, I know I've got some eggs and other random things, I'll just make some weird white trash meal and be happy w/it. It's about to rain all week, so I'm going to try to mow a bit when I get home. The grass in the alley is getting tall, and the last thing I need is a fine from the city, they are so, so bad. I mowed weekend before this last one, but totally forgot about that, so I'll do that real quick and be done with it. I will also get the laundry done that I attempted to start, but never quite got there. I am also going to wash my sheets! They are pretty bad. Mike even said's that single syndrome kickin' in, I'm tellin' ya!
I was/am planning on getting some yard work done this weekend, that is, if it doesn't rain like the forecast says it is. But, this is Texas, it changes from day to day. I'm hoping it will all happen this week, so I can plant this weekend, as planned. I have two built in planter boxes on the front of the house, on either side of my huge picture window, and then a small bed to the right of the driveway that needs some TLC. Hopefully that will get done. But the faithful readers here know I always have good intentions on home improvement projects, but for some reason, they never seem to come to fruition...
Oh, and I have yet to get my fat ass in the gym.....
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Single Syndrome
So I was in bed last night, having a hard time falling asleep and was thinking about how long in my life I've been single, and man, most of my life has been spent single. I wasn't sad about this, but instead, started thinking about how much this has changed the way I do daily things. How I have become so accustom to being alone, that certain things just happen, that probably wouldn't if I lived with a significant other (yes, I totally believe you have to test drive before you get married). Here's a list of the things I've thought of, that I probably wouldn't do if living with someone, and that I've pegged as:
The Single Syndrome
1. I talk to myself and/or the dog A LOT, I notice this when I do have people over, I will still talk to myself right in front of them
2. Sometimes, on the weekends, I may not talk until late into the afternoon, as I have no one to talk to, I've been caught before, someone asking "are you coming down with something, your voice sounds odd?" and my response is "nope, just the first time I've talked today, my voice hasn't warmed up yet!"
3. I don't have to share the remote with anyone, and when people are over, I tend to hold the remote, out of fear, that they will take it from me
4. The bathroom does not tend to get cleaned very often, only unless I know I'm having guests, it's just ME, why does it matter (I know, kinda gross)
5. Sometimes, for dinner, if I don't have a lot in the house, I may just eat a can of corn or something random like that
6. The sheets on the bed also don't get changed nearly as often, I'm generally clean when I get in, and there's no "other" reason to change them, the "magic" isn't happening in there
7. I will wear some rank ass shit around the house, like I have this t-shirt that has holes all in it, but is so damned comfortable, that I wear it anyway, various fat and other body parts hang out of the holes
8. I can fart whenever I want, and find it difficult to hold it back (remember, just recently in a 3 month whatever you want to call it), I never did in front of him, but would suddenly have to "go smoke" to relieve myself, hard to hold 'em in when your body has been accustom to just letting her rip! Don't get me wrong, once I am comfortable in a relationship I will fart in front of him, I'm referring to a new one
9. I really do hate makeup, but notice I really don't wear it nearly as much as when I'm with someone. People have told me I really don't need it, which is nice
10. I can lay on the couch all day long on a weekend and not shower, brush my teeth, or anything else for that matter
Those are just a few of them. I will think of more, and maybe add to this list at a later date. What are some things that you do in your single life (either past, present or future) that you probably not do when in a relationship?
The Single Syndrome
1. I talk to myself and/or the dog A LOT, I notice this when I do have people over, I will still talk to myself right in front of them
2. Sometimes, on the weekends, I may not talk until late into the afternoon, as I have no one to talk to, I've been caught before, someone asking "are you coming down with something, your voice sounds odd?" and my response is "nope, just the first time I've talked today, my voice hasn't warmed up yet!"
3. I don't have to share the remote with anyone, and when people are over, I tend to hold the remote, out of fear, that they will take it from me
4. The bathroom does not tend to get cleaned very often, only unless I know I'm having guests, it's just ME, why does it matter (I know, kinda gross)
5. Sometimes, for dinner, if I don't have a lot in the house, I may just eat a can of corn or something random like that
6. The sheets on the bed also don't get changed nearly as often, I'm generally clean when I get in, and there's no "other" reason to change them, the "magic" isn't happening in there
7. I will wear some rank ass shit around the house, like I have this t-shirt that has holes all in it, but is so damned comfortable, that I wear it anyway, various fat and other body parts hang out of the holes
8. I can fart whenever I want, and find it difficult to hold it back (remember, just recently in a 3 month whatever you want to call it), I never did in front of him, but would suddenly have to "go smoke" to relieve myself, hard to hold 'em in when your body has been accustom to just letting her rip! Don't get me wrong, once I am comfortable in a relationship I will fart in front of him, I'm referring to a new one
9. I really do hate makeup, but notice I really don't wear it nearly as much as when I'm with someone. People have told me I really don't need it, which is nice
10. I can lay on the couch all day long on a weekend and not shower, brush my teeth, or anything else for that matter
Those are just a few of them. I will think of more, and maybe add to this list at a later date. What are some things that you do in your single life (either past, present or future) that you probably not do when in a relationship?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Shreveport Baby!
So I realized last night that apparently I am not sharing my excitement with my loved one's. I was talking to my sister and was telling her about how my best girl Jodi found a great house and purchased it in Shreveport, since her husband took a job at Centenary College there as a professor.
I have known this for probably a month now, and am so fucking excited it's not even funny! She will only be a 3 hour drive from me now! Pictures of their new house!
So I've talked and posted pics of Jodi in the past, but as a refresher, let me give you a little history on my best girl ever!
I lived in Jacksonville, Oregon until my parent's divorce in 1989. My father moved back to Texas, where all his family is, and after I finished my eight grade year, my mom shipped me out to him to live. Let's just say I was less than excited about moving to Texas. Even less excited about moving to a town named Scurry. Yes folks, that is correct, Scurry, Texas! Insert all your "Scurvy, did you say scurvy" jokes here. Yep, it's a hick ass town with nothing to do but have sex, drink alcohol and do drugs. Why do parents think that moving their kids to the country will help? The country is where most kids learn about all the bad stuff, because there is nothing else to do!
So I start school in August (which is also completely bizarro to me, as on the west coast, school doesn't start until after Labor Day back then) and am totally unimpressed with the school. The high school is tiny, I mean TINY. Total students from freshman to senior is about 40 per class, so yeah, only about 120 students. Oh. My. Fucking. God. The high school is one building, one story and teeny. It's designed in a circle, so yeah, you'd probably have to do 100 laps around the school to hit a mile. This may be an exaggeration, but trust me, it is small and I'm freaking the fuck out.
I was very athletic back in the day. Played basketball, so of course I joined the basketball team. I still had to take P.E., which was also foreign to me, because on the west coast, if you are in a sport, you do not have to take P.E. as a class. Not in Texas....or at least in Scurry. So as you can imagine, with my athleticism, I am actually participating in P.E. and doing my best to win whatever activity they have on the agenda for the day. Jodi was in my P.E. class and hated me. Jodi is not athletic and never has been. Hate her too, as she is tiny, and you'd think worked out like a maniac. Nope, good genes.
So I had been in school for a few weeks, and one day in P.E. I walked up to Jodi and told her that she reminded me of this girl from a movie starring Charlie Sheen. Three for the Road. Horrible movie, but the girl to me, looked like Jodi (at the time). The girl is Keri Green, she was also in Goonies and some other movies of the 80's. It was more the
hair style at the time than anything. Jodi had her hair. I think that made her dislike me even more. I don't know why, I think a lot of guys back then wanted to bone Kerri Green, she was a little movie hottie for a while. Anyway, that was our first conversation, and it was short. I think I started "dating" my now "first" soon after that (not a lot of selection in Scurry, that's for sure) and needed a second girl to go out with, so I could meet up with my boyfriend. His buddy had the hots for Jodi, so I asked her to hang out with us one night. After then, we became friends. There was a group of girls that started hanging out and it just went from there. We were the "bad kids" in school. You know, the one's that drank and hung out with the boys who smoked pot and stuff. I hadn't tried anything other than drinking up until I moved to Scurry. I know, hard to believe I grew up near a hippy commune in Oregon, and didn't try pot until I moved to Hickville, Texas! Jodi was with me the first time I smoked pot. This is also a funny story.

So I believe it was winter by now. We had our little click of boys and girls going and we were over at one of the guys houses one night. I'm sure I was spending the night with someone or something, because my dad was kinda strict with me. Anyway, we are partying with these boys, all the girls are drinking Strawberry Hill, except me, I liked beer and could chug a 12 pack no problem back then. Don't get me wrong, I'd be stinkin' drunk, but boy I could pound 'em back w/the best of 'em. So I'm drunk and the boys go into "the smoking room" and I am curious and ask if I can go. Of course they let me, what's better than a drunk girl? A drunk girl that is also high on marijuana!
Jodi knows what is going on and pulls me aside and says, "You are going to go smoke pot? Pot is bad Shawna, you should NOT smoke pot. I am very disappointed in you, I mean drinking is one thing, but ILLEGAL DRUGS? I really wish you wouldn't go, it's bad! I will never smoke marijuana!" HAHAHAHAHA Famous last words...
For some reason she is really concerned and says she's going to go in to "watch me, make sure I'm ok" so we go in. I don't think I got high (they say sometimes the first time doesn't really work) but had fun trying. We all sat in a big circle (Jodi behind us all of course, glaring at us all disapprovingly) and passed joints around. I think we smoked about 4-5 joints, I don't really remember, I was 14, that was a long time ago. I do know that after we left that room, the hijinx kicked up to a whole new level and we were running around outside 1/2 clothed. That I do remember. "She's got a load!" (that's for you Jodi)
I think that was the night that we truly sealed our friendship. Lots of things happened that night, secrets were made, confidences trusted.
So I always say that we started being friends in August of 1989. That brings us to 18 years this summer. Wow. There were a few years that we weren't that close, but after high school, things really kicked into high gear and we have been best buddies since. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without her. She knows me inside and out, and pretty much can read me like a book! I like to think I can do the same with her.
I have promised her, and am writing it here now, so it's in writing, that I will go to Shreveport at least once a month for the entire first year they are there. So there it is J, in WRITING that I promise to come and play with you once a month. Hell, could be more than that. I finally get my girl back, life is good!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Spring is in the air.....
Sorry it's been a while. Just really didn't have much to say. Hell, quite frankly I'm worried about posting anything here, the blogger natzi's have seemed to come out of the woodwork and started posting really random, rude, stupid stuff. Where do these people come from anyway??
So glad I have decided to moderate my comments. People are weird and scary out here...
So life is good. I really don't have anything to complain about. Yes, there are things I need to do, but I feel I'm truly on the path to get them done.
1. Get my ass back in the gym - starting on Monday 3/12, FOR REAL
2. Quit smoking - stop date has been picked, May 1st, it's my dad's b-day, thought he'd like that
3. Get some much needed home improvement stuff done at the house, most in need is the main bathroom, I need to paint it and stain the existing cabinets and install new sink hardware.
Those are some pretty big things that I'm truly serious about. I went to the doctor yesterday to get my meds refilled and just a check up on how I've been since I got on the Zoloft and Xanax.
I got weighed...yeah, I'm as big as I was the last time it freaked me the fuck out and I got my ass in the gym 5 days a week, about 2 hours at a time. I'm not going to be that psycho this time however, I did it for 5 months before, lost about 35 pounds, but alas, I think I just burned myself out and stopped going. Going to start with 3 days a week, for about an hour of cardio. I'll get into the weights after I drop some of this poundage (and no, you do not get to know how much I weigh) by doing the cardio first.
Smoking - well, I found out back in September that I have reached Chronic Bronchitis stage, which is the next steps to emphysema and possibly COPD. It really scared the shit out of me. My smoking is definitely a problem, not that I already didn't know that, but I hadn't had to deal w/the issues associated with it yet, so of course I ignored the obvious warning signs, blah, blah, blah. I got a prescription for Chantix which 2 ex-coworkers, who smoked as much as I do tried, and both are smoke free. This is a new drug, that works very different from every other stop-smoking method, so I really have some hope here. I also think that the Zoloft and Xanax will most definitely help with the anxiety that comes along with not smoking. So I decided that May 1st was a great date, as it's my father's birthday and it will make him happy!
Home Improvement - I've lived in my house for almost a year already, and have not really done all the things I thought I'd do right away. My biggest feat is the main bathroom. Georgie (my lovely, but crazy pooch) ripped paint off the wall in there 2 days after I moved in by chewing through the toilet line and flooded the bathroom, the pressure ripped the paint clean off the wall. The cabinetry is also hideous (to me) it's very 1982, and with a nice stain, I can make it workable, until I want to spend big bucks to put in new cabinets. I plan to tackle this in May, when I'm not smoking, as I will also have to not drink for a while, as that is a HUGE trigger for me. I have also put in a call to Home Depot to come out and give me an estimate on new windows. My windows are the original from '55 when the house was built, and they are in sad, sad shape. I can really cut down on electricity and gas if the windows weren't so shitty. Yes, I know it's going to cost me a small fortune, I had them quoted by some independents last summer, and it was anywhere from $12k-$15k, which is fine, it's worth it, but yeah, "cough, cough"!
So that's about it, just realized that about this time last year I did some major assessing, that's when I got Georgie, bought the house and all that. Apparently I go through cycles...? Who cares! I'm loving life, and all that right now. (think the meds help) But seriously, I really have noticed a big change, I don't freak out on all the little shit anymore, I REALLY don't. I really like my interior, now I just need to work on my exterior, and I'll be complete.
Don't fret anyone either, I'm doing all of this for ME, not to find a man, or anything like that, it's all about ME! I really like me, and have realized there are just a few things about me that I've been neglecting for far too long, and it's time to tackle those things. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, because no one EVER gets through them, I just wait a few months and do it then!
So glad I have decided to moderate my comments. People are weird and scary out here...
So life is good. I really don't have anything to complain about. Yes, there are things I need to do, but I feel I'm truly on the path to get them done.
1. Get my ass back in the gym - starting on Monday 3/12, FOR REAL
2. Quit smoking - stop date has been picked, May 1st, it's my dad's b-day, thought he'd like that
3. Get some much needed home improvement stuff done at the house, most in need is the main bathroom, I need to paint it and stain the existing cabinets and install new sink hardware.
Those are some pretty big things that I'm truly serious about. I went to the doctor yesterday to get my meds refilled and just a check up on how I've been since I got on the Zoloft and Xanax.
I got weighed...yeah, I'm as big as I was the last time it freaked me the fuck out and I got my ass in the gym 5 days a week, about 2 hours at a time. I'm not going to be that psycho this time however, I did it for 5 months before, lost about 35 pounds, but alas, I think I just burned myself out and stopped going. Going to start with 3 days a week, for about an hour of cardio. I'll get into the weights after I drop some of this poundage (and no, you do not get to know how much I weigh) by doing the cardio first.
Smoking - well, I found out back in September that I have reached Chronic Bronchitis stage, which is the next steps to emphysema and possibly COPD. It really scared the shit out of me. My smoking is definitely a problem, not that I already didn't know that, but I hadn't had to deal w/the issues associated with it yet, so of course I ignored the obvious warning signs, blah, blah, blah. I got a prescription for Chantix which 2 ex-coworkers, who smoked as much as I do tried, and both are smoke free. This is a new drug, that works very different from every other stop-smoking method, so I really have some hope here. I also think that the Zoloft and Xanax will most definitely help with the anxiety that comes along with not smoking. So I decided that May 1st was a great date, as it's my father's birthday and it will make him happy!
Home Improvement - I've lived in my house for almost a year already, and have not really done all the things I thought I'd do right away. My biggest feat is the main bathroom. Georgie (my lovely, but crazy pooch) ripped paint off the wall in there 2 days after I moved in by chewing through the toilet line and flooded the bathroom, the pressure ripped the paint clean off the wall. The cabinetry is also hideous (to me) it's very 1982, and with a nice stain, I can make it workable, until I want to spend big bucks to put in new cabinets. I plan to tackle this in May, when I'm not smoking, as I will also have to not drink for a while, as that is a HUGE trigger for me. I have also put in a call to Home Depot to come out and give me an estimate on new windows. My windows are the original from '55 when the house was built, and they are in sad, sad shape. I can really cut down on electricity and gas if the windows weren't so shitty. Yes, I know it's going to cost me a small fortune, I had them quoted by some independents last summer, and it was anywhere from $12k-$15k, which is fine, it's worth it, but yeah, "cough, cough"!
So that's about it, just realized that about this time last year I did some major assessing, that's when I got Georgie, bought the house and all that. Apparently I go through cycles...? Who cares! I'm loving life, and all that right now. (think the meds help) But seriously, I really have noticed a big change, I don't freak out on all the little shit anymore, I REALLY don't. I really like my interior, now I just need to work on my exterior, and I'll be complete.
Don't fret anyone either, I'm doing all of this for ME, not to find a man, or anything like that, it's all about ME! I really like me, and have realized there are just a few things about me that I've been neglecting for far too long, and it's time to tackle those things. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, because no one EVER gets through them, I just wait a few months and do it then!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I'm so gonna try this...
So in my new job, a good way for me to learn "the biz" is to go to the forums related to IT. On these such forums there are lounge area's for just random bullshit stuff for people to talk about. I'm loving the guy who posted this site.
I don't have a working computer at home right now, cuz I suck. I plan on ordering a Dell soon, just haven't pushed the button to do so yet, but now that I've found the site, I want a home computer NOW, cuz I really want to know if this works. You can read testimonials and they are all over the board as to whether or not they work. It's so cheap, what's the harm in paying as little at $2.50 to find out, right?
Since most of you know, I've definitely had my experiences with real drugs, so obviously I will want to try one of those first, to see if they truly give me the same feelings. Obviously it won't be as intense, there's just no way, but sure will be fun to find out.
I don't have a working computer at home right now, cuz I suck. I plan on ordering a Dell soon, just haven't pushed the button to do so yet, but now that I've found the site, I want a home computer NOW, cuz I really want to know if this works. You can read testimonials and they are all over the board as to whether or not they work. It's so cheap, what's the harm in paying as little at $2.50 to find out, right?
Since most of you know, I've definitely had my experiences with real drugs, so obviously I will want to try one of those first, to see if they truly give me the same feelings. Obviously it won't be as intense, there's just no way, but sure will be fun to find out.
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